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A.positioned    B.resolution   C.suspected    D.lightweight    E.challenge
F.generated    G.journal    H.eventually    I.accurate    J.raised    K.critically
The Power of V
Birds of a feather may flock together,but why they fly together in V formations has never been known for certain.
Now,with the help of 14 northern bald ibises (欧洲秃鹰) equipped with(41)Dsensors on a 600-mile migration from Austria to Italy,researchers are suggesting that the explanation is one that was long (42)Cbut never proved:the formations helps the birds conserve energy.
Reporting in the (43)GNature,the scientists write that the ibises(44)Athemselves in spots that were aerodynamically optimal (空气动力学上最佳的)-allowing them to take advantage of swirls of upward-moving air(45)Fby the wings of the bird ahead.Since the lead bird got no lift advantage,the ibises regularly switched leaders.
"We've been wondering for years whether flapping birds can save energy by following each other in the right way,"said Geiffrey Spedding,a researcher at the University of Southern California,who was not involved in the study."This word answers that question,and the answer is yes."
The scientists,led by Jim Usherwood of the Royal Veterinary College in England,said a major (46)Ewas obtaining the data.The ibises hatched at Zoo Vienna in March 2011 and (47)Jas part of a conservation project aimed at reintroducing the (48)Kendangered species to its natural range in Europe.
Some of the study's authors served as human foster parents,taking the young birds on training flights in Salzburg,Austria.The humans rode in a paraplane,a type of lightweight aircraft,and the birds followed.Eventually,the foster parents taught the birds their 600-mile migration route from Salzburg to Orbetello,Italy,by flying alongside them.
The birds wore custom-made data loggers that allowed the researchers to track flapping,speed and direction.Weighing less than an ounce,the devices included a memory card and a GPS unit,among other things.It is(49)Ito about one foot and refreshes five times per second-the(50)Bnecessary to track the birds'positions in relation to one another.
The new study does not say how much energy the ibises saved through the V formation,but small gains could be useful over long migrations,experts say.

分析 本文是一篇科技文.文章以研究秃鹰为例,说明鸟类在一起飞翔的时候以"V字形"的原因是为了节省能量.

解答 41.D  考查形容词.根据常识和后面的The humans rode in a paraplane,a type of lightweight aircraft,and the birds followed.可知,应该是给秃鹰装了一个"轻便的"传感器.
42.C  考查动词.根据后面的but never proved可知,该解释是一直被"猜想"而未被证明的,故选C项.
43.G  考查名词.根据前面的report和后面斜体的NatureNature可知,这里是指一杂志名,故选G项,journal.
44.A  考查动词.根据 in spots that were aerodynamically optimal可知,这里指秃鹰给自己定"位置".
45.F  考查动词(非谓语动词).根据常识,swirls of upward-moving air是由the wings of the bird ahead"生成、触发"的.
46.E  考查名词.根据上下文的句意可知,这里是指面对的主要"挑战"是数据的搜集,故选E项.
47.J  考查动词.由后面的as可知,要选raised,表示"作为"保护项目的一部分.
48.K  考查副词.修饰形容词endangered要用副词形式,根据句意,这里表示"极度濒危,严重濒临灭绝的物种",故用critically endangered species.
49.I  考查形容词.由后面的about one foot and refreshes five times per second可知,是给出了一个"确切的"数字,故用accurate来修饰.
50.B  考查名词. 根据句意,这里是指必要的"分辨率"来track the birds'positions in relation to one another.

点评 本文属于11选10阅读题型.在做选词填空题时,很重要的一点就是要确认空格处所要填的词的词性,然后根据句子的法则,也是就是句法来判断所要填的词.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.My husband used to work in a bank,but during the tight money period he lost his job.It was incredibly difficult to see him go to the storehouse to look for work,hoping and praying that he would be offered a position.
He got the job and it brought us such a feeling of pride.With his new job we were still able to pay our rent and buy our groceries.But money was still very tight.I worked in a church,so I didn't get paid much for my job.We had to pay land and school taxes and a few other expenses were coming up,se he went to look for another job.He found one for the holiday season in  FedEx,making deliveries from Monday to Thursday.Once he started working both jobs I hardly ever saw him,and these past six weeks he has worked every single day.
He has been working so hard,so I wanted to make it an extra special Christmas this year.I finally got round to getting the Christmas tree out yesterday,and I worked all day to make the house look festive.
When my husband walked through the door at 8pm today,he looked exhausted.When he saw the house,he broke into the biggest smile and he gave me a huge hug.Then he apologized for not being around and being able to help me with all the preparations for Christmas.He said he knew it had been hard on me that he hadn't been around and he was grateful that I had not complained.
I almost fell over!I said I had no words to tell him how much I LOVED him and how PROUD I was of him and that he was such a great husband and father and provider for us.

56.The husband went to look for another job whenD.
A.he lost his job at the bank              B.his child couldn't make money
C.he wanted to work in the storehouse      D.he was having financial difficulties
57.The underlined word"FedEx"in Paragraph 2refers to"A".
A.a firm        B.a hotel          C.the wife      D.the mate
58.Which of the following is Not true?A
A.The wife got ho pay for her job in the church.
B.The two jobs made the husband busy and worn out every day.
C.The husband lost his job at the bank because of the financial crisis.
D.The husband felt guilty for being unable to help his wife for the Christmas.
59.The wife almost fell over becauseD.
A.she fainted in the presence of her husband
B.she lost balance when her husband hugged her
C.she wanted to lie in her beloved husband's arms
D.she got a surprise because of something unexpected
60.What is probably the best title for the passage?D
A.A Sacrifice For Love                  B.He'll Be Home For Christmas
C.A Night A Couple Didn't Sleep         D.A Home Filled With Love This Christmas.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.It is the test system,rather than the teachers,        is to blame for the students'heavy burden     nowadays.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.period(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The manager,_____ it clear to us that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room angrily.(  )
A.who has madeB.having madeC.madeD.being made


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Qualities of being wise
Unless you think you're the smartest,who doesn't want to be smarter?(71)F
James Gardner has got me an answer on Quora about whether someone's smart or not.Here are the signs of smart people:
(72)CThere is the gift of a broad mind,constantly fed with the stimulant (兴奋剂) of being interested in what everyone else is doing.
They probably do social media.Not always,but probably.It is not only another chance to listen,but one they use to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise wouldn't have come across.
They know they are usually the smartest person in the room,but they don't spend their time dwelling on that.(73)G
If they are managers,they will make every effort to get people smarter,more connected and more popular than them in their teams.(74)E They also make sure that their smart people get to look smarter than them for the same reason.
They never,ever,under any circumstances,make you look stupid,even though it would be easy to do so.They've learnt through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is you look bad yourself.
(75)A If you want to be the smart one,let me give you this extra advice from Steve Jobs"Stay hungry.Stay foolish."

A.Now you should know who the smart people are.
B.Even when things go very badly wrong,they'll be smiling.
C.They know lots of things other than what they're specialized in.
D.However,being smart is not easy,because one has to possess lots of qualities.
E.They're not threatened because they know that smartness is working together.
F.Of course I want to be smarter too,so I try to find out who is the real smart guy that maybe I can learn from.
G.Instead,they take it as a personal challenge to see if they can make everyone else the smartest person in the room too.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

7.Divorce-Social Problem in USA
Marriage,like other social instructions,is showing the strains of modern life.While more Americans are getting married today than ever before,the divorce rate is also disturbingly on the rise (one divorce for every three marriages last year).(71)E
Women's easy and convenient life in USA
For most people,life is easier and more comfortable than ever before.Convenience foods from the supermarket simplify shopping and cooking.Household appliances like the cleaner and the washing machine have made housework much easier to do.Released from these household chores,many wives have found jobs outside the home.(72)C
Average American families getting small
Families,too,are simpler today. (73)D With our frequent changes,relatives have spread over a wide area,the parents retiring to Florida or Arizona and the young people,after they marry,going wherever their jobs or their interests take them.Women have their own freedom.
(74)A While attending college,they often live away from home,sometimes far from their parents or their relatives.After college,they move to the city,find a job,and set up"bachelor"apartment.This is the era of women's liberation.
Independence leading to family break-up
But all this freedom and wealth had had an unforeseen and in some respects an extremely bad effect on marriage.Men and women,no longer dependent on each other for food and maintenance,find it harder to accept the responsibilities. (75)G On the other hand,there is a growing trend today for couples in trouble to try to save their marriage by consulting a professional adviser.He listens patiently while they talk,knowing that only through self-understanding can they solve their problems.

A.Young adult women have new freedom,too.
B.No marriage for many people nowadays.
C.Women are achieving economic independence.
D.In America,it is not customary for parents to live with their married children.
E.Why should this be so,and what,if anything,can we do to change this trend?
F.Here's some advice on how to solve the problem.
G.When happiness becomes misery,many couples decide to stop their marriage through divorce.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.____________that everything was done,he settled himself in the sofa,____________the live football match.(  )
A.Seeing; watchedB.Seen; watched
C.Seeing; watchingD.Seen; watching


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Where is your new home now?
-In the new developed zone.But I        downtown for five years.(  )
A.have livedB.had livedC.livedD.was living

