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【题目】How Laughing at Yourself Makes You Attractive

Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public and got laughed at for it ?1And it’s okay—we should even have a laugh about them.

● Laughing at yourself means accepting who you really are. You may feel bad about yourself because of past misfortune. However, it’s normal to be imperfect. What’s important is that you should be honest with yourself about who you are.2 You won’t be able to laugh at yourself without self-acceptance.

● Laughing at yourself helps increase your confidence. When you’re able to stay optimistic and laugh at yourself, you are likely to be more successful in life.3.More importantly, it helps you realize your own weaknesses, so you know which areas to do better in.

4.Laughing at someone else may hurt their feelings even if you didn’t intend to, while laughing at yourself does not.—You might even bring a smile to their faces. People will like it, because it shows that you have the courage to do so and you’re being real about your imperfections.

5.So instead of blaming yourself, try to think of your mistakes, in a positive way and accept yourself just as you are. Learn to laugh at yourself and you will be more attractive.

A. Laughing at yourself makes you popular.

B. Accept yourself despite your imperfections.

C. You don’t need to take yourself seriously all the time.

D. Chances are that we all have these kinds of experiences.

E. Laughing at yourself changes an ideal image of yourself.

F. Just remember that humans all make mistakes.

G. This is because laughing at yourself contributes to your mental health.









1根据上文Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public and got laughed at for it ?(你是否曾在公共场合让自己难堪并因此而被嘲笑?)可知,我们都有过在公共场合让自己难堪并因此而被嘲笑的经历。是对上句的回答。故D选项“我们都有这样的经历。”符合上下文语境。故选D

2根据下文You wont be able to laugh at yourself without self-acceptance.(没有自我接纳,你就无法自嘲。)中acceptance可对应到B选项中Accept yourself,故B选项“接受不完美的自己。”符合上下文语境。故选B

3结合下文More importantly, it helps you realize your own weaknesses, so you know which areas to do better in.(更重要的是,它可以帮助你认识到自己的弱点,这样你就知道在哪些方面可以做得更好。)可知是在说明自嘲的好处是让人认识到自己的弱点,故G选项“这是因为自嘲有助于心理健康。”符合上下文语境。故选G

4根据下文You might even bring a smile to their faces. People will like it, because it shows that you have the courage to do so and youre being real about your imperfections.(你甚至可以给他们带来微笑。人们会喜欢它,因为它表明你有勇气这样做,你对自己的不完美是真实的。)可知人们喜欢自嘲的人,因此自嘲会让人变得更受欢迎。故A选项“自嘲会让你更受欢迎。”符合上下文语境。故选A

5根据下文So instead of blaming yourself, try to think of your mistakes, in a positive way and accept yourself just as you are.(因此,与其责备自己,不如试着以积极的方式思考自己的错误,接受自己本来的样子。)可知人类都会有犯错的时候,与其责备自己,不如试着以积极的方式思考自己的错误,接受自己本来的样子。故F选项“只要记住人类都会犯错。”符合上下文语境。故选F


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A few hours after my first mission, returning to Earth on the space shuttle Endeavour, I completed all of my medical tests after flight, met with NASA officials, and reunited with my family. Finally, I was alone in my office room in astronaut crew quarters at the Kennedy Space Center, exhausted and ready for bed. And I did what anyone does when they return to their hotel room on a business trip: I turned on the TV. The television news started up: Such and such had happened, people were shocked, blah blah blah. Sports scores. Silly commercials.

It didn’t take more than a minute before I had to turn it off. It felt like my body was rejecting all this input, just as it would reject an organ donation that had the wrong blood type. All of this noise was just completely foreign to who I was—or, more appropriately, who I had become. A few hours before, I had been orbiting Earth, seeing our planet from space, flying the most amazing machine ever built by human hands, working with a team that was the absolute success of human. And now here in my room watching what was being sold as news, and with my newfound perspective, I just could not stomach it. My worldview was changed forever in a profound (深刻的) way.

The biggest change by far and the one for which I will always be most grateful is this big-picture perspective. That will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Whenever I feel the pressure of modern life, the stress about work, or worry about the future, I remember my time in the space station. Back to seeing the sun set Or watching our galaxy rise on the horizon. Or seeing a sea of lightning flash a hundred times a second. Or simply back to floating weightlessly.

When I’m there in my mind and realize how many billions of these beautiful sunsets there have been and will be in the future, the cares of the world just don’t seem that pressing. It goes that, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Living daily life down here on the planet is so much better with this attitude!

1Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word stomach in paragraph 2?



2What is the most important change to the writer?

A.He has a broader view of the world.

B.He doesn’t like watching TV any more.

C.He will always be most grateful for everything.

D.He can fly the most amazing machine by hands.

3What attitude to life does the writer tend to have?

A.caged bird longs for clouds.B.Live in the present moment.

C.Let bygones be bygones.D.Time works great changes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

On very rare occasion can you manage to do something perfectly the first time you do it. So when you do something for the first time, it is time to give 1the idea of perfection.

I remember the first time I drove a car after getting 2 driver’s license, I drove very slowly. I was so nervous 3big drops of sweats rolled down my check. My driving style showed that I wasn’t4very confident driver. Now I’m much more experienced as a driver. 5I still don’t consider myself a perfect one, I’m much more confident behind the wheel 6what I was when I started.

Perfection is a long process, so trying to be perfect is just a waste of time. If you set your goal7high, you will feel discouraged when you fail to meet the goal you have set. So set an achievable goal when you do something for the first time. 8 example, if you run in your first marathon, your goal is just to pass the finishing line, rather than break a new world record.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where is the man from?

A. Spain. B. Britain. C. America.

2What is wrong with the man now?

A. He has a fever B. He has a headache. C. He has a toothache.

3What did the man have yesterday?

A. Shrimp () and fish. B. Mutton and fish. C. Shrimp and mutton.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Chinese animators (动画制作人) have been drawing inspiration 1 Chinese folk stories and mythology ever since the country’s first animated film, Princess Iron Fan in 1941. In recent years its animated-film industry has witnessed several blockbusters based on classic Chinese tales, among 2 Nezha is the subject of the 3 (late) hit, which officially opens in cinemas in China on Jul 26.

Nezha earns enthusiastic reviews and 4 (consider) even better than Monkey King: Hero is Back. It is also China’s first 3D animated feature film released in IMAX format. Nezha has more than 1, 300 shots with special effects, and it took over 20 Chinese special-effects 5 (studio), employing more than1,600 people, 6 (realize) the film’s fairy tale setting, the mysterious Dragon King’ s palace, and an amazing fight between fire and water.

The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods. In the novel Nezha is born during the Shang dynasty (1600BC-1050BC) and is famous for fighting against the Dragon King. 7 third son of his father Li Jing, he never 8 (please his father and eventually commits suicide. However, compared with the 9 (origin) novel and past animated versions, the relationships between the characters are given modern meaning. In Yang’s film he is fighting prejudice: Nezha is hated and feared as the rebirth of devil (恶魔). But Nezha believes his fate is not predetermined and that he can choose to be a devil 10 a god.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Group 1

1The games are an international event that aims to lift the spirits of wounded soldiers. ________

2Chinese people should make every effort to preserve their old traditions. ________

3Police arrested an 18-year-old man in the departure lounge of Dover port. ________

4Under British law it is anoffenceto carry a knife without good reasons. ________

5In third party markets, China and Japan shouldshiftfrom competition to win-win. ________

6The poll found that 61.5 percent of the respondents said peaceful reunification would bring a better future for the island. ________

7The cut on his leg bled a lot when he was hurt yesterday. ________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the woman looking for?

A.A gallery.B.A bathroom.C.Her friend.

2What will the woman do finally?

A.Go alone.B.Go with the man.C.Stay and wait for help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why doesn’t the man want the telephone sales job?

A.It needs working long hours.

B.It doesn’t pay well.

C.It is not suitable for him.

2What does the man think of the job as an entertainment director assistant?


