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第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                                 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

                The everyman's sport Freedom is a fundamental human right,one which should be valued most highly. Sometimes,though,freedom doesn't have to be 41 or controversial. Sometimes,freedom — 42 freedom 一 feels as simple as wearing a pair of comfortable shoes on a sunny day,and heading out for a 43 ,out into the unknown.

                 Usually,there is a(n) 44 to follow,maybe a park to run around or a river to run along. Even on the most 45 running routes,however,there is something different to see. Here in Germany,46 as I am by beautiful scenes of countryside,my favourite route is along the winding 47 ,along the banks of which wander herds of sheep,sometimes 48 your way,while Canadian geese fly overhead (在头顶上) .Having a regular route might seem 49 ,but as you,ve seen it all before,it will seem shorter and the time will 50 quickly.

                 For a route to become regular,of course,you need to 51 and explore in the first place. One of the 52 of running,alongside physical well-being,is the inside knowledge it can give a runner. If you know a town or city by 53,you come to truly know it; you are no longer another 54 ,blindly following any public transport system,but a path fmder,an adventurer.

                 This 55 to anyone,anywhere,at any time. Running is the most 56 sport in the world. No specialist equipment is necessary; just a good pair of 57 ,and maybe an iPod if you want to run with some music. Running can 58 stress and it is also a sport in which anyone can 59 ,if given a little bit of time,practice and patience. Nike really did get it right with the slogan “Just do it!” 一 you won’t 60 it.

41. A. simple   B. complicated   C. special   D. useful

42. A. personal   B. full   C. religious   D. academic

43. A. run   B. walk   C. jump   D. hike

44. A. example   B. route   C. schedule   D. leader

45. A. convenient   B. familiar   C. interesting   D. famous

46. A. surrounded   B. attracted   C. covered   D. hidden

47. A. road   B. river   C. farm   D. beach

48. A. exploring   B. blocking   C. finding   D. minding

49. A. easy   B. tiring   C. boring   D. wrong

50. A. save   B. wait   C. spend   D. pass

51. A. get down   B. get off   C. get out   D. get away

52. A. problems   B. difficulties   C. benefits   D. risks

53. A. car   B. bus   C. eye   D. foot   C. neighbour   D. guide

54. A. tourist   B. stranger   C. neighbour   D. guide

55. A. applies   B. refers   C. belongs   D. turns

56. A. competitive   B. expensive   C. accessible   D. dangerous

57. A. shoes   B. trousers   C. gloves   D. glasses

58. A. increase   B. reduce   C. bear   D. continue

59. A. devote   B. improve   C. do   D. play

60. A. miss   B. avoid   C. forget   D. regret

41. B 42. A 43. A 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. C 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. A 58. B 59. B 60. D


41. B. 自由是人类的基本权利。有时候自由也不是必须是“复杂(complicated) ”或有争议的,有时就像“晴天穿上一双舒服的运动鞋出去一样简单”,下文中 的 as simple as 是提示。

42. A. 由下文中的 wearing a pair of comfortable shoes on a sunny day 可知,此 处强调“个人自由(personal freedom) ”。

43. A. 由下文中的 a park to run around or a river to run along可知,此处指出去“跑步(run)”。

44. B. 由下文提及的running routes和my favourite route is可知,此处指跑步的“路线(route)”。

45. B. 由表示转折的however后的内容 there is something different to see 可知,此处指即使是在最“熟悉的(familiar) ” 跑步路线上,也会看到不同的风景。

46. A. 由下文的 by beautiM scenes of countryside可知,此处指“我”被美丽的乡村风光“环绕(surrounded) ”。

47. B. 由上文的a river to run along及下文的 along the banks of which wander ..可知,“我”最喜欢的路线是沿着蜿蜒的“河(river) ”。

48. B. 由上文的along the banks of which wander herds of sheet) 可知,羊群会经常“挡住(blocking) ”你的路。

49. C.

50. D. 由 a regular route 及 you,ve seen it all before可知,常规熟悉的路线看似“乏味(boring) ””但会使路程看起来短一些,时间也会“过(pass) ”得快一些。

51. C. 由上文的 For a route to become regular可知,要想把一条跑步路线变为常规路线,首先你就需要“走出去(go out) ”探索。

52. C. 由下文的 alongside physical well--being可知,跑步的其中一个“好处(benefits) ”就是它能给跑步者内在的知识。

53. D.

54. A. 由 you come to truly know it可知,如果你能通过“脚(foot) ”来了解一座城市或城镇,那么你就会真正了解它,你就不再是一个盲目乘坐公共交通 工具的“旅行者(tourist) ”,而是一个道路发现者,一个探险家。

55. A. 承接上文的描述可知这条规则在任何时间、任何地方,“适用于(applies) ”任何人。

56. C. 

57. A. 由 No specialist equipment is necessary可知,跑步是最“容易进行的 (accessible)”运动,不需要专门的装备,只需一双舒服的“鞋(shoes) ”和一个iPod, 如果你想边跑边听音乐的话。

58. B. 由常识可知,跑步可以帮助人们“减 (reduce )”压。

59. B. 根据下文的 if given a little bit of time,practice and patience 可知,跑步这项运动,只要投入一点时间耐心练习,每个人都能有所“提高(improve) ”。

60. D. 根据全文对跑步好处的讨论,并结合耐克的广告语“Just do it!”可知,你只管去跑,你不会“后悔(regret)”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第49期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task I. Read the text and All in the blanks in the chart.

Problems: snakes near the house; removing them without 1. them

Before catching  Preparations: researching their 2. to find the easiest solution

Three findings a. removing their habitat  b. trapping them  c. 3. them and removing them

Three attempts a. Putting a bowl over the snakes’ habitat with 4. The on the top

b. Using the same method in the evening

Result: The snakes were 5. but still tried to bite.

c. Repeating the second procedure,but using a(n) 6.

Patent application Criteria a. 7. invention

Examination a. different from others  b. 8. claim  c. published 18 months later


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




            In 1995 Patrick Combs was living in San Francisco and trying desperately to make ends meet. He had just written a guide for college students called Major in Success and he was using the book to build what he hoped would be a successful career as a motivational speaker,helping people to make the most of their talents and abilities. And no one needed his advice more than Patrick himself. Money had always been tight in Patrick's family and,at 28,he thought it was always going to be like that for him.

             But you never know your luck!He found himself looking at a junk mail promising that if he sent money to a certain company,he would soon be receiving huge cheques (iL#) which would make him rich. And to prove it,the company had put a sample cheque in with their letter.

             He thought it would be a funny joke to deposit (存储) the cheque in his account. He would give bank employees a laugh when they discovered that “some stupid people” had tried to cash a junk mail cheque. So he wrote in the amount of the deposit, $95,093.35. 

             After ten days,much to his shock,he found that the cheque had been cleared and the money had been put into his account. The junk mail company had succeeded in making the cheque look real — far too real. With “money” in his account,Patrick became worried. He couldn’t think of anything else for two months. After researching his own legal position long and hard,he discovered that he was not legally responsible for returning the money — he had committed no crime.

             But in the end,Patrick decided to do the “right” thing. He returned the money to the bank. Patrick had by this time become famous and he used the story to make his career as a motivational speaker. Today his money worries are over.

21. What did Patrick worry about most at 28?

   A. Money.      B. His book.

   C. His career. D. College studentsJ future.

22. Why did Patrick write down the amount of money?

   A. He wanted to play a joke on the bank.

   B. He planned to put money into the bank.

   C. He tried to realise his dream of being rich.

   D. He did what the letter instructed him to do.

23. What did Patrick do after he got the money?

   A. He committed a crime.

   B. He looked up many legal rules.

   C. He worried about it for three months.

   D. He unlocked the mystery of the cheque.

24. What can we infer from the text?

   A. People can't be poor forever.

   B. People shouldn’t wait for their luck.

   C. Do the right thing and your luck will come.

   D. Success will come when you make the most of yourself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



                A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A series of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts; to determine whether a pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity (强度) .They are also able to determine whether an air mass is keeping its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus,a most important function of the map is to show a general picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.

                All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather maps contain a large amount of information about weather conditions existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms,floods,frosts and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day “out-look” which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masses,fronts,and storms.

                Much effort is being made today to achieve more accurate weather predictions. With the use of electronic instruments and earth satellites,big gains have taken place recently in recognizing and tracking storms over regions which have few meteorological stations(气象台). A lot of experiments are also in progress for weather modification(人工改变天气) studies. But the limitations of weather modification have produced few results except in the seeding(撒干冰) of super cooled,upslope mountainous winds which have produced additional rainfall on the windward(上风的) side of mountain ranges.

6. Paragraph 1 mainly deals with .

   A. the functions of weather maps

   B. the work of weather forecasters

   C. the importance of weather forecast

   D. the relationship among weather elements

7. What's the advantage of using weather maps?

   A. It uses electronic instruments.

   B. It enables man to control the weather.

   C. It gives general information about climate.

   D. It offers much information about the weather.

8. The 30-day forecast is determined by examining.

   A. air masses           B. upper air levels

   C. satellite reports    D. changing fronts

9. At the present time,experiments are being performed in .

   A. 30-day outlooks

   B. controlling storms

   C. controlling weather

   D. accurate weather predictions

10. Artificial rainfall has been most successful in the .

   A. lake areas

   B. grasslands

   C. western slopes of mountains

   D. windward sides of mountains


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

             Pascal Cotte,a French scientist discovered that aportrait(肖像) of a woman was hidden under one of 61. most famous paintings in the world,the "Mona Lisaw.

             In December 2015,the digitally enhanced and reconstructed image of the hidden portrait 62. (show) at a press conference in Shanghai by Pascal Cotte,63.has been analyzing the famous painting 64. (create) by Leonardo da Vinci for nearly a decade. Pascal said he found the image by 65. (use) a special camera that took images of the painting under 66. (extreme) strong light.

              The hidden portrait is of a woman,almost the same as the Mona Lisa,but with several small important 67. (differ). The woman appears to be looking to the side rather than directly 68. the viewer, and she does not have the famous smile that has delighted viewers for over 500 years. Pascal told the media that he thinks his recent findings challenge the long held belief 69.  the painting is of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine silk merchant. However,some art historians doubt 70.Pascal's findings could prove the Mona Lisa was someone else other than Lisa Gherardini.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Most people outside 1. United States have never heard of 2. Great Serpent Mound in 3. Adams County,Ohio. One of 4. most mysterious monuments in America,

5. mound is 6. ancient native American construction built to look like 7.snake. While there are 8. mounds built in many parts of the Midwest and the South,not many look like 9. animals. Researchers refer to this type of mound as 10. “effigy mound (象形丘) ”.

   Over 1,348 feet long,scientists agree it's 11. very impressive monument,but there is disagreement over who built 12.structure. Some people think 13. Adena people built the mound; others think it was the Fort Ancient culture.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. He lifted the phone and d her number.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Qualifications are important but (实践的) experience is always an advantage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. All my family are well (educate) , of whom my brother studied in Harvard University.

