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【题目】假如你是李华,暑假期间美国圣保罗中学( St. Paul’s School) 进行了为期三周的学习和交流。在此期间. 你的美国朋友约翰逊先生:(Mr Johnson)在语言、生活等方面给你很大帮助, 请根据下列提示和你的想象写一份书信。

1. 表达对约翰逊先生的感激之情;

2. 感谢约翰逊先生所给予的帮助;

3. 邀请约翰逊先生来中国观光旅游。


1. 词数100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯


【答案】Dear Mr. Johnson,

How time flies! It has been some days since I left St. Paul’s School. However, whenever I think of the wonderful three weeks I spent in America, I just can’t help thinking of your help. And I’m writing to express my thanks to you from the bottom of my heart.

In St. Paul’s School, it was so kind of you to have provided everything to make my staying there such a happy and lucky experience. My English was very poor but you tried your best to give me a hand, and soon my English improved a lot. What’s more, you always encouraged me to keep positive whenever I was in trouble in life.

I’ll never forget this trip as well as your kindness. And I hope you’ll have a chance to pay a visit to great China in future.

Best regards to you!


Li Hua



亮点分析:文章语言简练,结构条理清晰,注意使用短语或句型来表达自己的感情: how time flies! I just can’t help thinking of your help; it was so kind of you to have provided; such a happy and lucky experience; you tried your best to give me a hand; you always encouraged me to keep positive 等等语言,使感激之情表达的淋漓尽致。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There is an old saying in China that goes, “The days of the Sanjiu period are the coldest days.” “Sanjiu period”, which is in minor Cold (小寒), refers to the third nine-day period (the 19th to the 27th day) after the day of the Winter Solstice (冬至). There are many different customs related to Minor Cold in China.

Eating hotpot

During Minor Cold people should cat some hot food to benefit the body and defend against the cold weather. Winter is the best lime to have hotpot and braised mutton (炖肉) with soy sauce. But it is important to notice that too much spicy food may cause health problems.

Eating huangyacai

In Tianjin, there is a custom to have huangyacai. a kind of Chinese cabbage, during Minor Cold. There are large amounts of vitamins A and B in huangyacai. As huangyacai is fresh and tender, it is fit for frying, roasting and braising.

Eating glusinous rice (糯米饭)

According to tradition, the Cantonese eat glusinous rice in the morning during Minor Cold. Cantonese people add some fried preserved (腌制的) pork, sausage and peanuts and mix them into the rice.

Eating vegetable rice

In ancient times, people in Nanjing took Minor Cold quite seriously, but as time went by, the celebration of Minor Cold gradually disappeared. However, the custom of eating vegetable rice is still followed today. The rice is steamed and is unspeakably delicious. Among the ingredients, aijiaohuang(a kind of green vegetable), sausage and salted duck are the specialties in Nanjing.

1What do we know about Minor Cold?

A. It lasts twenty-seven days

B. It marks the first day of winter

C. It refers to the Winter Solstice.

D. The Sanjiu period is in Minor Cold

2What is a special custom in Tianjin in Minor Cold?

A. Eating hotpot B. Buy cabbage

C. Having Huangyacai D. Having vitamin A and B pills

3How do the Cantonese cat glutinous rice?

A. They fry and toast it. B. They eat it for dinner.

C. They steam it with soy sauce. D. They mix it with many other things.

4This text may be taken from the column of a newspaper.

A. travel B. culture

C. fashion D. science


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A woman and a man were driving along the motorway in opposite1(direction) when they crashed into one another. Both of their cars were completely destroyed,2neither of them was hurt. They got out of their cars, and the woman said, “Wow, look at our cars-there’s nothing3(leave)! But, at least we’re all right. This must be4sign that we should be friends and not try to blame each other.” The man replied, “Yes, definitely, I can’t agree5you more.” The woman said,6(point) to a bottle on the ground, “And here’s another miracle. Somehow this bottle of wine from my back seat didn’t break. Surely, this means7we should drink the wine and celebrate our good fortune.” She handed the bottle to the man. The man nodded his head, opened it, and8(drink) about a third of the bottle to calm his nerves. Then, he gave9back to the woman. The woman took the bottle,10(immediate) put the cap back on, and handed it back to the man. The man asked, “Aren’t you having any?” The woman replied, “No, I think I’ll just wait for the police.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你最近乘火车旅游了。请你写封邮件,与你的美国朋友Peter分享你的乘火车经历。内容包括:1.网上买票,车站取票; 2.乘车体验:舒适放松,沿途观景; 3.列车上饮食。




Dear Peter,

I’d like to tell you that I had an excellent train ride recently. _________________________________________









Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On a clear February morning, a California black bear was set free. Looking around, he (skillful) climbed the nearest tree. From high above the ground, he could see the hundreds of acreswere now his home. His eyes were filled with (curious)
The bear had come a long way. Last fall, the seven-month-old bear bub(幼兽) was found all alone. He had no mother to care for him. He was thin, (weight) only 20 pounds----about half the normal weight for a bear that age. Luckily the bub(bring) to The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center in Ramona, California. At the center, the bub shared outdoor enclosure(围栏) with another bear. There were trees to climb and places for them to dig dens(兽穴). (teach) the cub to find his own food, people working at the center (hide) fruit in tree branches. Soon, the bear was an expert at climbing trees and "picking" the fruit. All the staff felt(amaze) at his adaptability.
Finally, the day had come. With his new skill and strong body, the bub was ready to behis own, and ready to live like a bear should--- in the wild.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1They ______ _____(离婚)two years ago.

2His daughter _______ ________ ______ ________ (有天赋)painting.

3You _____ ______ ______ ______(一定)regret in future if you give up your dream.

4You might as well _______ _______ (留出)some money in case of future use.

5How awful_______ _______ ______by her (被她发现多难为情啊), Claire thought.

6_________________(检测这台机器)cost him quite a long time.

7We have raised 50,000 yuan _______ ______(总共) for the Hope Project.

8She shouted “_______________ me _______________(……一个人待着)” and ran to her bed.

9The meeting ___________ (明天举行的) is very important.

10We rushed to the stadium, ________________(结果被告知) the performance had come to an end. (tell)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”.

At the ______of Palo Duro Canyon (峡谷) State Park, I ______a job advertisement hiring park hosts. The position offered a _____, permanent campsite in the park, and _____, the hosts served as a link between the park’s guests and the rangers (护林人). It was the perfect solution: a rent-free place to reorganize our lives. We entered the park and I made an ______for the following day.

The park was______, so it took us some time to find an available site. That evening, as we finished our dinner, my wife saw two large skunks (臭鼬) walking toward our table. We_______climbed onto the table and, for the next four hours, waited for them to ______our camp.

Having survived that night, we were ______that everything else would be all right. The next day we met with the people who ran the park. They explained our

____ and gave us a beautiful campsite.

That evening, ______, we learned about the canyon _______ They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently, and we lay ______ in the dark until the winds died away.

_____the weeks that followed, we learned to survive in our truck and ___

the little money my wife _______by substitute teaching. Building a successful business and then losing it had left very little time for building a successful ______ For a time after our business _______I thought I might lose my family as well.

Living in the tiny________with no television, we sat close together reading and talking. One evening, standing under a jeweled sky, I found myself ______ for all the hardships. We had walked the trails and climbed the canyon walls. We had become a family!

1A. back B. edge C. centre D. entrance

2A. sponsored B. published C. noticed D. answered

3A. safe B. free C. convenient D. beautiful

4A. in return B. in time C. in short D. in turn

5A. attempt B. agreement C. appeal D. appointment

6A. crowded B. dangerous C. ideal D. quiet

7A. repeatedly B. immediately C. eventually D. calmly

8A. attack B. leave C. pass D. search

9A. satisfied B. determined C. confident D. aware

10A. responsibilities B. requirements C. circumstances D. conditions

11A. moreover B. therefore C. meanwhile D. however

12A. winds B. snows C. woods D. trails

13A. shaking B. quarrelling C. mourning D. aching

14A. After B. Between C. During D. Beyond

15A. give away B. hand out C. live on D. put aside

16A. borrowed B. earned C. posted D. raised

17A. business B. career C. family D. image

18A. started B. failed C. expanded D. declined

19A. truck B. park C. house D. camp

20A. desperate B. ready C. suitable D. thankful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt.This trend,which was started by the medical community(医学界) a method of fighting heart disease,has had some unintended side(effect) such as overweight and heart disease---the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.
Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet.They are required(process) the food that we eat,to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.When fat and salt (remove) from food,the food tastes as if it is missing something.Asresult,people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.Even (bad),the amount of fast food that people eat goes up.Fast food(be) full of fat and salt; by ( eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.
Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food.However,be (care) not to go to extremes.Like anything,it is possible to have too much of both, is not good for the health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I'm sure we've all done something a little dishonest in our lives—maybe copying someone's work, or being given too much change in a shop and keeping quiet about it. Or maybe I'm wrong—maybe you’re a good, upstanding citizen who believes that honesty is the best policy.

We may agree that admitting our mistakes and behaving in a genuine and decent way is the right way to lead our lives but is there something in our human nature that makes us unscrupulous? For example, in some shops and car parks you can find an honesty box—a box where you pay for something by putting money in it. But it does provide a temptation(诱惑) to get away with not paying the full amount.

Philip Graves, a psychologist, suggests that this temptation is part of our evolution. He says: we have evolved with the ability to be dishonest. It's part of our evolutionary psychological make up—because if we can gain an advantage over the people around us, we have a greater chance of surviving.

So why do we place such importance on being honest if we benefit from being dishonest? It's because it is selfish behavior. If everybody acted selfishly and dishonestly all the time, the world would be a very unpleasant place. So, for societies to work together we need to trust each other and therefore we need to be honest.

Being trustworthy with money is of course extremely important for an economy to survive and there are laws to protect us from dishonest practices. But being honest with words is another matter; saying what we think to someone can be embarrassing. Is honest always the best policy?

1Which of the underlined words is similar to "dishonest" in meaning?

A. upstanding

B. decent

C. unscrupulous

D. trustworthy

2If there is an honesty box in a shop, what should a customer do?

A. Take some money out if in need.

B. Donate some money to the charities.

C. Get away without paying the right amount.

D. Put in the amount of money one should pay for his buying.

3What can we learn according to Philip Graves?

A. Men are born to be dishonest.

B. One will be criticized if he is dishonest.

C. Dishonesty is of some benefit to survival.

D. Breaking the balance is kind of dishonesty.

4The author may NOT agree that ________.

A. honesty is based on working together

B. not all social members accept dishonesty

C. dishonest economic behaviors will be punished

D. being dishonest with words sometimes is acceptable

