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1 was so thirsty I_____back three glasses of water one after another.

  A.sent    B.knocked    C.dropped   D.headed



考查动词。knock back意为“狂喝,豪饮”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


The first day at school has left a deep   1   on me. I'll never forget it.

As soon as I rushed into the classroomthe bell rang. A young beautiful woman came inbut she was  2  no smile on her face. “You are not permitted to  3  me in the course of class unless”She was speaking when I heard a  4  “LilyLily” from outside the door. My grandmother was standing there with a pair of socks in her hand. I didn't realize I was bare feet  5    then. I wanted to  6  them, but I dared not do that. I shook my hand  7  “Don't wait here any longer. Leave quickly". As I did soI still  8  my eyes on my teacher. I really didn't want her to take  9 of mebut she did. she went out to get the socks. When she gave them to  me. she looked at me for a while. My face suddenly turned   10   and my heart   11   faster. I began to put the socks on. Unfortunately 1 was so nervous that my   12   hands couldn't get them onto my feet easily. Just then I heard my name called. I   13   from my seat quickly. “Can you 14   the numbers from one to one hundred?'’ the teacher asked. I nodded.  15  her surpriseI did very well. Finally she said“Be  16  please. Study hard.” I looked  17   her to find a smile on her face. I felt   18   at last.

The first day at school has stayed in my  19  as something embarrassing (尴尬) but  20  .

1. A. memory       B. impression C. imagination      D. feeling

2. A. modern       B. humorous      C. gentle        D. serious

3. A. trouble      B. question       C. interrupt     D. excuse

4. A. voice    B. sound    C. noise    D. word

5. A. before    B. after    C. just    D. until

6. A. get    B. throw    C. accept   D. wear

7. A. saying   B. meaning    C. crying    D. shouting

8. A. fixed    B.1aid    C. opened     D. shut

9. A. care    B. interest    C. attention     D. notice

10. A. pale    B. white    C. red    D. black

11. A. beat    B. jumped    C. struck   D. felt

12. A. small    B. dirty    C. shaking    D. own

13. A. rose    B. raised    C. stood    D. jumped

14. A. add    B. count    C. recognize      D. write

15. A. With    B. For    C. To    D. Great to

16. A. careful  B. sitting    C. quiet    D. seated

17. A. up at    B. over    C. around    D. through

18. A. story         B. relaxed      C. disappointed       D. puzzled

19. A. mind    B. classroom     C. memory    D. heart

20. A. strange     B. sweet     C. nervous     D. forever



科目:高中英语 来源:山东省2010届高三全真模拟英语试题 题型:完形填空




Some years ago when I was in my first year in college.I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time.The moment was exciting.Salome’s 36 filled the room and brought the theater to life.1 was so 37 that I decided to write all article about her.

I 38 Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine,and that I wanted to meet her to talk her career.She 39 and told me to come to her studio next Tuesday.When I hung up,1 was scared out of my mind.I 40 I was lying.I was not a writer at all and hadn’t even written a grocery list.

I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday.I sat there 41, taking notes and asking questions that all began with,“Can you tell me…”I soon realized that 42 Salome Bey was one thing,but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossible.The 43 was almost unbearable.I struggled for days 44 draft after draft.Finally I put my manuscript(手稿)into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox.

It didn’t take long.My manuscript 45.How stupid of me! I thought.How could I 46 in a world of professional writers? Knowing I couldn’t 47 the rejection letter, I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer.

Five years later.I was moving to California.While 48 my apartment I came across the unopened envelope.This time I opened it and read the editor’s letter in 49 :

Dear Ms Profit,

Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic.Yet we need some 50 materials.Please add those and return the article immediately.We would like to 51 your story soon.

Shocked,it took me a long time to 52.Fear of rejection cost me dearly.I lost at least five hundred dollars and having my article appear in major magazine.More importantly, I lost years of 53 writing.Today, I have become a full-time writer.Looking back on this 54, I learned a very important lesson:You can’t 55 to doubt yourself.

36.A.joy        B.voice    C.speech     D.smile

37.A.proud           B.active           C.satisfied         D.moved

38.A.visited          B.mailed    C.phoned    D.interviewed

39.A.agreed    B.refused    C.hesitated         D.paused

40.A.replied         B.discovered      C.explained       D.knew

41.A.seriously        B.patiently         C.nervously       D.quietly

42.A.hardship       B.fooling         C.inviting  D.pressure

43.A.hardship         B.failure     C.comment D.pressure

44.A.with      B.by         C.on  D.in

45.A.disappeared    B.returned         C.spread     D.improved

46.A.compare         B.struggle  C.survive    D.compete

47.A.ignore     B.deliver    C.face        D.receive

48.A.decorating      B.repairing C.cleaning   D.1eaving

49.A.disbelief        B.anxiety    C.horror     D.trouble

50.A.subjective       B.relevant  C.private          D.reliable

51.A.broadcast       B.create      C.publish    D.assess

52.A.recover  B.prepare  C.escape      D.concentrate

53.A.energetic        B.endless    C.typical    D.enjoyable

54.A.experience      B.success    C.benefit      D.accident

55.A.attempt  B.afford           C.expect      D.pretend



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏期中题 题型:填空题

1. He loves l_______ very much, so his parents wish him to be a writer in the future.
2. It was a bit c_______ for most of us to learn so many subjects well at the beginning of high school.
3. Their _______ (举止) towards me shows that they do not like me.
4. Now that you must leave now, you had better give me an e_______.
5. Kelly entered her house, _______ (跟随) by her pet dog Spot.
6. She is a_______ of being unable to answer questions in class.
7. After a long _______ (争论), we finally agreed on where to go for our vacation.
8. The lecture was so t_______ that everybody present was moved to tears.
9. I felt quite _______ (窘迫) when my teacher told my parents that I failed the maths exam.
10. According to our nation's law, anyone is f______ to take drugs or sell them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I had the privilege to visit the Bridge of Forgiveness in Palawan during the time when I was on the summer’s team.

After the long and exciting week,we had a chance to  36  the place where we were  assigned(指定).We  37 the narrow hanging bridge made of two bamboos and a long  rope which you can hold  38  for your life as you cross it.1 was SO afraid of  39 ,  especially here, and I think most of US were not  40  to crossing SO high a bridge. 41 ,our  team leader told US that we must cross this bridge in order to see the splendid falls that lie out on the other  42

“As you cross this bridge,think about  43  difficult,but it is possible.”

Many times in our lives we face  44  that we don’t expect―broken relationships,betrayal(背叛)of a friend,etc.,and all we do is  45 . But I noticed that life must go on,and all the burdens must be  46  through forgiveness―forgiveness of yourself and others.    

I didn’t  understand my cousin 47  she told me I should 48  all those unfriendly guys with  49 .But as I grow older,I realize that lying in the past  50  and guilt will not serve me well.

Once I forgave serious  51 ,I noticed that I couldn't forget them but every time I remembered them,I  52.There are no more pains brought just by the thought of them.

After all,life is good. 53  all the hardships, pains and difficulties, life teaches me to be  54  in facing any adversity(逆境)while at the same time it makes me  55 to those who suffer.If somebody does something terrible to me,I have to think back the bridge of forgiveness ―difficult but possible.





 37.A.came upon

B.set aside

C.built up

D.broke down





























































 53.A.Apart from

B.Rather than

C.Instead of

D.Regardless of










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I had the privilege to visit the Bridge of Forgiveness in Palawan during the time when I was on the summer’s team.

After the long and exciting week,we had a chance to  1  the place where we were  assigned(指定).We  2 the narrow hanging bridge made of two bamboos and a long rope which you can hold  3  for your life as you cross it.1 was so afraid of  4 ,especially here, and I think most of US were not  5  to crossing so high a bridge. 6 ,our team leader told US that we must cross this bridge in order to see the splendid falls that lie out on the other  7

“As you cross this bridge,think about  8  difficult,but it is possible.”

Many times in our lives we face  9  that we don’t expect—broken relationships,betrayal(背叛)of a friend,etc,and all we do is  10 . But I noticed that life must go on,and all the burdens must be  11  through forgiveness—forgiveness of yourself and others.    

I didn’t understand my cousin 12  she told me I should 13  all those unfriendly guys with  14 .But as I grow older,I realize that lying in the past  15  and guilt will not serve me well.

Once I forgave serious  16 ,I noticed that I couldn't forget them but every time I remembered them,I  17  There are no more pains brought just by the thought of them.

After all,life is good. 18  all the hardships, pains and difficulties, life teaches me to be  19  in facing any adversity(逆境)while at the same time it makes me  20 to those who suffer.If somebody does something terrible to me,I have to think back the bridge of forgiveness —difficult but possible.

1.A.admire               B.recognize            C.explore        D.expose

2.A.came upon            B.set aside             C.built up        D.broke down

3.A.conveniently           B.delightedly    C.tightly         D.relaxingly

4.A.distance                     B.heights              C.dangers        D.1engths

5.A.devoted               B.1imited              C.opposed。     D.accustomed

6.A.However              B.Therefore            C.Otherwise    D.Anyway

7.A.side                  B.hand                C.way         D.direction

8.A.happiness              B.sorrow             C.forgiveness   D.entertainment

9.A.strangers              B.environments         C.ceremonies   D.situations

10.A.hope                B.fight                 C.forget         D.sigh

11.A.stopped             B.unloaded              C.added         D.charged

12.A.when               B.until                  C.unless         D.before

13.A.ignore               B.tease                 C.treat          D.value

14.A.patience             B.kindness              C.courage      D.violence

15.A.matters              B.hurts                 C.counts        D.changes

16.A.disadvantages        B.behavior               C.friends         D.offences

17.A.ached              B.suffered              C.smiled         D.regretted

18.A.Apart from           B.Rather than           C.Instead of    D.Regardless of

19.A.strong              B.aggressive             C.inspired        D.aware

20.A.considerate          B.merciful              C.grateful          D.since

