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【题目】Moving to a new place may be an exciting adventure. 1 If you have a friend experiencing this anxiety, there are some steps you can take to make him feel more at home. Talk to your friend about his homesickness. 2 This also gives you the option to share with him any strategies you have personally discovered to help overcome these feelings.

Join your friend in discovering and adapting to the new environment. It is human nature to fear the unknown. By learning to deal with the new environment, your friend will find it easier to overcome the desire for what is familiar.

Introduce him to new friends by including him in your social circle. These new relationships help relieve the feelings of homesickness and keep his mind off those friends he left behind. 3 For example, if he likes sports and being outdoors invite him to go hiking or camping with you and your friends.

4 Developing a new schedule will help him change things to where he does not need his old routine. Perhaps get him involved in an athletic club where he can boost endorphins(内啡肽) by keeping physically fit.

Keep a positive outlook. Encourage him to see the glass half full so he can embrace this new experience instead of longing for what once was. Being positive helps your friends become more positive, so make the most of your influence.5

A. However, there are many ways to overcome it.

B. Burying it will only make his homesickness worse.

C. Invite him to clubs that you know he will enjoy.

D. Help him develop a new routine to replace the old one.

E. You will help him keep an active attitude to life if you are positive.

F. He could be homesick due to missing family dinners every night

G. However, following that is the anxiety that comes from a change in routine.









考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句讲去一个新地方是令人兴奋的冒险,G然而之后就会是来自日常改变的焦虑。下句也提到experiencing this anxiety, G项承上启下,引出下文。故选G.




考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段主要讲给他介绍朋友扩大朋友圈,以此来减少思乡之情。根据下句if he likes sports and being outdoors invite him to go hiking or camping可知带他去参加喜欢的活动,C项表达了此意,故选C.


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下句Developing a new schedule will help him change things to where he does not need his old routine.可知是建立新的时间表来代替原来的旧程序,D项表达了此意,符合本段内容。故选D.


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本段首句Keep a positive outlook可知本段主要内容,上句Being positive helps your friends become more positive又提到积极的态度,E项中keep an active attitude to life if you are positive.与本段主题一致,故选E.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When I left for the United States to study. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was nervous because I was going to new place with new people and new customs. I couldn't even understand (they)language. Everything was different my own country. There was nobody that I could talk to. I just had my husband, was a new person for me, too.
It was a sad moment when I had to say goodbye to my family and friends. I didn't want (leave)my hometown because I (grow) up there and had wonderful (memory) of the place. So, (think)about all these changes made me nervous and I was (worry)about my new life. But studying abroad was a decision that I made myself. I had to continue and accept the challenge. I looked forward to (visit)my family in the summer vacation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。
注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分
Life is not easy for any of us. We will unavoidably suffered bitterness and sadness from failure. Thus, there is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life. If you have a good mood, you will be happy with everything in the world. Most important, you will have an optimistic effect at the people around you. We all will live harmonious and happy life. It is good for our health as well.
However, sometimes when you meet some difficulties, when you quarrel with others, but when you fail in doing nothing, you may have a bad mood. If so, you should get rid of it as soon as possibly. As we all know, every coin has two sides. So you should think more about its bright side. We are sure that everything will be better with time passed by.
Remember: only you can make himself happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Professional development courses in London

●Business writing

Delivery method: Online, Video

Price: £49

About the course: Many people get blocked when forced to put their thoughts into words at work. This course gives you the tools and techniques to improve your writing, whether it’s a two-line email or a two-hundred-page report.

●Travel writing courses

Delivery method: Classroom, Seminar

Price: £115 (full day); £125 (evening classes)

About the course: Do you want to be a travel writer? Then come along to a one-day travel writing workshop or a four-week travel writing evening class. The courses help participants to write travel features and publish them in newspapers, magazines or on websites.

●Pre-sessional programmes in EAP

Delivery method: Classroom, Seminar

Price: Starting from £1,250

About the course: Our five pre-sessional programmes in English for academic purposes are intended for international students who plan to study at Aston University. These programmes aim to equip you with the language and academic skills necessary for success in your future chosen subject area.


Delivery method: Classroom, Seminar

Price: Starting from £335

About the course: Whether you write fundraising letters, or for your website(s), this course will help you gain the ideas, knowledge and skills you need to write fundraising copy that produces more impressive and profitable results.

【1】How is the business writing course different from the others?

A. It is delivered online. B. It offers evening classes.

C. It focuses on report writing. D. It is hosted by Aston University.

【2】What can pre-sessional programmes in EAP help students do?

A. Choose a suitable college subject. B. Prepare themselves for university.

C. Go to world-class universities. D. Only improve their academic skills.

【3】Which course fits John if he hopes to write inspiring words for fundraising activities?

A. Pre-sessional programmes in EAP. B. Travel writing courses.

C. Business writing. D. Masterclass.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When we smile, our system recognizes that there’s an absence of threat, and relaxes: It slows down our heart rate, and may temporarily reduce blood pressure, too, promoting overall heart health. Even forcing your face into a smile can reduce stress and relax your heart rate.

Smiling is a language that everyone understands regardless of age, race, culture, language, and nationality. We all know that when you smile at people, even strangers, they almost always smile back, spreading a kind of peace and goodwill. This contagious(有感染力的) smiling comes from a subconscious tendency to match other people’s emotions. It’s why people who spend time around children, who smile often, naturally smile more than people who keep mostly adults company.

People who are generous with smiles are considered more likeable and approachable than people who wear a deadpan(面无表情的)expression. Consider successful salesmen and politicians. Can you imagine how we’d react if they wore sour expressions? People who smile a lot are more likely to gain our trust and earn better tips than someone who provides the same service with an impassive face.

In a study, Major League Baseball players from 1952 who wore full-faced, genuine smiles on their baseball cards lived longer, around 79.9 years, compared to players who only partly smiled or didn’t smile at all, who lived 5 to 7 years less. Smiling can make us look younger, too: People who smile frequently seem to age more slowly, appearing around three years younger than their less smiley counterparts.

We now have evidene that we are hardwired to smile. While smiling used to be considered a learned behavior that babies acquired at around six weeks of age, more advanced ultrasound testing has shown that even babies who are born blind can smile. Babies have been known to make breathing and sucking movements while still in the womb(子宫), and these reactions are thought to prepare them for their life outside. Now smiling has joined the list. Say cheese!

【1】What can smiling do according to Paragraph 1?

A. Remove your life pressure.

B. Improve the condition of the heart.

C. Make your blood pressure steady.

D. Prevent you from being absent-minded.

【2】What should you do if you want to smile more according to the author?

A. Stay more with people smiling more.

B. Approach smart children.

C. Care more about others’ feelings.

D. Volunteer together with more strangers.

【3】What does the author want to show by mentioning salesmen and politicians?

A.A false smile may hurt people. B. Smiles contribute to a career.

C. Generous people tend to smile more. D. Work pressure stops people smiling.

【4】What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A. Babies smile within 2 months.

B. Blind babies learn to smile.

C. Smiling is a natural ability.

D. Breathing and sucking are similar to smiling.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)The only clue to the (身份)of the killer was a half-smoked cigarette.
(2)The extremely weak patient had great trouble r from his serious illness.
(3)Hindi and English are the o languages of India.
(4)Taking plenty of exercises every day, he is always (充满活力的).
(5)It is generally required that a English-Chinese translator have a good c of both Chinese and English.
(6)The (航行)from America to France used to take two months.
(7)The old lady was g to the young man who had helped her.
(8)Though I haven't met him for many years, I could (辨认出) him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.
(9)The girl used to be shy, but is g getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.
(10)Of these two basketball teams, the former comes from the US; the l comes from England.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)George didn't find it difficult at all, but it was really a (challenge) task for me.
(2) (blame) for the breakdown of the computer, Alice was in low spirits.
(3)Your statement is in conflict the rest of the evidence.
(4)The town hall (complete) in the 1800's was the most distinguished building at that time.
(5)I keep my reference books near my desk convenience.
(6)I've been told that the medical team, (consist) of five doctors, is to be sent.
(7)The West Lake is very beautiful and it is beyond (describe).
(8)He was surprised to find the room (furnish) with modern equipment.
(9)Under the (guide) of the local guide, we had a tour of the small town.
(10) (lack) enthusiasm for sports, rejected the invitation to a football game.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】_______ intelligence, the research found that wealth was also linked to higher iPhone use---a factor that is related to education.

A. In terms of B. As much as

C. In view of D. As well as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Film reviews of The Silver Glove
The Silver Bore
Daniel Jones
If you've ever seen a pirate film in the past, you can save your money. This is one of the most predictable films I have seen this year. The plot is totally unbelievable and the script is something very unprofessional out of filmmaker college..Great support acting from the Frenchman Thierry Montpasse as the evil Captain Scar is the only striking aspect.
Angela Moore
I just loved this fast-moving pirate thriller. The story moves at dizzying speed from one terrifying battle scene to the next Chief pirate, British actor Colin Williams, is given all the best, wittiest lines and the film has its share of laughs as well as scary moments. The storm scene at the beginning leaves you both exhausted and terrified.
A Hidden Treasure
Max Court
I found this film absolutely delightful. An inspiring cast is directed with great skill and invention by German Dieter Muller. The ship chase creates a lot of tension and excitement. Mystery lovers will expect their appetites to be fully satisfied.
Sharp Sword Drama
William Wilson
The Silver Glove is an action-packed pirate drama in the best traditions of this type. If you only want sword fights and buried treasure, you may be disappointed as this fascinating film also offers a complex plot which is never dull. Some of the language may be too crude for younger children, . But this is really my only complaint. Some fine acting completes this fun movie.
A.Glove Sinks In The Sea。
B. There are plenty of surprises in the story to keep the audience guessing until the last minute.
C. There is some nice photography of film making, but the Hawaiian scenery is not enough to save this film.
D. which may be regarded as a warning for parents.
E. and you really feel as if you are on the ships with these evil thieves and smugglers.
F. Pirates At The Speed Of Light.
G. and you knew what was going to happen in the film.

