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The discovery of new evidence led to _________.

A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief

C. the thief to be caught D. the thief being caught


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北“五个一推荐”高三上学期教学质量监测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


This morning after I got the news that my best friend, Sean Misner, who was one of the firefighters, died in an Arizona wildfire in June, I created a Facebook page in his .

Sean and I were like brothers. We met playing baseball when we were eight years old. We life’s ups and downs together. He was 26 when he died.

I was in when I found out the situation. Friends of his photos and information on his page, and I set up a way for people to money to Sean’s wife, Amanda, and their son, right through Facebook.

My sister is a journalist, and she suggested that we arrange everything while the fire was getting national . In the first couple of days, Sean’s page got 2, 000 likes. Today it has more than 27, 000 likes.

When Sean’s family drove his ashes 500 miles from Prescott, Arizona, to his in Santa Ynez, California, firefighters had been standing on every highway overpass (天桥).

I was surprised at how much it me to see that other people cared. Strangers were sending Facebook messages, baby clothes to Amanda and we’ve about $10, 000 for his son’s education. One post is from a little boy in Nevada who said, when he he wants to be a firefighter. It touched me. People posted messages about what a hero Sean was and they were right. There is a lot of on that Facebook page. I one day, when Sean’s son, Sean Jaxon, is enough, he will see how his father was through this page.

During moments when I miss Sean, I visit the , and it makes me smile. On my birthday or his birthday or some date, I’ll read the messages and look at the photos that people have posted. It’s a way for me to keep his memory .

1.A. honour B. absence C. existence D. death

2.A. got through B. passed through C. went through D. looked through

3.A. fear B. horror C. anxiety D. shock

4.A. took B. hung C. developed D. posted

5.A. save B. donate C. make D. earn

6.A. practically B. sincerely C. quickly D. regularly

7.A. attention B. support C. sympathy D. recognition

8.A. office B. home C. school D. community

9.A. entertained B. frightened C. comforted D. astonished

10.A. offering B. intending C. expecting D. conveying

11.A. grasped B. founded C. figured D. raised

12.A. turns up B. picks up C. comes up D. grows up

13.A. deeply B. eventually C. slightly D. gently

14.A. information B. money C. love D. emotion

15.A. believe B. wonder C. doubt D. realize

16.A. tall B. old C. strong D. firm

17.A. excited B. satisfied C. respected D. encouraged

18.A. tomb B. Internet C. page D. reserve

19.A. specific B. special C. available D. accessible

20.A. alive B. awake C. apart D. awful


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东青岛高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In Britain and other countries,young people sometimes take a“gap year”,a year off between high school and college.This idea never gained a big following in America.Recent news reports have suggested that interest may be growing,though there are no official numbers.

Charles Deacon,.Dean of Admissions at Georgetown University in Washington,D.C.,estimates that in the current first-year class of 1,600 students,only about 25 decided to take a year off.He says this number hasn’t changed much over the years.

Mr.Deacon says the most common reason for taking a“gap year”is to have a chance to travel,but he says international students may take a“gap year”to meet requirements at home for military duty.

Some high school graduates see a year off as a chance to recover after twelve years of required education,but it can also give students a chance to explore their interests.Students hoping to be doctors,for example,could learn about the profession by volunteering in a hospital.

Many colleges and universities support gap-year projects by permitting students to delay their admission.Expels say students can grow emotionally and intellectually as they work at something they enjoy.

The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called“Time Out or Bum Out for the Next Generation.’’It praises the idea of taking time off to step back,think and enjoy gaining life experiences outside the pressure of studies.It also notes that students are sometimes admitted to Harvard or other colleges partly because they did something unusual with that time.

Of course,a gap year is not for everyone.Students might miss their friends who go on directly to college,and parents might worry that their children will decide not to go to college once they take time off.Another concern is money.A year off,away from home,can be costly.

Holly Bull’s job is to specialize in helping students plan their gap year.She notes that several books have been written about this subject.She says these books along with media attention and the availability of information on the Internet have increased interest in the idea of a year off, and she points out that many gap-year programs cost far less than a year of college.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.It is likely that taking a“gap year”is becoming popular in America.

B.More and more American students are choosing to take a year off.

C.If you want to go to an American university, take a gap year first.

D.Americans hold different opinions towards students’taking a“gap year”.

2.How many reasons for students’ taking a“gap year”are mentioned in the passage?

A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.

3.The essay“Time Out or Bum Out for the Next Generation.”suggests that______.

A.every student must take a“gap year”before applying for a famous university

B.some famous universities encourage students to gain more life experiences

C.taking a‘gap year’Can make students free from life learning

D.the stress of studies does harm to the students’ health

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Charles Deacon doesn’t support the idea of the students’taking a“gap year”

B.Parents might disagree with the program,concerned about their children’s future.

C.Books and media have contributed to the students’interest in school learning.

D.Experts agree taking a year off will benefit the students emotionally and physically.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春十一高中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---- Did he come back early last night?

---- Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock _______ he arrived home.

A. when B. that C. before D. until


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆一中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One morning more than thirty years ago, I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微的)to the most powerful came for breakfast. I noticed am empty chair next to an elderly, unshaven man, who looked somewhat disheveled. He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone. I asked if I might join him. He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast.

We cautiously began a conversion and spoke about a wide rang of things. We never introduced ourselves. I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee. I asked,

“My I get you something?”

“A coffee would be nice.”

Then I bought him a cup of coffee, We talked more, and he accepted another cup of coffee, Finally, I rose to leave, wished him well, and headed for the exit. At the door I met one of my friends. He asked,

“How did you get to know Mr. Galbreath ?”


“The man you were sitting with. He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs.”

I could hardly believe it. I was buying, offering a free breakfast, and feeling pity for one of the world’s richest and most powerful men!

My few minutes with Mr. Galbreath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are.

1.What does the underlined word “disheveled” mean?

A. Untidy B.Unfriendly

C. Gentle D. Kind

2.The author bought coffee for the old man because .

A. he wanted to start a conversation

B. he thought the old man was poor

C. he intended to show his wealth

D. he would like to thank the old man

3.How did the author probably feel after he talked with his friend?

A. Proud. B. Pitiful.

C. Surprised. D. Regretful

4.What is the message mainly expressed in the story?

A. We should learn to be generous.

B. It is honorable to help those in need.

C. People in high positions are not like what we expect.

D. We should avoid judging people by their appearances.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南岳阳一中高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Public Speaking Training

·Get a coach

1. , so get help. Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that’s right for you.

·Focus on positives

Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well. Nothing can hurt confidence (信心) more than being told that you aren’t doing well. 2. , so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn’t do.


If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it’s going to give you lots of dos and don’ts, walk away! Your brain is so full of what you’re going to be talking about. 4. . As far as we’re concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking. Your audience can be your friends.

·You are a special person not a clone

Most importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits. 5. . Your training course should help you bring out your personality, not try to turn you into someone you’re not.

A. So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse

B. You aren’t like anybody else

C. Whatever the presentation, public speaking is challenging

D. Turn your back on too many rules

E. The one thing you don’t want is for them to fall asleep

F. Check the rules about dos and don’ts

G. You already do lots of things well


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西晋城一中高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The value of the teaching method ______ the interest it inspires in the students.

A. consists of B. is consisted of

C. consists with D. consists in


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届吉林吉林大学附中高三上学期摸底1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



A pastor (牧师) had a kitten (小猫) , which once climbed up a tree and was afraid to come down. He coaxed (哄诱), but failed. The tree was not enough to climb, so he decided to a rope to his car and pull it to make the tree down, and then he could get the kitten.

That’s he did. After checking his progress, he the car a little further forward, but unluckily the rope broke. The tree went “boing!” and the kitten instantly through the air —out of .

The pastor felt . He walked all over the neighborhood looking for the kitten, but in vain. So he , “Lord, I just commit this kitten to your keeping,” and went on about his .

A few days later he met a church member at a store. He to see cat food in her shopping cart. “Why are you buying cat food you hate cats so much?” He asked her. “You won’t believe this,” She replied, and then told him how her little had been begging her for a cat, but she kept .

Then a few days before, the child had again, so the Mom finally told her, “Well, if gives you a cat, I’ll let you keep it.”

“I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her , and ask God for a cat. You won’t believe this, but I saw a kitten came flying out of the blue sky, and right in front of her.”

learned... Never underestimate (低估) the Power of God and His Unique Sense of Humor.

1.A. tall B. young C. strong D. long

2.A. fix B. wind C. roll D. tie

3.A. bend B. break C. lie D. fall

4.A. how B. why C. that D. what

5.A. pushed B. moved C. pulled D. dragged

6.A. sailed B. threw C. floated D. flowed

7.A. reach B. mind C. sight D. touch

8.A. frightened B. terrible C. confused D. angry

9.A. asked B. wondered C. doubted D. prayed

10.A. business B. way C. research D. prayer

11.A. seemed B. decided C. happened D. came

12.A. unless B. when C. because D. though

13.A. boy B. baby C. girl D. pet

14.A. thinking B. waiting C. hating D. refusing

15.A. appeared B. begged C. argued D. cried

16.A. God B. anyone C. Pastor D. somebody

17.A. stomach B. legs C. knees D. head

18.A. suddenly B. slowly C. gradually D. obviously

19.A. rushed B. rested C. dropped D. landed

20.A. Knowledge B. Lesson C. Ability D. Skill


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—You’ve been in college for half a year.Are you familiar with your president?

—Yes.He is an outstanding leader who _____ his reputation.

A.looks out forB.comes up with

C.lives up toD.looks forward to

