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8.origins        famous         system         approached     came across
disturbing     novels         puzzles        nearby         by chance
various        throughout     therefore      surrounded     before long
51.Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times and they have manyorigins,some religious,some seasonal,and some for special people or events.
52.One evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China,Icame acrossan article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi,a specialist in women's diseases.
53.At that time,hunger was adisturbingproblem in many parts of the countryside,and Dr Yuan Longping saw the great need for increasing the rice harvest.
54.Their balanced diets became such a success thatbefore longWang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.
55.Mark Twain is best known for hisnovelsset in his boyhood world on the river,such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
56.As time went by,Charlie Chaplin grew more and more popular as his charming character,the little tramp,became knownthroughoutthe world.
57.After I introduced them to each other,I was very surprised to see that TonyapproachedJulia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.
58.How life began on earth is one of the biggestpuzzlesthat scientists found hard to solve.
59.People say that Vancouver is Canada's most beautiful city,surroundedby mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
60.Some theme parks arefamousfor having the biggest or longest roller coasters,others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.

分析 51.自古以来到处都有各种各样的节日和庆典,他们有许多起源,一些是宗教,一些是季节性的,一些则是特殊的人或事件.
55.Mark Twain最出名的是他的小说集以他的童年世界为背景,如Tom Sawyer历险记和Huckleberry Finn历险记
56.随着时间的推移,Charlie Chaplin变得越来越受欢迎,因为他迷人的个性,小流浪汉的形象世界闻名.

解答 51.origins  考查名词,根据句意 他们有许多起源,origin是名词"起源",被形容词many修饰,所以用复数形式origins.      
52.came across   考查固定搭配,根据句意作者无意间读到了一篇文章,come across是英语的固定搭配"偶然遇到".
53.disturbing 考查形容词,此处是用一个形容词修饰名词problem,disturbing是形容词"令人不安的,烦扰的".    
54.before long  考查固定搭配,根据句意不久后平衡饮食见成效,before long是英语的固定搭配"不久后".   
55.novels 考查名词,根据句中信息说的是马克吐温的小说集,所以novel"小说"要用复数形式.
56.throughout  考查介词,throughout是介词"遍及…地域; 遍及…场所"根据句意遍及全世界,所以用介词throughout.
57.approached  考查谓语动词,根据句意:我很惊讶地看到托尼走近朱丽亚,approach是动词"靠近"approached、touched与 kissed 三个动作连续发生,所以都用过去时.
58.puzzles 考查名词,根据句子信息,生命的开始是世界最大的谜之一,puzzle是名词"谜",one of the+名词的复数形式,所以答案是puzzles.        
59.surrounded 考查非谓语,本题考查过去分词在句中做定语,被群山环保的城市,surround与温哥华这个城市之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词做定语,所以答案是surrounded.
60.famous考查形容词的固定搭配,be famous for是英语的固定搭配"因…而著名",根据句意:因为有最大或最长的过山车而闻名,所以答案是famous.

点评 选词填空主要是完形填空题和所给词的形式填空,做这类题,有些是固定搭配,有的是固定句式,还有的是联系上下文猜测代词所指的内容和生 词的含义,你必须知道每个词的意思,从句意和语法两方面 思考界定.还有一些是易混淆的近义词组,务必弄清楚各个词组的含义.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Allyson Ahlstrom,19,of Santa Rosa,California hits Las Vegas,Nevada with her mobile boutique(精品店) and non-profit organization,Threads for Teens.Allyson is on a summer tour of 14cities across the United States.Threads for Teens on Tour will outfit(提供全套服装) some 1000girls in need,each in a brand-new outfit.
At each stop deserving girls will receive brand-new clothing.In addition to serving girls,the Threads for Teens mobile boutique invites community members to come along and learn more about the organization.
In 2010,at the age of 14,Allyson decided that she would try to make a difference by making new,fashionable clothing available to poor girls.Her project has earned more than﹩100,000in monetary contributions and over﹩150,000in clothing donations.In addition,through a partnership with The Hunt (thehunt.com) anyone can help to raise up to﹩15,000for Threads for Teens by solving hunts on their websites,for free!
Allyson has just completed her freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania.Her full-service clothing boutique in Santa Rosa has allowed over 600girls in need to each pick out two brand-new outfits for free over the past four years and Threads for Teens on Tour 2013gave clothing to 1,000additional girls.Her Threads for Teens non-profit has also provided 130girls with backpack filled with school supplies,and has given out over 100party dresses.
In May 2013at a ceremony in Washington,D.C.,actor Kevin Spacey and Olympic gold medalist Allyson Felix praised Allyson Ahlstrom as one of the 10top teen volunteers in America."I want to make Threads for Teens available to as many girls as possible.That's one of the reasons for the road trip,"says Allyson."More than that,I'm hoping to inspire others to volunteer and contribute in their own way.Anyone can make a difference!"

11.Allyson Ahlstrom was honored as one of the 10top teen volunteers in America becauseD.
A.she donated a large sum of money
B.she established Threads for Teens
C.she has made to society more harmonious
D.she has helped lots of girls with her non-profit organization
12.What can we learn from paragraph 3?A.
A.Her project has got great support.
B.She has earned a lot of money.
C.Allyson has made a difference to all girls.
D.The Hunt raised up to﹩15,000for her project.
13.Which of the following can best describe Allyson?B.
A.Intelligent,generous and serious.
B.Inspiring,considerate and kind-hearted.
C.Loving,friendly and fashionable.
D.Modest,rich and strict.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.More than half of young black men in the United States do not finish high school.Many grow up without fathers and in neighborhoods with gangs,drugs and violence.Sixty percent of those who drop out of school have spent time in prison by the age of thirty-five.
Joe Marshall co-founded the Omega Boys Club in San Francisco,California,twenty-three years ago.Mr.Marshall tries to give boys-and girls-a safe refuge and a chance at a better future.Every week,he has two basic messages for his young students:"Stop the violence"and"Don't do drugs."
Mr.Marshall taught math in middle school and expected to see his best students go to college.
He got a lot of horror stories-a lot of his former students ended up dead or in prison for selling drugs,being involved in gangs,and girls ended up getting pregnant(怀孕).
The Omega Boys Club serves more than four hundred young people every year.Two times a week,it offers after-school classes in math,reading,family and life skills,and college preparation.
Joe Marshall sees gangs and violence as a disease that needs to be dealt with as a public health problem."That's what these young people get.They develop a street mentality-anger,fear and pain.Then we tell them to follow some new rules for living that will decrease their chances of ending up dead or in prison and increase their chances dramatically of staying alive and free."
But his most effective way to spread his anti-violence message is through radio.In 1991,Joe Marshall started"Street Soldiers,"a weekly call-in show.Marlena,one of the graduates of the Omega Boys Club,is at Southern University right now,going into her third year.She talked about what she had learned by coming to Omega,by listening to"Street Soldiers,"and she said she had learned how to love herself.
The club provides guidance and financial assistance to help students stay in school.Over ninety percent of members who were accepted into college have graduated.
41.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.what problems many young black men are faced with
B.how Mr.Marshall helps his students to go to college
C.why many young black men end up in prison
D.how an organization helps young black people
42.The passage mentioned Marlena in order toA.
A.showcase the success of the Club's effort
B.invite girls to attend the after-school classes
C.highlight the failure of normal schools
D.prove the importance of after-school classes
43."Street Soldiers"isD.
A.an armed force              B.a gang of blacks
C.a TV program               D.a radio program
44.According to the passage,which of the following is true?C
A.The Omega Boys Club help the government to keep male students at school.
B.Gangs and violence are public health problems that need to be dealt with.
C.The Club offers after-school classes in basic knowledge and living skills.
D.Over ninety percent of the members have graduated from college.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.______ from the mountain,the building is very small.(  )
A.SeeingB.SawC.Having seenD.Seen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.stand out,end up,is willing to,work out,due to,pay off,respond to,be accustomed to,make sense,in terms of
71.If you keep your car at a speed like that,you willend upin hospital.
72.In terms ofnatural resources,it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.
73.Nobodyis willing togo out on such a stormy night.
74.He sat down at his desk towork outthe exact figures.
75.The effortpaid offin the long run.
76.How did herespond tothe news?
77.What one thinks and feels isdue totradition,habit and education.
78.Areyouaccustomed tothe weather here?
79.Among mystery writers,Agatha Christiestands outas a real master.
80.The story you have made doesn'tmake senseto me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.The English competition we talked about ________in our school last week.(  )
A.being heldB.would be heldC.was heldD.holding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Her temperature soon returned to _____________.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.With its economy in great stress,Chinese government is now          for a way out and looking forward to a new stage in 2011.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

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