精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1There are so many convenient ways for you _________ your faraway friends.

2It took me almost one hour __________ this difficult mathematics problem.

3To our relief, the doctor said Jane ___________ the injury if she had the operation.

4When the father figured out what his son was _______, he became so angry.

5Too much work without any rest often _________ diseases.

6The strong-minded boy _________ finish the task on time, despite all the difficulties he was going through.

7Although they went their separate ways after graduation, they didn’t want to _______ each other.

8What the teachers had said before ________ the students’ attitude toward life.

9To deliver all the goods in one day was really a challenging job, but he _________.

10He is always ready to give a hand to the one who ___________.


1to stay in touch with

2to work out

3would recover from

4up to

5leads to

6was determined to

7lose track of

8had an effect on

9managed to do

10is in trouble


1考查短语和非谓语动词。句意:有很多便利的方法可以让你和远方的朋友保持联系。结合句意可知,此处用“保持联系”符合语境,其表达为stay in touch with, 又此处表目的,故用不定式,故填to stay in touch with

2考查短语和非谓语动词。句意:解决这些困难的数学题花了我差不多一个小时。结合句意可知,此处用“解决”符合语境,其表达为work out,再根据短语it takes sb some time to do sth做某事花某人多少时间,可知此处应用不定式,故填to work out

3考查短语和时态。句意:令我们欣慰的是,医生说如果Jane接受手术她会从受伤中恢复。结合句意可知,此处用“从……恢复”符合语境,其表达为recover from,“恢复”的动作还未发生,故应表将来,又主句是一般过去时,所以宾语从句用过去将来时,即would do,故填would recover from

4考查短语。句意:当父亲弄清楚儿子在干什么时,他很生气。结合句意可知,此处用“干什么”符合语境,其表达为be up to,故填up to

5考查短语和时态。句意:只工作不休息会导致疾病。结合句意可知,此处用“导致”符合语境,其表达为lead to,又主语work不可数,时态为一般现在时,所以谓语动词加s,故填leads to

6考查短语和时态。句意:尽管他正经历着困难,但这个意志坚定的男孩决心准时完成任务。结合句意可知,此处用“决心做某事”符合语境,其表达为be determined to do sth,又此处是句子谓语动词,根据后文的was判断为一般过去时,故填was determined to

7考查短语。句意:尽管毕业之后他们分道扬镳了,但是他们不想失去彼此之间的联系。结合句意可知,此处用“失去联系”符合语境,其表达为lose track of,再根据短语want to do sth想要做某事,判断此处用动词原形,故填lose track of

8考查短语和时态。句意:以前老师所说的话会影响学生对生活的态度。结合句意可知,此处用“影响”符合语境,其表达为have an effect on,根据主语从句的had said判断此处用一般过去时,故填had an effect on

9考查短语和时态。句意:把所有商品一天之内送达是一个很有挑战的工作,但是他设法做到了。结合句意可知,此处用“设法做到”符合语境,其表达为manage to do,根据前文的was判断为一般过去时,故填managed to do

10考查短语和时态。句意:他时刻准备好帮助那些有困难的人。结合句意可知,此处用“处于困难中”符合语境,其表达为be in trouble,又根据前文的is判断为一般现在时,故填is in trouble


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I have been convinced that the print media are usually more __________ and more reliable than television.

A. accurate B. ridiculous

C. urgent D. shallow


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Guest Services
Front Gate Guest Services can help you with anything from finding out what time your favourite show starts to purchasing tickets. The Guest Services location inside Front Gate also serves as a message centre, lost children's area and lost and found. Canada's Wonderland does not offer personalized public paging (传呼).

Food & Drink Options
Shops are located throughout Canada's Wonderland. Picnic baskets and coolers are welcome at the shelter located outside Wonderland on the north side of our Front Gate. Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the park. Bottled water may be brought into the Park.

ATMs are located just inside the Park beside Stroller, Locker and Wheelchair Rentals at the Front Gate, as well as KidZville (beside Guest Services), Splash Works (two locations), and outside Thunder Run.

Pet Care
A pet care facility is located outside our Front Gate on the south side for a daily fee. Water and air-conditioned shelters are provided. Guests are asked to provide food and exercise.

First Aid
If you need medical assistance, tell any park employee who will call First Aid and have them come to your location.

Stroller, Locker and Wheelchair Rentals
Stroller, locker and wheelchair rentals are available inside the Park at the Front Gate, beside Thrills Are Wonderland.

HIQ Smoking Policy
Smoking is not permitted while riding or standing in line for rides or in any of the children's areas or the Water Park. Smoking is permitted in designated (指定的) areas only.

Failure to observe all Park rules could result in being driven out of the Park without refund.

(1)The leaflet is to inform visitors of the Park's ______.
A.advanced management
B.thrill performances
C.entertainment facilities
D.thoughtful services
(2)A visitor to the Park can ______.
A.rent a stroller outside Front Gate
B.ask for first aid by Thunder Run
C.smoke in the Water Park
D.leave his pet at KidZville


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I cannot __________ puzzled, for I simply cannot understand how I could have made such a stupid mistake.

A. help feel B. help but to feel

C. but to feel D. but feel


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】To be frank, I’d rather you in the case.

A.will not be involved B.not involved

C.have not been involved D.were not involved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It was at this shop I bought my skirt. How about coming to my home to have a look tonight?

A.that B.where C.which D.what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A mother in Northern Ireland was surprised when her son managed to greet her with a tiny "hello" at just 7 weeks old. Toni McCann said her son Cillian, now 9 weeks, has said "hello" twice. The infant(婴儿) appeared to try and unsuccessfully imitate his mother before finally managing a quick "hello" for the first time.

"He was making a lot of eye contact and that's why I started filming him, "she said. " I realized he was trying to copy what I was saying and then it just came out. "McCann said she first noticed Cillian trying to mimic(模仿)sounds at just 5 weeks old when her husband was holding him.

"This is a perfect example of modeling behaviour, Mum is coaching him to do what she's doing, "said Murray. " It's an important example of what we want all mothers to do with their baby. "

Murray said Cillian's first word is likely not the same as a l to 2-year-old's first word, where they have attached the word to some meaning.

"They don't have muscle coordination(协调, 配合)of the mouth, "Murray said of newborn infants. "It's usually a process of both learning what words mean by hearing them and by seeing mum and by trying to imitate mum over and over again. "

Murray said new mums should talk to their babies, even if the infants can't say full words yet. She also recommended letting babies "talk back" in the conversation, even if they don't have full words yet. While the video of Cillian saying hello has gone popular, McCann said she has already moved on to a new phrase for the baby. "Now I'm saying to him' I love you'. " she added.

1Why did Toni McCann begin to film the baby?

A.Because the baby looked the mother in the eye.

B.Because the baby greeted its mother with hello.

C.Because the baby tried to copy what she said.

D.Because she began to talk to her baby.

2What is important in teaching baby's language?

A.Fast development.B.Father's holding.

C.Modeling behaviour.D.Muscle coordination.

3What is the difference between Cillian's first word and 1 to 2-year-old's?

A.Cillian doesn't understand it.

B.Cillian doesn't learn for long.

C.Cillian doesn't use muscle.

D.Cillian doesn't learn by listening.

4What will McCann teach her baby?

A.A tiny hello.B.Short conversation.

C.Popular video.D.Full words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1_____________ anything important happens, please call me.

2When Babbage was working at Cambridgea new idea _____________ him.

3A few hundred people_____________, as well as some television cameramen and reporters.

4Mr Black is ill in hospital so his son will_____________ the factory for the time being.

5Tom's losing job is _____________ his carelessness.

6An hour after the robbery happenedthe police began to _____________ the case at once.

7Do you believe what he saidHe's good at _____________ stories.

8The competition is coming and we must _____________ our training to prepare for the race.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We have been caught __________ the rain and are really wet __________ the skin.

A. in; to B. by; on

C. in; through D. with; over

