精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】When I was 12 years old, my family moved to a slightly nicer neighborhood in the Prince George’s County. I wasn’t happy about the move. I liked my school

and enjoyed riding the school bus; I had befriended (照顾) every dog in my old neighborhood and made good friends with them; and I would miss my special reading tree. Besides, we had only just moved to Maryland the year before.

Still, a new place to explore is always a good thing. Directly in front of our apartment building was a small wooded hill and that immediately became my domain (领地). I named a certain space “Buckingham Palace”, and didn’t allow anyone to disturb me there. A few years after I returned from my university in New Jersey to live in that neighborhood, only on the opposite side of the hill, I was pleased to share my palace with the friends who came to visit.

As I was not permitted to wander far without a good excuse, it took me slightly longer to discover the large field that was over a ridge (山脊) by the road. The field was, after all, in the opposite direction from my school and I had no reason to walk that way.

However, one day I did go off that way and happened to look down into the field and see, to my delight, lots of yellow flowers. The field was simply covered with them. Carefully, I began to climb down the ridge into the field, planning to pick a rose for my mother. Alas, I didn’t get far before the field of flowers rose and flew away. I had seen not a field of flowers but a garden of goldfinches (金翅雀).

1Before moving to a new neighborhood, the author    .

A. planted a reading tree

B. used to go to school on foot

C. moved there just from Maryland

D. got along well with dogs in the neighborhood

2In his new neighborhood, the author    .

A. invited his friends to have a visit

B. made friends with many dogs

C. ran away from the school

D. found a good place and named it “Buckingham Palace”

3When going near the field beyond the hill, the author    .

A. found his school was opposite the field

B. found many goldfinches on the yellow flowers

C. realized what he had seen were goldfinches

D. picked a lot of yellow flowers for his mother

4What does the author mainly talk about in the passage?

A. Exploring a new neighborhood.

B. One of his strange experiences.

C. The advantages of his new apartment.

D. The move of his family when he was young.








细节理解题。根据第二段中的“wasn’t happy about the move…I had befriended (照顾) every dog in my old neighborhood and made good friends with them”可知作者不喜欢这次搬家,因为我要照顾原来社区的每一条小狗,和他们做好朋友。由此可判断出他与社区的狗相处的非常好,故D符合题意。


细节理解题。根据第三段中“I was pleased to share my palace with the friends who came to visit.”与前来的朋友分享我的领地,可判断出不是邀请,故A是不正确的。与狗作好朋友是在原来的地方,故B也不对。大文章中没提及作者从学校跑走,故C是不对。。“Directly in front of our apartment building was a small wooded hill and that immediately became my domain). I named a certain space “Buckingham Palace”, and didn’t allow anyone to disturb me there.”根据此可知作者不久在他们的公寓楼前有一个小树林茂密的山上,就成了作者的域名(领地)。他给某个地方命名为“白金汉宫”,不允许任何人在那里打扰可知答案是D。因此D是正确的。






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Safety is a huge concern whenever I run with my earphones in. But I need music to run. Otherwise all I hear is the sound of my own breathing. So I’ve found a compromise: I run with only one earphone in. The music sounds off. It’s an imperfect solution.

An updated pair of headphones, called AfterShokz, aim to do better. AfterShokz bills itself as using bone conducting technology to conduct music from the front of the ear, delivering sound through your cheekbone and inner ear. This keeps your eardrum (鼓膜) free to hear everything else.

“Earbuds (耳塞式耳机) are typically designed to block out all sound, which is fine when you’re inside. But when you’re outside, you need all your senses. It would be like sending you out cycling with a blindfold on,” says Rod Annet, managing director of AfterShokz.

Here’s where AfterShokz comes in. The headphones hook over the back of your head with the main “bud” resting high up against your cheek. This keeps your ear free to delight in other sounds.

So do they work? In a word, yes. During a 45-minute jog, they didn’t bounce or shift. I heard far more of my environment than I normally do: a nearby bike there; a runner passing me again to my left; and so forth.

What about the downsides? If you’re a huge fan of high-quality sound, you might find the headphones a bit tinny. One friend expressed concerns about missing the ability to get lost in the music as you might be distracted by other noises, although I personally didn’t find that an issue.

Yet those are all minor details. For me, probably the biggest problem is the price. Ranging between 49.96 to 83.29, AfterShokz headphones aren’t exactly cheap.

With all that considered, would I recommend them? Yes. AfterShokz headphones are quite useful. While out jogging, they were light, painless, and easy to use. They made me feel safer.

1What is special about AfterShokz headphones?

A. They are a good choice for inside use.

B. They allow users to hear other sounds.

C. They can make music sound more beautiful.

D. They can deliver sound through your eardrum.

2What does the author’s friend think of AfterShokz headphones?

A. They prevent users getting lost.

B. They deliver high—quality sound.

C. They often move while users are running.

D. They fail to allow users to enjoy the music.

3The author thinks AfterShokz headphones .

A. are too expensive B. seem quite useless

C. make users feel pain D. are too complex to use

4What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To express worries. B. To introduce a product.

C. To share a personal story. D. To complain about a product.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The couple were very happy that they     some gold coins in their field yesterday afternoon, which are worth as much as 50,000 dollars.

A. put out B. took out

C. dug out D. looked out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If strong measures are not taken as soon as possible, the smog, which is very serious in some big cities, such as Beijing and Tianjin, will continue to do great     to the public’s health.

A. ruin B. injury

C. wound D. damage


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


We need a logo—a graphic (绘画的) image—that will be the perfect symbol of our great new Wellsville Skate Park. We would like those of you who are counting the days until the grand opening to design an appropriate logo that can be used on stationery, business cards, fliers, brochures, posters and T-shirts. An appropriate, well-designed logo will provide an opportunity for young artists to receive recognition as well as great prizes. If you are interested, here are the things you need to know:

Logo Requirements

Design must be original .

Design can include no more than two colors.

The words “Wellsville Skate Park” must appear in the logo.

Logo should be submitted (提交) on 8×11 papers in every shape. Do not fold.

Submission Details

Name and address of the designer must appear on the back of the logo design.

Contestants (竞赛者) need to include a one-page written explanation describing the key features of the design.


Mail entries(参赛作品) will be accepted between April 10 and May 15. Entries must be postmarked no later than May 15.

Winning designs will be posted on our website at www. wellsville. skatep. com on May 20.


First Prize: A digital camera

Second Prize: One-year pass to Wellsville Skate Park

Honorable Mention: A T-shirt with the prize-winning logo.


Wellsville Skate Park Logo Contest

Riverside Recreation Center

1295 New Rockford Hwy, Riverside, VA23226

【1】At the beginning, the advertisement tries to encourage readers to enter the contest by ___________.

A. offering prizes B. showing sample logos

C. explaining the rules D. relating graphic details

【2】According to Logo requirements, the submitted design must ________________________.

A. include the full park name

B. be in a round shape

C. use at least four colors

D. be based on simple ideas

【3】How will winners be announced?

A. By mail. B. By telephone.

C. On the website. D. On the radio.

【4】Which website would be most helpful for contestants?

A. Website Design and Logo Design Company.

B. Designing Logos: A Guide.

C. Before and After: A Logo Design History.

D. Business Logos Designed Fast.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







My son I and I went to the café this morning. I order a cup of nice coffee and a cake. And I bought to my son a cup of hot milk. My son soon started a conversation to a man sitting next to us. I was very surprising. Because he was not real very outgoing with people he didn’t know. After the man left, I asked my son when he talked with that man. My son said, “He looked lonely, and I wanted make him feel a little better.” After hear what he said, I was very proud for her at that moment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







注意:1. 词数100左右;


故宫the Palace Museum

Dear Mary,

Here’s a good opportunity for you to learn about the Chinese culture right in China. _______________________








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】“It’s never too late and you are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown______Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of 50, and in just a few years, she had made______progress!

Ellen chose to study at Englishtown because no evening classes were______in the German countryside where she lives. At Englishtown, she joins______classes online and speaks with live native English-speaking teachers.

In 2001, Ellen began with the first level of Englishtown and quickly______. “I spent hours and hours studying.” she said. “Maybe I wanted too much in a short time. I finished all my______after 2 years and studying English isn’t all about hard work. It should also be______! I really like the online conversation classrooms, in which I can learn so much about other cultures and traditions. I am open for all______.” Ellen has been able to______her English to use by visiting England five times! “I'm very thankful to Englishtown because most of the English I know was learned here,” Ellen says. “My life has______with Englishtown.”

1A. professor B. friend C. student D. reporter

2A. amazing B. challenging C. discouraging D. disturbing

3A. satisfied B. offered C. attended D. represented

4A. conversation B. composition C. listening D. reading

5A. dropped B. brushed C. awarded D. progressed

6A. channels B. schedules C. courses D. papers

7A. fun B. waste C. weakness D. wonder

8A. measures B. topics C. timetables D. fashions

9A. take B. set C. make D. put

10A. ruined B. started C. changed D. turned


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I am very g_____to him for his help and his being kind to me.

2He_____(不理睬) the doctor’s advice and continued smoking.

3He was tired but still had a_____(系列) of meetings to go to.

4It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as_____(流畅) as a native English speaker.

5The father_____(恢复) from the death of his loved son at last.

