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Let's do some sleep math. You lost two hours of sleep every night last week because of a big project due on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, you slept in, getting four extra hours. On Monday morning, you were feeling so bright-eyed, and you only had one cup of coffee, instead of your usual two. But don't be cheated by your energy: You’re still carrying around a heavy load of sleepiness, or what experts call “sleep debt”.

Sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep you should get and the amount you actually get. It’s a deficit that grows every time we remove some minutes off our nightly sleep. “People get more and more sleep debt without noticing it,” says William Dement, founder of the Stanford University Sleep Research Centre. Studies show that such short-term lack of sleep leads to a foggy brain, worsened eyesight, and trouble remembering. Long-term effects include obesity, and heart disease. A survey reports that we’re losing one hour of sleep each night—more than two full weeks of sleep each year.

The good news is that, like all debts, sleep debt can be paid off with some work. Adding an extra hour or two of sleep a night is the way to catch up. For the long-term lack of sleep, take it easy for a few months to get back into a natural sleep pattern(模式). Go to bed when you are tired, and allow your body to wake you in the morning naturally (no alarm clock allowed).

As you pay off sleep debt, your body will come to a rest at a sleep pattern that is particularly right for you. Sleep researchers believe that although the exact genes (基因) remain to be discovered, genes do determine our individual sleep patterns. That probably means you can’t train yourself to be a “short sleeper” and you’re fooling yourself if you think you’ve done it, so earn back that lost sleep and follow the orders of your inner sleep needs. When you put away sleep debt, you become a superman.

1.The example of sleep math is used to show___________.

A. how you build up your sleep debt

B. how you can pay off sleep debts at weekends

C. why you need enough sleep every night

D. why you should drink coffee to stay energetic

2. What does the underlined word “deficit” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. full sleep B. light sleep

C. deep sleep D. lack of sleep

3.Those in sleep debt for a long time are likely to suffer from____________.

A. failing eyesight B. poor memory

C. weak heart D. weight loss

4.It’s impossible to train oneself to be a “short sleeper” because _________.

A. one can only get their energy during long sleep

B. how one sleeps is determined when they were born

C. one will feel tired if their sleep is less than needed

D. one sleeps more when developing a natural sleep pattern


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江三校等高三第一次五校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The day I became a mom was not the day my daughter was born, but seven years later. Up until that day, I had been too busy trying to survive my abusive marriage. I had spent all my energy trying to run a “perfect” home that would pass inspection each evening, and I didn’t see that my baby girl had become a child. I’d tried endlessly to please someone who could never be pleased and suddenly realized that the years had slipped by and could never be recaptured(重现).

Oh, I had done the normal “motherly” things, like making sure my daughter got to ballet and tap and gym lessons. I went to all of her recitals and school concerts, parent-teacher conferences and open houses — alone. I ran interference during my husband’s anger when something was spilled at the dinner table, telling her, “It will be okay, Honey. Daddy’s not really mad at you.” I did all I could to protect her from hearing the awful shouting after he returned from a night of drinking. Finally I did the best thing I could do for my daughter and myself: I removed us from the home that wasn’t really a home at all.

That day I became a mom was the day my daughter and I were sitting in our new home having a calm, quiet dinner just as I had always wanted for her. We were talking about what she had done in school and suddenly her little hand knocked over the full glass of chocolate milk by her plate. As I watched the white tablecloth and freshly painted white wall become dark brown, I looked at her small face. It was filled with fear, knowing what the outcome of the event would have meant only a week before in her father’s presence. When I saw that look on her face and looked at the chocolate milk running down the wall, I simply started laughing. I am sure she thought I was crazy, but then she must have realized that I was thinking, “It’s a good thing your father isn’t here!” She started laughing with me, and we laughed until we cried. They were tears of joy and peace and were the first of many tears that we cried together. That was the day we knew that we were going to be okay.

Whenever either of us spills something, even now, seventeen years later, she says, “Remember the day I spilled the chocolate milk? I knew that day that you had done the right thing for us, and I will never forget it.”

That was the day I really became a mom. I discovered that being a mom isn’t only going to ballet, and tap and gym recitals, and attending every school concert and open house. It isn’t keeping a spotless house and preparing perfect meals. It certainly isn’t pretending things are normal when they are not. For me, being a mom started when I could laugh over spilled milk.

1.What was the writer mostly engaged in seventeen years ago?

A. Passing inspection from the community.

B. Trying very hard to please the baby girl.

C. Nurturing the baby girl to become a child.

D. Running a perfect home to satisfy her husband.

2.According to the writer, ______ is not the normal “motherly” things.

A. signing up kids for ballet and gym lessons

B. attending parent-teacher conferences

C. protecting kids when they are scolded by the father

D. going to kids’ school concerts and open houses

3.The underlined phrase “ran interference” can best be replaced by______.

A. informed her B. covered her

C. pleased her D. pardoned her

4.It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. mum and daughter had led a miserable life before moving out

B. being a mum is not pretending things are normal when they are not

C. the daughter spilled the chocolate milk deliberately in the new home

D. mum and daughter laughed together at the funny paints on the wall

5.According to the passage, when did the writer become a real mom?

A. The day she gave birth to her daughter

B. The day she lost contact with her husband

C. The day she created a relaxing family atmosphere

D. The day she laughed at the spilled chocolate milk


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省常州市两校高三联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Since the 18th national congress of the Party in 2012, 79 senior officials, including five members of the Party’s central committee who once __________, have been investigated.

A. got their way B. got away with

C. got away from D. had power over


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届贵州遵义航天高级中学高三第四次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When should people be made to retire? 55? 65? Should there be a compulsory age limit?

Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or corporations. Other people,however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their fifties or even earlier because of the regulations of a company or the nation. This essay will examine whether people should be allowed to continue working as long as they want or whether they should be encouraged to retire at a particular stage.

Some people think there are several arguments for allowing older people to continue working as long as they are able. First of all, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience which can be lost to a business or organization if they are made to retire. A second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal employees and are more willing to carry out company policies than younger less committed staff. However, a more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. To force someone to resign or retire at 60 indicates that the society does not value the input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over. Age is irrelevant to a working life, surely if older employees are told they cannot work after 60, this is age discrimination. That they become old does not necessarily mean they are going to be sick. Old people could be more aware, experienced and committed than some youngsters.

Others, however, think that allowing older people to work indefinitely is not a good policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Old people are only ambitious workaholics who are too selfish and self-centered to believe that a younger person could do better. Actually, many younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. In addition, without age limits, however, many people would continue to work purely because they did not have any other plans or roles. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded by society for their life’s labor by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure. We now have youngsters who can’t find jobs because old people are choosing not to retire. Old people are not retiring because this new generation of “old people” think they will never die due to modern advances in medicine.

With many young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, there are often calls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this can affect the older individual’s freedom and right to work and can deprive(剥夺) society of valuable experience and insights. I feel that giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit society and the individual.

1.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To explain the compulsory age limit.

B. To discuss the retirement age.

C. To examine people’s working life.

D. To introduce a particular stage.

2.Which of the following is NOT a reason for allowing old people to continue working according to the passage?

A. Their contribution should be valued.

B. Their experience should be made use of.

C. They can help the youngsters.

D. They are loyal employees.

3.It can be inferred in the fourth passage that ______.

A. The young people have more creative spirits

B. Modern advances in medicine make old people never die

C. Pensions and freedom are not given to the old now

D. Old people believe that a younger person could do better

4.The passage is arranged as follows:


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届安徽蚌埠市高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Nowadays, more and more teenagers use smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices more than ever before. And the amount of time they spend on these devices is only likely to increase in the future. But are all these changes good?

We sometimes call children who are able to use mobile devices and technology easily digital natives. They can text, email, get Wi-Fi, and download. Some experts say that long periods of time spent chatting to friends online, playing video games and listening to mp3s, for example, may possibly change how their brains work.

Then there is the question of privacy. All this online activity creates a digital footprint. Every time we share a photo or a post on social media, and every time we search for something on the Internet, information about our activity is stored somewhere.

Our inability to control what happens to our children's digital footprint and their personal privacy has big possibilities. It might become normal for companies to ask their employees for their social media qualifications. We are also becoming more aware that companies and governments may be able to 'listen in' on our communications. So it is important to make our children aware of the possible results of over sharing.

Another area where the digital world may have a big effect is in education. One worry is that kids who spend a lot of time online at home are sometimes unable to socialize properly with other children when they are at school. Other experts point out that, when it comes to children and technology, the children are the experts, not the teachers. They say that we should stop seeing online as 'bad' and offline as 'good' and there is evidence of innovative work in some schools.

So, do we really need to rescue our children from the dangers of the digital world?

1. Which of the following can summarize the main idea of the text?

A. Do we need to rescue our kids from the digital world?

B. Should children learn to use digital technology?

C. Are there changes in children’s school life?

D. Should teachers accept changes in our life?

2.According to the second paragraph, what is the possible effect of digital childhood?

A. Children can grow up quickly.

B. Children can read texts fluently.

C. Children’s way of thinking may be changed.

D. Children may become mentally disabled.

3.All the following may happen to our digital footprints EXCEPT________

A. When surfing the Internet, our digital footprints are saved.

B. Some business societies may take advantage of the information.

C. Government may look into our communication through the Internet.

D. Digital pictures may be printed by our computer automatically.

4.Why are many teachers doubtful about digital technology?

A. Because some students can not do well in studies.

B. Because some teachers haven’t changed for years.

C. Because some students addicted to digital technology can not socialize well.

D. Because some teachers addicted to tradition technology cannot teach well.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江杭州第二中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

DEAR Daughter,

We have not seen you for a while now, so I thought we might check in. Did you fall off the edge of the Earth? Your mother worries, you know, and I am just curious. Well, I am more than curious. I feel abandoned.

Apparently you’ve dumped us for your career. I can understand that, because you’ve always had a wonderful work ethic (道德).

Look, obviously your long absence has confused us. As we go about our daily routines, your mother and I are distracted – both by your absence and our pride in your career. The other day, I entered my work password into the microwave, then stood there cursing it for not working. And I was so off my game (状态差) that I actually used that cholesterol-free mayo (不含胆固醇的蛋黄酱) your mother insisted on buying in an effort to drive me from the house.

Listen, a lot has happened since you’ve been away. Abraham Lincoln was shot. We had two more children – a princess, now 23; a boy, now 12.

Yesterday I bought a very clean 2001 Camaro car from an older woman. Your mother is not happy about this. She says it is the kind of muscle car driven by ex-convicts (有犯罪前科的人) when they examine your house at 2 am.

In response, I tell her it was the car of my dreams (when I was 18). So that’s where your long absence has left us. Your long absence is not so bad, though we miss your roaring laughter ... the way your cheeks flush (晕红) when you eat Thai food. How you always march too hard into the house, like a Scotsman stepping on snakes.

Each evening, your mother now waits by the window the way she did when you used to step off the bus in first grade, your hair full of rubber bands.

Bet that drove you crazy even then, her running out on the porch (门廊) like you’d just returned from a month-long journey to the moon.

Look, parents are not easy people.

But should the urge ever hit you, feel free to stop by some time. Our house is your house. Our hearts are yours too.

And your mother is still waiting by the window.

Love, Dad

1.The author entered his work password into the microwave because __________.

A. all kinds of passwords made him confused

B. he was thinking too much about his work

C. he was affected by his daughter’s long absence

D. he was getting old and he had forgotten how to use the microwave

2.The author describes his and his wife’s current situation by __________.

A. comparing the past and present

B. talking about history and his dream

C. listing changes they have made to their routines

D. detailing strange things they have started doing

3.With the last six paragraphs, the author is trying to __________.

A. describe what kind of person his daughter is

B. show how much he and his wife care about their daughter

C. show how annoyed his daughter must feel about her mother

D. remind his daughter of the problems they had

4.From the article, we can conclude that the author is __________.

A. humorous B. inspiring C. serious D. patient


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广西柳州铁路第一中学高二上段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Tom and Jack are good friends. They have dreamed about __1.___( take) a great bike trip. It was Tom who first had the idea to cycle __2.____the entire Mekong River. They __3.___ (ride) bicycles to travel along the Mekong River, ___4.___source is in Qinghai Province. When it enters Southeast Asia, it travels slowly through low valleys to the plains, __5.___ rice grows. ___6.___ the difficulties , Tom and Jack were determined to begin their journey at an altitude of __7.___( much) than 5,000 metres in Qinghai Province. During their journey , they enjoyed the continuous change of the weather. ___8.__(finally), they reached Dali in Yunnan Province , where David and Sam joined__9.__. __10.__ four of them went on with their great bike trip.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届黑龙江大庆实验中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Hunan Satellite TV(HNTV) show “Where are we going, Dad?” is a big hit. Many famous stars brought their children to a strange village alone, and they had to spend 72 hours with their children there. The program fully showed us a modern version of the “how to be a good father”. As the young parents today are too busy to take care of their children, this new form of“Lost on the way”played by nanny daddy and cute kids triggered(触发)a lot of people’s emotional resonance(共鸣). Both the kids and their parents will find that their hearts are being drawn closer. But this kind of feeling has just proved that there is a big spiritual barrier between the modern parents and children.

The TV shows like “Children are hard to support!”, “Where are we going, Dad?”, “hot mom” and “cute kids” are becoming more and more popular. All of these show the new parents’ confusion in children’s education and the appeal for the balance between career and family.

In real life, on the one hand the young parents feel helpless because they are too busy to accompany their children under the pressures of work and life; on the other hand they continue to do so. The data collected by HNTV show that nearly two-thirds of their audience are female, among whom 36% are aged from 25 to 34. We can imagine such a scene that one evening a young mother is watching the show with her young children, while her husband is still at work or trapped in socializing, or maybe is just playing computer games in the bedroom. The story of a child without the company of father is still going on. In fact, it is sometimes the same to mothers. In a modern family, it is often the old who take the responsibility of raising a child. The participation of mother in the children’s education is also very low.

It is just this kind of confusion where the parents have gone in the modern family education, and where the parents will guide their children to go that“Where are we going, Dad?”shows us. If a child wants to grow up healthily and safely into a modern citizen with independent personality and free spirit, it is very important for him or her to follow the parents who serve as their first teacher. Maybe this is the real reason why such kind of TV programs could get hot. The truth is that children will go where their parents go; and society will go where the children go.

1. Which of the following can be inferred in the passage?

A. Parents shouldn’t entirely leave the education of children to the old.

B. 36% of the audience of the program are female aged from 25-34.

C. The program shows us the confusion where the parents and children will go to play.

D. In a modern family it is often mothers who are responsible for raising a child.

2.Which one is the best title of the passage?

A. Confusion behind “Where are we going, dad?”

B. Modern Education is Important

C. Nanny Daddy and Cute Kids

D. New Problems in Modern Children’s Education

3.In raising a child in modern society, parents should __________.

A. play computer games with their children

B. break down the barrier between children and teachers

C. balance well between family and career

D. keep their children at home to avoid socializing

4.What attitude towards modern family education does the author express in the second paragraph?

A. Optimistic. B. Proud. C. Worried. D. Indifferent.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016河南省许昌三校高一上学期第二次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many gardeners believe that “talking” to their plants helps them grow---it turns out that they may not be crazy after all. According to the scientists from the University of Exeter, plants may keep communicating with each other through a secret “unseen” language.

For their experiment, the scientists picked a cabbage plant that is known to send out a gas when its surface is cut. In order to get video evidence of the communication, they changed the cabbage gene by adding the protein---luciderase(虫荧光素酶), which is what makes fireflies(萤火虫) glow in the dark.

When the changed cabbage plant was in full bloom, they cut a leaf off with a pair of scissors, and almost immediately, thanks to the luciderase, they could see the plant sending out “methyl jasmonate(茉莉酸甲酯)”.

While this was a known fact, what was surprising was the fact that the minute this gas began to give out, the nearby cabbage plants seemed to sense some kind of danger and started to send out a gas that they normally have to keep predators(捕食者) like caterpillars(毛虫) away.

What the scientists are not sure is whether the plants are trying to warn the other leaves or the near plants about the danger---something that will require further research However, the team, which is led by Professor Nick Smirnoff, is quite excited about the findings because this is the first time it has been proved that plants do not live a passive life, but actually move, sense and even communicate with each other.

However, before you get all concerned, they are quite sure that plants do not feel the pain when they are cut, since they do not have nerves---so go ahead and bite into that juicy carrot!

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Plants Can Send Some Gas

B. Plants Can Communicate with Each Other

C. The “Unseen” Language of Plants

D. Plants Can’t Feel Pain

2. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Gardeners B. Plants

C. Scientists D. Fireflies

3.When the plant sent out methyl jasmonate, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. The nearby cabbage plants seemed to sense some kind of danger.

B. The nearby cabbage plants started to send out a gas.

C. The nearby cabbage plants tried to warn the near plants.

D. The nearby cabbage plants communicated through a secret language.

4.According to the experiment, plants ________________.

A. don’t live a passive life

B. can feel pain when they are cut

C. can warn the other leaves about danger

D. can talk with each other

