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【小题1】 ________
In 1973, Jimmy Carter, ex-president of the United States, saw a UFO—an Unidentified Flying Object. There were about 20 other people with him at the time, and they all watched the strange object for several minutes.
【小题2】 ________
Does this surprise you? It’s not unusual. About 15 million people all over the world think that they have seen a UFO, a recent report says.
UFOs have become very popular. There are books and films about UFOs, we can watch imaginary flying saucers and visitors from space on television, and there are stories in the newspapers about strange objects. Some of the stories are very silly. Clearly, some of these “UFOs” were aircraft, birds, the moon, lights on the clouds, and so on. But some people believe that spaceships come from other planets, and some of the reports aren’t easy to explain.
【小题4】 ______
In 1947 an American businessman was flying his own plane during the day. Mr. Arnold was a sensible man and a pilot with many years’ experience. That day, he saw a row of strange flying objects. He could see them clearly, and he watched them for some time. Later he said that they moved “like saucers over water.” The name “flying saucer” was invented. The newspapers loved the story, of course, and they all wrote long reports about it.
【小题5】 ______
During World War II, pilots had reported strange round flying objects. Sometimes these objects flew beside their planes and followed them. At first, the pilots were afraid: they thought these objects were a new weapon. But the “weapon” didn’t harm them. The officers said the pilots were imaging things. The pilots got used to the strange objects.




科目:高中英语 来源:2012年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(山东卷带解析) 题型:完型填空

Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the Developing world. But the  36  is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a  37  country like Germany?
Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making   38 for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They first   39  one long hot summer when most Germans were   40  on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches,   41  a table in the street and gave food to the homeless.
The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing weren’t  42   . “What these people also need is warmth and  43  ,” says Rita. The Mullers didn’t   44  to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime. Rita  45   there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always  46  to anyone who couldn’t face another night on the street.
The couple were soon  47   all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to   48  donations. Today, over thirty companies  49 donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help  to  50  them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer   51  new shoes.
Kurt and Rita receive no   52  for their hard work. “ We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldn’t  53   money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets   54  . She says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a   55  in the world.    

A.result B.truthC.reason D.idea
A.traditional B.developing C.typicalD.wealthy
A.preparationsB.housesC.meals D.suggestions
A.began B.met C.called D.left
A.asleepB.alone C.acrossD.away
A.brought upB.set upC.put aside D.gave away
A.make senseB.found out C.make sure D.worked out
A.openB.crowded C.noisyD.near
A.costing B.wasting C.taking D.spending
A.pay for B.ask for C.look into D.carry out
A.completely B.calmlyC.regularly D.roughly
A.donatesB.produces C.designsD.collects
A.permissionB.payment C.directionD.support
A.surprisedB.excited C.tired D.amused
A.profitB.difference C.decisionD.rule


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届湖北天门市高考模拟英语试卷(三) 题型:完型填空

I remember the exact moment I learned the principle of preparing for luck.
I was on the wrestling team. Now, if there’s one thing I can tell you about any sport, it is that wrestling is probably the sport that has the least   31  .There are only two people out on the mat, so you cannot   32  it on your teammates or your coach. And guess what? There is no   33    because we do the whole thing indoors, so you can’t say, “It was raining” or “It was snowing.” It makes   34  to say wrestling is the sport with the least luck.
On our team were two world champions; one of them had been a world champion five times. We   35  had five people who were national champions. One of them was a guy   36  the name of John.
John had never been   37  in any high school wrestling competition that I could remember, 38  he was a national champion. There was nobody locally who could touch him.
One day, we   39  a match with our biggest opponent(对手). John went out on the mat, and about a minute and 30 seconds into the match he tried to make a particular   40  He rolled over, and his opponent  41  him halfway through his roll. He waspinned(压住) 42 !
The match was over.
I remember on the way home, one of our teammates tried to  43  John by saying, “Oh, he just got lucky.” John said, “That’s so stupid. The 44  presented itself, and he just took advantage of it.”
We used to have this big   45  in our wrestling room that the coach had put there: “Luck is what happens when opportunity meets   46 .”
John’s opponent was prepared to make use of this opportunity. The possibility of beating John was not   47  and he knew it. But he waited for the  48   opportunity to present itself, and he defeated and pinned a five-time national champion.
In other words, the real  49  is “Be prepared!” It’s not just finding the opportunity; you have to be prepared to   50  it.

A.luck B.riskC.difficulty D.opportunity
A.accuseB.blame C.doubt D.keep
A.stressB.injury C.change D.weather
A.reasonB.sure C.safe D.sense
【小题5】.  .
A.alsoB.even C.too D.once
A.underB.for C.in D.by
A.hurtB.met C.trained D.defeated
A.although B.asC.yet D.until
A.went for B.waited for C.fought forD.played for
A.actB.step C.taskD.move
A.fixedB.threw C.caughtD.carried
A.accidentally B.fortunately C.unfairlyD.immediately
A.control B.comfort C.convinceD.forgive
A.success B.moment C.opportunity D.situation
A.warning B.sign C.sentenceD.note
A.occasion B.challenge C.timeD.preparation
A.obvious B.strong C.little D.slight
A.equalB.exactC.rest D.right
A.message B.themeC.key D.suggestion
【小题20】.  .
A.receive B.follow C.seizeD.save


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江西省白鹭洲中学高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

It was at a concert that I happened to find David. He was holding his head at a strange   36  as if he were staring down at something. Then the truth  37 me. He was blind. The last thing he remembers seeingwas his daughter being born. Then the whole world went   38 .
Bad luck is no stranger to this 44-year-old man. His mother died of cancer, and his weak father had to  39 11-year-old David to the  40 of the state.
Things seemed always to go for   41  . Two years ago, his beloved guide dog pulled him out of the pathof a truck. David was not  42 . The dog died.
But David does not feel sorry for himself. “These are just little obstacles(障碍困难) you have to   43  in your life,” he said.
He has to make a daily two-hour trip to his working place—the X-ray department of an  44  room. It was a hard job to 45 by. Before he got it, David was determined to escape the workshop run by the Lighthouse, an organization   46  to helping blind people. He wanted a job of developing X-ray film, a job   47   everyone, not just he, must work in the dark, including those with  48  eyesight. The Lighthouse called many hospitals, with no result,   49  they offered to pay his first three months’ salary.
David works alone in a dark room that   50  of chemicals. He doesn’t wear gloves. Otherwise, he could not feel. 51  this is an emergency room, lives can be put either   52  or out of danger. His director says he trusts him 100 percent.
He makes $20,000 a year. But his motivation goes   53  money. “By working I can realize my own   54 . That’s what really counts!” he said.
What a shining example for us to   55 !

A.stuck toB.came outC.struckD.occurred
A.give inB.look afterC.leaveD.remain
A.betterB.worstC.the betterD.the worse
A.experimentB.get overC.do withD.go over
A.becauseB.as ifC.in caseD.even though
A.at riskB.in needC.at easeD.to test


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省三明一中高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Parents’ blessing will play a great part in the growth of their children. My father wrote me a valuable letter before his death, one part of which always  36 . “I know you will do  37 great that will set you among the very best one day in the future.”
Since I first read his  38  at 12, they have lived in my heart.  39 ,I knew that my dad’s believing in me gave me permission to believe in  40  . “You will do something great.” He didn’t know  41  that would mean, but whenever I felt 42  of myself, I remember my father’s words, and  43  he were here, so I could ask, “Is this what you were  44 about, Dad?”
Many years have passed, and I believe that my father  45 have been proud when I  46 from basic training and became a rescue swimmer. Lately, I’ve come to realize he’d want me to move 47 to what comes next: to be proud of, and believe in someone else.
Yes, it’s time to all of us to  48  writing our own letters to our children. They look to us with the same  49  . “Is this it, Daddy? Am I doing fine?” It’s why every child growing up says, “Watch me!” Our children don’t  50   because they are not afraid to fail. They are only afraid of failing  51___.
Remember to give your children  52   to succeed. If you don’t have children, then write a letter to someone who 53 you. They are waiting for you to believe in them. Trust me, love will be 54  real and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts: “  55  ! You will do something great.” Not having that blessing from someone they love may be the only thing holding them back.

A.picks outB.shows outC.stands outD.turns out
A.Growing upB.Turning upC.Bringing upD.Taking up
A.talking B.doubtingC.dreamingD.discussing
A.demand B.responseC.desireD.question
A.hold onB.keep onC.hold backD.take back
A.us B.himC.youD.tm
A.looks throughB.looks down onC.looks up toD.looks forward to
A.Watch out B.Never fearC.Take it easyD.Never mind.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年北京师大附中高二下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an a_________ to costumes.
【小题2】Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the a_________ of a native language environment.
【小题3】To a_________ a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.
【小题4】Inner beauty refers to the kind of attraction found in a wide r_________ of personal qualities.
【小题5】I didn’t have any money left, so I went to the bank to c_________ a cheque.
【小题6】I asked my daughter to help make the decision, as I believe she is m_________ enough.
【小题7】In a foreign country, you can n_________ the price by using your fingers.
【小题8】There is no c_________ view on beauty.
【小题9】Eye r_________, I see the moon so bright.
【小题10】 Rowan had some speaking problems in his childhood, so he c_________ for this by talking very deliberately.
【小题11】“Beauty and Beast” c_________ a message that should be evident to all of us—you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
【小题12】Mr. Bean creates humour through a s_________ of simple and funny acts.
【小题13】Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more t_________ as it is not easy to lie with our bodies.
【小题14】He finds the taste of the raw hamburger truly d_________.
【小题15】Black humour finds the funny side of sad or d_________ events.
【小题16】The “OK” gesture in America can c_________ offence in Germany.
【小题17】A person who is feeling uncomfortable will often hold their body in a very r_________ manner, and have a t_________ look about their mouths.
【小题18】Romanticism was a literary and a_________ movement.
【小题19】Smile is one form of body language that receives u_________ approval.

