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I heard somebody playing ________ piano in ________ next room.
  A.a; a                B.the; the                C.a; the                D.the; an


科目:高中英语 来源:新人教版2011-2012学年高二上学期单元测试(2)英语试题 题型:053


-Hello, Tom, glad you’re back.We all missed you.

-Oh, hello, Edith, I missed you too. 1  

-Fine, thanks.I’ve been working on the summer paper over the past two weeks, and now it’s nearly finished.  2  

  3   But it was easy.You see, I got a job.

-A job?What did you do?


-But you’re not a teacher.

-I told Tony I couldn’t teach, but he insisted on having a talk with me in English three times a week.

-Did your pupil learning much English?


A.I gave English lessons to a tailor.His name’s Tony.

B.How are you?

C.Have you ever been to Italy?

D.Yes, I suppose I should have done so.

E.I heard you went to Italy?

F.I don’t know, but I learned a lot of Italian.

G.I hadn’t expected to stay there so long either.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语 题型:完形填空


I was walking down the road one day when my cell phone rang.  36  voice on the other end spoke to me, "Dad, please come back soon.I miss you so much! "I judged that it was a   37_  number.A little while later, the call came once again, so I rudely   38   , "You've dialed the wrong number! " and then   39

    During the following days, I got the same call   40   .But I didn't care much about it.

    Then one day she constantly called me,   41   I didn't answer.Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, "Dad, please come back.I miss you so much!  Dad, I'm   42   so much pain! Mom said you were too busy to take   43  of me.But, dad, please   44  me again, OK?" The innocent   45  was difficult to reject.I made a   46  kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, "Thank you...Dad, I am so...happy, so...happy..."

    Shortly after this, I became   47   about who had been on the other end of my phone.So I called back, and a woman answered, "Sorry, sir.I am really sorry to have   48   you.My daughter has suffered from bone cancer   49   she was born.And her father...died in an    50   a short while ago.I dare not tell her this   51   .Poor baby.When she couldn't   52  the painful chemotherapy(化疗), she would cry for her dad, who had always   53  her.I really couldn't bear it, so I gave her a random phone number..."

    "How is your daughter now?" I couldn't wait to   54

    "She has   55   .You must have kissed her on the phone, because she went with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone..."

Tears blurred my eyes...

36.A.A boy' s           B.A child' s         C.My daughter' s         D.My son' s

37.A.bad               B.different          C.new                      D.wrong

38.A.screamed        B.blamed            C.returned                D.replied

39.A.hung up          B.hung on           C.held on                 D.held up

40.A.here and there  B.now and then   C.more or less          D.sooner or later

41.A.so that            B.in case       C.as if                   D.even if

42.A.near               B.on                   C.in                    D.at

43.A.care               B.control            C.notice                 D.charge

44.A. comfort         B.kiss                 C.pat                     D.encourage

45.A.application   B.command         C.request               D.appetite

46.A.soft               B.sweet           C.low                    D.loud

47.A.surprised       B.curious            C.interested             D.amazed

48.A.bothered         B.confused          C.interrupted           D.reached

49.A.when               B.since           C.as                        D.while

50.A.invitation         B.event           C.accident               D.invention

51.A.fate                 B.reason             C.story                   D.news

52.A.receive            B.fight                C.bear                    D.face[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]

53.A.encouraged     B.amused            C.satisfied                  D.supported[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]

54.A.hear                B.ask                  C.tell                         D.see

55.A.gone               B.passed             C.gone by                  D.passed by



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖南省长沙市四县市高三下学期3月调研考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空



Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age. Not only did he understand that specific  36  can affect our mental pictures, but he understood that words are a  37  programming factor in lifelong success.

One particularly unforgettable event occurred when I was eight. As a child, I was always climbing trees, poles and  38  around upside down from the rafters(屋椽) of our lake house.  39 , it came to no surprise for my dad to find me at the top of a 30-foot tree, swinging back and forth. My little eight-year-old  40  didn’t realize that the tree could break or I could get hurt. I just thought it was enjoyable to be up so high. My older cousin, Tammy, was also hanging in the same tree. Her mother also  41  us at exactly the same time as my dad did. About that time, a huge gust(一阵) of wind blew through the tree. I could hear the leaves rustle(嘎嘎地响) and feel the tree begin to sway. I remember my dad’s  42  over the wind, “Bart, Hold on tightly!”So I did.

The next thing I heard was Tammy’s mother yelling, “Tammy, don’t fall!” Tammy did  43   . My dad later explained to me that the mind has a very  44  time processing a negative image. It takes seventeen positive statements to offset(抵消) one negative statement. That means it might  45  seventeen compliments(贺词/道贺) to offset the emotional  46  of one criticism.

These are concepts that are especially useful in developing yourself. How many compliments do you give yourself daily and how often do you criticize yourself? Try to  47  yourself a lifetime of positive programming by complimenting yourself, or at least think about the kind of programming you are doing to yourself on a daily basis. Remember: try to make positive self-talk a daily practice and you will succeed some day.

36. A. reactions                 B. behaviors                       C. words                         D. expressions

37. A. doubtful                       B. sensible                          C. strange                           D. powerful

38. A. sitting                       B. hanging                           C. standing                         D. lying

39. A. However                  B. Furthermore                  C. Moreover                       D. Therefore

40. A. brain                         B. memory                          C. experience                     D. knowledge

41. A. believed                       B. noticed                            C. protected                       D. persuaded

42. A. voice                         B. figure                               C. image                              D. anger

43. A. hold                           B. think                                C. fall                                    D. regret

44. A. surprising                B. relaxing                           C. difficult                            D. short

45. A. offer                          B. take                                 C. give                                  D. Keep

46. A. damage                   B. danger                                      C. award                              D. relief

47. A. stop                          B. consult                            C. imagine                           D. give



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(一) 题型:完型填空



I learned to play on a piano purchased at Grinnell Brothers in Detroit.My brothers and sisters were taking lessons and I  41  to play, too."You're  42  young,"I heard over and over.But when began playing my sister's   43  by heart from hearing her practice, they   44  me begin. I was four.  45   joy and comfort I found at those keys.If I had a rough day at school,I played ragtime hard and loud  46  my frustratio(挫折)was gone, then I calmed my self with Mozart until I was  47  to face the world. The day I lost my first child, and my dad was diagnosed with cancer,I played until I nearly  48  .There was a comfort in those keys.

That piano followed me everywhere.I taught hundreds of  49  and adults on the keys of my own piano in Taylor for over ten years. I  50  my home to a fire in 1998 and my piano was destroyed. I felt  51 I lost my oldest friend.

The insurance (保险) supplied the money to purchase  52  .My mother asked me every time she spoke to me, "Did you get another piano yet?" even when she struggled to call me by name. After she died in 1999, I  53  an envelope containing a gift certificate(礼券)to Hammell Music for a  54 .Mother made sure that I would get another piano, knowing I wouldn't do it  55   .

And so I purchased a Yamaha baby grand. Nearby hangs Mom and Dad's  56  . I play every day when I come home from work. I imagine my folks are in heaven,  57  and smiling. Every song is for them and the  58  goes on.

And although I miss my first piano, the new one is a(n)  59  that old things pass away and new life  60  .

41.A.planned B.allowed       C.begged D.dared

42.A.very       B.so C.not      D.too

43.A.lessons   B.piano   C.keys     D.text

44.A.permitted       B.promised     C.let       D.made

45.A.What a   B.What   C.How    D.How many

46.A.until       B.when   C.as soon as    D.after

47.A.likely     B.ready   C.discouraged D.afraid

48.A.dropped  B.went    C.came to       D.slept

49.A.people    B.students       C.boys    D.children

50.A.destroyed       B.left      C.lost      D.rebuilt

51.A.as though       B.even though C.even if D.though

52.A.the other B.another       C.a house       D.one

53.A.accepted B.gained  C.received      D.won

54.A.present   B.piano   C.house   D.sum of money

55.A.for myself     B.at all    C.any way      D.above all

56.A.bed B.clothing      C.portrait       D.name

57.A.crying    B.listening      C.singing D.playing

58.A.joy  B.piano   C.sadness D.friendship

59.A.book      B.reminder     C.equipment   D.instrument

60.A.disappears      B.remains       C.stops    D.begins



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011年度新疆乌鲁木齐市高二第一学期期末英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Once an Englishman named Jack Brown went to Russia for a holiday. He stayed there for several months and then came home again. Some of his friends visited him a few days after he got back. “I had a very dangerous trip while I was in Russia.” Jack said to them. “I wanted to see a friend of mine in the country and the bad weather made me very late. So I was still travelling through a forest in sleigh<雪橇>when the sun went down. It was a long way from my friend’s house when about 20 wolves began to follow my sleigh. It was very dark in the forest. There was thick snow on the ground. It was cold, and there were no houses for miles and miles. First I heard the wolves, and the noise was terrible! The horses heard them, too. They were frightened and began running faster. Then I saw long, grey forms among the trees, and soon the wolves were near us. They were running very fast, and they didn’t seem to get tired like the horses.” “What did you do?” one of his friends asked. “When the wolves got very near,” Jack answered, “I put up my gun and shot the first wolf. The sleigh was moving about, but I hit the animal and killed it. Then all the other wolves stopped and ate it, so our sleigh got away from them for a few minutes.” “Then they finished their meal, and I heard them coming again. The moon was shining brightly on the snow, and after a few minutes I saw them among the trees once more. They came nearer again, and then I shot another of them, and the others stopped once more to eat it.” “The same thing happened again and again, and my horses became more and more tired and ran slower and slower until, after about two hours, only one wolf was still alive and following us.”

“Wasn’t it too fat to run?” one of his friends asked.

1.Jack told his friends what happened to him when he was______________.

A. in England one winter evening    B. in Russia one winter evening

C. in America one winter morning    D. in Russia one winter morning.

2. In the sentence “They finished their meal.” “meal” here means ___________.

A. the food Jack had brought with him        B. the meal prepared by Jack’s friends. 

C. the wolf which had been killed by Jack      D. the dead animals on the way


3. According to what Jack said, the last wolf ______________.

A. had eaten up all the other wolves

B. ran much faster than the other wolves

C. was the strongest of all     D. was very fat and didn’t run fast.

4.From what Jack’s friend said we know that _____________________.

A. all the wolves had been shot by Jack.

B. the last wolf was too fat to run

C. Jack was telling the truth

D. the friends did not believe what Jack had said.


