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1. I think giraffes have the longest (neck) in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When people hear about my past and know what I have gone through,I’m usually told I’m strong,I’ve 21 had a hard time believing this. Today that 22 and I now believe it.

    My first bom son,nearly four years old,was a 如(发脾气) .I was 23 and wanted to just walk away. But I decided to deal with the situation 24 this time. I hugged him and asked what was wrong. He told me he just wanted to be 25 I was a bit thrown off by his 26 .

    In my mind,I 27,what made him say such a thing. Did he think he was 28 ? I also wondered if my kid had the same 29 as I did. Anyway,30 these kinds of questions couldn’t be answered,I just brushed them off and said to mv 31 , “But you are strong." He then replied, “No,Mom,I just want to be strong like you." I couldn’t 32 my tears. I felt in that moment,time stood still. My heart melted 33 that from my own baby. All my stress,doubts and 34 melted away. I held his 35 in my hands,wiping away his tears with my fingers,looked into his blue eyes 36 told him I am only strong because I 37 him. Without him and his sisters,I wouldn’t be strong at all. By then,my girls had heard what we said and were 38 on each side of US. I 39 them all. Holding them all in my arms,I felt 40 for having my beautiful babies and my life.

21. A. always   B. still   C. never   D. seldom

22. A. followed   B. changed  C. returned   D. fixed \

23. A. concerned   B. surprised  C. curious   D. angry

24. A. proudly   B. busily   C. differently   D. crazily

25. A. honest   B. active   C. patient   D. strong

26. A. reply   B. advice  C. secret   D. rule

27. A. believed   B. questioned   C. designed   D. proved

28. A. weak   B. brave   C. clever   D. tired

29. A. records   B. thoughts  C. dream   D. ability

30. A. regretting   B. hoping  C. remembering   D. knowing

31. A. mother   B. father   C. boy   D. girl

32. A. feel   B. explain  C. wipe away   D. hold back

33. A. collecting   B. hearing    C. receiving   D. expecting

34. A. happiness,   B. love   C. worries   D. beliefs

35. A. cheeks   B. hands   C. toys   D. presents.

36. A. or   B. but   C. and   D. so

37. A. visit   B. have   C. miss   D. trust

38. A. standing   B. relaxing   C. drinking   D. reading

39. A. raised   B. found   C. caught   D. hugged

40. A. nervous   B. eager   C. grateful   D. light


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Everything worked out so smoothly and everyone was so kind to me,an America girl,that I had the most wonderful time as a volunteer teacher there.

   I felt at home right away. Also my host family was amazing.  I really found ? secoiid family in Thailand and we got along well even without speaking the same language. My host mother made a great effort to leam some English and I did my best to learn a couple of Thai words .

   Teaching was great fun and also quite challenging because I taught many different classes at different levels of English. So I always had to first check and then quickly adapt to (适应) their levels of English.

   But luckily,all the former teachers kept a teacher’ s diary and wrote down their exp?riences with the students so I could check in advance what kind of games or exercises they had been doing. Its stress was on conversation. And this was best done through little games. Students loved the competition and teaming up against each other. It sometimes took a bit to involve them because they were often very shy. But once they warmed up it was so much fun. I must say I enjoyed all the classes.

   On Sundays I went to temple school to teach the little students together with other teachers from Prangku. All the teachers at Prajigku were willing to spend much of their own free time helping these students. And the students were so nice,polite and really eager to learn English.

  I want to share this experience with everyone who enjoys being with children,and with everyone who is interested in getting to know a new culture. This is really an unforgettable experience.

1. Living with the host family,the author .

   A. became part of the family quickly

   B. found what the family did was strange 

    C. was often misunderstood by the family   

    D. could talk with the family fluently in Thai

2. Why did the author consider teaching in Thailand a challenge?

   A. No teacher gave her a helping hand.

   B. Her students were too shy to speak English,

    C. She had difficulty dealing with large classes.

   D. Her students were at different levels of English.

3. According to the author,teachers,from Prangku

   A. recorded studentsJ activities in a diary

   B. thought highly of what the author did 

    C. had a strong sense of responsibility   

    D. were not good at organizing games

4. The author thinks her experience in Thailand is

   A. worthwhile   B. adventurous

    C. uncomfortable   D. doubtful 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Julia McWilliams,who would later be known as the French Chef(大厨) Julia Child,was bom in California in 1912. She was an athletic young woman who played tennis,golf,and basketball,but cooking was not yet on her mind. She hoped to be a writer. Therefore,when she graduated from Smith College in 1934 with a degree in English,Julia headed to New York and began ? career in advertising as ? copywriter.

    Julia got married with Paul Child in 1946. Two years later,they moved to Paris. After eating at France's oldest * restaurant,La Couronne,Julia realized that cooking was her passion and she attended the world-famous Le Cordon Bleu cooking school. She also joined a women's cooking club.

    Through the club,Julia met two French women who were writing a French cookbook for Americans. They hoped that Julia would be able to work with them to make the book attractive to Americans. They worked together on the book for 10 years. Several times it was rejected for being too big or too much like an (百科全书) . But finally,in 1961,when the 726-page Mastering the Art of French Cooking was published in the United States,it became a best-seller.

    Based on the popularity of her book,Julia was invited to cook live on air as a guest on a public television show in Boston. Her segme咐(视频片段) was so popular that the station decided to invite her back to host her own cooking show — The French Chef.

    When Julia died in 2004,she was arguably the most famous French chef.

5. When Julia graduated from Smith College,her dream was to be .

   A. an advertiser   B. a writer

    C. a chef         D. an athlete

6. What inspired Julia to become a chef?

   A. A cooking show.

   B. A cooking book.

    C. A meal in La C?uronne.

   D. A women's cooking club. .

7. What do we know about Mastering the Art of French Cooking?

   A. It was very expensive.

   B. It was written for the French,

    C. It took two years to complete.

   D. It was very popular in America.

8. The text is mainly written .

   A. to introduce Julia Child

    B. to advertise French food 

    C. to introduce a cooking book   

    D. to popularize a cooking show 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by.

   A. I   B. me

    C. my   D. myself           (2015 上海)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. When you (感冒) ,food has very little flavor (味道) to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Sue made a cake (her) without her mother’s help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Jimmy is facing a very difficult s . Who can give him some advice?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

73. 没人知道是谁掌管着这家倶乐部。

Nobody knows who the club.

