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  In American high schools most students take English, science, maths, and history. These are basic courses, and each course is as useful as the others.

  In English class, the students study grammar and read famous literature. In science class, they study biology, chemistry or physics. History is more interesting to some students because they learn about important events and places in the United States. Students take other courses, too. These are electives. Some of them are music and computer science.

  Students don't have to take all these courses. Some study music because they feel it is more enjoyable. Some study computer science because they think it is more practical. In each class, teachers give students exams. Some exams are more difficult than others, but a good student can always do well.

  Literature n. books(esp. those by good writers)elective n. subject which a student has right to choose

1The basic American high school courses are ______.

[  ]

AEnglish, music, chemistry and history

Bmaths, history, physics, and music

Cscience, history, maths and English

D.computer science, English, maths and history

2In history class students learn ______

[  ]

Ainteresting events in the United States

Bgrammar and famous novels

Chow to select the courses they will take

Dabout the important events and places of America

3According to the passage which of the following is not included in science in American high school?

[  ]

AMaths.     BBiology

CChemistry.   DPhysics.

4Which of the following is true according to the above passage?

[  ]

AAll American high school students learn computer science.

BAll American high school students don't study music.

CTeachers give students difficult exams in each class.

DAll American high school students like music.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  JAKARTA--- twenty-one people have died from food poisoning,while 40 others remain in a serious condition after eating cake mixed with poisonous liquid,a Health Department()official said yesterday.About 260 people in a hospital in Dermaji,500 kilomertres southeast of Jakarta,have been treated over the past two weeks after eating the cake.

1How many people have suffered from the accident?

[  ]

A21.   B40   C500.   DAbout 260

2Where did the accident happen?

[  ]

AIn Jakarta.    BIn Dermaji

CIn a hospital.  DIn Health Department

3Until yesterday the death rate(比率)was ______

[  ]

A25%   B20%   Cnearly 10%   Dnearly 50%

4From the news we know that Jakarta is the name of ______

[  ]

Athe news reporter(记者)

Bone of the doctors

Ca place far from Dermaji

Dthe Health Department official

5The best title for the above news is ______

AFood Poison       BEating Cake

CSerious Condition    DHealth Report


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Books are for reading, but man must bring to their reading a desire to learn and a power of absorbing. Reading should be active, not passive.

  When students first go to a library, they may be at a loss as to what to read of all the different subjects. Well, Bacon tells you to “look at weak places in your armor(盔甲)”, and shows you how to fill up the blanks(空白)in your knowledge. On the other hand ,it is no good just trying to fill your mind with Knowledge. Knowledge in itself is often useless. A mind filled with too much knowledge is like a room too full of furniture; a man cannot walk about freely in it, and look out of the windows. It is much better to concentrate on a few subjects which interest you and to deal lightly with the others than to march heavily through the whole range of learning, like a silly tourist(旅游者)going through a museum and not missing a single object. If you try to master every subject you may become very wise, but you will be very lonely and you will probably lose all your friends. So you must learn to pick and choose , and you must also learn to look here and there in a library like a camel eating grass on the grassland. If you watch it eating, you will see that although he is supposed to be one of the most stupid animals in the world, he has at least one of the qualities of the cultured man, the power to pick and choose. A student looking for mental food in a library should take the camel as his model.

1The writer thinks that one must ______.

[  ]

Aread as many books as he can

Btry to read books on all the different subjects

Conly read books on subjects that interest him

Dread and absorb a lot

2A cultured man is similar(相同)to a camel because ______.

[  ]

Aneither of them is interested in knowledge

Bthe man reads books as much as a camel eats grass

Cneither of them can be considered wise

Dboth of them have the ability to select

3The term “mental food” at the end of the passage refers to ______.

[  ]

Abooks   Bgrassland

Cbrain   Dsubjects

4In the second paragraph the writer mainly discusses ______.

[  ]

Ahow to compare furniture with books

Bhow to select reading materials

Chow to avoid missing anything interesting in the library.

Dwhy books must be absorbed

5The writer thinks that it is ______ to try to master every subject.

[  ]

Anecessary   Bpossible

Cnot good    Dnot interesting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  The first man to step out of a spaceship and “walk” in outer space was a Russian, Alexia LeonAnd Edward White was the first American to take a “space walk”It is very interesting to imagine what it is like to take a “walk” in space

  How did these two astronauts walk in space? Well, they did not actually walk in space with their feetThey floated thereThat is because in space there is no earth under your feet to walk onSpace is emptyThere is nothing around you and nothing under your feet at allSo how is it possible to walk with your feet? You can only floatWhat is more, as there is no up or down in space, to float on your stomach, or on your back, or on your head, all feels the sameIt does not make any difference to you whether you look at the earth upside down or right side up

  A good way to help you to float in space is to use a jet gunIt pushes you much as a jet engine pushes a planeIt also helps you control your directionAnd in order to keep you from moving too far away from your spaceship, you have to have a line with you and tie its other end to the spaceship, because it would be so easy to move too fast and drift so far into space that it would be difficult to get back to the spaceshipThis line also carries oxygen for you to breathe, and messages from inside the spaceship and from the earth

  The first two men to work outside of a spaceship have already enjoyed “space walking”Their experiments are the first step toward the building of space stations for the exploration of outer space

1This passage mainly tells us ______

[  ]

Ahow people walk in outer space

Bhow people are sent into outer space

Chow people get back onto the earth from space

Dhow people build space stations

2Alexia Leon and Edward White were both ______

[  ]

ARussians    BAmericans

Cspacemen    DEnglishmen

3In fact, Leon and Edward White both ______

[  ]

Awalked    Bran

Cjumped    Dfloated

4A jet gun is used to ______

[  ]

Apush a plane up into the sky

Bhelp an astronaut float in space

Chelp an astronaut control the direction in space

Dboth B and C

5In space the special line is used to carry oxygen for people to breathe and messages from the spaceship or the earth besides ______

[  ]

Akeeping people from moving too far away from the spaceship

Bdrifting so far into space

Ccontrolling the direction

Dgetting back to the earth


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Suppose you are twenty. It means you have spent at least 20,000 hours in front of the TV set. From now on, it will increase 10,000 hours every tenth year. I was told that a college student might use 5,000 hours to receive a degree of bachelor(学士)and that 10,000 hours might train an engineer or a scientist, meanwhile he’d be able to master several languages skillfully.

  Television makes your attention disconcentrated. If one meets with something interesting, it will have a continuous effect on him. Even though the most meaningless and dullest programme will also give those who are idle(无所事事的)mysterious feelings.

  Television wears down your fighting will by giving you continuous satisfaction and wasting your time without any pain. It is re-ported that in the United States nowadays about 30 million grown-ups are half-illiterate persons, who can not properly read or write advertisement they need, they even can not understand medicine introduction.

1. The writer thought it ________ to avoid the influence(影响)from television.

[  ]

A. easy   B. hard   C. merry   D. unimportant

2. Using ________ hours, a university can make a student an engineer. 

[  ]

A. one thousand   B. five thousand

C. one million    D. ten thousand

3. According to this passage, ________ makes your attention dis-concentrated.

[  ]

A. increasing number of hours

B. your being excited

C. mastering languages skillfully

D. often watching television

4. You keep interested because ________.

[  ]

A. you are idle

B. the television is of no effect

C. the programme is meaningless

D. the television affects you

5. Television wears down your fighting will. That is to say, ________.

[  ]

A. your fighting will get weaker and weaker

B. your fighting will get stronger and stronger

C. you will rise up against television

D. you will like more television programmes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


   Picasso, the famous Spanish painter, was born in 1881His father was an art teacherPicasso began to paint very earlyHe was admitted to the Royal Academy of Art at the age of 15After 1900, he spent much time in Paris, living there from 1904 to 1947, when he moved to the south of France

  Throughout his career, Picasso moved from style to style with easeHe practiced sculpture, illustrated books and also showed great interest in pottery design and other fields of art

  Picasso produced a great number of drawings during his life timeNo later artist of the School of Paris has replaced him in international influence

  Picasso is generally considered to be the foremost figure in 20th century French artHis paintings are now exhibited in leading European and American galleries

1The main idea of the passage is ______

[  ]

APicasso is considered to be the foremost figure in the 20th century French art

BPicasso is a famous Spanish painter

CPicasso spent much time in Paris, living there from 1904 to 1907

DPicasso's life and art

2According to the writer, Picasso was ______

[  ]

Amore important than any other French artist in international influence

Bmore important than any other Spanish artist in international influence

Cthe most important figure in Spain

Dthe most important figure in France

3How long did he stay in Spain and France?

[  ]

AOver 19 years in Spain and the rest life in France

B15 years in Spain and 43 years in Paris

C15 years in Spain and the rest life in Paris

DHe did not stay so long in Paris than in Spain

4Picasso moved from style to style with easeIt means ______

[  ]

Ahe did not like only one style

Bhe changed his style without difficulty

Che not only liked sculpture, but also pottery design

Dhe showed great interest in other fields of art

5His paintings are now exhibited in leading European and American galleries, ______

[  ]

Abecause he was a Spanish artist

Bbecause he was a French artist

Cbecause he produced a great many wonderful drawings in different styles

Dbecause he was famous in French art

