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14.If I asked you to sit down and remember a list of phone numbers or a series of facts,how would you go about it?There's a fair chance that you'd be doing it wrong.
One of the interesting things about the mind is that even though we all have one,we don't have perfect insight (洞察力) into how to get the best from it.This is partly because of flaws (缺陷) in our ability to think about our own thinking.Studying this self-reflective thought process exposes human beings'mental blind spots.
One area where these blind spots are particularly large is learning.We're actually surprisingly bad at having insight into how we learn best.
Researchers Jeffrey Karpicke and Henry Roediger III made an experiment,where they asked college students to learn pairs of Swahili and English words.So,for example,they had to learn that if they were given the Swahili word"mashua"the correct response was"boat".They could have used the sort of facts you might get on a high-school quiz,but the use of Swahili meant that there was little chance their participants could use any background knowledge to help them learn.After the pairs had all been learnt,there would be a final test a week later.
Now if many of us were revising this list we might study the list,test ourselves and then repeat this cycle,dropping items we got right.This makes studying and testing quicker and allows us to focus our effort on the things we haven't yet learnt.It's a plan that seems to make perfect sense,but it's a plan that is disastrous if we really want to learn properly.
Karpicke and Roediger asked students to prepare for a test in various ways,and compared their success-for example,one group kept testing themselves on all items without dropping what they were getting right,while another group stopped testing themselves on their correct answers.On the final exam differences between the groups were dramatic.While dropping items from study didn't have much of an effect,the people who dropped items from testing performed relatively poorly.
It seems the effective way to learn is to practice getting items back from memory,not trying to consolidate (巩固) them in there by further study.Moreover,dropping items entirely from your revision,which is the advice given by many study guides,is wrong.You can stop studying them if you've learnt them,but you should keep testing what you've learnt if you want to remember them at the time of the final exam.
So the evidence has a moral for teachers:there's more to testing than finding out what students know-tests can also help us remember.
63.According to the passage,we often fail to remember facts becauseD.
A.we ignore our weakness in memorizing things
B.we don't understand well what we are learning
C.we don't know where our metal blind spots are
D.we take improper ways to memorize for good ones
64.The researchers'experiment was intended toB.
A.confirm we don't know how to learn effectively
B.find out how we can consolidate our knowledge better
C.distinguish effects of memory in learning different languages
D.prove the importance of background knowledge in memorizing
65.What does the author believe leads to a good memory?A
A.Constant measure of your knowledge.
B.Frequent revision of what you learn.
C.Firm abandonment of what you're poor at.
D.Strong desire for grasping new knowledge.
66.The proper title for the passage isC.
A.An experiment on memory
B.A concept of human memory
C.A way to improve your memory
D.A discovery of a mental blind spot.

分析 本文通过实验表明提高记忆力的最佳途径就是经常测试自己的知识.

解答 63D细节理解题.根据This is partly because of flaws (缺陷) in our ability to think about our own thinking可知,有时我们记不住是因为你采取了不恰当的方式.
64 B细节理解题.通过对实验的详细介绍,最后得出结论It seems the effective way to learn is to practice getting items back from memory,not trying to consolidate (巩固) them in there by further study.由此可见,实验的目的是找到最好的巩固知识的方法.
65A 细节推断题.So the evidence has a moral for teachers:there's more to testing than finding out what students know-tests can also help us remember由实验的最终结果可知,提高记忆最佳方式是经常测试自己的知识.

点评 科教类文章题材考生阅读比较晦涩不好懂,解题难度较大,所以平时要关注科学技术等题材,带着问题找答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.Jennifer was halfway down the stairs when she turned and took one last look at her room.21A high school and going away to college was like the (22)C pause at the ending of a chapter in a good book,and she was  (23)Cto turn the page.
Jennifer went down the stairs to where her mother and father,(24)Aquiet,were waiting.She even felt a sense of guilt deep (25)B her when she admitted to herself how longingly she had  (26)D getting away from her home and starting a new life in the college.
They went out through the front door.Dad put the suitcases in the back of the  (27)C,and then came forward to hold the front door open."Sit in the (28)A,dear,"her mother suggested,touching her arm gently,and Jennifer noticed that her mother was (29)Bone of those sad-looking smiles.In fact,she was afraid her mother might even  (30)Dat the train station.
Her father pulled out of their driveway and Jennifer turned for one last look at the house.
They pulled up at the station then.The train was coming.There were last-minute questions,words of advice,and then (31)B.
"Well,I'm on my way.Don't worry about me,everything will be OK,"Jennifer said  (32)D.
When her father took the picture,she noticed her mother wasn't weepy at all-the smile on her face wasn't (33)Bsad-looking.
Through the window,Jennifer held  (34)Dwith her eyes as the train moved away slowly.They were standing close together,and somehow it (35)Dthe memory of that day when she was seven-when she had persuaded them to let her (36)Athe big Ferris wheel(摩天轮) all by herself.She had sat still in the (37)Cmiddle of the seat as she did just now in the car,feeling (38)B that even if she fell,even if the Ferris wheel itself fell,she had known they would catch her.
Suddenly she felt tears (39)D her eyes.She wiped her eyes one last time and found her parents out of (40)Awhen she looked back again.

26.A.looked up toB.got used toC.got bored withD.looked forward to
35.A.kept awayB.stuck toC.wiped offD.brought back


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.With the recent increase in tourism,our hometown has _______ a new look in recent years.(  )
A.taken upB.taken onC.taken inD.taken off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.The day before the deadline for this article,I had no clue what I was going to write about.I took my problem to the editor-in-chief,and.he said to me:"Don't worry; you're creative."
I'm not sure where the editor-in-chief reached the conclusion that I was"creative".Maybe it was through the poems I wrote.Personally,I simply enjoy writing because it's fun.There's also the fact that I can't draw or do anything else creatively,I'm equally sure that there are people in the boat on the other side who can make things look excellent,but can't write a poem.
At this point you probably want to ask me what poetry and art have to do with engineering.For one,it makes you a more rounded person,making you a better engineer.More importantly,as an engineer,you will be faced with many problems every day.There are some that can be solved by consulting a textbook,but more often than not,you will need that thing in your brain to put together things in a completely original combination to solve the problem at hand.
Think of the wonderful things that creative engineers have done.Civil engineers have made the road more long-lasting so we don't have to close them for repairs as often.Coming up with a new innovation (创新) is similar to writing a good poem.It's not some-thing you plan to do.The critical moment comes unexpectedly in the middle of nowhere.You don't think about what you're doing,you simply do.After some mad struggling you take a look at the end product and say to yourself,"This is a masterpiece."This is perhaps the greatest personal satisfaction one can
So all you engineers out there get out and do something creative.I don't care if it's writing a poem or a computer program,just be natural and do something creative.

66.This passage mainly deals withA.
A.the creativity of engineers
B.the power of editor-in-chief
C.engineering in general
D.a way of thinking
67.In the author's opinion,writing poems canB.
A.show one is creative
B.make him happy
C.bring him in lots of money
D.have an effect on one's mental health
68.According to the author,art can help an engineer toA.
A.find the solutions to problems
B.learn to write poetry
C.be courageous in face of challenges
D.get along well with others
69.Coming up with a new innovation is similar to writing a good poem in that both areD.
A.logically developed     B.strictly planned
C.experience-based        D.naturally creative
70.The greatest personal satisfaction of an engineer comes fromC.
A.planning his work successfully
B.building things quickly
C.finishing his work innovatively
D.writing good poems naturally.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

9.近期,某中学生英文报就"My dream classroom"向中学生征稿.请你根据征稿启事写篇英语短文投稿.

注意:1.词数100 左右;
My Dream Classroom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The professor who won the Nobel Prize gained an ______ fame after five years of hard work.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The pictures full of religious symbols were the ______ ones in the Middle Ages.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.One of India's top engineering schools has restricted Internet access in its boarding houses,saying addiction to surfing,gaming and blogging was affecting students'performance,making them lonely and even suicidal.
Authorities at the best Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai said students had stopped socializing and many were late for morning classes or slept through them."Now,a student doesn't even know who lives two doors away from him because he is so busy on the Internet,"said Prakash Gopalan,dean of Student Affairs."The old dormitory culture of companionship and socializing among students is gone.This is not healthy in our opinion."
IITMumbai,with about 5,000 students,is one of the seven IITs across India which are considered to be among the finest engineering schools in the world.They are also a talent pool for global technology giants.But their hard courses,tough competition and lonely campus lifestyle have taken an effect on students.Depressive and dysfunctional lifestyles are known to be common among IIT students,and at least nine have committed suicide in the past five years.Students have unlimited free Internet access in their boarding houses to help them in their studies,but many also use it to surf,chat,download movies and music,blog and for gaming.
"Starting Monday,Internet access will be banned between 11 p.m.and 12:30 p.m.at IITMumbai's 13 boarding buildings to encourage students to sleep early and to try and force them out of their shells."Gopalan said.But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated."Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby (摇篮曲) to go to sleep."said Rajiv,an electronics student.

25.According to the text,the students addicted to the Internet in IIT-Mumbai are likely toD.
A.perform well in studies                  
B.participate in social activities
C.know their classmates better            
D.feel lonely and even suicidal
26.The underlined word"dysfunctional"in Paragraph 3 most probably means"C".
27.What measures have been taken in IITMumbai?D
A.Students must go to bed before 11 p.m.
B.Students are forbidden to surf the Internet on campus.
C.Students have unlimited free Internet access in their dormitories.
D.Internet access is unavailable in deep night in boarding buildings.
28.We may infer from the last paragraph thatB.
A.all electronics students hate the banning order
B.some students complain about the banning order
C.there is no Internet access on the IIT campus ever since
D.more students prefer listening to music to surfing the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.Hepaid off (偿清) the debt of his friend with the money raised by his writings.

