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The closure of the U.S.-Canada border, has been extended to June 21 due to the novel coronavirus. This is having a 1 (significance) economic impact in British Columbia, particularly in the tourism industry,

This closure includes tourist traffic. Tourism is the 2(large) industry in the Vancouver area, directly employing 70,000 full-time jobs. Walt Judas, 3 is the CEO of the Tourism Industry Association of BC, says the industry understands the reason 4 the border closure. Although there are no hard economic numbers yet, it is having a major impact.

“Having the borders 5 (close) really hurts a number of small businesses throughout the province, particularly those that welcome almost completely U. S. visitors,” Judas said. “The border closures are a big impact on our industry.”

British Columbia 6(enter) phase two of a restart plan now. Although most retail (零售) does not 7 (official) have to close, hair and nail salons or “personal services” are able to legally reopen, and dining in restaurants and pubs is allowed, all with 8 (restriction).

With 1.5 times 9 population of B.C., Washington state 10 (it) has seen 7.4 times the number of deaths and infections from COVID-19.







6is entering












考查定语从句。此处为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词Walt Judas,指人,且先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who。故填who


考查介词。句意:不列颠哥伦比亚省旅游业协会的首席执行官Walt Judas表示,旅游业理解边境关闭的原因。结合句意表示“……的原因”,应用短语the reason for…。故填for


考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,close在句中应用非谓语动词形式,属于“have sth. done”结构,closeborders构成被动关系,应用过去分词作宾语补足语。故填closed


考查动词时态。句意:不列颠哥伦比亚省现在正进入重启计划的第二阶段。结合后文now,可知表示目前正在进行的动作,应用现在进行时,且主语为British Columbia,be动词应用单数。故填is entering


考查副词。修饰后文动词短语have to close,应用副词officially,表示“正式地”。故填officially




考查冠词。句意:华盛顿州的人口是不列颠哥伦比亚省的1.5倍,但该州本身死于COVID-19的人数和感染人数是不列颠哥伦比亚省的7.4倍。结合句意表示“……的人口”,应用短语the population of…故填the


考查代词。句意同上。此处指代Washington state自身,应用反身代词itself。故填itself


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】MarineLand Theme Park

With numerous rides, a variety of wildlife from both land and sea and shows filled with action-packed excitement, no wonder it's a hit with visitors from all over the world. Whether riding on the world's biggest steel roller coaster, Dragon Mountain, or enjoying a show filled with fun-loving dolphins and intelligent whales, you’re sure to have the time of your life at MarineLand. Having been in business for more than 50 years, this park has something for every member of the family!


The King Waldorf Stadium ShowThis entertaining, educational and heart-warming show features dolphins, white whales, sea lions, and walruses and is sure to leave you in awe as well as help you understand and appreciate these wonderful marine mammals(海洋哺乳动物).

Arctic Cove: It featuring one of the largest white whale collections in the world, visitors are able to purchase a pass to Arctic Cove where they can touch and feed the whales as well as view them underwater.

Friendship Cove: Breathtaking underwater viewing allows you to enter the magic world of the killer whale below the water surface or on a surface level walkway.


Villager Lodge: It is located in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Diplomat Inn: Within half a mile of the Skylon Tower, it is the choice for an inexpensive location.

Marriott Niagara Falls Fallsview Hotel&Spa: It is close to popular attractions and the Scotiabank Convention Center.

Days Inn Lundy's Lane: It is located just two miles from the gorgeous Niagara Falls and the Skylon Tower Observation Deck.

Hours of Operation:10:00 am-5:00 pm(Sept. 11th—Oct. 13th)


1What can be learned about MarineLand Theme Park?

A.It is only suitable for kids.

B.It was opened fifty years ago.

C.It has both land and marine animals.

D.It has the world's biggest roller coaster.

2What is special about Arctic Cove?

A.It has the largest white whale collection in the world.

B.It allows visitors to enter the magic world of the killer whale.

C.It features an entertaining show starring various marine mammals.

D.It provides visitors with a chance to interact with white whales personally.

3Which hotel suits you best if you have a tight budget?

A.Diplomat Inn.

B.Villager Lodge.

C.Days Inn Lundy's Lane.

D.Marriott Niagara Fails Fallsview Hotel&Spa.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 “Outer space is a frontier that inspires us and unites us more than anything else,” declared the US Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Dr. Yleem Poblete. “And as we continue to push further into our own solar system, new businesses will be built to seize the endless possibilities before us.”

However, there are growing concerns about the possibility of intentional acts of aggression in space, warned Dr. Poblete. The United States has raised concerns for many years that Russia is seeking the development and placement of anti-satellite weapons. As recently as February 2017, a Russian Air Force Squadron Commander stated that Russia is developing new missiles with the intention of destroying satellites. Furthermore, we have read statements from the Russian Ministry of Defense that it is working on creating “a mobile attack anti-satellite system”.

Vladimir Putin (Russian President) has alluded to space weapons being more “acceptable in the political and military respect”. This behavior continues despite Russia stating many times that it places a high priority on the promotion of the draft “Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space” or PPWT.

The problem with such a treaty, said Dr. Poblete, is that it's difficult to determine an object’s true purpose simply by observing it on orbit. At this time, there are no means of distinguishing many objects' behaviors from that of a weapon, making outer space arms control measures like those in the proposed PPWT impractical.

In short, said Poblete, the proposed PPWT does not reduce the potential for conflict from extending into outer space. Plus, Russia may be engaging in the very behavior it claims to seek to prohibit.

“We must take concrete steps to strengthen the stability and sustainability of space,” declared Dr. Poblete, “The draft PPWT is not the right approach to accomplishing that. It is a questionable document, proposed by a country [Russia] that has routinely violated its international commitments.”

1What does America suspect Russia is doing?

A.Launching satellites for spying.B.Trading space weapons illegally.

C.Making profits from exploring space.D.Causing threat to space stability.

2Which is one common difficulty for controlling space weapons?

A.They are hard to be identified.B.They are not regulated by common rules.

C.There are too many to be managed.D.There is disagreement between nations.

3What does Dr. Poblete think of PPWT?

A.It is not specific enough.B.It will worsen international relationships.

C.Russia itself fails to observe it.D.We must work together to promote it.

4What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A.Where the key to space safety lies.B.What alarms the US as to space safety.

C.Why space conflicts are difficult to avoid.D.Who is to blame for the chaos in outer space.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Beijing has abandoned setting a specific GDP target for this year and shifted its policy priority to ensuring employment, people’s livelihoods and the ________ of businesses.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Qian Xuesen, a gifted rocket scientist 1 led China's space and rocketry programs, was born in Shanghai in December 1911. He 2 (admit)into Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1929. In1934, he won 3 scholarship and in 1935 he left China to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. One year later, he 4 (go)to the California Institute of Technology to start graduate studies under Theodore yon Kármán, a world-famous professor of aerodynamics(空气动力学).

From 1938 to 1955, Qian stayed in America, working with Kármán to research aerodynamics, rocketry and missiles. Despite his high salary and comfortable life in the US, Qian remained 5 (concern)about his home country's development. In October 1955, Qian braved all the difficulties and 6 (final)made his way back to China.

Upon his arrival, Qian Xuesen, together 7 dynamics expert Qian Weichang, established the Institute of Mechanics. Then Qian set out 8 (1ead)China's missile and rocketry programs.

Uninterested in fortune and fame, Qian devoted his life to 9 (rebuild)the nation. 'As a Chinese technician, my life's purpose is to serve the people, ' he said. 'If after I die the public feels I have made a contribution during my life, that 10 (approve)will be the highest praise of all. ' Qian died on Oct. 31, 2009. The Chinese people will never forget his contribution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Sophia’s working performance.

B.Sophia’s new friends from work.

C.Sophia’s relationship with the woman.

2How is the woman feeling now?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


For those who have never tried it, scuba diving (水肺潜水) has the reputation for being 1 extreme sport, but this couldn’t be 2(far) from the truth. Scuba diving, with all the deep breathing 3goes with it, is almost like underwater yoga (瑜伽). It offers people a chance to forget about trouble and focus on the here and now, thus 4(provide) a sense of calmness that is hard to find on land.

While scuba diving, you won’t be looking at your phone. Nor will you have to make a mental effort 5 (get) away from the real world because physically, you already have! The underwater scenery provides the perfect place to calm your mind with 6 (peace) surroundings to admire.

Yoga lays stress on the control of breathing in and out, as breathing 7 (consider) the fundamental connection 8 body and mind. The number one rule of scuba diving is to breathe 9 (constant) and never hold your breath. A diver who is relaxed in body, breath, and mind becomes one with the water. It’s the supreme form of 10 (relax) when all you can hear is bubbles and the sound of your own breathing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Du Fu: China's Greatest Poet a BBC one-hour documentary1(launch) on April 6 this year. It was the first time to put Du's life in a global context.

For the Chinese,Du,2style of poetry is called realism,is more than a poet;he has been the guardian of the moral of the nation.3(bear) in 712,Du lived through the violent fall of the Tang Dynasty when wars, floods and famines almost ruined the country. In his poems, he poured out his concern for his country and people as well as the importance of celebrating the few simple4(joy) of life.

To explore his life and discover what the poet means to China and the Chinese people, the film crew had an5(extreme) tough time tracking the footsteps of the eighth-century poet.

This documentary is not 6easy watch. To help audiences make sense of the. poet's great achievements in literature,Du is compared7China's Shakespeare in this documentary.Also,the program invited McKellen, who played Gandalf in The Lard of the Rings movies,8(read) 15 of Du's poems that had been translated into English. These can help foreigners9( well) understand what makes Du' s works so special.

In a way, the documentary is displaying the charm of traditional Chinese literature to the world,10(fuel) a desire to learn Chinese Tang poems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Love will always be a topic of ______ interest regardless of race, religion or nationality.


