精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.This was an ordinary day,nothing special.Mike was walking on the street when he turned to the shop on the corner.He stopped to look at the front row of shoes,and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there.He looked down at his old shoes,and he felt sorry for himself,because he wanted very much to own them for his coming birthday.
  Sadly,the boy walked away,deep in thought-how to tell his mother about it.He knew very well his mother had very little money.He decided not to go home at once,because he looked sad and his mother would notice it.So he went to the park and sat on the grass.There he saw a boy moving a wheelchair with his hands.Mike looked at him and was surprised to see that the boy had no feet.He looked at his own feet."It's much better to be without shoes than without feet."he thought.There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad.So he went away with a smile,thinking that he was much luckier and happier.
41.How did Mike pass the shop on the street corner?C
A.in a wheelchair       B.by bike          C.by bus          D.on foot
42.Why did Mike stop in front of the shop?A
A.To look at the shoes he liked            
B.To get something for his birthday party
C.To buy a present for his friend              
D.To buy the shoes
43.That pair of shoes Mike liked wasB.
 A.too large for him                            
B.not sold yet
 C.too cheap                            
D.not there
44.Why did Mike go to the park?C
A.Because many nice shoes were sold there
B.Because he wanted to see his disabled friend
C.Because he didn't want to make his mother worried
D.Because he wanted to play there for a while
45.What can we learn about Mike from the story?A
A.Mike loved his mother very much  
B.Mike had no feet
C.Mike didn't want to stay at home
D.Mike liked new shoes very much.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了迈克喜欢上了一双鞋但是没有能力购买,在他为了缓解情绪到公园的时候看到了一个失去了腿的男孩,才发现自己的幸福.

解答 41.C.细节理解题.根据文章第一段"Mike was walking on the street when he turned to the shop on the corner"可知迈克是走路穿过街角的那家商店的;故选C.
42.A.细节理解题.根据文章第一段:He stopped to look at the front row of shoes,and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there可知迈克停在商店前面是为了看他喜欢的鞋;故选A.
43.B.细节理解题.根据文章第一段:He stopped to look at the front row of shoes,and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there可知那双迈克喜欢的鞋还没有被卖掉;故选B.
44.C.推理判断题.根据文章第二段"He decided not to go home at once,because he looked sad and his mother would notice it"可知迈克去公园是因为他不想让他的母亲担心;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

11.A few years ago,I was with a close woman friend in a grocery store in California.As we walked between the (21)C,we became aware of a mother with a small boy moving in the opposite direction.The woman barely(22)Aus because she was so bored at her little boy,who kept on pulling items (23)Bthe lower shelves.As the mother became more and more impatient,she started to(24)Dthe child and later began to shake him by the (25)A.
     At this point my friend spoke up.As a wonderful (26)Bof  three and founder of a kindergarten,she had probably(27)Donce in her life treated any child so badly.1 (28)C my friend would give this woman a solid mother-to-mother talk about(29)Aherself and about the effect this behavior has on a child.
    However,my friend said,"What a (30)B little boy!How old is he?"The woman answered (31)C,"He's three."My friend went on t0(32)Ahow curious he seemed and how her own three children were just like him in the(33)D,pulling things off shelves,so interested in all the wonderful(34)Aand packages."He seems so bright and intelligent."my friend said.
     The woman had the (35)Bin her arms by now and a shy smile came upon her face.(36)Cbrushing his hair out of his eyes,she said,"Yes,he's very smart and(37)D,but sometimes he wears me out."My friend(38)Asympathetically,"Yes,they can do that; they are so full of(39)D.But that is what makes him a kid."The woman(40)Bwith approval.
     As we walked away,I heard the mother speaking more kindly to the boy,"We'll have your favorite-macaroni and cheese this evening."she told him.

24.A.point toB.pickupC.bend overD.yell at
32.A.comment aboutB.show offC.focus onD.agree with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.We live in central Phoenix,near the canal.Every day I used to see a homeless old man and his dirty little dog hanging out down there.
I would tell my husband we should give him food for the little dog.It wouldn't have been a problem; we have our own"mini farm"of animals!He would say"OK!"but then blow the idea off because of our business.
Being in Phoenix,Arizona,you can just imagine how hot it gets here,but his winter was really chilly!I had just come from KFC with take-out food for dinner.As I was turning by the canal,the man and his dog were sitting right there all bundled up(穿暖).Even the dog had a coat on!Not even thinking about it,I pulled into the parking lot along the canal and piled up a plate of chicken with all the fixings for the man and his little dog.I gave it to him with a soda and a bottle of water for the little dog.He said,"Thank you,sweetie.You are an angel."And there were tears filling his eyes!I told him he was so welcome,and then went home.
When my husband dug into the KFC gag he asked,"Were you hungry,or what?"I told him what I did and he said,"Only you!"Then he told me I had done a good thing.
A few weeks later,we were walking along the canal and found the man walking to me,with his little dog.He asked whether I would mind adopting (收养) the dog.With tears in eyes,he said it had got too hard for him to care for the dog.He added that he was planning on heading to Washington State but his dog wouldn't have been up to it,so he hoped to give it to me."Only you!In this city,you are the only person I can believe in!"
Now,every time I watch and pat the puppy lying near the fireplace,I will recall the old man's words and wish him good luck.
71.The author and her husband didn't help the old man at the beginning becauseC  
A.they had a farm of animals to feed    
B.they didn't have food even for themselves.
C.they worked busily and often forget it.
D.they were unwilling to help a man with a dog.
72.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 3?A
A.She gave the old man some food on a cold day.
B.She met the old man after finishing her dinner.
C.She offered the old man nothing but chicken.
D.She burst into tears after helping the old man.
73.What did the author's husband feel when she told him what she had done?B
A.Thankful       B.Delighted       C.Indifferent          D.Disappointed
74.Why did the old man hope to give the dog to the author?B
A.Because he knew the author was also a dog lover.
B.Because the author was the person he could trust.
C.Because the author was the only person he knew.
D.Because he believed that his dog liked the author.
75.What can we infer from the ending of the passage?D
A.The author refused the old man's request.
B.The author misses the old man and his dog.
C.The author feels the old man was very lucky.
D.The author adopted the old man's dog.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

9.There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace.Many artists(36)C.The king looked at all the pictures.But there were(37)Atwo he really liked,and he had to(38)Dbetween them.One picture was of a(39)Clake.The lake was a perfect mirror for(40)Dmountains all around it.Overhead was a(41)Bsky with white clouds.All who saw this picture(42)Cthat it was a perfect picture of peace.
    The other picture had(43)B,too.But these were lifeless and(44)D.Above was an angry sky,from which rain (45)Band wind was blowing.Down the side of the mountain rushed a(n)(46)A.This did not look peaceful at all.
    But when the king looked (47)C,he saw behind the waterfall a small(48)Dgrowing in a crack in the rock.In the leaves of the tree a mother bird had(49)Bher nest.There,in the midst of the angry water,(50)Cthe mother bird on her nest-in perfect peace.
    Which picture do you think(51)Athe prize?The king decided on the(52)Bpicture.Do you know why?
"Because,"explained the king,"peace does not(53)Cto be in a place where there is no noise,trouble,or hard work.To be in the(54)Aof all those things and still be calm in your(55)D.That is the real meaning of peace."



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Many medical scientists are racing        time to find a cure for H1N1as soon as possible.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.I set up e-mail addresses for my mum and dad ________ I could e-mail them regularly.(  )
A.now thatB.even ifC.so thatD.As though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.I usually take something to read when I travel by train        I feel bored.(  )
A.in caseB.so thatC.as ifD.even though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The Premier says that bilateral relations will grow smoothly and steadily _____ both countries follow the principle contained in the joint documents.(  )
A.as far asB.thoughC.unlessD.as long as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The teacher said that the sun ________ in the east and ________ in the west.(  )
A.rose; setB.rises; setsC.raises; setsD.raised; set

