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【题目】Oh, the places you’ll go!

When it comes to habitat, human beings are creatures of habit. It has been known for a long time that, whether his habitat is a village, a city or, for real globe-trotters (周游世界者), the planet itself, an individual person generally visits the same places regularly. The details, though, have been surprisingly obscure. Now, thanks to an analysis of data collected from 40,000 smartphone users around the world, a new property of humanity’s locomotive (移动的) habits has been revealed.

It turns out that someone’s “location capacity”, the number of places which he or she visits regularly, remains constant over periods of months and years. What constitutes a “place” depends on what distance between two places makes them separate. But analyzing movement patterns helps illuminate the distinction and the researchers found that the average location capacity was 25. If a new location does make its way into the set of places an individual tends to visit, an old one drops out in response. People do not, in other words, gather places like collector cards. Rather, they cycle through them. Their geographical behavior is limited and predictable, not fancy-free.

The study demonstrating this, just published in Nature Human Behavior, does not offer any explanation for the limited location capacity it measures. But a statistical analysis carried out by the authors shows that it cannot be explained solely by constraints on time. Some other factor is at work. One of the researchers draws an analogy. He suggests that people’s cognitive capacity limits the number of places they can visit routinely, just as it limits the number of other people an individual can routinely socialize with. That socialization figure, about 150 for most people, is known as the Dunbar number, after its discoverer, Robin Dunbar.

Lehmann says his group is now in search of similar data from other primates (灵长目动物), in an attempt to work out where human patterns of mobility have their roots. For those, though, they will have to rely on old-fashioned methods of zoological observation unless they can work out a way to get chimpanzees to carry smartphones.

1The underlined word “obscure” in paragraph 1 can be replaced by .

A. clear B. little known

C. accurate D. long forgotten

2How can the researchers get similar data from other primates?

A. Observe the primates or let them carry smartphones.

B. Work together with Robin Dunbar.

C. Carry out statistical analysis.

D. Publish essays in Nature Human Behavior.






1猜测词义题。研究表明一个人通常会定期访问相同的地方,尽管细节还出人意料地模糊不清。上句是人们得出的结论,下句是数据的来源。句中though 表示意思转折,“obscure”指模糊不清的,与little known同义,故选B.

2细节理解题。根据最后一段For those, though, they will have to rely on old-fashioned methods of zoological observation unless they can work out a way to get chimpanzees to carry smartphones.可知人们研究其他灵长类动物,可以通过让黑猩猩携带智能手机或依靠老式的动物学观察方法得到数据。故选A.




有时短文中出现一个需要猜测其意义的词或短语,下面接着出现其定义或解释,这就是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。例如:It will be very hard but also very brittle—that is, it will break easily.从后面that is(也就是说)的解释中我们可以了解到brittle 的意思。


阅读中出现的难词有时后面紧跟一个同位语,对前面的词进行解释,这时可利用同位关系对前面或后面的词义或句意进行猜测。例如:The “Chunnel”, a tunnel(隧道) connecting England and France, is now complete.此句中a tunnel connecting England and FranceChunnel的同位语。因此,The “Chunnel”就是英法之间的海底隧道。


在英语中,有很多词可以在前面加前缀,在后面加后缀,从而构成一个词,乍看起来,这个词可能是新词,但掌握了一定的构词知识,就不难猜出它的词义。例如:“Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10,” Anaclerio said, “and they’re very interactive and creative in that they built a sense of drama based on a subject.”文中interactive是由前缀inter-(相互的)active(活动的,活跃的)而构成的,同时根据上下文的意思可以判断,该词的含义应是互动的”。


根据上下句的连接词,如but, however, otherwise等就可以看到前后句在意义上的差别,从而依据某一句的含义,来确定另一句的含义。另外,分号也可以表示转折、对比或不相干的意义。例如:A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun.从前后两句的意思可以看出,hasslea basket of fun肯定是近乎相反的意义。所以不难判断hassle的意思是困难,麻烦”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是某中学高二学生李华,你发现学校图书馆的书籍数量少,并且大都非常陈旧,由此导致图书借阅率不高。 请你就此事给外籍校长汤姆(Tom)写一封劝告信,希望学校能购置一些新书。

注意:1. 词数:100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯

Dear Tom,

I am Li Hua in Senior 2 _____________________________________________________________________


Yours sincerely,



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia’s biggest building, and fancy new hotels.But for tourists like me, pandas are its top 1(attract).

So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research. I 2(allow) to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre. From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador. The title will be 3(official) given to me at a ceremony in London. But my connection with pandas goes back 4 my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, 5 I was the first Western TV reporter 6(permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. My ambassadorial duties will include 7(introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.

On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by 8(it) mother. The nursery team switches him every few 9(day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, 10 other is with mum—she never suspects.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is widely believed that China has been into a more prosperous and advanced country in the last century.

A. transformed B. transferred

C. shifted D. transmitted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Beijing, the capital of the country for over 850 years, is a perfect combination of classic grace and modernity, which makes it the first 1 (choose) of international travelers. Among Chinese people there is an old saying 2 one who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true hero.

Different from the long-lasting tradition that Beijing holds, Shanghai shows visitors an 3 (unbelievable) urban atmosphere. It 4 (recognize) as the centre of the country’s commerce and fortune and titled “the shoppers’ paradise” (天堂) with a unique scenery 5 (leave) by the colonial history. The high-rise Oriental Pearl Tower, World Financial Center, and Jin Mao Tower stretch (伸展) upwards, 6 (form) one of the world’s most splendid skylines. This sleepless city will impress you 7 flashing neon lights (霓虹灯), elegant streetlights and ever moving headlights.

If you want to research into the 5,000 years’ history of this ancient oriental land, no city is 8 (suitable) than Xi’an, one of the four major capitals of ancient civilization. 9 famous Silk Road starts from here, stretching through west China to the Mediterranean. Enjoying the scenery of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda (大雁塔) together with the splendid music fountains 10 (be) an amazing experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。





In most cases, the very first thing that we ask for when visit a cafe or friend's house is the WiFi password. It's almost like the internet has become one of your basic needs. And according to technology website Digital Trends, up to 60 percent of people in the world still didn't have an internet connection. The situation is even more worse in the least developed countries—only one tenth of the people has regular access to the internet. That's why in the recent survey in the US, 68 percent of the respondents think of internet access to a privilege instead of a human right.

However, the United Nations made this clear in a report back in 2011 that it believes internet access should be a human right, and it "should be a priority (优先考虑的事)for all states" to make sure everyone has access to the web.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Safety should be a priority in any industry and it should come as no surprise that safety issues early can actually save money, long-term, for companies.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 想吸烟的时候,可以试着喝些水或吃些健康的小吃;

2. 远离平时经常一起吸烟的朋友。


2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Uncle

I am sorry to know that...



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








In the past five years, there had been a lot of new buildings in my city. As the result, parks, farms and open spaces have been destroyed. In many new neighborhoods, people live so much far from public transportation (交通), workplaces, stores, and schools that they depend great on their cars. Driving a lot are a waste of time. It also causes more pollutions to the air. So how can we do? First, we should stop all new buildings, that will protect our open spaces. Then we should support a law that providing money for public transportation. This will encourage people leave their cars at home.

