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The primary school in that village _____ in 1995 with the help of some young people.

  A. was set up   B. was put up  C. was found   D. was made



建立一所学校该用set up或found; 而found的过去分词是founded。


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省庐江二中2009-2010学年度高一下学期第三次月考试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

第II卷 非选择题  (共35分)
第一节 任务型读写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
In a research, it was found that only four out of every five employees were happy at work. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the salary or the love for the work that made people happy. In stead friendly, supportive colleagues and a good manager have been found to be the primary causes of happiness at work. So how do you keep your spirits up and develop a sense of joy on the job? Here is some advice.
Happiness is a state of mind, and though not many people realize it, staying happy at work is totally based on a positive attitude towards your job. Concentrating(集中注意力) on the bright side of the work rather than keeping talking about what makes you unhappy is the basic key to happiness.
Challenge yourself and take charge of your own growth professionally. Boredom is one of the primary reasons that cause people to change jobs. To avoid feeling bored, you can find new challenges and it’s a great feeling to take control over what you do and see a task through.
Complete our tasks, however disagreeable or tough they might be. This gives you an individual(单个的,特别的) sense of achievement and encourages you to work towards your goals in future. Also keep learning and gaining new insights while at work.
Sitting and staring at your screen all day long isn’t going to help you. Instead take breaks and go outside for some time. They don’t necessarily have to be long breaks but staying out for a few minutes to feel the gentle wind can keep you happy. Eat your lunch out side or walk for a few minutes during that hour, which helps you stay happy at work.

How to be Happy at Work
Factors that make people happy at work
·Friendship and (76)       from colleagues.
·A good manager.
Some (77)   
Have  a
·Concentrate on the bright side of the work.
·Avoid talking about what brings you (79)    .
Challenge yourself
·Find new challenges to avoid feeling(80)    .
·(81)    what you do and complete it.
(82)    your tasks
·Do your best to finish your tasks.
·Keep learning and gaining new(83) _____ at work.
Have  a
(84)   and go
·Stay out for a few minutes to feel the gentle wind.
·Eat outside or walk for a few minutes at your(85)___ time.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年云南省芒市中学秋季学期高二期末英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Education for Japanese children is free for the first nine years and all children must go to school for six years of primary schooling and three years of secondary schooling. In the primary and secondary school, about 99.9% of school-age children are present. School usually begins at 8 o’clock in the morning and ends at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on weekdays and at noon on Saturdays. The school year begins in April and ends in March. There is a summer holiday in August and a winter holiday during the New Year season.
After nine years of schooling, students can enter the three-year high school by passing an examination and by paying a small charge each year. After high school, students can go on to study at different kinds of colleges, usually for four years. There are also two-year junior colleges.
【小题1】 The passage mainly discusses _____________.

A.colleges in JapanB.free education in Japan
C.education in JapanD.school time in Japan
【小题2】If you want to go to high school in Japan, you must ______________________.
A.pay a small amount of money
B.study at primary and secondary school for 9 years
C.take part in the exam and pay a little money
D.pass the exam and pay a little money
【小题3】 What is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Types of colleges.B.Times for schooling
C.The teaching staff(教职员工)D.The number of children attending schools
【小题4】How many days do the Japanese students have to go to school every week?
A.Two daysB.Four and a half daysC.Five daysD.Five and a half days


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江苏省苏州五中高三下学期期初考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Why does a large education nation like China have so few world renowned scientists as the US? Educationists from China and the US try to find out the answer to questions like this at a forum on the basic education strategy.
The forum, held recently, was jointly organized by the Education Development Research Center of the Ministry of Education in China and the Postgraduate School of the University of Pennsylvania in the US. It aims to find out similarities and differences that exist between two countries in their educational system.
While some educationists in China keep a doubtful eye to the country’s educational system in recent years. Their American counterparts give a positive answer to the basic education in China, saying that it is still one of the best in the world.
An American educationist told reporters that the basic education in the US was criticized in recent years due to its political tendency. On the contrary, Chinese government’s stress on basic education and qualified teachers has set a good example.
At primary and middle school, pupils in China did better in math and science lessons than the US pupils. However, few grow to be world “masters”. Why? Educationists attributed this to China’s stress on examination rather than students’ interest.
Deputy Director of the postgraduate school of Pennsylvania University said American teachers encouraged students to focus on their strong points. In China, students are driven to study to pass the entrance examination test and they do not pay much attention to their own interest.
At the forum, director of the Education Development Research Center Mr. Zhang said in the future, the research center would make its middle and long-term basic education strategy by taking some references from other countries including the US.
He also revealed that for a long time in the future, China would make a breakthrough in setting the policy for quality education.
【小题1】This passage is mainly about _________.

A.quality education development in the future
B.why China’s education cultivates few world masters
C.China’s good basic education
D.genius education at the primary stage
【小题2】The underlined word “renowned” in the first paragraph probably means ________
【小题3】The following statements are true EXCEPT that _________
A.basic education in the US is associated with the government’s political interest.
B.the forum aims to find out the reason why there few world masters in China.
C.all the educationists in China cast doubts in the country’s educational system.
D.Chinese government’s stress on basic education is spoken highly of.
【小题4】China’s educational system will _______ in the future.
A.help students to study even harder to pass the examination
B.apply more attention to quality education referring to systems of other countries
C.allow students to pay more attention to their own interest without their test results
D.copy the educational system in the US


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年天津市高三上学期第二次阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care. If we are to solve the nursing shortage. hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel's example .

      At Beth Israel each patient is assigned to a primary nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from his medical history  to his emotional state. Then she writes a care plan centered on the patient's illness but which also  includes everything else that is necessary.

     The primary nurse stays with the patient through his hospitalization. keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor. If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding  to treatment. it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor. What  the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague.

    Nursing at Beth Israel also involves a decentralized (分散的) nursing administration; every  unit is a self-contained organization. There are nurse-managers instead of head nurses; in addition  to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing, employee advising, and they make salary recommendations. Each unit's nurses decide among themselves who will work what  shifts and when.

    Beth Israel's nurse-in-chief ranks as an equal with other vice presidents of the hospital. She  is also a member of the Medical Executive Committee. which in most hospitals includes only  doctors.

1.Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of the nursing system at Beth    Israel Hospital?

A. The doctor gets more active professional support from the primary nurse.

B. Each patient is taken care of by a primary nurse day and night.

C. The primary nurse writes care plans for every patient.

D. The primary nurse keeps records of the patient's health conditions every day.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that_____.

A. compared with other hospitals, nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more patient

B. in most hospitals, patient care is inadequate from the professional point of view

C. in most hospital, nurses get low salaries

D. compared with other hospitals, nurses have to work longer hours at Beth Israel Hospital

3.A primary nurse can propose a different approach of treatment when

A. the present one is refused by the patient

B. the patient complains about the present one

C. the present one proves to be ineffective

D. the patient is found unwilling to cooperate

4.The main difference between a nurse-manager and a head nurse is that the former

A. is a member of the Medical Executive Committee of the hospital

B. has to arrange the work shifts of the unit's nurses

C. can make decisions concerning the medical treatment of a patient

D. has full responsibility in the administration of the unit's nurses

5.The author's attitude towards the nurse system at Beth Israel Hospital is___

A. negative    B. neutral     C. critical   D. positive



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

[1]Why is physical education important for students? There are many reasons. First of all, this subject helps them achieve the primary goal of physical education, which is physical fitness. As part of this, they can learn that it is highly important to include exercise and physical activities as part of their lifestyle.

[2]Physical education helps children achieve a healthy lifestyle. Inside the classroom, teachers educate kids about highly relevant issues such as the importance of hygiene (卫生) and health. This subject will help them realize the importance of having strong bodies. Likewise, it will also teach them how to have a healthy and an active lifestyle.

[3]Taking PE classes can help              of students. Being confident is very important to them as they grow and become responsible as well as competitive adults someday. This aspect (方面) of physical education is extremely important in the character development of students. Furthermore, it will teach them how to have a positive attitude.

[4]Physical education can teach students a set of all-important values. For example, it teaches students to fight like sportsmen and to cooperate with others to achieve one common goal as a team.

[5]Physical education also helps students develop their motor skills. On this kind of program, they are placed in situations where they can further develop and improve their reflexes (反应), concentration and body posture. By taking this class, they can realize their full potential as individuals and as part of a team.

[6]Moreover, physical education is also a means of enjoyment for students. By engaging in sports and physical activities, they can spend some pleasant time away from their other usual academic subjects. By doing so, they can achieve healthy minds and bodies.

1.What’s the text mainly about? (no more than 6 words)

2.What does the underlined word “it” (Line 3 paragraph 2) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)

4.Based on the text, list two values that students can learn in PE classes. (no more than 6 words)

5.How can a student keep healthy physically and mentally? (no more than 9 words)


