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19.Indian's snake charmers are to be retrained as wildlife teachers under a plan to prevent their unique skills and knowledge from being lost.The charmers,who make snakes dance to the sound of flutes (笛子),used to be a traditional feature of Indian life,performing in towns and villages,until they were banned in 1972to control the trade in snake skins.
The government is now considering a plan to train the saperas,as they are known,to visit schools and zoos to tell children about forests and wildlife.There is also a proposal to set up a"dial a snake charmer"service to help householders to deal with unwelcome intruders.
"For generations they have been a feature of Indian life but now they can't earn a living for fear of arrest,"said Behar Dutt,a conservationist behind the plans,"if a policeman doesn't catch them,animal rights activists report them."
Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban,despite the threat of up to three years in jail.But their trademark cloth-covered baskets,hung from a bamboo pole carried across their shoulders,make them an easy target for police.
The fate of Shisha Nath,56,from Badarpur,a village just outside of Delhi,is typical of practitioners (从业者) of the dying art."I used to earn enough to support my family and send my children to school,"he said."Now it's hard to earn even£1a day.My children want to be snake charmers.It's our identity.We love the work.But it's become impossible."
Next month Dutt's project to train 30snake charmers will begin at a snake park in Pune,western India,where experts will enrich their home-grown skills with some formal knowledge.
More than the law,though,it is the dishonest attitude of their fellow countrymen that angers many snake charmers.
"We're disturbed all the time but when people want a snake removed from the house,they rush to us,"said Prakash Nath,who was ordered recently to the home of Sonia Gandhi,the Congress party leader.

66.Snake charmers will be retrained as wildlife teachers mainly becauseD.
A.schools need large numbers of such teachers
B.most of them cannot support their families
C.their performances on the street are banned
D.the government plans to save the dying art
67.The purpose of the proposed"dial a snake charmer"telephone service isD.
A.to give performance of snake dancing
B.to teach householders how to catch and kill snakes
C.to offer cleaning service to wealthy householders
D.to help remove unwanted snakes from the houses
68.The word"clandestinely"in paragraph 4can be best replaced by the word"A".
A.secretly   B.publicly   C.subconsciously   D.diligently
69.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?B
A.Snake charmers can easily be recognized by the police on the street.
B.Children of snake charmers would not like to continue their fathers'job.
C.Snake charmers are quite angry with the attitude of their fellow countrymen.
D.The animal rights activists take a negative attitude towards snake charmers.

分析 作者描述了印度的耍蛇者被抑制为野生动植物老师,主要目的是阻止他们特有的技能和知识失传,

解答 66.D  67.D  68.A  69.B
 66  D   细节题.由第一段第一句"Indian's snake charmers(耍蛇者) are to be retrained as wildlife teachers under a plan to prevent their unique skills and knowledge from being lost."可知印度的耍蛇者被抑制为野生动植物老师,主要目的是阻止他们特有的技能和知识失传,故选D.
67  D    细节题.由第二段最后一句"There is also a proposal to set up a'dial a snake charmer'service to help householders to deal with unwelcome intruders(入侵者)."可知建议拨打耍蛇者电话的目的是帮助户主处理不受欢迎的入侵者,故选D.
68    A   猜测词义题. 由第一段最后一句"until they were banned in 1972 to control the trade in snake skins."可知印度已经颁布法令禁止耍蛇者进行表演,由此可知第四段第一句"Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban,despite the threat of up to three years in jail."的意思是耍蛇者为了谋生,只能继续从事这项工作,尽管被法律禁止.由此可知"clandestinely"的意思应该是"不公开的,秘密的",因为如果他们公开这么做的话就会被抓进监狱,所以只能秘密从事这项工作,故正确答案为A.
69    B   细节题.由第四段第四、五、六句"My children want to be snake charmers.It's our identity.We love the work."可知在印度耍蛇者的孩子也会追随父亲成为耍蛇者,由此可知这项工作在印度已经成为家族事业,所以B项与文意不符.故正确答案为B.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-Isn't it surprising that such a good football team ________ have failed to enter the World Cup Final?
-Yes,anything is possible on the football field.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.For Juan Manuel Pineda,it was a long way to succeed.
His story began in El Salvador,where he was born with something wrong with his mouth.He had great difficulty in speaking.At age 2,his family's home burned down.Pineda was injured,and his legs needed to be cut.His mother died when he was 8,and he spent years on the streets before he was taken in by an orphanage(孤儿院).
Finally,at the orphanage,Pineda began to receive support and encouragement.He taught himself to play guitar.He began to perform with other musicians.Then the group went to Chicago,where Pineda,then 18,caught the attention of many people,who wondered what they could do to help him.
Shriners Hospitals offered him free medical care.A group called the Mulliganeers agreed to pay for Pineda's flights to and from El Salvador.
When he was in the hospital,Pineda began writing music,and wondered if he might be able to record his own album.Soon with the help of a musician,"The Sound of Gratitude(感激)",was born.On October 15th,Pineda went to a Chicago club to play his new songs to strangers,and to the friends who had helped him come so far.
Pineda was amazed that he had come into such a good luck,after having so many years of hardship."We have a saying in El Salvador,‘Suffer first,then enjoy.'I guess that's what's happening,"he said.

24.What happened to Pineda after the fire?C
A.He couldn't hear                    
B.He couldn't see.
C.He couldn't walk.
D.He couldn't speak.
25.When did Pineda learn to play guitar?D
A.When he was two years old.
B.When he was eight years old.
C.When he was ten years old.
D.When he was in the orphanage.
26.Why did Pineda go to a Chicago club to play his new songs?A
A.To express thanks.
B.To make some money.
C.To help poor people.
D.To learn singing skills.
27.What could be the best title of the passage?C
A.Good Beginning,Half Done.
B.Practice Makes Perfect.
C.Suffer first,then Enjoy
D.Every Little Helps.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Sounds crazy?Fans across the UAE(阿联酋)are so excited as Justin Bieber is scheduled to perform at a stadium in Dubai on May 4.In less than 36 hours all the tickets available were sold out.
If you have a teenager lying under your roof,it's likely that she has spent your hard-earned cash on some concert tickets.Clare Smart,a researcher on teenage development in Dubai,has some ideas about the pop phenomenon."Justin Bieber is a teenager himself and therefore teenagers feel a connection to him,in the songs that he sings,his hairstyle and how he dresses…he represents what many teenagers would like for themselves,such as the latest clothing trends,exciting travel and high earnings.Besides,it gives teenagers the feeling of being part of a group and a shared experience with other teenagers who have the same interest in a particular celebrity…"says Smart.
    It's easy to be sheltering as a parent and it's a good idea to talk to your teenagers about their idols,find out what they like about them and why."You could accompany your teenagers to a concert or listen along to the latest song in the car with them,"suggests Smart."This shows that you are interested in the things they consider to be important."
Sometimes,however,a normal level of interest slips into an obsession (痴迷) and then it becomes a cause for concern.It is now considered a personality disorder,which is closely related to higher levels of depression,anxiety and stress.In practice,teenagers who are overly obsessed with stars often have damaged relationships with their parents.
    The good news,however,is that there is plenty that parents can do to prevent their teenagers from becoming overly obsessed with those so called celebrities.Let them know what their real life is like behind the story,and they can see these celebrities in a new angle.
46.What does the first paragraph intend to tell the reader?C
A.How expensive the concert tickets are.
B.Why teenagers love music concerts.
C.How popular Justin Bieber is.
D.What idols teenagers worship.
47.According to Clare Smart,Justin Bieber represents teenagers'A.
A.dreams           B.families         C.friendship           D.trouble
48.According to Para 2,teenagers can getCfrom worshiping an idol.
A.a knowledge of pop culture                   B.an easier way to become famous
C.a sense of belonging                         D.a closer relationship with parents
49.What does Clare Smart tell US in Para 3?D
A.Teenagers and parents often have a tense relationship.
B.Parents always have the same interests as the teenagers.
C.Celebrity worship exist among different age groups.
D.Parents should understand and protect the teenagers.
50.If teenagers are overly obsessed with celebrities,theyB.
A.will establish a connection with their idols
B.actually suffer from a personality disorder
C.often see themselves as a particular celebrity
D.always care too much about their friends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.All of us exist in‘bodies'of different shapes,heights,colors and physical abilities.The main reasons for the differences are genetic,and the fact that people's bodies change as they age.However,a huge range of research indicates that there are social factors too.
Poorer people are more likely to eat‘unhealthy'foods,to smoke cigarettes and to be employed in physically difficult work or the opposite:boring,inactive employment.Moreover,their housing conditions and neighbourhoods tend to be worse.All of these factors impact upon the condition of a person's health:the physical shapes of bodies are strongly influenced by social factors.
These social factors are also closely linked to emotional wellbeing.People with low or no incomes are more likely to have mental health problems.It is not clear,however,whether poverty causes mental illness,or whether it is the other way around.For example,certain people with mental health issues may be at risk of becoming homeless,just as a person who is homeless may have an increased risk of illnesses such as depression.
There are other types of social factors too.Bodies are young or old,short or tall,big or small,weak or strong.Whether these judgments matter and whether they are positive or negative depends on the cultural and historical context.In fact,the culture of different societies promote very different valuations of body shapes.What is considered as attractive or ugly,normal or abnormal varies enormously.Currently,for example,in rich societies the idea of slimness is highly valued,but historically this was different.In most societies the ideal body shape for a woman was a‘full figure',while in middle-aged man,a large stomach indicated that they were financially successful in life.
Sociologists are suggesting that we should not just view bodies and minds in biological terms,but also in social terms.The physical body and what we seek to do with it change over time and society.This has important implications for medicine and ideas of health.Thus,the idea of people being‘overweight'is physically related to large amounts of processed food,together with lack of exercise,and is therefore a medical issue.However,it has also become a mental health issue and social problem as a result of people coming to define this particular body shape as‘wrong'and unhealthy.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.Besides social factors,what are the other two reasons for differences in bodies?Genes and aging.
79.The social factors are likely to have a great effect on people'sphysical healthandmental health.
80.Valuations of body shapes change withculture and history.
81.The"This"in the last paragraph refers toviewing bodies and minds in social terms.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.[1]Calling a taxi is easy-you stand in the street and stretch out your hand.But have you tried to call a taxi using a mobile application (软件)?It's not hard-you download a taxi-calling application,input your location and destination,click"calling"and wait for a taxi to pick you up.Didi taxi and Kuaidi Taxi are two of the most popular taxi apps.
[2]However,what appeals to people about the apps is not only convenience but also potential prizes.In early January,Didi announced that for each successful ride arranged over the app,both passengers and drivers get 10 yuan subsidies (补贴).A few days later,Kuaidi decided to offer 10 yuan for passengers and 15 yuan for drivers per ride.
[3]However popular the  taxi-calling  apps  may  be,questions  have  arisen.One  big  concern is safety.In order to claim as many subsidies as possible,some  drivers constantly check the apps to grab more taxi calls,even while they're driving."It greatly distracts drivers'attention,thus causing a threat to road safety,"Beijing Review commented.Meanwhile,like many other digital devices,apps  may be quite  handy for tech-savvy young people,but it could bring a challenge for senior citizens who don't know how to use them,commented China Daily."As drivers prefer taking taxi orders from apps,they will overlook those people standing on the street,"Beijing Review continued.
[4]"Taxi-calling apps are a new thing and we should observe them carefully,"said Liu Xiaohua,deputy director of Guangdong Transport Department."Authorities are expected to regulate the market when they cause safety issues or market disorder."
[5]Some cities_______.Beijing said last month that each taxi is only allowed to be linked with one taxi-calling app,China Daily reported.In Shanghai,drivers will be banned from using these apps during rush hour starting on March l.The city also decided to include these taxi apps in its own taxi-calling service platform.
66.What's the main idea of the text?( no more than 15 words)Taxi-calling apps have benefited people,but they also cause problems.
67.Complete the following sentence using a proper word from Paragraph 2.
Apart from saving us money,calling a taxi using a mobile app also brings usconvenience
68.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?( no more than 5 words)Questions/Problems caused by taxi-calling apps.
69.What does the underlined word"they"in Paragraph 4 refer to?Taxi-calling apps.
70.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.( no more than 5 words)have taken measures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

11.Yesterday,I met a delightful woman at a work event.As we talked,she told me about her(41)Bin Manila,Philippines.She spoke about the(42)Aher culture values their elders,and she explained that children are(43)Dfrom the time of birth to respect and(44)Cpeople older than themselves.
It was(45)Bto hear that,so I enjoyed listening and learning.Here is her memory(46)A.I found so beautiful.
When she was growing up,her father had three jobs to(47)Dhis family.She said her dad never(48)C,and though he worked very hard,he always had(49)Dfor them.One day,her father was(50)Bat his full-time job.For several months,he was mailed temporary disability checks(51)Ahe was recovering.
When her father was able to return to his full-time joh,he took all those disability(52)Cthat were sent to him while he was recovering and handed them back to the (53)AHe told them that he had two good legs and arms,and did not need this money.He told them to give the money to people who could not work,to people who(54)Cneeded it.
The woman telling the story was a little girl at that time.She had (55)Bher father that very day when he went back to his company(56)Dall those unopened checks."My father is my hero,"she(57)A.Lowering her voice,she said she would never forget what he did,and what an(58)Cand influential mentor(导师)he was on how to live a life.
    From my communication with her,it was(59)Dthat her father's same sweet spirit had been(60)Bto this woman,and to her family,Hearing this story was so refreshing to my soul,1 hope it is for you too.
47.A.depend onB.watch overC.take inD.care for
60.A.given inB.passed downC.held onD.handed out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

8.In recent years many flowers shops have been appeared in our small town.It is common for people to buy flowers when they go to a gathering,visiting a sick friend,or attend a wedding.I still remember clear one day last year when Tom,disabled student,presented some flowers to his mother to express his gratitude to her.He owes his entire life to his mother's kind and care.With her he would not have had the confidence or the courage to fight her disability.As a result of the great effort what he had made,he was finally admitted to a key university.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Maybe it was because he _________ to the radio,but he didn't notice the dark object in the road until it was too late.(  )
A.was listeningB.listenedC.had listenedD.would listen

