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4. 两年前,我第一次去美国。

Two years ago,I went to the USA


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        Like many boys of my age,I have a box filled with sports cards. But my brother,younger by ten years,is different from me. He was unwilling to go into the sports card shop with me. I couldn't   believe the shocked look on his face when he saw some of the expensive offerings in the window display. He just couldn 51 appreciate the history behind the cards and the care taken to preserve them over the decades. For him,no piece of cardboard was worth any sum of money. He would rather have a video screen to distract him.

        I appreciate the arguments in favor of television,computer games,and other electronic entertainment. The technology is dynamic and entertaining. There's indeed something for everyone. I also believe,however,that these new forms of entertainment have taken time away from “unplugged” fun. Instead of simple storybooks,young children have interactive learning computers that read for them. When children aren't watching satellite television,they have computer games to entertain them. It seems to me that more and more of the joys of childhood are being lost to the appeal of the video screen.

        Building up a sports card collection is a rewarding hobby for children and adults alike. It teaches quality lessons,such as patience and organization. For children,it develops a careftil mind. I remember how hard I tried to slide each card into a plastic sleeve without damaging their delicate comers. Nearly every weekend,there was a card show at the local mall where I learned to bargain and trade for cards. Collecting cards is a social activity too,encouraging young and old to swap cards and stories.

         Today's electronic entertainment,however,keeps people apart and does little to benefit developing minds. I am concerned that this trend toward electronics will lead to less physical activity and less communication time. The younger generation needs to know that pleasure can also come from a simple hands-on hobby.

13. By saying “There's indeed something for everyone”,the author means .

   A. everyone is able to enjoy “unplugged” fun

   B. electronic entertainment is partly useful

   C. technology is very important to everyone

   D. new hobbies must be entertaining

14. The author finds that tdday's  children .

   A. have more “unplugged” fim

   B. have more and more hobbies

   C. spend too much time on screens

   D. value their pocket money very much

15. Why does the author mention how he slid each card into a plastic sleeve?

   A. To show how such a hobby can make children more careful.

   B. To express his great interest in showing his cards.

   C. To explain the difficulties of collecting cards.

   D. To prove sports cards are very valuable.

16. What is the author worried about?

   A. The fall of electronic entertainment.

   B. The younger generation's challenges.

   C. The negative influence of electronics.

   D. The rising cost of the sports card collection.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 凯特是怎么绊倒的?

How did Kate


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. 从前

12. 拿走

13. 变成

14. 从事(某工作) ;致力于.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Joe, I’m too w to walk far. I have to go to the doctor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Dad,what are you going to do with these (stone) ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 今天要到达北京似乎不可能。(it'seem,possible)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. I think this panda is (interesting) than any other panda in the zoo.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 34. The girls the museum as soon as they saw it. They said they wanted to visit it again.

   A. looked forward to   B. were in control of C. got on with   D. fell in love with

