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After class, Mr. Zhang’s extra instructions to the class helped _____ the assignment to his students.



解析试题分析:考查动词辨析:A. classify分类B. clarify阐明,明确C. cater迎合D. compensate 补偿,句意:下课后,张老师给班级的额外的指导帮助明确给学生的任务。选B。


科目:高中英语 来源:三点一测丛书 高中英语 必修1(河北教育版课标本) 冀教版 题型:050


  At Harton College-an English boarding school for boys, there are many rules.15-year-old Bob Sanders often breaks them.

  The boys can go into the town in the afternoon after class.But they must retum to the school at six o'clock, One afternoon Bob walked to the town.He looked at the shops and then went to the cinema.After the film, he looked at his watch.It was after eight o'clock.He was a little worried.He walked back to Harton College as fast as possible.

  When he arrived, he ran quickly to the main entrance.It was locked.He went round the school building to another door, which was locked too.He looked up at the window of his dormitory on the third floor.The window was open.But it was quite dark and he could not climb up the wall easily.Then he saw another open windows on the ground floor.It was the window of the headmaster's study.

  He looked into the room-no one was there.Bob quickly climbed on to the window sill(窗台)and jumped into the room.Just then he heard a noise.Then someone turned on a light in the corridor.Bob looked around and then hid under the sofa.One minute later, Mr.Mannering, the headmaster, came in.He turned on the light on his desk, and sat down on the sofa.Then he opened a book and began to read.

  Bob lay under the sofa as quietly as possible.He couldn't move.The floor was cold and uncomfortable.He looked at the headmaster's shoes and socks for an hour.

  “Why doesn't he get up and go to bed?”Bob thought.

  Mr.Mannering read his book for an hour.Finally, the headmaster closed his book and stood up.He put the book on the shelf and walked towards the door.

  “Thank heavens he didn't find me under the sofa,”thought Bob.

  Then Mr.Mannering stopped and spoke towards the sofa.“Would you turn off the light when you leave?”he said, and left the study.


Bob didn't go to his dormitory because ________.

[  ]


its door was locked


the window was shut


it was quite dark


it was too dark to climb up the wall easily


Who had turned on a light in the corridor?

[  ]


Bob himself.


Another pupil.


An office clerk.




When the headmaster came in, Bob ________.

[  ]


was sitting on the sofa


was lying under the sofa


hid himself behind the bookshelf


hid himself under the desk


It can be inferred that Mr.Mannering ________.

[  ]


knew that Bob was still at the cinema


knew that Bob was in the dormitory


knew exactly where Bob was


didn't know clearly where Bob was


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 Growing up in Philadelphia, Lieberman started cooking with his stay-at-home dad when he was seven. His food-loving family had two kitchens, and he quickly learned what was the best way to bake his cakes. Lieberman improved his kitchen skills greatly during a year abroad before college, learning from a cook in Italy and studying local specialties(地方特色菜) in Germany, Spain and France. At Yale, he was known for throwing dinner parties, single-handedly frying and baking while mixing drinks for dozens of friends. Just for fun, he and some friends decided to tape a show named Campus Cuisine about his cooking. Lieberman was a real college student showing his classmates how to do things like make drinks out of dining-hall fruit. That helped the show become very popular among the students. They would stop Lieberman after classes to ask for his advice on cooking. Tapes of the show were passed around, with which his name went beyond the school and finally to the Food Network.

 Food Network producer Flay hopes the young cook will find a place on the network television. He says Lieberman’s charisma is key. “Food TV isn’t about food anymore,” says Flay “Its about your personality (个性) and finding a way to keep people’s eyeballs on your show.”

 But Lieberman isn’t putting all his eggs in one basket. After taping the first season of the new how, Lieberman was back in his won small kitchen preparing sandwiches. An airline company (航空公司)was looking for some one to come up with a tasteful, inexpensive and easy-to-make menu to serve on its flights, Lieberman got the job.

41. We can learn from the text that Lieberman’s family__________.

A. have relatives in Europe                      B. love cooking at home

C. often hold parties                               D. own a restaurant

42. The Food Network got to know Lieberman _______.

A. at one of his parties                     B. from his teachers

C. through his taped show                       D. on a television program

43. What does the word “charisma” underlined in the text refer to?

A. A natural ability to attract others.          B. A way to show one’s achievement.

C. Lieberman’s after-class interest.            D. Lieberman’s fine cooking skill.

44. Why did the airline company give Lieberman the job?

A. He could prepare meals in a small kitchen.     B. He was famous for his shows on Food TV.

C. He was good at using eggs to make sandwiches.

D. He could cook cheap, delicious and simple meals.

45. What can we learn about Lieberman from the text?.

A. He is clever but lonely.                       B. he is friendly and active.

C. He enjoys traveling around.                        D. He often changes his menus.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届重庆市高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My English teacher gave us a suggestion yesterday, _____is often the case, ______ our monitor organize a debate after class.

A.which, which

B.which, that

C.as, that

D.as, which



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省09-10学年高一下学期期末考试(英语) 题型:其他题




A. “Just do it!” — This slogan (口号) speaks out to teens. It tells them to do something, but only if they think it’s worth it. And if so, why not do it wearing Nike?

B. “Always Coca-Cola.” — Coke’s slogans change every few years, but this one has enjoyed a lasting popularity because it shows the brand’s spirit. It seems to say “Coke is the only drink there is; there are no other forms of drink.”

C. “Share moments, share life.” — This slogan from Kodak connects photos and beauty. It asks people to remember the happy moments in life by taking photos of them — using Kodak film of course!

D. On hearing the slogan “Make yourself heard”, you will know there is Ericsson product for you to call anyone.

E. There are some public service advertisements (PSAs) that educate people about public service projects, such as Project Hope. Its slogan is “Project Hope — Schooling every child.”

F. One toothpaste ad says “Bright-teeth fights bad breath!” The advertisers want you to read the word “fight” and think that the toothpaste cures bad breath.


Jack passed the entrance exam and was admitted to a famous university. These days, his father is looking for a mobile phone for him so as to keep in touch with each other closely. 

Tom was a senior middle school student. He likes sports very much and plays football every afternoon. But after class this afternoon he has to buy a pair of shoes because his shoes have been worn out.

There’s a party this evening — for Mary’s 15th birthday. Her family are making preparations for it. Her brother’s job is to buy some drink.

Joan doesn’t want to forget the past, especially the happy moments.

Alice is afraid of opening her mouth, because a bad smell will come out, which makes her feel embarrassed when talking with others. So she needs something which can remove the smell no matter how much it is.    

        购买者                       广告语

     56. Jack                                                         A. Just do it!

     57. Tom                                                         B. Always Coca-Cola.

     58. Mary                                                                 C. Share moments, share life.

     59. Joan                                                         D. Make yourself heard. 

     60. Alice                                                                  E. Project Hope — Schooling every child.

                                                                     F. Bright-teeth fights bad breath!




科目:高中英语 来源:20102011年安徽省高二下期末联考英语 题型:书面表达

最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After-class Activities”的栏目。请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。

  1. 你校开展课外活动的情况; 

2. 你参加过的课外活动及给你带来的益处;

3. 为学校开展课外活动提出建议;

 4. 鼓励大家积极参加课外活动。

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After-class Activities

Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools.






