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I stayed at home with my 5-year-old daughter Lily. When I was reading some magazines, Lily played in the living room. But after a while I noticed nothing but  31     .           

She had never been so quiet. Was she   32   ? I asked what she was doing. The   33    finally came after I   34   my question three times. I heard “Nothing”. Never could I believe she just stayed there and kept quiet. So I walked into the living room. She hurried off. I   35    her to turn around but she   36  . I got a little angry. “Young lady,” I said, “turn around!”

  37   she turned toward me. In her hand was my wife’s new lipstick, only a little   38  . Besides her lips, every inch of her face was covered with bright red.

As she looked up at me with   39   eyes, I really got angry. I was about to   40   at her so that she would know what a mistake she had made.  41   before I could shout, I noticed the big letters she had written on her white skirt with the lipstick, “I’M  A  PERFECT  ANGEL!”

Something strange   42  me. I looked back at her red face. This time, instead of seeing a  43  girl, I saw a little angel that I had almost missed!

“Lily, I heard you speak to the toys just now. I guess you were teaching them how to use the lipstick. But should an angel use her mom’s lipstick like this?” Lily lowered her head, “Sorry. I won’t do it again.” I smiled. “Go and wash your face and let’s get a new  44  for mom.”

Every child is an angel. I felt   45  that I didn’t hurt the angel through treating her mistake in a right way.

31. A. sound          B. laughter       C. silence        D. music

32. A. sleeping        B. laughing       C. running       D. standing

33. A. news           B. result         C. report         D. reply

34. A. read            B. wrote         C. found         D. repeated

35. A. allowed         B. advised       C. ordered        D. persuaded

36. A. accepted        B. forgot         C. refused        D. understood

37. A. Suddenly        B. Slowly       C. Happily        D. Sadly

38. A. left             B. gone         C. lost           D. saved

39. A. excited          B. frightened     C. surprised       D. disappointed

40. A. shout            B. beat         C. drive          D. hold

41. A. But             B. So           C. And          D. Or

42. A. pulled           B. left          C. pushed         D. hit

43. A. foolish          B. bad           C. clever         D. boring

44. A. skirt            B. lipstick        C. present        D. magazine

45. A. sad             B. interesting      C. fortunate      D. sorry

31-35CADDC   36-40CBABA    41-45ADDBC


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省山一高一上学期第一次段考英语卷 题型:单项填空

After supper Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I stayed _______.

A.to be waking






科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省模拟题 题型:单选题

— Where did you find the key to the car?  
— It was in the hotel __________ I stayed. 
[     ]
A. that            
B. as              
C. which            
D. where


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Where did you meet him while in Beijing?

--It was in the hotel         I stayed.

    A. that              B. which           C. when          D. where


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

--Where did you meet him while in Beijing?

--It was in the hotel     I stayed.

A.that       B.which    C.when     D.where



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省中山一中高一上学期第一次段考英语卷 题型:单选题

After supper Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I stayed _______.

A.to be wakingB.wakedC.wakingD.awake

