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Was it last week ______ we sold our old car to Mexican?

A. when          B. that            C. which           D. what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Nick Petrels is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten years.

Dr. Petrels gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrels has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice. He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.

Dr. Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform(表演) in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrels says, “I always loved to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrels was young, his father didn’t want him to be a singer, so he went to medical school.

Some people tell Dr. Petrels he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrels says he helps people when he sings, too. “I like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment(娱乐) both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good.”

Dr. Petrels works 60 hours a week, because he _______.

A. gives his patients medical advice

B. takes care of 159 patients a week

C. sings on television

D. has his own TV show

Dr. Petrels _______, so he is called a singing doctor.         

A. has been a doctor for ten years

B. always loved to sing

C. is popular with his patients

D. also sings to his patients on TV

In his TV show, Dr. Petrel _______.

A. sings and gives medical advice

B. sings about different diseases

C. starts to explain diseases with a song

D. sings love songs he wrote

Dr. Petrels’ show is popular _______.

A. in Las Vegas.                                 B. at medical school 

C. with people who like his singing      D. with patients in Montreal  

Dr. Petrels says he likes to _______.

A. help people sing                      B. make people feel better

C. do the same thing                    D. make difficult people smile


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Nick Petrels is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten years.

Dr. Petrels gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrels has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice. He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.

Dr. Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform(表演) in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrels says, “I always loved to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrels was young, his father didn’t want him to be a singer, so he went to medical school.

Some people tell Dr. Petrels he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrels says he helps people when he sings, too. “I like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment(娱乐) both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good.”

1. Dr. Petrels works 60 hours a week, because he _______.

A. gives his patients medical advice      B. takes care of 159 patients a week

C. sings on television                  D. has his own TV show

2. Dr. Petrels _______, so he is called a singing doctor. 

A. has been a doctor for ten years       B. always loved to sing

C. is popular with his patients          D. also sings to his patients on TV

3. In his TV show, Dr. Petrel _______.

A. sings and gives medical advice         B. sings about different diseases

C. starts to explain diseases with a song    D. sings love songs he wrote

4. Dr. Petrels’ show is popular _______.

A. in Las Vegas.                   B. at medical school  

C. with people who like his singing    D. with patients in Montreal  

5. Dr. Petrels says he likes to _______.

A. help people sing          B. make people feel better 

C. do the same thing         D. make difficult people smile


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Apple iPhone’s impact was widely evident (明显的) at the Consumer Electronics Show, as new touch-screen devices could be found everywhere.

The consumer electronics industry came unbuttoned in Las Vegas this week. At the annual Consumer Electronics Show, companies from around the world unveiled many devices boasting (以拥有…而自豪) touch – sensitive technology, rather than traditional push-button controls.

Motorola, Sony, and LG Electronics all showed off touch-screen phones this week. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates praised and offered a touch-screen computer, the Surface, related to a flat panel TV for a tabletop. Even camera makers, such as Kodak,included touch-screen LCDs in their devices. Touch-screen tech has been in use for years,but the push to develop and weave it into consumer electronics gathered steam with the June introduction of Apple’s iPhone. “The touch-screen industry is really getting hot,” says Jennifer Colegrove, a senior analyst at iSuppli. “Since the iPhone came out, there are a lot of companies that did not have a relationship with touch screens before that decided, ‘OK, I want to make a touch screen, too.’”

The touch-screen tech ecosystem now includes more than 100 companies specializing in everything from smudge-proof (防污的) screens to sensors (传感器) able to detect fingers before they even contact the screen. Sales of leading touch-screen technologies,such as those used in mobile phones and navigation (航行) devices,are expected to rise to $ 4.4 billion in 2012, up from $ 2.4 billion in 2006,according to iSuppli estimates.

1.What did the writer think about the Apple iPhone?

A.The Apple iPhone was beautiful.

B.The Apple iPhone was popular.

C.The Apple iPhone was expensive.

D.The Apple iPhone was attractive.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “unveiled” in the second paragraph?





3.The touch-screen tech was used in consumer electronics mainly because of _______.

A.traditional push-button controls

B.Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates

C.the introduction of Apple’s iPhone

D.the touch-screen tech ecosystem

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The touch-screen technology will disappear.

B.The touch-screen technology will be replaced by traditional push-button controls.

C.The touch-screen technology will be as important as traditional push-button controls.

D.The touch-screen technology will be more widely used in electronics devices.



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省20092010学年度高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight 36 before setting down. High desert winds had  37  the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be   38   the city for a few minutes waiting to   39 . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened 40   there might be a few bumps.We11,that few minutes turned into about four—five minutes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster       by comparison.

The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt  42  and had to use airsickness bags(呕吐袋). As you might guess,that’s not good thing to have happen in a(n)  43  space because it only  44   to increase the discomfort of the situation.

About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very  45   There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be  46  noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life …except one. A  47   was having a good time! With each bump of the  48  !he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight As I observed this,I  49  that he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his 50  He neither thought about the past nor about the future Those are what we grown—ups have learned from  51  .He was  52  the ride because had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this,I took a deep breath and  53   back into my seat,pretending I was  54  on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even 55 to giggle once or twice ,much to the chagrin(随恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsicknessbag.

36.A.mistake    B.delay C.change      D.wind

37.A.forced      B.warned     C.swept       D.reminded

38.A.watching  B.visiting     C.circling     D.crossing

39.A.arrive       B.enter C.stop   D.land

40.A.if      B.though      C.because     D.while

41.A.light  B.pale   C.easy  D.quick

42.A.sick   B.nervous    C.angry       D.afraid

43.A.empty      B.narrow     C.secret       D.open

44.A.happens    B.continues  C.fails  D.serves

45.A.quiet B.hot    C.dirty  D.crowded

46.A.partly       B.gradually  C.shortly      D.clearly

47.A.pilot  B.baby  C.guard       D.man

48.A.seats  B.passengers C.flight D.airplane

49.A.realized    B.hoped       C.agreed      D.insisted

50.A.health       B.safety       C.joy    D.future

51.A.teachers    B.books       C.experience       D.practice

52.A.learning    B.taking       C.missing     D.enjoying

53.A.sat    B.lay    C.went  D.rode

54.A.nearly      B.finally      C.really       D.suddenly

55.A.attempted B.managed   C.wanted     D.decided



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2010届高三下学期第三次阶段性考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解




Mauritius, an island lying off the southeast Africa in the Indian Ocean. The pleasant tropical climate and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything. The sea is full of colorful life that lives around the coral reef. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving.

Las Vegas is really a fascinating city, where you can dine in the finest restaurants, shop in the most chic stores, and watch world-class entertainment. Maybe you will become a millionaire or lose all your money overnight. What’s so clever about Las Vegas is that it makes absolutely certain that you have such a good time that you don’t mind losing a bit of money along the way. That’s why they don’t even call it “gambling” any more, but “gaming”.

Few cities leave the visitors with such vivid impressions, the whole city is something of a work of art. And annual film festival is held with a refreshing emphasis on art. Few cities can compete with the thousands of cafes, bars and restaurants that line every Parisian street. And along the street you will be fascinated by the beautiful window shows of various clothes.

Kitzbuhel is a paradise for all the skiers. With fine weather and breath-taking scenery, it is a world-class ski report. Every winter, thousands of people come from all parts of the world to challenge themselves.

Jerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews, Muslims and Christians. For Jews, it is where their ancestors built the first and second temples. For Christians, the city was the scene of Jesus’ life. However, since the war broke out, people there have suffered a lot, the situation has been tense, and peace is just a dream.

The old Nile brought about the civilization of Egypt; people there regard it as “the mother river” of them. On both sides of the Nile stand noble pyramids which were built as the tombs of the ancient pharaohs (法老). Along with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Great Sphinx is one of the greatest and most studied monuments of human history.


56. Smith is a professor who does research on ancient buildings. This month, his university gives a reward to him for his great contributions. So now an idea of traveling to a new place to continue his study has come into his mind.

57. Though Lola is a woman reporter, she is brave enough to go deep into the places at war. This year, she was honored as “Rose of Front”. Next month, she will go to a place at war. She is confident to do her work well and give people the most brief and real reports.

58. Alice and Simon are going to get married. They want to hold an underwater wedding in a special place, which has beautiful scenery, silver sand, delicious seafood and luxurious hotels, where they can enjoy themselves.

59. Jane is a modern girl, who is a crazy fan of rock music and films. She has a romantic dream, that is, one day, she will go to a beautiful place to appreciate all the attractive music and films with a cup of coffee in her hand.

60. Tom is really depressed these days. Owing to his bad management, his company closed. He wants to go to a place to try his fortune so that he can start his business again in the near future.


