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Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall but in the Yale University Art Gallery(美术馆).

We spend our one-hour class discussing two or three of the paintings, many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class.

The professor begins by selecting one work of art. After giving us a quick background on the artist, he’ll open up for class discussion. Everyone is strongly encouraged to give opinions to the work. Not every piece we study is necessarily famous or striking in appearance and subject matter, yet we always manage to make some interesting observations.

In America, professors always take every opportunity to push textbooks aside and expose students to real world experiences.

With some creativity, almost any subject can be applied to such beyond the classroom learning.

My art history class trips to the gallery are but one example.

Many other subjects also offer opportunities to learn outside the classroom, for example, business, psychology, art, journalism and biology.

A friend of mine from Yale taking an advanced psychology course spends every Saturday working with mentally disabled children.

Her mornings are spent playing with the kids and studying their sometimes uncontrolled behavior. Then in the afternoon she writes a report on her observations.

Students generally appreciate these unique learning opportunities. They’re almost always fun and interesting, and professors like them because students learn so much in just a few short months.

No one denies(否认) the value of classroom learning. But it can only take students so far.

Slides and textbooks may do a good job of carrying facts and dates, but creativity and originality(创造性) of thought cannot be taught. They can only be got through firsthand experience.

1.  The writer studies art history_______.

A. in a lecture hall                        B. in an art gallery

C. in a simple way                        D. in a practical way

2.  In American universities it is popular for professors to_______.

A. create textbooks by themselves

B. teach their lectures through real world experiences

C. ask their students to memorize the texts

D. share their experiences with the students

3.  The writer holds the opinion that_______.

A. learning outside the classroom is the best way

B. teachers should develop students’ creativity

C. professors had better shorten their lectures

D. students should put their textbooks away



1 从文章倒数第六段开始往下,可以得到1题答案选D

2 In America, professors always take every opportunity to push textbooks aside and expose students to real world experiences. 可知2题选B

3 从文章最后一段可知,作者认为老师应该发展学生的创造性,故本题选B



科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业 高三英语(下) 题型:050


  Share flat, Goodhope Valley nice flat. The other room ready for using immediately, quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view. $45 p. w. including bills of phone and power. Female non-smoker. No pet.

  Helen 25760453 or 25760454

  Moving Sale

  Armchairs , a set of 4 red-brown at $ 160 ; coffee table , black , fine wood , $ 20 ; oil painting by modern artist, sailing boat in the rain, $ 150; Turkish carpet, dark blue 6×6 f, $ 320; fridge, big, double doors , $ 350 ; old books , $ 10 up , each.

  Tel: Weekday, 57220614; Weekend, 57225117

  Part-time Laboratory Assistant Wanted

  Required by busy electronics company to help with development of computer.

  Should have an electronics degree BS or above and practical experience.

  Hours 2:30 pm-6:00 pm ; Mon.-Thur.

  Pay dependent on education and experience.

  Letter of application to:

  William Coles, NOWA ELECTRONICS,

  31-32 , Woodfone RD , Depletton

1.Helen wants to ________.

[  ]

A.find another lady to share the cost of a flat

B.share her room in a flat with a lady who has no pet

C.rent out a flat of her own at $ 45 per week

D.find a flat in Goodhope Valley with park view

2.Phone 57225177 and you can buy ________.

[  ]

A.a fridge for only $ 320

B.a coffee table which is made of fine wood

C.an armchair for $ 40

D.6 books that you like for $ 60

3.If you get a job at Nowa Electronics, you will ________.

[  ]

A.work 4 afternoons per week

B.work 3. 5 hours every day

C.be paid per year according to your education and experience

D.be helped by a computer programmer

4.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.There are two bedrooms in the flat.

B.Among the things for sale is a model sailing boat.

C.A college student of electronics can take a part-time job at Nowa Electronics.

D.You have to go personally for the job at Nowa Electronics.


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  Share flat

  Good hope Valley nice flat.The other room ready for use immediately quiet and convenient, fully furnished,park view.$45 p.w.including bills of phone and power.Female non-smoker.No pet.

  Helen, 25760435 or 24760454.

  Moving sale

  Armchairs, a set of 4 red/brown at $160; a coffee table, black, fine wood, $ 20; an oil painting by modern artist, sailing boat in the rain, $150; a Turkish carpet, dark blue, 6 x 6f, $ 320; a fridge, big, double doors, $350; old books, $10 up, each.

  Tel; Weekday, 572220614; Weekend, 572225117.

  Part-time Laboratory Assistant Wanted

  Required by busy electronics company to help with development of computer.Should have an electronics degree BS or above and practical experience.Hours 2∶30 p.m.~6∶00 p.m.; Mon.-Thur Pay dependent on education and experience.

  Letter of applications to;

  William Coles, Nowa Electronics, 31~32, Woodfone RD, Depletton.


Helen wants to ________.

[  ]


find another lady to share the cost of a flat


share her room in a flat with a lady who has no pet


rent out a flat of her own at $45 per week


find a flat in Goodhope Valley with park view


Phone 572225117 and you can buy ________.

[  ]


a fridge for only $320


a coffee table which is made of fine wood


an armchair for $40


6 books that you like for $60


If you get a job at Nowa Electronics, you will ________.

[  ]


work 4 afternoons per week


work 3.5 hours every day


be paid per year according to your education and experience


be hoped by a computer programmer


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


There are two bedrooms in the flat.


Among the things for sale there is a model sailing boat.


A college student of electronics can take a part-time job at Nowa Electronics.


You have to go personally for the job at Nowa Electronics.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江华维外国语学校2009届高三一模模拟试卷、英语 地区通用 题型:053


  The people below are all looking for a place where they can enjoy themselves.After the description of these people, there is information about six parks(AF).Decide which park would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct letter(AF)on your answer sheet.There is one extra paragraph about one park which you do not need to use.

    1  .Simon doesn't want to spend any money on entrance fees, but he still hopes to enjoy a nice day in a park.He lives near Kensington Palace and hates to take a bus or taxi to go to a faraway park.

    2  .Mathew is a person who has interest in all kinds of sports.He hopes to go to a park where he can take exercise.He needs to take his grandson, who is six, with him as well, so he needs a place where he can find something for the boy to do when he is taking exercise.As Mathew is a very successful businessman, money is not a problem to him.

    3  .The green grass is always an attraction for Timothy, who is also interested in photography.He hopes he can spend a weekend in a park where he can take some photos to show wonderful wild animals as well as excellent scenery.

    4  .Bob likes to enjoy the gentle wind in summer evenings while listening to music, as this can always remind him of his childhood which was spent in the neighborhood which was famous for its music tradition.

    5  .Victoria wants to take her children to a park this Sunday.She hopes the children can not only have a good time there but also learn something about the importance of protecting the environment.

  A.In the park, which is famous for its performance, you can have a night with all the fun of old music.Stars like Barry Cryer and Duggle Brown will make you laugh again at the old jokes and your favorite songs will bring back your best memories.Starting at 8 pm nightly in summer, the performance will surely not let you down.

  Telephone:020 7532 4890

  Opens:8 pm-11pm

  Cost:1 dollar for entrance fee; 3 dollars for performance

  B.Situated at 12 Camley Street, London, this park is one of 50 or so nature reserves managed by the London Wildlife Trust.At this park community events and environmental activities are held on a regular basis and there is also an educational program throughout term time.

  Telephone:020 7833 2311


  Weekends:11am-5pm(Summer), 10am-4pm(Winter).It is closed on Fridays.

  Cost:phone for information

  C.Charles II would often walk through this park in the early morning from St.James Palace and in 1667 he added it to the palace's park.In commemoration of Charles' early morning constitution walk, the road running north of the palace grounds was named Constitution Hill.

  Telephone:020 7930 1793

  Opens:Mon-Fri:8am-5pm.Weekends:11am-5pm(Summer), 10am-4pm(Winter).


  D.The Gardens were found from land taken from Hyde Park after William and Mary moved into Nottingham House, now Kensington Palace, in 1689.On the east side of the park is Kensington Palace which was the former home of Princess Diana.

  Telephone:020 7298 2100

  Opens:6am-5pm(Summer), 8am-5pm(Winter)


  E.You can find just about every kind of sporting and leisure activity here, so there is something for everyone.Call for details of specific activities and prices.

  Telephone:01992 702200

  Opens:10am-5pm(Summer), 9am-4pm(Winter)

  Cost:2 dollars for entrance fee; varies according to activity

  F.The park was enclosed as a hunting park by Charles I in 1637 and still retains many ingredients of a medieval deer park.Essential to its character is the rich landscape of semi-natural grassland and wild animals.

  Telephone:020 8948 3209

  Opens:The park opens at 7∶00 am in summer, 7∶30 am in winter and closes at dusk.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Share flat, Goodhope Valley nice flat. The other room ready for use immediately, quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view. $45 p.w. including bills of phone and power. Female non-smoker. No pet.

Helen 25760435 or 24760454

Moving sale

Armchairs, a set of 4 red/brown at $ 160; coffee table, black, fine wood,$20; oil painting by modern artist, sailing boat in the rain,$ 150; Turkish carpet, dark blue 6 x 6f,$320; fridge, big, double doors,$350; old books, $10up,each.

Tel: Weekday, 572220614; Weekend, 572225117

Part-time Laboratory Assistant Wanted

Required by busy electronics company to help with development of computer.

Should have an electronics degree BS or above and practical experience.

Hours 2:30 p.m.--6:00 p.m.; Mon.—Thur.

Pay dependent on education and experience.

Letter of applications to:


31-32, Woodfone RD, Depletton

56.Helen wants to ______.

A.find another lady to share the cost of a flat

B.share her room in a flat with a lady who has no pet

C.rent out a flat of her own at $45 per week

D.find a flat in Goodhope Valley with park view

57.Phone 57225117 and you can buy _______.

A. a fridge for only $320    B. a coffee table which is made of fine wood

C. an armchair for $40     D. 6 books that you like for $20

58.If you get a job at Nowa Electronics, you will _____.

A. work 4 afternoons per week  

B. work 3.5 hours every day

C. be paid per year according to your education and experience

D. be helped by a computer programmer

59.Which of the following is true?

A. There are two bedrooms in the flat.

B. Among the things for sale is a model sailing boat.

C. A college student of electronics can take a part-time job at Nowa Electronics.

D.You have to go personally for the job at Nowa Electronics.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

New Schedules of Cathy Pacific Airways

Shanghai—Hong Kong

CX 301       Dep    Shanghai             20:30

Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun   Arr     Hong Kong            21:45

Hong Kong—Shanghai

CX 300     Dep      Hong Kong            16:15

Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun Arr      Shanghai             19:15

Beijing—Hong Kong

CX 331     Dep     Beijing               17:45

Tue, Thur, Fri   Arr     Hong Kong             19:45

Hong Kong—Beijing

CX 330    Dep     Hong Kong             20:30

Tue, Thur, Fri   Arr     Beijing               21:45

Dep. =Departure(起飞)  Arr. =Arrival(抵达)

1.There are   flights from Shanghai to Hong Kong every week.

  A.3      B.4      C.5      D.6

2.Suppose, on arriving in Shanghai by Cathy Pacific flight on Thursday, you’re told to return to Hong Kong by Cathy Pacific Airways immediately. Now the most proper way is   .

  A.to wait until Saturday

  B.to stay in Shanghai and take the Friday’s flight from Beijing to Hong Kong.

  C.To go to Beijing and take the Friday’s flight.

  D.to take the same day’s flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong.


