精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
10.A.Make a list of obstacles and benefits of achieving your goal
    B.Enlist the help of others
    C.Learn what you need to learn
    D.Visualize yourself having achieved each of your goals
    E.Get organized and reward yourself each step of the way
    F.Put your goals in writing
The goals that guide us
"Not all who wander are lost,"they say,but for the great majority of us,having a road map for the future is a key element to well-being and success,however we choose to define it.This means setting goals for ourselves,and finding ways to achieve them.If you're a wanderer,it might be time to realize the great significance of setting goals.
    It's simply a fact:when people have goals to guide them,they are happier and achieve more than they would without having them.It's a brain thing.Achieving a goal you've set produces a neurotransmitter (神经传递素) responsible for feelings of pleasure,which will then activate neural circuitry that makes you eager to pursue new challenges.
    Of course,a thousand mile journey starts with the first small step.And whether we're starting on the long journey of a mid-life career switch or the walk to the bedroom to finally organize that closet,it can be hard to gather up the motivation to make that initial step.While setting goals is in itself motivating,sometimes it's just not enough.Here are some tried-and-true ways you can begin to move toward achieving your goals.
    The act of writing down what you are going to do is a strong motivator.Writing down goals prevents you from leaving your goals vague.Be specific.Use action verbs.Let your goals have measurable outcomes.Specify completion dates.Also record what your reward will be for achieving the goal.Make a contract with yourself,then read it each morning and night.This will help you to be more committed to your goal as each day passes.And while you've got the pen in your hand…
    Think of everything that might stand in your way.Then decide what you can do about each obstacle.Design a plan to reduce the influence of each obstacle and increase the chances that you will be successful in reaching your goal.Knowing exactly what you will gain from reaching your goal is a strong motivator.Keeping my checkbook balanced will give me more spending money on the weekends.Walking a mile every morning will help me stay focused at work.
    If information or skill is keeping you from achieving your goals,determine ways to fill in the gaps,and build this into your action plan.Be willing to study and work hard to reach your goals. Think about how much time and effort will be required,and ask yourself whether you are really willing and able to do what is necessary.It is better to adjust your goals or your timetable than to proceed with a plan that is unrealistic.
    Find someone,a coworker or friend,with whom you share a common goal.Get someone to go to the gym with you,or to quit smoking with you,or to share healthy meals with you.A partner can help you stay committed and motivated.Look for role models,people who have already achieved the goals you seek to reach.Ask them for advice and suggestions.Find how they got where they are,and incorporate what you learn into your plan.
    The more real you can make your visualization,the better.Find a quiet place,visualize,and write down your experiences afterward.Go through magazines and cut out pictures that represent your goal,then put them around the house.Provide constant reminders to yourself about what you're working towards.Describe your ideal life in the future.Write a few paragraphs describing what you have accomplished,and how your life is better as a result.Use the present tense as if it is happening right here,right now.This is another way of making your vision real.

分析 这篇文章讲述的是心中的目标指引着我们前进,有目标指引时,人们会比毫无目标时更快乐,也更有成就.设定目标本身要具有激励性,但有时候还是不够,在向目标迈进的路上,即使道路艰难,也要坚定决心,勇往直前.

61.从这段的第一句话:The act of writing down what you are going to do is a strong motivator. 可知是把目标写下来.F选项Put your goals inwriting是说把你的目标写出来,因此选F
62.从这段的两句话:Think of everything that mightstand in your way.和Knowing exactly what youwill gain from reaching your goal is a strong motivator.可知要把好处和障碍都写下来.A选项Make a list of obstacles and benefits of achieving your goal表达的正是这个意思,因此选A
63.从这段的句子:If information or skill iskeeping you from achieving your goals,determine ways to fill in the gaps,and build this into your action plan 可知要知道学什么.C选项.Learn what you need to learn正是表达此意,因此选C
64.从这段的句子:Find someone,a coworker or friend,with whom you share a common goal.Get someone to go to the gym with you,or to quit smokingwith you,or to share healthy meals with you 可知是赢得别人的帮助,选项B Enlist the help of others正是这个意思,因此选B
65.从这段的句子:The more real you can make your visualization,the better.可知是形象越真实越好,选项D.Visualize yourself having achieved each of your goals.正是此意,因此选D

点评 这篇文章要求给每个段落找主题句,先浏览各个选项做到心中有数,在阅读时,抓住每个段落的主旨,还要注意关键句和选项进行一一配对.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.We _________ to the airport,but why did you call a taxi?(  )
A.should walkB.might walk
C.could have walkedD.must have walked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

belong to    approach     reality      approve     do harm to
put forward  determine    tradition     benefit      attach to
66.Breathing fresh air and exercising in the morning arebeneficial to your health.
67.Belonging to developing countries,China still has a long way to go in realizing‘Chinese Dream'.
68.While sailing in the East China Sea,a Chinese captain noticed two Japanese F22planesapproaching; in the sky last month.
69.Kindness and honesty are bothtraditional Chinese virtues,which we younger generation should follow.
70.Only by working hard and never giving up can we make our dream areality.
71.Compared with H5N1,H7N9is difficult to control anddoes harm to people's health.
72.Nowadays we can see many advertisementsattached to books or magazines.
73.You shouldn't touch anything in the lab without the teacher'sapproval.
74.Determined to go to Beijing University,my sister is occupied in her study every day.
75.Early this year,the members of the 18th National People's Congressput forward a lot of good suggestions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.On the hill ________,there used to be an old temple.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

5.Time is very important in our lives.It(11)Bour everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I (12)Aa watch from my father,which organized my life and made me more (13)D.
I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 a.m.to pich up my uncle Ali and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.(14)Don that day,around  11:00 a.m..I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him.He had(15)Cthe airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.
I got to my father's house at 2:00 p.m.that day and felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my (16)Cfather and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him and handed me this watch.Then he said,"Peter,did you have (17)Dwith your friends today?"I answered,"Yes,father,and I apologized for not meeting my uncle Ali."He said,"What you (18)B was not very nice and you should be sorry for your(19)C.I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you."
I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never to be (20)Ato get someone.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The singer,Mick Jagger,of the Rolling Stones sings a song that tells people they can't always get what they want but if we try sometimes we can get what we need.The past years in my life my parents have told me this saying many times.I've always complained about the quote(引语).Although over time I have told myself to learn from it.
This year my girlfriend flew off to college in West Palm,Florida.This has been a killer for me because I haven't been able to see her and she is having a rough time in school.The last two months have been hard but we are working through it.I have been trying to get my dad to buy me a plane ticket to go down there.My dad told me if I brought him some money he would help me pay for the ticket.I started to complain to him because I had no way of getting any money to give him.I spent several days and nights thinking of ways to earn money to go see my girlfriend.I finally came to the conclusion that I would get a job and work hard to earn some money to give to my dad.I applied to Safeway and I ended up getting the job.
I have been working at Safeway for about a month now and work hard to earn money to go see my girlfriend.The other day my mom had surprised me and told me that she asked her boss if she could use their business miles(旅费) to buy me a ticket down to Florida for two weeks.I was very thankful and told her I would help pay for anything that I have to.The thought of me working hard and getting a job showed my mom that I really cared and was trying my best to be a successful person.I believe that you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes,you get what you need.

41.The author's parents often told him the saying quoted from the song becauseD.
A.He liked to complain to them about his life
B.They expected him to learn from the singer
C.He always wanted to get everything he wanted
D.They tried to educate him to do things for himself
42.What does the world"killer"underlined in the second paragraph refer to?A
A.Something that is quite troublesome.
B.Something that is very difficult.
C.A person who kills purposely.
D.A person who treats women very badly.
43.What can we infer from the passage?C
A.The author was lazy and unwilling to work hard.
B.The author's father was too mean to give him money.
C.The author's actual action won support from his mother.
D.The author was unable to tear himself away from his girl friend.
44.By writing the passage,the author tries to showD.
A.we can do nothing without money
B.fathers are strict while mothers are kind
C.it's hard for parents to bring up their children
D.we should try to rely on ourselves for everything.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.Life is filled with challenges.As we get older we (26)Brealize that those challenges are the very things that (27)Dus and make us who we are,it is the same with the challenges that come with (28)C.
When we are faced with a challenge,we usually have two (29)C:we can try to (30)A it off,or we can decide that the thing presenting the challenge isn't worth the (31)C and call it quits.Although there are (32)B times when calling it quits is the right thing to do,in most(33)B all that is needed is commitment and (34)A.
When we are devoted to (35)C,it means that no matter how (36)D or how uncomfortable something is,we will always choose to (37)Cit instead of running away from it.Communication is making a (38)A for discussion and talking about how you feel instead of just saying what the other person did wrong.(39)A you can say to a friend,"I got my feelings hurt."(40)B"You hurt my feelings,"you are going to be able to solve the problem much faster.
In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you,try to see them for (41)Athey are:small hurdles(障碍) you need to jump or (42)C on your way through life.Nothing is so big that it is impossible to get over,and hurt only  (43)A to make us stronger.It's all part of growing up,it happens to everyone,and some day you will (44)Don all of this and say,"(45)Das it was,it made me who I am today.And that is a good thing."

26.A.seem toB.come toC.hope toD.try to
40.A.other thanB.rather thanC.or ratherD.or else
42.A.pass byB.come acrossC.get throughD.run over
44.A.look intoB.look forC.look outD.look back


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Both students and parents appreciated the great importance that schools have ________ to eyesight protection.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Many new goods are on sale at the supermarket.They really _____ housewives.(  )
A.appeal toB.appeal forC.appeal withD.appeal on

