精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情




1.What was the woman’s main purpose in going to Ottawa during the vacation?

A.To visit a Canadian family.

B.To go sightseeing.

C.To learn English.

2.Why did the woman like staying with the Smiths?

A.They were her relations.

B.She could speak English with them.

C.She could eat Western food every day.

3.What did the woman particularly like about the Canadian classes?

A.The students have more freedom.

B.Listening,speaking,reading and writing were all included in one class.

C.There were a lot of activities.


4.What did the man ask the woman to do on Sunday afternoon?

A.To come to a dinner party.

B.To watch a volleyball game.

C.To meet his friends.

5.What did the woman have to do then?

A.To invite some friends.

B.To go to Mexico City.

C.To pick up her brother-in-law at the airport.

6.What did the man suggest?

A.She come over after she gets back from the airport.

B.She bring something to eat.

C.She order pizza for dinner.


7.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?




8.Where does the conversation take place?




9.What does Jenny think of Mr King?



C.Strict and kind-hearted.


10.Why does the girl work hard at her lessons?

A.She wants to be an engineer in the future.

B.She is going to be a biologist after she graduates.

C.She is going to take an exam.

11.What can we learn about the boy?

A.He is an engineer.

B.He is a doctor.

C.He is a friend of the girl’s.

12.What are those technical words about?





13.Which of the following people are unlucky?

A.People who have boring jobs.

B.People who have a lot of spare time.

C.People who earn a lot of money.

14.Why are many successful sportsmen young people?

A.Because they are under 35.

B.Because they can move fast.

C.Because they are interesting.

15.Which of the following group of people work till they die?

A.Writers, artists and actors.

B.Artists,musicians and teachers.

C.Writers,musicians and engineers.



Campus police report armed robbery


  答案:C B A B C A B B A C C B A B A At about 11∶45 p.m. Outside the Campus 35-to-45-year-old 225 pounds 303-556-5000





  M:Hi, Jane.Nice to meet you.I heard that you went to Canada during the vacation.

  W:Sure.I went to Ottawa to attend a summer training course in English.

  M:Wow.You were lucky.How long did you stay there?

  W:I went there on July 3rd and came back on August 13 th.

  M:Where did you live in Ottawa?

  W:I lived with a Canadian family, the Smiths.They are very friendly.Shortly after I got there,we became good friends.And,living in their house, I could speak English with them every day.Bedsides,I didn’t need to worry about my three meals.They looked after that.

  M:How nice!And how about the course?

  W:The course was also quite good.The teachers were nice.They taught us to listen,speak, read and write in English.One interesting thing I found was that the Canadian classes.They are quite different from our class here because the students have more freedom.You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class.And you are welcome to share your ideas with the class.I really like this kind of class.

  M:How interesting!Maybe our teachers should try that.


  W:Hi, Ben.What’s up?

  M:What about coming over on Sunday afternoon for a volleyball party?

  W:A volleyball party?What’s that?

  M:This Sunday’s volleyball game is pretty important, so I’m inviting a bunch of people from our class over to my place to watch it.

  W:Who’s coming?

  M:So far, there’s Han, Yuki, Stephan, Anna Maria, Ricardo, Lily and Yong.

  W:I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t.My bother-in-law is coming back from Mexico City.I have to pick him up at the airport.

  M:That’s too bad.Well, how about coming over after you get back from the airport?

  W:OK.That’s a great idea.Can I bring anything?

  M:Whatever you like to drink.We’ll order pizza for dinner.


  M:Hi, Lucy.This is Jenny.

  W:Hi, Jenny.

  M:I want you to do me a favour.

  W:No problem.What is that?

  M:I got the message just now.I am having an interview in one hour.I have to hurry to the Patson Company.

  W:Good news.That is a big company.

  M:But this afternoon, I have a lesson given by Mr King.Would you please ask Mr King for leave for me?He is such a strict teacher.

  W:No problem, Jenny.At this very time before graduation, I think he will understand you.In fact, he is really kind-hearted.

  M:Thank you very much, Lucy.

  W:Not at all.Good luck to you.Bye.


  M:Don’t tell me you’re studying for another exam!

  W:That’s exactly what I’m doing.

  M:What subject is it this time?

  W:Biology, and it’s going to be a hard one.

  M:Don’t you get tired of studying all the time?

  W:Yes, I do.Sometimes I want to throw all of the books right out of the window.

  M:I don’t know how you keep on with it.It’s too hard to become an engineer.I’ll be putting up tall buildings while you’re still a student here.By the way, can I help you study now?

  W:Yes, please.You can read me all these words and see if I know what they mean.

  M:I don’t know how you remember all of them.

  W:You have to learn just as many words as I do, and they’re all technical words that I don’t understand.


  In this program today,I’m going to talk about jobs.Most people have jobs.They go to work nearly every day.Some people are lucky.Either they have very interesting jobs or they earn a lot of money.Most people are not so lucky.

  The most interesting jobs are often the most difficult.People take a long time to learn how to do them.Doctors study for at least six years after finishing school.Airline pilots study longer.They have to learn to fly small aircraft first, and then slowly move up to bigger and bigger aircraft.Most airline pilots are at least 30 years old.

  Some young people have interesting and well-paid jobs.Many successful athletes are young.Football and tennis stars are usually under 35.Older people usually cannot play these sports very well.They cannot move fast enough.Golf,however,is a good sport for older people.Many successful golfers are quire old.

  Most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old.Then they retire and have a lot of spare time.Some people don’t, though.These people usually have very interesting jobs.Writers, artists, musicians and actors usually work until they die.Their work is their life.



  Campus police report armed robbery


科目:高中英语 来源:梅州中学2006~2007学年高中三年级第三次月考试题、英语 题型:001





1.What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Boss and secretary.


2.Who will get higher pay?

A.Those who are well educated.

B.Those who have working experience.

C.Those who can speak a foreign language.


3.What is the man?

A.A salesman.

B.A policeman.

C.A postman.

4.Where is the woman’s husband?

A.In the kitchen.

B.In another house.

C.In another city.

5.What was the woman doing that night?

A.She was sleeping.

B.She was cooking dinner.

C.She was playing cards.


6.What can we learn about the song“After the Ball”?

A.The song’s writer lived all alone.

B.The writer’s old uncle lived all alone.

C.The song was a sad one.

7.What can we learn about marching music?

A.It came from a kind of piano music.

B.It is still a kind of popular music at present.

C.It was brought to Europe later.

8.Who play marching music in colleges and high schools?

A.Football players in beautiful uniforms.

B.Students in their college or school uniforms.

C.Players dressed in colorful uniforms.


9.Why can the man stay in this hotel?

A.He has a reservation in advance.

B.He is a friend of the owner’s.

C.Someone has just cancelled a reservation.

10.What does them man need for his children?

A.A color TV.

B.An extra bedroom.

C.A swimming pool.

11.When does the hotel want its guests to pay?

A.When they register.

B.When they reserve a room.

C.Just before their departure.


12.Why couldn’t the speaker see the sun?

A.Because the situation was bad.

B.Because there was much smoke in the air.

C.Because the sky was getting dark.

13.Where was the speaker’s husband?

A.He was in town.

B.He was in the garden.

C.He was abroad.

14.What did the speaker take with her?

A.Her clothes , useful things , passport , bankbook and money.

B.Useful things , such as clothes and food.

C.Her clothes , drinks , money and books.

15.How many days had the wind blown before the speaker left?

A.Two days.

B.Three days.

C.Four days.



Elwood Food Market


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2007年高考英语仿真考试卷 题型:001





1.Who bought the walkman for Robbie’s birthday?

A.Richard and Alexandra.

B.Richard and Marilyn.

C.The Molinas.

2.Why did Alexandra cry?

A.The Molinas didn’t treat her nicely.

B.The letter reminded her of her family.

C.She had nobody to talk to.

3.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a French restaurant.

B.At Alexandra’s home.

C.At Robbie’s home.


4.What is the woman going to do?

A.Attend a party.

B.Take a holiday

C.Go on a business trip.

5.When does the woman plan to arrive?

A.Late Friday

B.Midday Saturday

C.Saturday night.

6.What is the weather like in the town during the day?





7.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

8.What can we know about the woman?

A.She agrees to go with the man.

B.She disagrees with the man at last.

C.She feels a little cold.

9.What do we know about the Club Blue Note according to the conversation?

A.They hardly serve sandwiches and salads.

B.The food there is good but expensive.

C.The music there is great.


10.What was the purpose of Mrs.Whinfield’s visits to Kew Gardens?

A.To learn more about plants.

B.To write an article on garden.

C.To meet the writers she read.

11.Where did Mrs.Whinfield live before she moved to her present home?

A.West London



12.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Tourist and gardener

B.Newspaper reporter and garden owner.

C.College professor and biology students.


13.What did Chico Rivera do immediately after his graduation from high school?

A.He went to a university in Puerto Rico.

B.He attended a professional baseball school in Puerto Rico.

C.He joined a professional baseball team in Puerto Rico.

14.Where does Chico usually spend the summer?

A.In Pittsburgh

B.In Florida

C.In Puerto Rico.

15.What is this passage mainly about?

A.Baseball in America.

B.The Pittsburgh team.

C.Chico Rivera, a baseball player.




科目:高中英语 来源:2007年高中毕业班第一次高考模拟考、英语 题型:001




1.Why was the man late for class?

A.He got up late.

B.Due to the heavy traffic.

C.He didn’t catch the bus.

2.What can we know from the dialogue?

A.A car pool is a kind of organization that owns cars and sends people to work.

B.Car pool is the name of a company that helps people hire cars.

C.People who join a car pool live nearby and ride in one car.

3.How does the woman know so much about the car pool?

A.She has joined a car pool.

B.She has read about it in the paper.

C.She works in it.


4.Which of the following is true about the car?

A.It’s new and small.

B.It’s old and bought in America.

C.It’s second-hand and from another country.

5.Why does Mike’s friend want to sell the car?

A.She needs money to buy a new house.

B.She can’t afford to keep it in the city.

C.She lives near her workplace.

6.How much does the man agree to pay for the car?

A.More than 5,000 dollars.

B.Less than 5,000 dollars

C.Not mentioned.

听下面一段对话,回答第 7-9小题。

7.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In the post office.

B.In a shopping center.

C.At the railway station.

8.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.The man has to write down the return address as required.

B.The man bought two sets of glasses.

C.The man has to pay more than $8.20.

9.Which statement of the following is true according to the dialogue?

A.The man has to fill in a form.

B.If the man chooses the second class, it will take ten days to arrive.

C.It is a rule to write down the return address.

听下面一段对话,回答第 10-12小题。

10.What is the telephone number of Blue Travel Agency?




11.When does Jill want to go to New York?

A.In May.

B.In April.

C.In March.

12.In what way will Jill return?





13.Why did the man lose his temper?

A.Because the bird couldn’t repeat his master’s name.

B.Because the bird screamed all day long.

C.Because the bird failed to say the name of the town.

14.Who killed the three chickens?

A.The man in the kitchen.

B.The pet bird.

C.The fourth chicken.

15.Why was the man shocked at the scene the next morning?

A.The bird had finally understood his threat to kill it.

B.The bird managed to escape from the chicken house.

C.The bird had learned to scream back at him.




科目:高中英语 来源:广东省汕头市金山中学2010届高三期中考试英语试题 题型:001


第一节 听对话或独白(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



1.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Aunt and nephew.

2.What's the woman's regular job?

A.She is a secretary.

B.She is a teacher.

C.She is a doctor.

3.What does the woman do after work?

A.She studies in University of Washington.

B.She helps her son Fred with his English.

C.She does a part-time job in an elementary school.


4.Why don't they choose to go to the French restaurant?

A.It's very far from home.

B.It's not convenient.

C.It's very expensive.

5.Where is the Mexican restaurant located?

A.On Tortilla Flat.

B.On Broadway.

C.On Hope Street.

6.Approximately when will the couple arrive at the restaurant?

A.At 8∶30 p. m.

B.At 8∶35 p. m.

C.At 9∶00 p. m.


7.Which day's tickets will the man get?

A.Next Monday's.

B.Next Wednesday's.

C.Next Tuesday's.

8.How much will he pay for the tickets?




9.If possible, how could he get the tickets for central seats?

A.Two sit in one place while two sit together in the other place.

B.Each of them sits in a place.

C.They sit together.


10.Which way is a slow one?

A.To turn next to the school.

B.To go another four or five blocks.

C.To turn to the left right away.

11.What color was the traffic light when their car came to the cross?




12.What will probably happen to them in the end?

A.Catch the train.

B.Miss the train.

C.Have an accident.


13.Why did the children come to help the old woman?

A.Because their parents wanted them to do so.

B.Because they wanted to start a cookie store of their own some day.

C.Because there was too much work for her to do alone.

14.What did the children do when the old woman fell ill?

A.They took turns to look after the old woman.

B.They baked and sold cookies to pay for the doctor.

C.They baked cookies for the old woman.

15.What is the message we get from the story?

A.Friendship is more valuable than anything else.

B.The world is full of warmth and sympathy.

C.Happiness lies in sharing.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省执信中学2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:001





1.Where will the passengers be able to have their dinner?

A.In Dallas.

B.In Atlanta.

C.In Baton Rouge.

2.How many times will the bus stop during the trip?


B.Three times.

C.Four times.

3.What is permitted in the coach?



C.Alcoholic beverages.


4.What did the woman try when she was looking for a place to rent?

A.Going online.

B.The housing broker company.

C.The classified ads.

5.Why does the woman want to leave her current place?

A.She can’t get on well with her roommate.

B.She will get married.

C.Her roommate’s fiancé will move in.

6.How did the man find his place?

A.His roommate.


C.Through a broker.


7.Why is a good breakfast important?

A.Because we usually eat less than other meals.

B.Because we are hungry and have a good appetite.

C.Because it provides us energy for the whole morning.

8.What shouldn’t be neglected at lunch?

A.Fruit salad.

B.Green vegetables.

C.Meat and eggs.

9.What should a dinner include?

A.Chicken and fish.

B.Potatoes and salad.

C.Meat and two kinds of vegetables.

10.What do people think of food when they are in good mood?

A.They think it tastes better.

B.They think it is valuable.

C.They think it is attractive.



