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Dear Jim,

I am so exciting that you will come to China. I will free from December 18 and will have a plenty of time to be together with you. I’ll meet you at the airport and then you can take No. 8 Bus to my home. You worry about the weather here in your email. In fact, the weather here is quite different from it in your city. It isn’t very cold, but you needn’t bring many clothes with you. During your stay here, I’ll take you to some places of interests and you can taste some local snacks. I am sure we will have greatly fun together.

I’m look forward to meeting you soon.















1exciting- excited 考查形容词 exciting一般修饰物, excited一般修饰人,这句话excited做表语,修饰I

2will后加be 考查句子结构;因为free是形容词,要和be动词连用,一起做谓语

3】删除a 考查固定短语。因为plenty of“大量的,修饰可数或不可数名词,没有a

4you- we 考查代词。句意:我到机场接你,然后我们乘第8路公交车到我家。所以把you改成we

5for- to 考查介词 take bus to是乘坐公共汽车去

6worry- worried 考查动词的时态。这句话的时间是:in your email.可知是过去担心:worry about -- worried about

7it- that 考查代词。句意:这里的天气和你城市的天气很不同。特指the weatherthat

8but- so考查连词。句意:这里不是很冷,因此你不必带很多衣服。两句话是因果关系: but – and so

9interests- interest 考查固定短语。 places of interest名胜interest是不可数的

10greatly- great 考查形容词。句意:我相信我们在一起可以玩的高兴。修饰名词fun,用形容词great .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


No.6 Devon Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong a technology day camp for students 12-17

About Tech-Camp

Tech-Camp is a day camp with a focus on computers and electronics technology. We offer 2-week summer programmes for students of 12 to 17 years of age. We have a computer lab with the latest and fastest equipment, an electronics lab, and a video production studio. Our staff are special, too. They are experts in computers and electronics, of course, but they are also people who care about children and enjoy working with them.

The benefits of Tech-Camp

In all of our programmes, we show students how to work in teams and how to solve problems by themselves. We encourage them to think creatively.

What students will do at Tech-Camp

Each day Tech-camp is filled with useful, interesting and challenging activities. For example, in the Computer Programme, students learn the basic computer programming, and how to use the Internet. In the Tech-Camp Programme, they make radio-controlled model cars and produce their own short videos.

Programme Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

Computer Programme 15 June-26 June 15 June-26 June 15 June-26 June

High-tech Programme 29 June-10 July 27 July-7 August 15 June-26 June

Fee: HK $2,000 per student

(10% discount available for groups of 10 or more students.)

For more information about Tech-Camp, please contact Director of Summer Programmes, Ms Julia Brown, by phone, fax or e-mail.

Telephone: 26548898

Fax: 26948850

E-mail: juliab@techcamp.com.hk

【1】What would you probably like to ask about if you phone Ms Julia Brown after reading the brochure?

A. The activities the students will have.

B. The fee each attendant should pay.

C. The e-mail address of Tech-Camp.

D. The deadline for application.

【2From the brochure we can infer that _______.

A. the Camp offers students accommodation during their two-week stay at the Camp

B. high school teachers are in charge of the Tech-Camp all the time

C. students can learn about the hi-tech through lectures given by the experts

D. students can learn how to think and solve problems creatively and learn teamwork

【3According to the passage, how much will they pay if a group of 20 students enter for Tech-Camp?

A. HK $36,000. B. HK $35,000.

C. HK $3,600. D. HK $40,000.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I love my mother best. She is average in 【1】 (high). She has long silky hair, and she always carries a broad smile with her. I am always 2 (thank) to my mother. In the middle of her busy schedule at work, my mother makes sure that our house 3 (organize) well at all times. Like a busy bee, she prepares our meals, washes our clothes, and manages all other housework in perfect order.

4 my mother is very busy with her work, she squeezes her precious time to help me with my school work and attend outdoor activities with me. We both enjoy the time 5 we share my happiness and sorrow.

Last weekend, I joined my mother and her friends on a beach. Besides 6 (admire) the amazing sea snails, fish and catfish, we 7 (take) part in an interesting activity on the island—bicycle ride. We rented bicycles and enjoyed the ride up and down the hill. By the time we reached the top of the hill, I was 8 (extreme) tired. I was deeply touched that exhausted as my mother was, she helped me control my bicycle steadily 9 (make) sure I got down the hill safely.

Mother’s Day is just round the corner. I will make my mother 【10 card. It is high time that I showed my thanks and love to my wonderful mother.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



She runs every day in order to________ ________.

2 我只是偶然发现了这个秘密。

I discovered the secret only ________ ________.

3 他喜欢夏天,但是对我来说,我则更喜欢冬天。

He likes summer, but ________ ________me, I like winter much better.


A huge forest fire ________ ________after the lightning struck.

5 比尔出生于加拿大,但在在美国长大。

Bill was born in Canada but was ________ ________ in America.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Virginia Key is a barrier island 【1】______(contain) a variety of upland and wetland plant communities. It2_______(locate) in Biscayne Bay, south of Fisher Island and bordering3_______ Atlantic Ocean. The city of Miami is the present landowner of the north point of Virginia Key.

Since the 1970s, the island4______(be) the site of the deposition(淤积) of sand from the Port of Miami, which destroyed its beaches as a turtle habitat. Due to historical clearing of native vegetation(植被) followed by carelessness, non-native plants5______ threatened the ecology of Virginia Key grew rapidly.

6______(fortunate), 11,000 young mangrove(红树) representing over eight acres of habitat have been replanted in Virginia Key7______ volunteers over the past five years. Volunteers are now working hard8_____ (monitor) the habitat. Each month, they survey birds, check the9_______ (grow) of new vegetation, collect water quality data, and observe changes in the landscape. Please sign up【10______ you’d also like to participate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It was an extremely hot day. My younger brother Walt and I had decided to go swimming in a deep swimming hole across Mr. Blickez’s farm and through some woods, because it would be the only way to cool ourselves down.

The only problem with our plan was that this farm was guarded by a huge mean (凶暴的) Hereford bull (公牛). Mr. Blickez had told us that Elsie was the meanest bull in town, maybe even in the county and we believed in him. But the hotter it got, the more we thought there was something fishy about what he said. For one thing, we remembered Mr. Blickez liked telling tall tales; for another, Elsie seemed like a strange name for a bull. Finally, I talked Mom into asking permission for us to walk through the farm, and Mr. Blickez agreed.

On our way across the farm, we stopped at the fence to admire the swimming hole. The sun shone brightly across the cool waters. We couldn’t wait to get there. Suddenly, Walt shouted loudly. Elsie had run to him and was licking (舔) his back. I immediately hid under the fence. However, when I looked up, I saw that Elsie wasn’t a big mean bull at all. She was just a friendly young cow, and she was going to keep licking my brother’s back as long as he stood still.

When we discovered the truth, we were so happy. We then ran to the swimming hole and jumped in. The water was just as wonderful as we had dreamed. After that day, we had many good days and we often visited our secret swimming hole guarded by the so-called “big mean bull”. .

【1】What’s the meaning of the underline word “fishy” in Paragraph 2?

A. Doubtful. B. Interesting. C. Funny. D. Believable.

【2】What was the problem faced by the author and his brother?

A. They didn’t know where to swim.

B. They didn’t know how to get to the stream.

C. Their mother didn’t want them to swim.

D. They had to face a very mean bull.

【3】When Elsie saw the author’s brother, she _______.

A. tried to attack him B. showed her friendliness

C. immediately ran away D. tried to drive him away

【4What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The bull guarding Mr.Blickez’s farm.

B. How friendly the so-called mean bull was.

C. The story of visiting the swimming hole.

D. How the author changed his attitude to Joanie.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Rules for the University Entrance Examination

You must be at the examination center ten minutes before the examination starts. If you are more than ten minutes late, you may not enter the examination center. The examination takes place at the same time in different states.

You must have proof of your name and grade as well as official examination number. Show these when you come to the examination center.

Depending on which examination you are taking, you may bring certain items into the examination center. Mathematics examinations may allow you to use electronic calculators. Other subjects may allow you to use dictionaries and other reference material. Please read the notes sent with your timetable carefully.

You must bring your own pencils. None will be provided for you. The following items are not allowed in the examination center: walk-mans and radios, head sets, any food or drink, school bags, electronic equipment (unless specifically permitted for various subjects), and mobile phones.

Once in the center, you must sit at the desk with your examination number on it. When you sit down, place your examination number at the top corner of your desk.

You must remain silent during the examination. You must not disturb other people who are taking the test.

If you need a drink or toilet break, you should raise your hand and wait for the supervisor (监督者) to speak to you. You will be given water or the supervisor will take you to the bathroom. You are not allowed to talk with anyone during the break.

You must write your answers in the official answer sheet. Your supervisor will provide extra paper if you wish to make notes.

You may leave the examination room at any time if you do not plan to return. If you finish early and want to leave, please move well away from the examination center.

The supervisor will warn you fifteen minutes, five minutes and one minute before the end of the examination. When the supervisor says that the time is up, you must put down your pencil and wait at your desk until your paper is collected.

1What are you allowed to have with you when you take mathematics examination?

A. Related material. B. Proof of yourself.

C. A cell phone. D. A dictionary.

2What should you do if you finish the test early?

A. Stay in the examination center.

B. Remain in your seat and check again.

C. Keep a distance from the center.

D. Raise your hand to inform your teacher.

3What can be provided for you during the exam?

A. Pencils. B. Food and drink.

C. Extra paper. D. Calculators.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Emily and her boyfriend had just had a fight. She felt alone and hopeless. Then she went into the kitchen and grabbed what she needed before going back up to her room quietly. She switched on the TV and started eating…and eating…for hours, until it was all gone.

What Emily didn't know at the time was that she was suffering from an illness called binge-eating disorder(BED)(暴饮暴食).

For years, Emily didn't tell anyone what she was doing. She felt ashamed, alone, and out of control. Why don't famous people confess (承认) to BED, as they do to anorexia? It's simple: There's a stigma(污名)involved. “Overeating is seen as very bad, but dieting to be skinny is seen as positive and even associated with determination," says Charles Sophy, a doctor in Beverly Hills , California.

"Some parents or friends may look at a teen with BED and think, 'Oh, a good diet and some will-power will do the trick.' But that's not true," says Dr.Ovidio Bermudez , a baby doctor at the Eating Recovery Center in Denver. "Eating disorders are real physical and mental health issues; it's not about willpower." The focus in treating BED shouldn't be on weight, because as with all eating disorders, the behaviors with food are a symptom of something deeper.

Like most other diseases, genetics may play a big part in who gets BED and who doesn't. If you have a close relative with an eating disorder, that means you're more likely to develop an eating disorder of your own.

Besides, many people with BED have tried at some point or another to control it by going on a diet, but paying more attention to food doesn't help. And it might even make things worse, like it did for Carla, who's 15 now and is recovering from BED. "My parents would always tease me about my weight, so when I was 14, I went on a very restrictive diet," she says. When you can't have something, you only want it more, so every time Carla would have a bite of something that wasn't allowed on her strict diet. She would quickly lose control and binge (狂欢).

【1】What does the underlined word "anorexia" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Eating too much.

B. Eating junk food.

C. Loss of the wish to eat.

D. Always eating in a hurry.

【2】According to Dr. Ovidio Bermudez, people with BED_______ .

A. just need a lot of willpower

B. can recover with a good diet

C. can recover with the help of others

D. need to deal with their health problems

【3】What can we learn from Carla's story?

A. BED is an incurable disease.

B. BED has something to do with genes.

C. Going on a diet won't help BED patients.

D. BED patients should pay attention to their food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Choosing the right job is probably one of the most important decisions we have to make in life, and it is frequently one of the hardest decisions we have to make. One important question that you might ask yourself is: “How do I get a good job?” 【1 There are people who can answer an insignificant advertisement in the local paper and land the best job in the world; others write to all sorts of places all over the country, and never seem to get a reply at all. Still others believe that the in person, door-to-door approach is by far the best way to get a job; and then there are those who, through no active decision of their own, just seem to be in the right place at the right time. 2 He used to spend a lot of his free time down by the sea watching the tall ships, but never thinking that he might one day sail one of them. His father was a farmer, and being a sailor could never be anything for the boy but an idle dream. One day, on his usual wandering, he heard the captain of the ship complaining that he could not sail because one member of his crew was sick. Without stopping to think, the lad(少年) offered to take his place. 3 .

4 If the lad had gone home to ponder(考虑)his decision for a week, he may have missed his chance. It is one thing to be offered an opportunity; it is another to take it and use it well. Sometimes we hear stories about people who break all the rules and still seem to land plum jobs(美差). When you go for a job interview or fill out an application, you are expected to say nice things about the company to which you are applying. 5 And within a year this person had become general manger of the company.

A.This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself.

B.People find jobs in an infinite number of ways.

C.It’s almost impossible to find a good job by answering advertisement in newspapers.

D.Take for example the young man who wanted to be a sailor.

E.But there was one person who landed an excellent job by telling the interviewer all the company’s faults.

F.He spent the rest of his life happily sailing the ships he had always loved.

G.It is very important to seize an opportunity when it presents itself.

