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1.标题:Why do we go to university?

2.开头:Why do we go to university? Different people have different views…



  People go on their further studies in universities for various reasons.I strongly believe that it is the desire for knowledge that causes them to study.

  Nowadays, more and more students regard the pursuing of a bachelor’s degree even higher degree as the part of them education.In their opinions that the knowledge updates and information explodes day after day.One must prepare sufficiently, which can provide some foundations for your future career and can confront the challenge.

  With the increase of population in our country, competition for a position in job market becomes more and more difficult.The best way to acquire some advantage over others is to go to universities for a diploma.

  Therefore, to go to a university is the best choice.



Why do we go to university?

  Why do we go to university? Different people have different views…

  Some students have many dreams and regard universities as the most idea places to realise their dreams.They think that good jobs and higher pay will certainly result from a university education.But when they enter the university, they maybe find the university life disappointing.After graduation many of them will find the jobs are not the ones they like and the pay is not as high as they expected.

  I think that universities provide good chances for those who are eager to learn more knowledge so that they can serve their motherland better in the future.This is why universities have a strong attraction.


科目:高中英语 来源:珠海市实验中学2007届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:056



假如你是李华,请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信。内容包括:

优点 不足 建议

食堂干净 价格偏高 尽快解决问题

饭菜可口 种类偏少

服务态度好 等候时间较长


Dear Mr.Principal,

I am a senior student of our school.I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省龙川一中高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:写作题

Self – discipline (自律)
An elderly carpenter (木匠)was ready to retire. He told his employer his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely (悠闲的) life with his wife. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He built the house carelessly and used inferior (较差的) materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career (职业). When the carpenter finished his work and the employer came to inspect (视察)the house and handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."
What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.
So it is with us. Think of yourself as the carpenter. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解











Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

     Fifteen years ago, the Internet was unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources.

     Many fear the Internet because of its disadvantage. They claim (主张) not to use the Internet because they are simply not interested or are afraid of the possible consequences (后果). Children using the Internet has become a big concern. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a person who may harm them later. There are many examples that children have been convinced (说服) to meet people they have talked with online.

The most common thing the Internet is used for is research. Children and students are among the top ones who use the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students use the Internet for research. Another popular thing to do on the Internet is to check out the news. Almost all-local news can be got through the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



假如你是李华,请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信。内容包括:

优点 不足 建议

食堂干净 价格偏高 尽快解决问题

饭菜可口 种类偏少

服务态度好 等候时间较长


Dear Mr. Principal,

I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.


