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Dear Jay,

    I was so happy to get your letter. It’s great to hear from you.

    I have a job in a shoe shop near where I live. I work every Saturday but during the holidays I work three days a week. Although sometimes I enjoy the contact with people,Inot very interested in what I’m selling!

    Most people don't want to work in the evening,so it's not too difficult for us students to get an evening or weekend job in a supermarket. Some even stay open all night!Some students often work in restaurants and cayks (咖 啡馆) because that's usually evening and weekend work too;The disadvantage is that during term time,it can be hard to finish all the homework. On the other hand,it’s great to have a lot of money to spend,especially (尤其) during the holidays!

    For the same reason,the jobs I’ve talked about are hard work. However,they seem to be the kind of part-time ?^) work popular with teenagers in my area.

    I’11 send you some pictures of me in the shoe shop — then you will be able to see what kind of place I work in!I hope you can find a job you enjoy. 

                         Best wishes!



() 51. Ben thinks working in a shoe shop is a little

   A. easy   B. boring c. busy   D. strange

() 52. From the passage,we can know that

   A. Ben likes working in the evenings

   B. Ben's workplace is far from his home

   C. Ben’s workplace closes very late every day   

   D. Ben works more hours in the holidays than usual

() 53 .What does the underlined word “disadvantage” mean in Chinese?

   A. 观点   B. 任务  C.缺点   D. 报道

() 54. What is Ben going to do?

   A. Send Jay some photos.

   B. Find a new part-time job. 

   C. Lend some money to Jay.

   D. Open a supermarket himself.

() 55. Ben writes this letter mainly to .

   A. invite Jay to visit his workplace

   B. tell Jay something about part-time jobs 

   C. ask Jay how to communicate with others   

   D. thank Jay for helping him with his homework


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    This summer,I bought a ticket for Bestival before I moved to France. It's a famous British festival on the Isle of Wight. When I 36 some of my friends also bought tickets for it,I was very excited. I expected to camp 37 them. The day before we set out (出发) , we bought 38 food at the supermarket because we thought it would be too expensive to buy any food during the festival. Two friends and I 39  a big shopping (手推车) with food. I thought we bought too much at first. However,when we got to the Isle of Wight,we found everybody else had the same 40 as us.

    We 41 our tent and put all the food in it,and then we began to talk and play. The weather was surprisingly warm for September,and everybody sat outside their tents 42 .

    The main reason for everyone being here was the 43 . There were different kinds of music playing around US,44  there was something for everyone. I really enjoyed 45 . I am looking forward to going back again next year.

() 36. A. forgot , B reported

C. knew   D. replied

() 37. A. with   B. from c. of   D. at

() 38. A. traditional   B. icy  

C. special   D. enough

() 39. A. fixed   B. filled

C. controlled   D. offered

() 40. A. deal   B. relation

C. idea   D. skill

() 41. A. set up   B. gave away

C. cut out   D. tried out

() 42. A. nervously   B. seriously

C. shyly   D. happily

() 43. A. weather   B. drinks C. music   D. games

() 44. A. so   B. but   C. or   D. unless

() 45. A. himself   B. myself

C. herself   D. yourself 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



(so ... that)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 26. The illness left my grandpa too to speak.

   A. silly   B. weak   C. strict   D. crazy 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 33. I can't stop when I think of how happy my sister is going to be.

   A. smiling   B. to smile

   C. guessing   D. to guess 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

68. It’s a warm morning and the sun is (shine) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. —What do you think of receiving and giving gifts?

一I think the art of receiving a gift is than the art of giving.

   A. much more difficult   B. very more difficult 

C. much difficult   D. as difficult as (2014四川内江)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Of all the animals,I think tigers are (dangerous) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

67. He lived under the (protect) of a strong and brave (首领) .

