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When was the last time you had fun with your parents? Your parents are all busy during working days; during the weekends, you may want to hang out with them but they may have to work extra hours.

This is not uncommon. In China, both of the parents have their jobs. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have time to stay with their children. A recent survey done in the US found that more than half of American parents spend less than three hours having fun with their children each week.

As the Daily Mail noted: Families are spending little quality time creating bonds and precious memories together during the week because of the demands of modern life.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 简要分析父母陪伴孩子的时间越来越少的原因;

3. 结合自己的经历,谈谈父母多陪伴孩子对其孩子的影响。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。(陪伴: accompany v.)


Nowadays, it is not uncommon that parents spend little time accompanying their children, which may result from the demands of modern life and some other reasons.

There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon. First, in contemporary society parents are facing more stress from living and work than before, so they have to spend most of their time making money. In addition, parents today are more easily distracted by various electronic products when keeping their children company.

Take my own experience for example. Once upon a time, I got into trouble in my studies. It was my parents’ company and comfort that had a great effect on my regaining self-confidence. Plain and peaceful as it was, this experience left an unforgettable impression on me, which is of great significance to my growth.

To conclude, it’s vital for parents to spend more time with their children. However busy parents are, they should afford their time to accompany their children.(158)


试题分析:请阅读下列文字和图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。【写作内容】1.用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;2. 简要分析父母陪伴孩子的时间越来越少的原因;3. 结合自己的经历,谈谈父母多陪伴孩子对其孩子的影响。【写作要求】1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。(陪伴: accompany v.) 写作时不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯同时要把所提示的点写全,语句通顺,同时要注意准确运用时态、语态、上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。根据句意适当使用并列连词,同时也要合理运用高级词汇和高级句子为文章增色添彩。

【亮点说明】Nowadays, it is not uncommon that parents spend little time accompanying their children, which may result from the demands of modern life and some other reasons.考查非限制性定语从句;First, in contemporary society parents are facing more stress from living and work than before, so they have to spend most of their time making money.句中运用并列句和非谓语动词。parents today are more easily distracted by various electronic products when keeping their children company.被动语态和省略句出现在句中;an unforgettable impression on me, which is of great significance to my growth.非限制性定语从句运用得体;However busy parents are, they should afford their time to accompany their children. However引导的让步状语从句跟是锦上添花;另外,In addition, Take my own experience for example. Once upon a time, To conclude,为文章增色添彩。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1He was so angry that he could hardly__________________.

【2The public _____________________food safety since the accidents happeneD.

【3When he saw the beautiful girl at first sight, he _________________her.

【4I wish he could ______________________with the other children.

【5I’m sorry he’s out _________________.

【6Mr.zhang is always helping us and all of my classmates think that he is __________ our teacher.

【7He walked slowly ___________his bad leg.

【8This novel____________the family history of the writer.

【9He is always _________becoming astronaut like Yang Liwei.

【10He is a determined person and never _________to any difficuty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】The card above is .

A. a ticket B. a postcard

C. an invitation D. an advertisement

【2】The party is for .

A. a birthday B. a queen

C. bee watching D. the national day

【3】According to the card, if you are unable to go, you can .

A. return the card

B. visit the Museum

C. ignore the message

D. contact Alice’s mother


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








It was the break time, and the students was playing on the playground. Jack was playing the basketball with a group of boys while Lily told him that the headmaster wanted to see him. Jack seemed confusing. He thought, “I did something wrong. Why did the headmaster ask me to his office?” Then he walked there nervously. In his surprise, the headmaster praised him, as he learned from some teachers that Jack usually volunteered to helping others. The headmaster told Jack he had set example to other students. Heard that, Jack was very happy. He promised the headmaster that he will continue to be a caring student.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





It is common for students to find part-time job.Last summer holiday, I had once worked as a waiter at a restaurant.At first I couldn’t stand the hard work..But with time goes b[]y, I came to realize that I did the meaningful thing.First, I made some money, what allowed me to buy birthday gifts for my friends with asking my parents for money.But I began to learn about the value of money.Besides, I also learned how to get along with other.In a word, the part-time job at the restaurants was great and I got some valuably work experience from it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Share with us!

Would you like to have your writing published in this magazine?

Then let us know! We pay for stories, anecdotes and jokes:

Anecdotes and Jokes


What’s made you laugh recently? A funny sign? A colleague’s behaviour? Got a joke? Send it in for Laughter is the Best Medicine!

Email: Juliet@sws.com

Smart Animals

Up to $100

Send us a tale about the strange behaviour of unique pets or wildlife in up to 300 words.

Email: audrey@sws.com

Power of Love

Up to $150

Acts of generosity can change lives or just give you that warm feeling full of love. Share your moments in 100-500 words.

Email: susan@sws.com

My Story


Do you have an inspiring or life-changing story to tell? Your story must be true, unpublished, original and 800-1000 words.

Email: nanjc@sws.com

For more information, please visit: http://www.sws.com./share

1How much will the magazine pay for a joke to be published?

A. $50. B. $100. C. $150. D. $350.

2If you want to share a story of your pets with the readers, you need to submit it to ________.

A. Anecdotes and Jokes B. Smart Animals

C. Power of Love D. My Story

3A story showing people’s generosity should be emailed to the editor at ________.

A. juliet@sws.com B. susan@sws.com

C. Audrey@sws.com D. nanjc@sws.com

4An inspiring story sent to the magazine should ________.

A. describe strange behaviour B. contain less than 800 words

C. be real and original D. be published before


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Shakespeare’s Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeare’s World

Welcome to the world-famous house where William Shakespeare was born in l564 and where he grew up. The property (房产) remained in the ownership of Shakespeare’s family until 1806. The House has welcomed visitors travelling from all over the world, for over 250 years.

Enter through the Visitors’ Centre and see the highly-praised exhibition Shakespeare’s World, a lively and full introduction to the life and work of Shakespeare.

Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up.

Discover examples of furniture and needlework from Shakespeare’s period.

Enjoy the traditional (传统的) English garden, planted with trees and flowers mentioned in the poet’s works.

The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car parks shown on the map;nearest is Windsor Street (3 minutes’ walk).

The House may present difficulties but the Visitors’ Centre, its exhibition, and the garden are accessible (可进入的) to wheelchair users

The Shakespeare Coffee House (opposite the Birthplace).

【1】How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and two children?

A. £9.80. B. £12.00.

C. £14.20. D. £16.40.

【2】Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare’s Birthplace?

A. Behind the exhibition hall.

B. Opposite the Visitors’ Centre.

C. At Windsor Street.

D. Near the Coffee House.

【3】A wheelchair user may need help to enter .

A. the House B. the garden

C. the Visitors’ Centre D. the exhibition hall


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 短文改错






To achieve determination, we need the followed steps. First, we should adopt a positive attitude towards fail. Although some smokers have tried in vain to give up smoking over a hundred of times, they should continue their attempts and view their previous failure part of their success because they have tried after all. The same is true which it comes to our daily life. Even if we run into unexpected difficulties, we should stay optimistic after reaching our goal. Second, when accomplishing a task, we should make the plan. If smokers can’t quit smoking once and for all, they can reduce the amount of cigarettes they have per day until this bad habit is dropped complete. In our daily life, we should also arrange our tasks in order to importance — the most urgent first, the less important to follow.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Father’s Day Shortchanged? Humble History, Fewer Gifts

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Born of war, Mother’s Day grew to horrify its own mother, whose fight to fix the holiday “cost her everything, financially and physically.”


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Thanksgiving 2010 Myths and Facts

Before the big dinner, debunk the myths—for starters, the first “real” Thanksgiving wasn’t until the 1800s—and get to the roots of Thanksgiving 2010.


4th of July Facts: 1st Fests, Number of Fireworks, More

How did Founding Fathers Celebrate 4th of July? How many 4th of July fireworks explode each year? Answers and more.


Earth Day at 40: What Good Is It Now?

After 40 years, outsourced activism is replacing traditional Earth Day activities, and green’s gone mainstream, experts say. So what’s the point?


【1】 Where did this most popular day for couples come from? And how does it come into beings, year after year? Noel Lenski, professor of the University of Colorado, said the lovers’ holiday traces its roots to raucous annual Roman festivals held every year on February 15 and remained wildly popular well into the fifth century A.D.

2The first Earth Day in 1970 was a raucous, radical teach-in that helped spur clean-air, clean-water, and endangered species legislation in the United States. Now, 40 years later, Earth Day is every day, as the saying goes. The thing is, it’s also everyday- environmentalism that has become a routine with greenness as much a marketing tactic as a moral pursuit.

3Some 242 million turkeys were raised in the U.S. in 2010 for slaughter, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Last year’s birds were worth about U.S. $3.6 billion. Before the big dinner, debunk the myths, we need to know that the first “real” U.S. Thanksgiving wasn’t until the 1800s and get to the roots of Thanksgiving 2010.

4Father’s Day traditionally takes a backseat to Mother’s Day, and, for the most part, dads are cool with that, experts say. Nevertheless, as traditional roles around the house gradually change, fathers are gaining more attention on their special day, at least as measured in the monetary value of gifts estimated to be given on June 19, 2011, when the holiday will be celebrated in dozens of countries.

5Cookouts, fireworks, and, of course, a chance to wish Uncle Sam a big “happy birthday” —the day means summer in full swing across the United States and beyond. Besides the founders of the US, Fireworks, first authorized by Congress in 1777, are another legacy. More than 14,000 fireworks displays light up U.S. skies each year.

