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1. Paris is the capital and largest city of France,________ (坐落在)on the River Seine.

2. Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most___________(损失).

3.F__________(幸运地), we put all the fires out quite quickly.

4. Confucius is the philosopher whose_______(影响) is the greatest.

5. Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very________ (类似;相似) to those of Confucius.

6. Our teacher often stresses the___________ (重要性) of studying English.

7. You are___________(绝对地;完全地) right.

8. The earthquake in 1956 a________(影响) eight provinces.

9. The_________(以前的) owner of the flat is an old man.

10.Many people were made____________(无家可归的) after the earthquake.

11.The flood hit the city yesterday , __________(造成) three deaths.

12. We must protect the____________(环境).

13.We___________ (经历) a lot of difficulty in selling our house the other day.

14.Tornadoes can destroy houses, but leave __________(家具) inside exactly where it was.

15.This river is one of the most p___________ (受到污染的) areas in that region.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省聊城二中2009-2010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:填空题

81. F___ she has chance to play table tennis with the famous player.81          
82. What was your first ________(印象) of London?                   82           
83. My hometown is an _________(有魅力的) place.                    83            
84  What I a________________most about Lee is his patience.                84            
85.  Nowadays, more and more young people prefer a new wedding,            85             
c___________(结合) Chinese traditional style with western style. 


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:单词拼写




81. F___ she has chance to play table tennis with the famous player.81           [来源:Zxxk.Com]

82. What was your first ________(印象) of London?                   82           

83. My hometown is an _________(有魅力的) place.                    83            

84  What I a________________most about Lee is his patience.                84            

85.  Nowadays, more and more young people prefer a new wedding,            85             

c___________(结合) Chinese traditional style with western style. 



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



81. F___ she has chance to play table tennis with the famous player.81          

82. What was your first ________(印象) of London?                   82           

83. My hometown is an _________(有魅力的) place.                    83            

84  What I a________________most about Lee is his patience.                84            

85.  Nowadays, more and more young people prefer a new wedding,            85             

c___________(结合) Chinese traditional style with western style. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.The chair was __________(打算)for you,but she took it away.

2.We have a growing population and t_______ we need more food.

3.My friend is quite _________(满意)with his Hew job.  

4.The red lines on the map ________(代表)railways.

5.Disneyland will bring you into a m________ world and make your dreams come true.

