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3. ―      I meet you at the airport? ―Please don't bother. I can take a taxi.

3. Shall shall用于疑问句中,表示征求意见、征求许可。句意:"要我去机场接你吗?""不必麻烦了,我可以坐出租车。"

题目来源:2015年全品作业本高中英语必修1外研版 > Module 2 My New Teachers


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

15. They are considering        (buy) the house before the prices go up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. ―What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? —Listening to music. It can make me feel      (relax) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. I didn't mean      (eat) anything,but those apples looked so good that I couldn't help      (try) one.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 When I was 12 years old,I went with my dad to his work—a car show?room (展厅) .I was walking around when I saw a (n) 1      woman with a child standing outside the showroom. I saw that she was 2      a lot and went inside and 3        my father. My father went out and asked the woman to 4        He offered her some water and then 5        her what was wrong.

  The woman wiped her tears and said that her husband had died some months before and that she didn't have anyone else in her family who could 6      her. She did some manual labour (体力劳动) to earn some money to 7        her daughter but her daughter was 8        for the last three days. She was una?ble to go to 9        Now she didn't have any food to eat. 10 she was rela?ting (讲述) this story to my father,she was unable to control her feelings and started crying 11        My father and I were deeply 12        We got some 13        for her and her daughter to have. My father then took them to the nearest hospital for her baby to be 14        as she did not seem to be very well. On the way,we bought her some bread and fruits from the 15        My father gave her some money before we 16        her. The lady was so 17        It is 8 years later,but that event is still so 18        in my mind. My father's 19        to this woman inspired (鼓舞) me deeply and since then,I have decided to try and walk a similar path and 20        others.

1. A. old   B. funny   C. poor   D. crazy

2. A. speaking   B. shouting   C. shaking   D. crying

3. A. told   B. invited   C. kissed   D. met

4. A. go around   B. walk away   C. come in   D. sit down

5. A. found   B. asked   C. showed   D. taught

6. A. help   B. know   C. praise   D. accept

7. A. take care of   B. go on with

   C. get along with   D. take advantage of

8. A. sleepy   B. tired   C. sick   D. fat

9. A. live   B. study   C. travel   D. work

10. A. Once   B. While   C. Since   D. Until

11. A. later   B. again   C. anyhow   D. too

12. A. satisfied   B. moved

   C. excited   D. encouraged

13. A. clothes   B. money   C. medicine   D. food

14. A. treated   B. protected   C. supported   D. guided

15. A. showroom   B. hospital   C. farm   D. market

16. A. saw   B. saved   C. left   D. missed

17. A. regretful   B. grateful   C. comfortable   D. pleased

18. A. fresh   B. amazing   C. important   D. interesting

19. A. courage   B. feeling   C. kindness   D. answer

20. A. change   B. serve

   C. influence   D. remember


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Yesterday my mother tried       (cook) the duck in beer instead of water. It tasted very good.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. I had the      (impress) that our head teacher is more a friend than a teacher to us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. It was well after        (午夜) when Anne returned to her apartment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. Hello!I        ( not know) you        (be) in London. How long have you been here?

