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3."Mummy,I don't know what to play with."Steve interrupts his mother,who is talking to a friend,for the fourth time."You've got a room full of toys!"his mother says,impatiently.In fact it is the jumble of toys which is to blame for four-year-old Steve's lack of interest in his dolls,cars and stuffed (packed) animals.Each morning he tips out three washing baskets of toys all over his floor,listlessly pulls out something and shortly after is standing at his mother's desk or following her into the kitchen saying:"Mummy,I am bored."
A family therapist (心理医生) explains why children lose interest when they have a whole"toy shop"at home:"According to their brain development,little children are not in a position to judge the quality of a variety of things at once.There is always just one favorite toy for the moment.All the rest is left lying about."What can parents do to stop their children from being oversupplied with toys?Under no conditions simply make something disappear without the child's knowledge.If he/she takes no more notice of a toy,a parent can ask if it can be stored or given away.Be warned though the child will always say he/she wants it then!A talk with relatives and friends may also help.Lyn is the mother of four-year-old Jessie,and we like her way.A small set of shelves in her child's room holds the toys and books that are the current (at present) favorites.When it seems to her that her daughter is tired of these toys,they put them away in a box together and select some other toys from a cupboard in another room.The box of"old"toys goes into the cupboard.When her child says she is"bored",they also get something from her cupboard-it may be something she has had for some time but because she hasn't seen it for a while it is almost like a new toy.
Some favorite toys stay out all the time,and there is collection of dolls which sits in the corner,but in this way Lyn has found that she has fewer toys to put away at the end of the day and her daughter always has something"fresh"to play with.
33.Steve interrupted his mother several times becauseA.
A.he felt uninterested in his toys  
B.he disliked his mother's guest
C.he didn't have enough toys to play with  
D.he hoped his mother would play with him
34.According to the therapist,children often complain that they have nothing to play with becauseD.
A.they can't play alone for a long time
B.they are too young to play with so many toys
C.they are too lazy to pick out their favourites
D.they lack the ability to value too many things at a time
35.Which is the advice given to parents in the text?C
A.Buy fewer toys for their children.
B.Form good habits for their children.
C.Put some toys away without telling their children.
D.Spare some time to play with their children.

分析 本文讲述了面对众多的玩具孩子们不知道自己钟爱哪一个了,思维混乱,所以产生厌烦心理,作者建议家长把玩具藏起来可以引起孩子的兴趣.

解答 33.A 第一段中有相关的阐述,"Steve's lack of interest in his dolls,cars and stuffed animals""Mummy,I am bored",表明他对玩具没有兴趣.   
34.D 第二段中心理医生所说的话"There is always just one favorite toy for the moment.All  the rest is left lying about",强调了孩子们不会一次同时喜欢很多玩具.   
35.C第二段中间明确提示:"What can parents do to stop their children from being oversupplied with toys?Under no conditions simply make something disappear without the child's knowledge"建议:把玩具藏起来.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.My friend would like to select a fine watch as a present for her boyfriend's birthday,but   _______ was available in the shops nearby.(  )
A.nothingB.no oneC.neitherD.none


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Kate felt blue because she was given no _____ for her high grades on the exam.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Although he is considered a great writer,_____.(  )
A.his works is not widely read
B.but his works are not widely read
C.however his works are not widely read
D.yet his works are not widely read


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Write these sentences again.Begin each sentence with He….仿照例句改写下面的句子,用He作句子的主语.
 I am tired.He is tired.
38.I must call the doctor.He must call the doctor.
39.I am going to telephone him.He is going to telephone him.
40.I have a new car.He has a new car.
41.I want a newspaper.He wants a newspaper.
42.I was at school yesterday.He was at school yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Danny was a very kind andconsiderate (consider) boy for his age.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.While communicating across culture,there are always somemisunderstandings (understand).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.There are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.One of these is undue(过度的) absorption in the past.There is no need to live in memories,in regrets for the good old days,or in sadness about friends who are dead.One's thoughts must be directed to the future,and to things about which there is something to be done.
It is unwise to be too attached to the youth in hopes of sucking vigor from their vitality (活力).When your children have grown up,they want to live their own lives,and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young.you are likely to become a burden to them,unless they are cold to you.
I think a successful old age is easier for those who have strong impersonal interests involving proper activities.It is no use telling children not to make mistakes,both because they will not believe you,and because mistakes are an essential part of education.But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interests,and you only concern yourself with your children and.grandchildren,then you must realize that while you can still render them material services,such as making them an allowance,you must not expect that they will enjoy your company.
Some old people are afraid of death.But in fact the best way is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal.An individual human existence should be like a river-small at first,rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls.Gradually the river grows wider and the banks move back and in the end they become merged(混和)in the sea without any visible break.
The old man who can see life in this way will not suffer from the fear of growing old and death.

51.One of the dangers to be guarded against in old age isA  
A.the fear of getting old
C.to depend on themselves
B.to be lost in old memories
D.to be too impersonal
52.The author suggests that old people shouldA
A.develop impersonal interests with proper activities
B.tell their children not to make mistakes
C.concern themselves with their children
D.not give their children an allowance
53.The underlined word"render"in Paragraph 3 probably means"C".
54.The author compares an individual human existence to a river becauseC
A.1ife is like a river,first small,and then it becomes wide
B.1ife is like a river finally flowing into the sea and disappearing
C.old age and death are both natural,just like a river
D.people get old and finally die naturally like a river
55.What's the main topic of this passage?B
A.Never be afraid of death.
B.How to grow old successfully.
C.Never be afraid of getting old.
D.Getting old is natural.

