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2.In India,most of the women wear a red dot between their eyebrows.While it is generally taken as an indicator of their marital(婚姻的)status,the practice is primarily related to the Hindu(印度教的)religion.The dot goes by different names in different Hindi dialects,and"bindi"is the one that is most commonly known.Traditionally,the dot carries no gender restriction:Men as well as women wear it.However,the tradition of men wearing it has faded in recent times,so nowadays we see a lot more women than men wearing one.
The position of the bindi is standard:center of the forehead,close to the eyebrows.It represents a third,or inner eye.Hindu tradition holds that all people have three eyes:The two outer ones are used for seeing the outside world,and the third one is there to focus inward toward God.As such,the dot means piety(虔诚)and serves as a constant reminder to keep God in the front of a believer's thoughts.
Red is the traditional color of the dot.It is said that in ancient times a man would place a drop of blood between his wife's eyes to seal their marriage.According to Hindu beliefs,the color red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple.Today,people go with different colors depending upon their preferences.Women often wear dots that match the color of their clothes.Decorative of sticker bindis come in all sizes,colors and variations,and can be worn by young and old,married and unmarried people alike.Wearing a bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom.
28.Why did people in India start wearing a red dot on their forehead?C
A.To stress their family background
B.To indicate their social rank.
C.To show their religious belief
D.To display their financial status.
29.What is the function of the third eye in Hindu tradition?D
A.To help the other eyes see better.
B.To look to the distance.
C.To see the outside world.
D.To pay respect to God.
30.Why was red chosen as the original color of the bindi?B
A.The word"bindi"means"red"in some Hindi dialects.
B.Red was believed to be a lucky color for husband and wife.
C.The red dot represented the blood of God.
D.Red stood for a wife's love for her husband.
31.Which of the following statements is true about bindis today?A
A.Bindis are now used to make people look better.
B.Bindis are worn anywhere on the face now.
C.Most Indian women do not wear bindis anymore.
D.More men than women wear bindis in India.

分析 大多数印度女人的眉毛中间都戴着红点,这种做法主要与印度教有关,它代表的是第三只眼,可以时时提醒信徒要尊敬上帝.现在眉心红点更多的是作为装饰品使用.

28  C 细节理解题.根据文章第一段中的"…the practice is primarily related to theHindu religion."可知这种做法主要与印度教有关,所以印度人前额戴红点是展示他们的宗教信仰.故选C.
29   D   细节理解题.文章第二段告诉我们,印度传统上认为人有第三只眼.另外根据该段最后一句话印度人对第三只眼所起作用的描述"As such,the dot serves as a constant reminder to keep God inthe front of a believer's thoughts."因此,点作为一个持续的提醒,以保持神在信徒的思想面前.所以第三眼在印度教传统中的重要性是要尊重上帝,故选D.
30   B   细节理解题.根据文章第三段中的"According to Hindu beliefs,thecolor red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple."可知,根据印度教的信仰,红色被认为能为已婚的夫妇带来好运,故选B.
31.A  细节理解题.根据文章第三段最后几句话"Decorative or sticker bindis come in all sizes,colorsand variations,and can be worn by young and old,married and unmarried people alike.Wearinga bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom."可知,眉心红点现在更多的被用作装饰品,故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.________ at the result,the boss left without saying any word.(  )
A.Having disappointedB.Disappointing
C.To be disappointedD.Disappointed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.A night out in Tokyo is much the same as a night out in Milan these days,according to a survey about socialising,conducted amongst 16 to 34-year-olds around the world.Wherever you live,a typical night out is spent eating burgers,seeing American films or listening to English-language music in clubs and bars.Individual differences do survive but American culture is everywhere.
Differences in the social behavior of the two sexes are also disappearing.Most people surveyed felt that it was‘perfectly normal'for groups of young women to go out alone,that it was‘equally acceptable'for young women to smoke and drink,and that a couple should split the bill when they go out together.For most young people these were the biggest differences between their own generation and their parents'.
Interestingly,however,most young people interviewed said that parents are still stricter with daughters than sons about where they go and who they go with.Overall,only 10 per cent thought that parents treat their sons and daughters equally,and almost no one thought parents were stricter with their sons!
Important national differences appear,however,when it comes to time-keeping.In the Far East and Eastern Europe a night out starts---and finishes---much earlier:there seven o'clock was the average time for meeting up with friends.For many Southern European and South Americans,on the other hand,an evening out doesn't even start until ten or eleven o'clock,by which time many of their South Korean or Japanese counterparts are safely home in bed!
Parents'rules reflect this.Most Japanese parents expect their teenagers home by ten o'clock or even earlier,whereas in Europe it is more likely to be eleven or twelve o'clock.The most surprising findings came from Argentina,however,where it is apparently quite normal for 15 and 16-year-olds to stay out all night.But then perhaps this is because their parents have less to worry about---80 percent of Argentine youngsters claimed that they rarely or never drink alcohol!

66.Night out in Tokyo is similar to it in Milan becauseC.
A.English-language activities are highly welcomed
B.they are experiencing the different globalized-culture
C.American culture is very popular all around the world
D.all the young people have the same habits and hobbies
67.One of the biggest differences between young people and their parents lies inB
A.the music style and stars they loved
B.their attitude towards paying money for dinner
C.the decreasing number of young women smoking
D.the time they meet up with people and have evening out
68.In the last paragraph,"this"refers toC.
A.evening out      B.drinking alcohol     C.time-keeping D.staying up late
69.What is the passage mainly talking about?B
A.The same night-out life in all the modern cities.
B.The similarities and differences in social behaviors.
C.Comparing night life between the east and the west.
D.Parents'different rules between their sons and daughters.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on fact or reason.Examples of prejudice in schools include believing that some students are particular type of people simply because of the way they dress or act,or believing that a certain group is good at sports simply because many peop1e in that group are goad at sports.Another example is believing that a boy is good at science because many boys are good at science.
    I would like to cite more examples from the English literature.The best example of"prejudice"can be found in Jane Austen's novels.Her novels in the history of English literature are popularly known as"novels of manners".Thus you can clearly understand that where manners and social behavior are concerned,"prejudice"is inevitable!Austen's famous novel Pride and Prejudice is the best example in this respect.When you read the novel,the very first line that would strike you is"it is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."It is an example of 18th century English middle class prejudice that eventually looked upon women just as an object that would serve as the basic sign for a man to establish his manliness and his superior and well acquired financial status.This novel is chiefly about class division,social norms and the consequent human behavior.The characters Elizabeth and Darcy,in their journey of 1ife through the course of the novel,highlight their personal prejudices towards one another that arise from their different social strata(阶层).Darcy,a rich man,at first,fails to admire the beauty and intelligence of Elizabeth because of her low social status:"she is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me;"and Elizabeth,proud of her"first impressions",failed to understand the well natured man under the proud and unfriendly Darcy.
33.What is"prejudice"defined in this passage?C
 A.Prejudice is a reasonable idea that is based on one's own experience.
 B.Prejudice is a preference for one group of people or things over another.
 C.Prejudice is a preconceived opinion before becoming aware of fact or reason.
 D.Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things.
34.The underlined word"inevitable"in the second paragraph probably_meansA.
A.unavoidable   B.reasonable   C.unbelievable   D.valuable
35.From the novel Pride and Prejudice,we can't learn thatB.
A.where manners and social behavior are concerned"prejudice"is inevitable
B."prejudice"was defined and compared with"pride"in 18th century
C.it's about class division,social norms and the consequent human behavior
D.personal prejudices towards one another arise from different social strata.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

17.2014青岛世界园艺博览会 (International Horticultural Exposition 2014Qingdao) 于4月25日至10月25日在青岛举行.组委会面向社会招聘涉外志愿者.假如你是李华,想在暑假期间做志愿者,请你用英语写一封应聘信.内容包括:应聘的原因、你的优势,以及如何做好志愿者等等.
Dear Sir,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.One of the hottest buzzwords in China right now is no doubt tuhao,a sarcastic,light-hearted term referring to rich people of little education,bad taste or lacking self-awareness.
This is yet another example of smart Chinese Internet users applying their creativity to an aged phrase and giving it new life and meaning.The term,which literally means"country bully",has been around since ancient times,when it was used to refer to rich and powerful rural landlords.
However,the meaning of the word changed significantly when it was adapted a few years ago by Chinese players of the wildly popular computer game"World of Warcraft"to refer to rich players who spend big money buying powerful virtual weapons.Because they don't improve their skills by playing,these players are considered silly,uncultured,and unprofessional.
But that is not the end of tuhao's new life story.The renewed popularity of the term also coincides with(同时发生)the emergence(出现)of the Chinese"nouveau riche"一a generation of businessmen and women,property owners and entrepreneurs who have rapidly accumulated large amounts of wealth in recent years.
Similar to the many rags-to-riches stories in human history,many Chinese billionaires who are on the global rich list do not come from well-educated or prestigious(声望很高的) backgrounds.Rather,they achieved financial success through powerful connections,smart investments,and by riding out China's economic boom.Many of them don't shy away from throwing their money around,yet we are often reminded of their lack of manners,taste and cultural sensitivity.
As a result,a term that was popularized in the gaming world has now also been introduced into daily conversation.
Trendy,young Internet users,who see themselves as the opposite of tuhao一not wealthy,but well-educated and cultured一have further popularized the term by using it in various comic situations.For example,the phrase"let's be friends,tuhao,"became hot after it appeared in an online joke about a conversation between a rich young man and a wise monk.
When Apple released its much anticipated iPhone 5S in September,Chinese Internet users accurately predicted the great popularity of the new golden-colored models among Chinese consumers,and named it"tuhao Gold",to make fun of the taste of rich Chinese people.
"Tuhao"---a latest buzzword in China
 in meaning
In (72)ancient/old times"Country bully",(73)referring
to rich and powerful landlords who oppressed others
In the (74)
Rich but unprofessional players,meaning players who would rather buy powerful (75)virtualweapons than improve skills by playing.
In recent daily (76)conversation/lifeTasteless"nouveau riche",indicating those rich people who have benefited from the (77)booming
economy of China but are (78)known
for their lack of manners,taste and cultural sensitivity.
of its application
"Let's be friends,tuhao."An online joke about a conversation between a rich young man and a wise monk.
"Tuhao gold"A term intended to (80)tease/mock
the taste of rich Chinese people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.San Francisco's Chinatown is the biggest and oldest in the country.It's the third most visited tourist destination in the city.It's also the city's most densely populated neighbor-hood.So why are.businesses in Chinatown struggling?
   In this week's paper,I outline some of the reasons for why Chinatown's crowded streets and busy shops might be declining.Underneath the surface,Chinatown is falling.And the city,local organizations and businesses are trying to figure out what they can do to turn things around.
While numbers of people visit Chinatown,they don't stay long and they don't spend a lot of money.And beyond annual festivals,1ike Chinese New Years,this month's Moon Festival and last month's Sunday Streets-which drew about 15,000 t0 20.000 people-the neighborhood has a hard time attracting locals.
Can you remember the last.time you went to Chinatown?If you can't,You're not alone.Locals told me that Chinatown doesn't have much to offer them-that the stores are all the same.There are some good eating joints,people said,but they don't know how to find them.Some people even told me that they sometimes go to extreme measures to avoid the neighborhood altogether.But when asked if the-v would like to see Chinatown gone,the answer was always a strong no.
Locals are hopeful that things will get better and traffic will increase when the Central Subway is complete.But chat's not for another five years.at least.And if'new shops or restaurants don't make their way into Chinatown.the same problem of attracting locals will exist.
   Not that Chinatown's going to die.The dragon still has some fire in its belly.And many people are rooting for positive change.The question is,how does Chinatown change without losing the very importance of what makes it unique?
29.Which can we know about Chinatown according to the passage?C
A.Businesses in Chinatown are going well.
B.Local people like going shopping there.
C.A great number of people visit it every year.
D.No period has seen a more prosperous Chinatown.
30.According to the locals we can know thatB
A.Chinatown doesn't love to offer them assistance
B.shops in Chinatown lack their own characteristics
C.it is hard to buy quality goods at proper prices
D.they feel annoyed to see so many familiar faces
31.What is the author's attitude towards Chinatown?C
32.It can be inferred from the passageA
A.the Central Subway is under construction
B.Chinatown has to make way for subway
C.many restaurants have been closed down
D.the locals hope Chinatown will be extinct.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Lumberjack Art
When people think of an artist,they probably do not imagine a lumberjack(伐木工人)cutting down trees with a chainsaw.Yet many lumberjacks consider themselves to be artists. Instead of.patiently working on a large block of hard rock,however,lumberjack artists use chainsaws to carve their,masterpieces from wood.
Wooden,sculptures (雕塑) created with chainsaws are perfect examples of folk art. Everyday tools are used to create art that focuses on subjects found in nature,such as bears or other forest animals.Not all lumberjacks are artists,but some chainsaw artists have been lumberjacks.
A lumberjack,who is also an artist might cut down a tree during a workday.If the stump,the bottom of the tree,is a good size,the artist might be motivated to sculpt the stump into the shape of a forest animal.The chainsaw artist might also carve other large blocks of wood.Sometimes a homeowner might cut down a tree in the yard and then hire a chainsaw artist to create an outdoor sculpture from the stump.So,this art owes its origins to everyday tasks and nature.
The origins of chainsaw art may be humble (不起眼的),but the practice has expanded well beyond turning a stump into a sculpture.In some ways chainsaw artists are like traditional woodcarvers.One artist said that using chainsaws was simply more practical.This person began his work as a traditional woodcarver-that is,he used hand tools to.carve the wood into the shapes he wanted.To save time,he began using a chainsaw to remove some parts of the wooden block.This artist realized that the chainsaw not only cut down large pieces of wood quickly,but also produced a distinctive and beautiful pattern on-the:wood.These patterns would not be seen in other pieces of art.Eventually,the artist began using the chainsaw for nearly all of his carvings.
However unusual it may seem,chainsaw art is here to stay.The final test of success for any type of art is the enthusiasm and acceptance of the public.The conclusion is; people love watching chainsaw artists work,and people love the sculptures they create.
60.What do we know about chainsaw artists?C
A.They are originally traditional lumberjacks.
B.They create masterpieces in woods and forests.
C.They introduce a new concept of artists to people.
D.They produce their sculptures while cutting down trees.
61.Chainsaw artA
A.is a kind of folk art                     B.is hard to be spread
C.focuses on modern themes               D.needs time to be mastered
62.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 4?D
A.The origins of the lumberjack art.
B.The experiences of a chainsaw artist.
C.The procedure for creating a chainsaw sculpture.
D.The application of chainsaw in the lumberjack art.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I hear that you've booked a room online.Where __________?(  )
A.are you stayingB.do you stayC.have you stayedD.had you stayed

