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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                                   ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

                 Since first grade I had always been good at school. I loved to read and remembered things easily. I always did well on tests. When it came to fifth grade science,41,I was struggling. 42I tried hard I still couldn't seem" to understand it. Mom and Dad had always been so proud of my 43 grades and I didn’t want to 44them. Just before the test I had written several of the answers on my 45 in barely legible(勉强能辨认的) pencil. I sat 46as the teacher started to hand out the tests. I didn't want to get caught,but I didn’t want to 47 either.

                  As the teacher was coming to my row 48 the fire alarm went off. It was an unscheduled fire drill. We all headed out the door and stood together 49 the all-clear signal. As I stood outside in the warm sunshine I 50 what a fool I had been. I knew my mom and dad would be proud of me and 51 me no matter what my grades were. As soon as we were allowed back in,I wiped the 52  on my desk away. I had been given a second chance and I wasn't going to 53 it. I took the test,did my best,and felt 54.

                   I'm not sure why life gave me a second chance that I day. It wouldn't be the last time,55.The second chances in my life have 56me to grow into the person I am today.

                   Life is full of second chances but you have to!be 57 to take them. You have to be willing to ask for 58 and begin again. You have to be willing to release your mistakes and grasp your inner(内心的)59 . You have to be willing to give up your 60 and just love. Every day when you wake up you are given a second chance at life. Embrace(拥抱)it,treasure it,and use it wisely!

41. A. therefore   B. otherwise   C. besides   D. however

42. A. If   B. While   C. As   D. Since

43. A. good   B. final   C. average   D. similar

44. A. frighten   B. reject   C. lose   D. disappoint

45. A. eraser   B. paper   C. desk   D. hand

46. A. straight   B. nervously   C. back   D. comfortably

47. A. fail   B. miss   C. leave   D. change

48. A. immediately   B. actually   C. suddenly   D. naturally

49. A. sending out   B. picking up   C. responding to   D. waiting for

50. A. realized   B. remembered   C. noticed d. doubted

51. A. persuade   B. love   C. remind   D. praise

52. A. numbers   B. dust   C. answers   D. water

53. A. waste   B. take   C. create   D. make

54. A. at sea   B. at peace   C. in a hurry   D. at a loss

55. A. either b. still   C. yet   D. though

56. A. forced   B. asked   C. allowed   D. pushed

57. A. willing   B. hopeful   C. careful   D. confident

58. A. help   B. fairness   C. advice   D. forgiveness

59. A. loneliness   B. pride   C. goodness   D. wish

60. A. belief   B. fear   C. dream   D. heart

41. D 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. A 51. B 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. D 56. C 57. A 58. D 59. C 60. B


41. D. 由上文中的 I aiwayS did well on tests以及下文中的I was struggling可知,上下文之间是转折关系,故用“然而(however)”。

42. B. 该空后的 I tried hard 和 still couldn,t seem to understand it 之间是让 步关系,故用“尽管(While)”。

43. A. 由上文中的proud of可知,爸爸妈妈总是为“我”的“好(good)”成绩感到骄傲。

44. D. 由上文的描述可知,“我”不想让父母“失望(disappoint)”。

45. C. 由下文丰的I wiped the…on my desk away可知,在考试前,“我”在“桌子 (desk)”上写了几个答案。

46. B. 由下文中的 I didn’t want to get .caught可知,“我”当时非常“紧张(nervously)”。

47. A. 由上文的描述可知,“我”既不想作弊被发现,也不想考试“失利(fail) ”。

48. C. 由下文中的 It was an unscheduled fire drill可知,当老师正发卷时,“突然(suddenly)”火警警报响了。

49. D. 由文中的描述可知,我们站在门外,“等待Cwaiting for”警报解除信号。

50. A. 由该空后的what a fool I had been可知,“我”“意识到(realized) ”自己多么愚蠢。 

51. B. 由该空前的 I knew my mom and dad would be proud of me 和该空后的no matter what my grades were 可知,“我”知道不论“我”的成绩如何,爸爸妈妈会一如既往“爱(love)”“我”。

52. C. 由上文中的 written several of the answers可知,“我”把桌子上的“答案 (answers)”擦掉了。

53. A. 由上下文的描述可知,“我”又得到了一次机会,“我”不会“浪费(waste)”这第二次机会。

54. B. 由该空前的 I took the test,did my best可知,“我”尽自己最大的努力完成了考试,内心感到很“平静(at peace)”。

55. D. 由下文中的 The second chances 可知,“不过(though) ”,这不会是最后一次。

56. C. 由文中的描述可知,“我”生命中的很多第二次机会“让(allowed) ”“我”成为了今天的自己。

57. A. 由下文中的 You have to be willing to可知,生活充满了很多第二次机会,但你必须“愿意(willing)”抓住这第二次机会。

58. D. 由文中的描述以及该空后的begin Again可知,你必须愿意去请求“原谅 (forgiveness)”,然后重新开始。

59. C. 你得愿意承认错误,并抓住自己内心的“善良(goodness)”。

60. B. 你得放下“恐惧(fear)”,然后去爱。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第50期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




            “Migrant Mother” is one of a series of photo-graphs that Dorothea Lange made of Florence Owens Thompson and her children in Nipomo camp,California in 1936. Lange was finishing a month's   trip photographing migrant agricultural workers around the state-

             I saw and approached the hungry and desperate mother,as if drawn by a magnet (磁铁).I do not remember how I explained my presence or my camera to her. 37  I did not ask her name or her history. She told me her age,that she was thirty-two. 38 She had just sold some parts from her car to buy food. There she sat with her children huddled (依偎) around her,and seemed to know that my pictures might help her,and so she helped me.

               39 It made the government deliver food aid to the Nipomo camp,where several thousand people were hungry and living in terrible conditions. However,by that point Owens and her family had moved on.

               Lange's photo became an image of the Great Depression(大萧条) ,but the migrant mother's identity remained a mystery to the public for many years because Lange hadn’t asked her name. 40Owens died at the age of 80 in 1983. In 19987a pnnt of the image,signed by Lange,sold for $244 500 at auction(拍卖) .

   A. Not every picture tells the whole story.

   B. The photo taken that day got a chance for him.

   C. But I do remember she asked me no questions.

   D. The image of Owens was soon published in newspapers.

   E. In 1960,Lange gave the following account of the experience.

   F. In the late 1970s,a reporter tracked down Owens at her California home.

   G. She said that they had been living on frozen vegetables from the surrounding fields.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最隹选项。



                Many American high schoolers participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular(课外的)activities such as sports and clubs. Personally,I enjoy playing tennis for my school's varsity team(校队) .Throughout the past decade,my high school,South,has been consistently ranked as one of the top teams in New Jersey.

                In my first year of high school,I was espe-cially nervous for tryouts(选拔赛) .The night before,I still remember lying in bed,feeling both anxiety and excitement. When I got to my school's courts,I saw a crowd of unfamiliar faces. Coach Crawbuck stressed how the team would be set up I through challenge matches. Afterwards,the coach :paired us together to begin playing games. Unlike many other sports,tennis relies only on the individual player's abilify. Because of this,I had :to make sure that all my points were not only consistent but strategic(有战略的) as well.

                At the beginning,I was ranked number 19 on the team. The second year,I improved greatly,ranking number 10. One day,I visited NJ.com to even find an introduction to myself!It was exciting to see that I was listed as a part of the tennis community.

                Soon,school started again,and our team began to play matches against other schools. Sometimes,it was stressful knowing that our team s undefeated record could not be broken. Once,my partner Alyssa and I played a five-hour match against South Brunswick simply so that our team could keep this standing. Needless to say,it was very exhausting!

                The term “tennis team” doesn't sound right

since the sport is singular in its nature. However,through my experiences with tennis,I have gotten to meet so many amazing players who have become my close friends. Not only does the team bond though our time on the courts,but also through the events the captains organize. Overall,playing tennis has become second nature for me and I don't know where I would be without it.

21. Before the tryouts,the author .

   A. felt frustrated

   B. wanted to quit

   C. was both nervous and excited

   D. practiced hard but made no improvement

22. Tennis differs from other sports in that

   A. the players,personal ability matters~more

   B. the players have to compete strategically

   C. the players should keep .consistent records

   D. the players are chosen through challenge matches

23. Through the exhausting match,the author and her partner aimed to .

   A. reduce their pressure 

   B. break their own record

   C. strengthen their position

   D. show their personal abilities

24. What kind of feeling does the author show for her tennis team? 

   A. Doubt.

   B. Appreciation.

   C. Curiosity.

   D. Disappointment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最—项。 

                             ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

               Many people simply follow others,blindly comparing the lifestyles. That is to say,they are not living their life in the way it was truly meant to be lived. Every person has a reason to live on this Earth. Every life has its 1 which has to be ulfilled. Take any activity,be~it a profession,a job,a career etc” and you’ 11 find it's specific to you alone. We should not follow others 2 . We have to leave our own mark behind. WeTiiave to walk our own 3 .

               Some people make 4 for their failures by 5blaming others from whom they have borrowed the 6 or advice. It's clear that 7 taking inspiration from others is the best 8to adopt while accomplishing an activity,following the adviser's each step will wipe out our identity altogether.

               Each human being has his or her own 9 character and abilities. They have certain 10 . These qualities make every person 11 separately in the world. So each one has his or her own 12 to live to the end,his or her deestiny(命运) to 13 . Many people around us make a lot of noise,spreading their countless ideas and advice. One thing that is freely 14  in the world is “offering advice to others So don't be 15 by too many ideas or too much advice from others.

               Every person with his or her own strength and intelligence can 16 their desired goals. They can bring at least a small 17 to this world.

               Each one has to listen to their inner being which always 18 us in a subtle manner. It speaks very clearly through the silence. 19 the advice of your inner voice. It leads us even in the darkness. 20 its help,you can achieve a remarkable victory. So walk your own path.

1. A. purpose   B. responsibility   C. promise   D. order

2. A. quickly   B. faithfully   C. blindly   D. immediately

3. A. step   B. path   C. pace   D. distance

4. A. mistakes   B. reasons   C. excuses   D. wishes

5. A. hardly   B. rightly   C. slightly   D. simply

6. A. words   B. arguments   C. ideas   D. concepts

7. A. although   B. if   C. when   D. for

8. A. style   B. habit   C. method   D. manner

9. A. specific   B. serious   C. political   D. strange

10. A. attitudes   B. voices   C. behaviors   D. qualities

11. A. standout   B. break down   C. catch on   D. show off

12. A. story   B. dream   C. imagination   D. pain

13. A. avoid   B. escape   C. shape   D. reach

14. A. suitable   B. reliable   C. available   D. honorable

15. A. turned down   B. carried away   C. beaten off   D. cheered up

16. A. achieve   B. set    C. declare   D. create

17. A. task   B. chance   C. pity   D. change

18. A. controls   B. guides   C. teaches   D. excites

19. A. Offer   B. Ignore   C. .Receive   D. Follow

20. A. In   B. With   C. By   D. Beyond


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[自我归纳]bear是动词,可意为“忍受,忍耐” (句1-句3) ,常用于以下结构:bear sth.(句1) , bear to do sth. / doing sth.(句2) ,bear sb.sth.(句3) ;也可意为“承受(重量) ,承担(责任) ”(句4、句5) ;还可意为“生(孩子) ,结(果) ”(句6、句7) 。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. All afternoon he worked with the door (lock) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. We aim to give the people in the countryside a to basic health care.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The teacher usually (recover / review) the main points at the end of her class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. Robert is never on time. He always arrives (later / the latest) than the rest of us.

