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7.Keesh lived at the North Pole a long time ago.He lived near the edge of the polar sea.He was a bright thirteen-year-old boy with a strong,healthy body.His father was a brave man who had died during a food shortage in the village.His father tried to save the lives of his people by fighting a giant polar bear.Keesh's father was crushed to death during the struggle.But he killed the bear,and the meat from the bear kept the people from starving.
     Keesh was his only son,and he lived alone with his mother.But people are forgetful,and they soon forgot how Keesh's father had saved their lives.And since Keesh was only a boy and his mother was a woman and not a warrior(勇士),they were forced to live in the smallest and poorest igloo in the village.
     One night there was a council meeting in the large igloo of Klosh-Kwan,who was the chief.At that meeting Keesh showed how much courage he possessed.He rose to his feet and waited for silence.Then,with the dignity(尊严)of an older man,he said,"It is true that my mother and I are given meat to eat.But the meat is always old and tough,filled with bones,and difficult to eat."
     The hunters-both the young and the old-were shocked to hear a child speak to them that way.But Keesh went on steadily,"Because my father,Bok,was a great hunter,I can speak these words.You know that Bok brought home more meat than any hunter in the village.The oldest woman,the weakest old man,received a fair share."
     Keesh waited calmly until the shouting died down."My mother has no one except me,and therefore I must speak.My father put his life in danger and died,to provide food for this village.It is only right that I,his son and his wife should have enough good meat as long as there is plenty of good meat in this village.I,Keesh,the son of Bok,have spoken."
     He sat down.He could hear angry murmuring all around him.Some men began to shout at Keesh.They ordered him to leave.They threatened to punish him by not giving him any food at all.Keesh's eyes flashed and the blood pounded under his skin.In the midst of the noise and the uproar,he jumped to his feet.
"Listen to me,you men!"he shouted."I shall never speak in this council again-not until you come to invite me to speak.My father was a great hunter,and so will I be."
     They laughed at Keesh and followed him out of the igloo,shouting at him.But Keesh said nothing more.He walked away with his head raised,looking neither to the left nor the right….
---Based on a story by Jack London
56.How did Keesh's father die?D
A.He died of hunger several years ago.
B.He died when he tried to save a bear.
C.He died in a fight with other warriors.
D.He died during a struggle with a bear.
57.Keesh showed his courage at the council meeting byA.
A.complaining of the unfair treatment he and his mother received
B.asking for more help from the chief
C.demanding a bigger igloo to live in
D.quarreling with the hunters angrily
58.Where should the following missing words be filled?A
"Quiet!"shouted the men."Throw the child out!Send him to bed!No child may speak such words to warriors like us!"
A.Between the 4th paragraph and the 5th paragraph
B.Between the 3rd paragraph and the 4th paragraph
C.Before the last paragraph.
D.Between the 6th paragraph and the 7th paragraph.
59.From the passage we can inferC.
A.Keesh will kill another bear.
B.Keesh makes up his mind to leave his village forever
C.Keesh will prove his words by going out to hunt
D.Keesh will take revenge (报复) on his villager later.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了Keesh 的父亲在为村里人的生存而死之后,Keesh 和他的母亲却受到了不公平的待遇,让Keesh发誓成为父亲一样优秀的猎人,证明自己.

解答 56.D.细节理解题.根据文章第一段"Keesh's father was crushed to death during the struggle.But he killed the bear,and the meat from the bear kept the people from starving"可知他的父亲是在和熊的搏斗中死去的;故选D.
57.A.细节理解题.根据文章第四段"You know that Bok brought home more meat than any hunter in the village.The oldest woman,the weakest old man,received a fair share"可知他显示了他的勇气在理事会会议抱怨了他和他的母亲受到的不公正待遇;故选A.
58.A.推理判断题.根据文章第五段:Keesh waited calmly until the shouting died down他静静等着这些叫嚣声消失,可知对他不满的语言应该在45段之间;故选A.
59.C.推理判断题.根据文章倒数第二段"I shall never speak in this council again-not until you come to invite me to speak.My father was a great hunter,and so will I be"可知他将通过打猎来证明自己的能力;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

17.Twenty years ago,I drove a taxi for a living.I met(21)Cpeople.But none touched me(22)Bthan a woman I picked up late one night.
I received a call from(23)Din a quiet part of town.When I arrived at 2:30a.m.,the building was(24)Aexcept for a single light in a ground floor window.I  walked to the door and(25)B."Just a minute,"answered a(26)D,elderly voice.After a long pause,the door opened.A small woman(27)Cher 80s stood before me.Beside her was a small suitcase.I took it to the taxi.and then returned to(28)Athe woman.She took my arm and we walked(29)Dtoward the roadside.
Seated,she gave me(30)B."I'm on my way to a hospice(临终关怀医院).I'm in no hurry.Can you drive through downtown?"I saw her eyes shining with(31)Cin the rearview mirror."I don't have any(32)Aleft."she continued."The doctor says I don't have very long."
During the next two hours'(33)B,sometimes she asked me to(34)Cin front of a particular building or corner and she(35)Astare into the darkness.When we got to the destination,she asked,"How much do I(36)Dyou?""Nothing,"I said."You(37)Cmake a living."she answered."I have(38)Bpassengers,"I replied,and gave her a hug. She held onto me(39)D."You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,"she said."Thank you."
After that,I drove aimlessly,lost in thought.People usually believe that our lives center upon great moments.(40)Bgreat moments often catch us unaware,beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

23.A.a storeB.an officeC.a clinicD.an apartment
30.A.a notebookB.an addressC.a presentD.an envelope
37.A.want toB.used toC.have toD.seem to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.The tennis match between Li Na and little Williams was so fierce that everyone _________ their breath at the end.(  )
A.will holdB.had heldC.holdD.was holding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.When he saw all his books _____ here and there on the floor,he knew that something terrible _____.(  )
A.lying; must have happenedB.lie; must happen
C.lay; might have happenedD.had lain; could have happen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.With his game-winning three-pointer at the buzzer,Jeremy Lin (林书豪) finished the New York Knicks'dramatic reversed victory to defeat the Toronto Rapters.
   The Knicks have won six games in a row,and Jeremy Lin has put up impressive numbers during the continuous period of competitions.Although the season is still young,the Knicks have reversed course in just one week from the NBA's most disappointing team to a playoff (季后赛) contestant.Lin,not team's high-paid stars,has saved the Knicks season and likely coach D'Antoni's job.
After nearly 15 years of disappointing,sometimes unsuccessful seasons,Madison Square Garden is alive again,and New York City can't stop talking about the Knicks.To put things into perspective,consider this:Just several years back,Knicks fans protested nightly outside of the Garden calling for the team's ownership to fire their resented coach Isiah Thomas.
Now,Madison Square Garden Co.shares are at a record high,the Knicks'average household television rating is up 70 percent since Lin joined the starting lineup (首发阵容),and jersey sales are increasing very quickly.I watched the Knicks-Lakers game at a bar in Harlem,and have not felt that kind of energy from fans since the great playoff between the Knicks and Miami Heat in the late 1990s.
Beyond the Knicks,Lin may be saving the NBA as well.Just a few months back,the NBA took a massive credibility hit during a multi-month lockout,where the owners did not allow the players to go back to play until they accept the new salary levels.As a consequence,the season did not even begin until Christmas Day.Over the past few years,LeBron James'(勒布朗﹒詹姆斯) relatively long and unpleasant free-agent (自由职业球员) events,combined with poor play around the league,have angered fans and damaged the league's brand.
Lin is leading a one-week NBA basketball revival.His legendary story has inspired Asian-Americans,increased NBA sales in China,and turned the basketball world upside down.
51.According to the passage,Jeremy Lin's excellent performance saved the following exceptD.
A.The NBA                                     
B.Madison Square Garden Co.'s shares
C.The Knicks                                    
D.Coach Isiah Thomas
52.The underlined word"young"in Paragraph 2 probably means"A."
A.in the early stage    
B.not old yet.
C.not completely grown.
D.in the development      
53.Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.These Knicks'stars who were paid well saved the Knicks season
B.The fans objected to dismissing Coach Isiah Thomas outside the Garden
C.The owners and the players didn't agree on raising the TV ratings
D.The Knicks didn't satisfy its fans for nearly 15 years until this season
54.The passage is mainly aboutA.
A.how Jeremy Lin saved the Knicks,probably including the NBA
B.why Jeremy Lin became a member of the Knicks  
C.how the Knicks defeated its opponents in a great playoff  
D.why the New Yorkers thought well of Jeremy Lin.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Michelle Obama has just started a campaign against childhood obesity(肥胖)with the admission that she put her girls Malia and Sasha on a diet because they were getting fat.Clearly,childhood obesity must be solved and urgently.But is it a good idea for mothers to put their daughters on diets?
Studies show that the more children diet,the more likely they are to become obese as adults.Research also shows that girls are highly influenced by their mothers when it comes to eating habits and body image.
This was the case for Carly,40,who blames her mother for her lifelong struggle with weight."My mother was on a diet the whole time 1 was growing up,"she says."And she put me on my first diet when 1 was 10.I lost puppy fat,gained her approval and never ate normally  again,America's First Lady clearly has a vital healthy eating message to.convey.But could this be damaging for Malia and Sasha?Could they develop eating disorders because of it?
"It's wrong just to blame mothers for their daughters'eating disorders,"says Susan Ringwood,chief executive of the eating disorders charity,Beat."There is a genetic(基因的)component to eating disorders."However,"We do know that parents have a very strong influ.ence over a child's eating.It's important to realize that you are your daughter's role model.Girls idolize the ir mothers."says Ringwood.
"Nofoodshould ever be‘good'or‘bad',"Ringwood says.Instead,"You have to make it clear that food is a sociable,healthy and fun part of life,not something to be feared."
"Talk to her about body image,"Ringwood says."Talk about how curves are an important and exciting part of being a woman.Show her that anorexic(厌食的)fashion models are not sexy,but i11.The pressure on girls today is immense,"she says."But don't forget that you are the authoritative voice,too."
66.Michelle Obama has started a campaign toA.
  A.solve childhood obesi ty across the country
  B.attract the attention of the world
  C.show her first lady identity
  D.please the public
 67.The author mentions Carly in Paragraph 3 to show thatA.
  A.mothers have a great influence on girls,eating habits
  B.the more you diet,the more weight you will put on
  C.mothers are to blame for the unbalanced diet
  D.side effects of dieting are hard to avoid
 68.According to Ringwood,D.
  A.food is considered something fearful
  B.food can be recognized as"good"or"bad"
  C.only slim mothers are role models of their daughters
  D.eating di sorder has something to do with genetic component
69.The passage tells us thatA.
  A.mothers'lead is of great importance
  B.daughters are victims of mothers'authority
  C.dieting teenagers can't turn into obese adults
D.experts have arguements about eating disorder
70.It can be concluded thatD
  A.eating disorder always goes hand in hand with being slim
  B.girls are more concerned about body shapes than boys
  C.daughters tend to have a lifelong struggle with weight
  D.the author is against children's dieting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19."The world's oceans are slowly getting more acidic."say scientists.The researchers from California report that the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
         The lowering of the waters'PH value is not great at the moment but could cause a serious threat to current ocean life if it continues,they warn.Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett,from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,report their concerns in the journal Nature.Increasing use of oil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air,and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater.Once in the water,it reacts to form carbonic acid.Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.
         These researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change."This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere,"said Dr Caldeira.And we predict the amount of future acidity will exceed(超过) anything we have seen over the last several hundred million years,let alone perhaps after rare disastrous events such as asteroid(小行星) impacts
          However,it is not absolutely clear what that means for ocean life.Most organisms live near the surface,where the greatest PH change would be expected to occur,but deep-ocean life forms may be more sensitive to PH changes.Coral reefs(珊瑚礁) and other organisms whose shells contain calcium carbonate(碳酸钙) may be particularly affected if the water's acidity levels keep going up,the team predict.They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower PH.
         In recent years some people have suggested storing carbon dioxide from power station in the deep ocean as a way of dealing with global warming.But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered."Previously,most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing--because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet,and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean,it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming."
57.The ocean is becoming more acidic due toC.
A.the lower water PH value                                     
B.the warming atmosphere
C.the higher level of CO2 in the air                         
D.the increasing use of oil fuels
58.According to Dr Caldeira,D.
A.ocean absorption of carbon dioxide is a good thing
B.more oil fuels will be used in the near future
C.scientists may predict climate changes with computer models
D.the future situation of the amount of acidity is extremely serious
59.If the water's acidity level keeps rising,A 
A.ocean life whose structures contain calcium carbonate may be affected
B.the water's PH value will become higher and higher
C.organisms living near the surface are more sensitive to PH changes
D.some disastrous events will occur more often than before
60.Most experts once believed storing carbon dioxide in the ocean would reduceB.
A.the CO2 absorbed by the ocean                          
B.the amount of greenhouse warming
C.the acidity of the ocean                                         
D.the gradual release of CO2.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Born in 1910,my mother was the first director I ever met.Wearing an apron and teaching tap in the basement of our apartment building,she was a housewife and dance teacher.Even from a young age she was an entertainer who thought performing was not just a hobby or even a profession but a way of living that was as essential as breathing or eating.
Mom was always"on"from her energetic teaching of her dance students to her late-night work when she would type out songs,dance routines,and funny plays for her dance recital.I would be in my bed and still hear her typewriter as I went to sleep at night.Her typing sounded like rain.Always working,she would go to Broadway shows,steal the routines,and come back and type them out for her students to perform.I knew right from the beginning that if I could make my mom laugh,then I could make her love me.
When I grew up and moved to Hollywood as an adult,I would later create 14prime-time TV shows and direct 17movies.During my five decades in show business,I never forgot my mother's advice to find the humor in anything.I wanted to entertain the world and not put people to sleep.If my mom had been born at a different time in history she might have become a stage actress or a performer herself.Instead,she trained my two sisters and I to work in the field of entertainment.She remains to this day my inspiration and creative compass.I will never stop carrying on my mother's message,and I will never stop missing her.In fact,as a  tribute to my mother I built The Marjorie Ward Marshall Dance Center at Northwestern University.Whenever I visit the building it helps remind me that to entertain people and make them laugh is what my own career has been all about.

26.The author's mother worked as aC.
A.movie director       B.stage actress
C.dance instructor     D.businesswoman
27.Why did the author's mother work deep into night even at home?D
A.She wanted to set a good example to her children.
B.She wished to entertain herself after a day's work.
C.She expected to train her students to be top dancers.
D.She thought it was a way of living and tried her best.
28.What did the author learn from Mother?A
A.To entertain people and make them laugh.
B.To teach people to dance elegantly.
C.To steal the routines from Broadway shows.
D.To create TV shows and direct movies.
29.The author's two sisters might beB.
A.also dance teachers as well as housewives
B.entertainers inspired by their mother
C.also typists working late at night
D.performers to enjoy themselves with others'humor
30.Which word may have nearly the same meaning as the underlined word"tribute"?D
A.Charity.     B.Achievement.
C.Welfare.      D.Present.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Unfortunately,when I dropped in,Doctor Li _____ for Beijing to join in the fight against SARS,so we had not enough time for a talk.(  )
A.just leftB.has just left
C.is just leavingD.was just leaving

