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How to Release Anger the Right Way

Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well. Some of us experience it daily,   1   others hold on to it for years at a time. As you likely know, angry is not a healthy   2   . Over time it can become self-destructive,   3   relationships and even your health.

This is not to say that anger is always a   4   thing—anger is a natural part of living;it is a   5    that something is wrong. If anger is not a   6   normal and natural human emotion, it is   7   important to learn and understand how to   8   anger the right way.

You can release anger the right or the wrong way.    9     whether you have an anger problem yourself or not, it is   10    for everyone to understand what the right   11    of releasing anger are. Transforming anger is a powerful   12  to take that will create positive changes in our relationships. One of the best ways to   13   anger is to give yourself the   14   to express anger. In fact, it is quite   15   to express your anger as long as you do it   16   .  

Remember that anger management   17   both on mental and physical effort. Although mental therapy alone will help you   18    for releasing your anger, it can only take you so far. The same   19   for exercise too. However, if you   20   both mental therapy and exercising, you will then have   21   to an unbelievable positive solution. Do a particular physical activity   22    the mental intention of releasing your anger.

It might be   23   but the most important things of all to   24   is to never hurt others when you release your anger. Make sure you give yourself the   25   to express safely your anger, without hurting anyone else .

1.A.when                       B.while               C.but                  D.However

2.A.life                         B.feeling             C.happiness         D.emotion

3.A.reflecting                 B.ruining            C.limiting           D.satisfying

4.A.bad                          B.good               C.ordinary          D.especial

5.A.appearance               B.mark            C.signal              D.gesture

6.A.unbelievable            B.completely       C.incompletely    D.carefully

7.A.whatever                  B.how                C.much              D.however

8.A.release                     B.relax               C.obsorb             D.influence

9.A.Instead of                 B.Except for           C.Regardless of   D.As a consequence of

10.A.important               B.common          C.hard                D.easy

11.A.answers                  B.messages          C.ways               D.actions

12.A.step                      B.right                C.attitude            D.chance

13.A.shift                     B.change             C.transfer            D.transform

14.A.permission             B.application       C.affection          D.admission

15.A.painful                   B.happy              C.healthy           D.successful

16.A.confidently             B.correctly        C.gradually         D.separately

17.A.requires                  B.relies              C.lacks               D.decline

18.A.attentively              B.specially          C.absolutely     D.tremendously

19.A.arranges                 B.reaches            C.prepares           D.applies

20.A.control                   B.join                 C.separate           D.combine

21.A.access                    B.approach          C.admission     D.contact 

22.A.in conflict with       B.rather than           C.along with       D.in place of

23.A.simple                   B.obvious           C.unrealistic     D.appropriate

24.A.answer                   B.remember       C.repeat              D.listen

25.A.opportunity            B.necessity          C.probability       D.reality

1---25    BDBAC   CDACA   CADAC   BBDDD    ACBBA  


愤怒是什么?我们要如何保持冷静和沉着,但是在重要的片刻仍能够反应? 在愤怒的心理状态下,你什么事都可能做得出来,你会做出将来会后悔的事。它会 产生一连串的连锁反应,使你的... Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well. 但不同人处理愤怒的方式是不同的,有的人“沾火就着”,很容易被激怒,也有的人则过分压抑愤怒,还有的人喜欢把愤怒情绪转移。这三种类型的人,都需要正确地做好愤怒的“情绪管理”,否则就会Over time it can become self-destructive, ruining relationships and even your health.随着时间的推移,它可以成为自我毁灭,败坏了人际关系,甚至你的健康的心理疾病。


2.D. emotion指“精神上极强烈的感情”, 如: The girl was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't speak for a moment. 这女孩非常激动, 一时说不出话来。feeling 指 “生理上受到刺激产生的感觉,或对某事的主观的强烈的反应”; 作“感情”解时,常用复数,如: I never like to hurt people's feelings. 我从不愿意伤害别人的感情。

3.B.ruin“破坏”;而reflect“反映,表现”;limit“限制”;satisfy“满足, 使满意”均和语境。

4.A.bad“不健康的, 严重的”。根据后面的意思A最佳。其她不合语境。

5.C.signal“征兆,信号”;appearance 在指人时,往往包括衣着,在指一般事物时, 往往含有外表和实质不一致的概念;mark“符号,记号”;gesture“姿态, 手势”。



8.A.release“释放”;relax“放松;使不紧张”,如:relax the muscles放松肌肉。其它不合语境。

9.C.regardless of“不管, 不顾”;as a consequence (of) / as a result (of) “作为…的结果”except for“除..之外,只是”,用来修正前面的总体说法或评价。



12.A.根据后面的take应选step,take a step(steps)“采取措施”;而take a chance和take chance“碰碰运气”

13.D.transform 指外形或面貌的改变,彻底改变性格,性质等;shift 指位置或方向的移动,改变; change 改变,变更,指位置,性质,外表,形式或是数量与质量等改变.常与into连用;transfer转移,调(往),可以指工作岗位的调动或学习专业的转换。

14.A.permission允许,同意,一般用于give sb. permission to do sth. 允许某人做某事,不能与表示机构的词搭配使用;application“应用、运用”;affection“影响”;admission(入会,入学,入场)许可:Free admission. 免票入场。


16.B.correctly “恰当地, 正确地”;confidently“信赖地, 安心地”

17.B.rely on(upon)“依靠,信赖”;require“需要,要求”;lack“缺乏”, 两者均为及物动词;decline“拒绝”及物动词。

18.D.tremendously“非常地”,等与very much或greatly。而attentively “注意地, 留意地”;specially意思是“特意地”;“专门地”,强调目的,一般用在表示目的的不定式或介词for短语前面;absolutely“完全地, 绝对地”。根据句意均不和题意。

19.D.apply for“应用,适用”;arrange for“安排, 准备”;reach for“伸手去取”; prepare for“为...作准备”。

20.D.combine“(使)结合”着重指“两个或两个以上的人或事物为了共同目的而结合在一起;control及物动词“控制,支配”;join 指“任何事物的直接连接, 连接的程度可紧可松, 还能分开”之意, 如: The new highway has joined the two cities. 新公路把那两个城市连接起来。separate 指“把原来在一起的人或物分开”,

21.A.名词access的意思是“使用、接触或进入的方法(权利、机会等)”,后常接介词to, 符合此题的句意和语法。approach to 做…的态度或方法;contact联系,一般与with连用;admission (to) 准许进入;这三个词皆不宜采用。

22.C.along with“”;in conflict with意为“同……相冲突, 与……有抵触”;rather than“而不是”,用法类似于instead of。

23.B.obvious指“容易知道或发现, 无须解释或证明的”;appropriate“适当的”;unrealistic“不切实际的”;appropriate“适合的; 适当的”。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Browns sent lots of invitations for their party. But because of the improper time, few people _____ it.

   A. attended       B.accepted   C.received    D.enjoyed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The map was drawn to the standard _____ of 1/100,000, so there was not much detail.

A. route    B. line    C. rate    D. scale


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Give this book to    you think needs it.

A.who     B.whoever     C.whomever     D.whatever


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Russia's withdrawal of its experts from China did not strangle (压垮) the Chinese people; _____ it stirred up their enthusiasm for greater exertions.

   A. on the other hand    B. on the contrary

   C. to the contrary      D. in consequence


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

        A device that stops drivers form falling asleep at the wheel is about to undergo testing at Department of Transport laboratories and could go on sale within 12 months.

       The system, called Driver Alert, aims to reduce deadly road accidents by 20% - 40% that are caused by tiredness. Airline pilots can also use it to reduce the 30% of all pilot-error accidents that are related to fatigue.

       Driver Alert is based on a computerized wristband. The device, worn by drivers or pilots, gives out a sound about every four minutes during a car journey. After each sound the driver must respond by squeezing the steering wheel (方向盘). A sensor in the wristband detects this pressing action and measures the time between the sound the driver’s response.

       Tiredness is directly related to a driver’s response time. Usually, a watchful driver would take about 400 milliseconds to respond, but once that falls to more than 500 milliseconds, it suggests that the driver is getting sleepy.

       In such cases the device gives out more regular and louder sounds, showing that the driver should open a window or stop for a rest. If the driver’s response continues to slow down, the sounds become more frequent until a nonstop alarm warns that the driver must stop as soon as possible.

       The device has been delivered to the department’s laboratories for testing. If these tests, scheduled for six months’ time, are successful, the makers will bring the product to market within about a year.

72.     According to the text, Driver Alert ______.

A. aims to reduce tiredness-related accidents       B. has gone through testing at laboratories

C. aims to prevent drivers form sleeping             D. has been on sale for 12 months

73.   How should a driver respond to the sounds from Driver Alert?

A. By sounding a warning.                        B. By touching the wristband.

C. By checking the driving time.                D.By pressing the steering wheel.

74.   We can learn form the text that the driver needs to stop for a break when his response time is ____

A. about 400 milliseconds                          B. below 500 milliseconds

C. over 500 milliseconds                     D. about 4 minutes

75.   When the driver gets sleepy while driving, Driver Alert ______.

A. moves more regularly                           B. stops working properly

C. opens the window for the driver         D. sounds more frequently and loudly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians(挪威人) had ___36___ them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After ___37___ the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves ___38___ they started the 950-mile journey back.

The journey was unexpectedly ___39___ and the joy and excitement about the Pole had gone out of them. The sun hardly ___40___. The snow storms always made it impossible to sight the stones they had ___41___ to mark their way home. To make things ___42___. Evans, whom they had all thought of ___43___ the strongest of the five, fell badly into a deep hole in the ice. Having ___44___ along for several days, he suddenly fell down and died.

The four who were ___45___ pushed on at the best speed they could ___46___. Captain Oates had been suffering for some time from his ___47___ fact; at night his feet swelled(肿胀) so large that he could ___48___ put his boots on the next morning, and he walked bravely although he was in great ___49___. He knew his slowness was making it less likely that ___50___ could save themselves. He asked them to leave him behind in his sleeping-bag, but they refused, and helped him ___51___ a few more miles, until it was time to put up the ___52___ for another night.

The following morning, ___53___ the other three were still in their sleeping-bags, he said. “I am just going outside and may be ___54___ some time.” He was never seen again. He had walked out ___55___ into the snow storm, hoping that his death would help his companions.

36. A. hit       B. fought C. won    D. beaten

37. A. growing      B. putting       C. planting     D. laying

38. A. after     B. until   C. while  D. before

39. A. safe      B. fast     C. short   D. slow

40. A. rose     B. set      C. appeared    D. disappeared

41. A. taken up      B. cut up C. set up  D. picked up

42. A. easier   B. better  C. bitter  D. worse

43. A. to B. upon   C. as       D. in

44. A. battled  B. struggled    C. speeded      D. waited

45. A. left      B. lost     C. defeated     D. saved

46. A. manage       B. try      C. employ      D. find

47. A. ached   B. frozen C. harden       D. harmed

48. A. hardly  B. never  C. seldom       D. nearly

49. A. pain     B. fear    C. trouble       D. danger

50. A. all others     B. some others       C. others D. the others

51. A. away    B. with    C. off      D. on

52. A. bed      B. tent     C. blanket       D. sleeping-bag

53. A. while   B. since   C. for      D. once

54. A. missed  B. separated    C. passed D. gone

55. A. patiently      B. lonely C. alone  D. worriedly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7.____________of the truth of the reports, he told his colleagues about it.

A. Convincing           B. Convinced         C. To convince    D. Having convinced

