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     If you are a 50-year-old man, consider yourself lucky, because you are in the middle of your life now
and good things are coming your way. Have you checked yourself lately? Are you happy, healthy and
moving forward in life? If your answer is yes, congratulations, because you are blessed(有福的) and you
must be thankful. If your answer is no, then maybe my story can give you some inspiration.(启示)  
     When I was in my 20s , my life was full of fun. At that time , my aim was studying and trying to make
out what I would do when I got to my 30s . In my 30s, life became a challenge(挑战). I had to prove to
the world that I could make a difference in my life. I always kept two jobs so that I could keep going after
my dreams. I also tried studying while making a living. It was not easy, but I made it when I reached 45
years old.
     Now I'm in my 50s,I continue to move forward and look at my life positively. To all the people who are
in their 50s and more, take my advice---it is never too late to do anything. Ask yourself: after all these
years of working and living, what have you accomplished? If you think you have done well, then how you
improve yourself and grow even more? If you don't think you have done anything big in your life, it is time
to stop to think and improve yourself.
1. What did the author think of his life in his 20s?
A. Life was interesting
B. Life was full of pressure
C. Life was very difficult.
D. Life was confusing
2. In the author's thirties, he wanted to prove that he could _____.
A. look at his life positively
B. study while making a living
C. be sure of what he would do in the future
D. change his life through great effort
3.The author wants to tell people in their 50s that _____.
A. they should keep a healthy life
B. anything can be realized
C. they should enjoy lives
D. it is late to do difficult things
4. The underlined word "accomplished", probably means _____.
A. finished    
B. achieved    
C. failed    
D. experienced

科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


If you see someone drowningspeed is very importantOnce you get him out of the waterif he isn’t breathingyou have four minutes before his brain is completely damagedSupport his neckand tilt his chin upwardsThis stops the tongue blocking the air way in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing againIf that doesn’t workstart mouth-to-mouth breathingPress his nostrils together with your fingersOpen your mouth wide and take a deep breathBlow into his lungs until his chest risesand then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minuteand keep going until professional help arrives

    To bring a child back to lifekeep your lips around its mouth and nose and gently blow into its mouthGive the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygenIfin spite of your effortsit starts turning blue grey colorand you can feel no pulsethen pressing its chest is the last chance of saving its life

    With arms straightrock forwardpressing down on the lower half of the breastbonesDon’t be too hard or you may break a ribCheck how effective you are by seeing if his color improves or his pulse becomes independent to your chest pressingIf this happensstop the pressing. Otherwise continue until an ambulance arrives

1If you want to save someone drowningyou _________.

    Ahave to pull off your clothes first

    Bshould hurry to get him out of water as soon as possible

    Cshould first make out who he is

    Dought to throw a lifeboat to the person first

 2Once a person stops breathingit means _________.

    Ayou have no more than 4 minutes to bring him to life again

    Bhis brain is completely damaged

    Che has passed away

Dthere is no way to save his life

3To press his chin upwards is a way to _________.

  Akeep the tongue blocking the air way in the throat

  Bprevent the tongue from stopping the air way in the throat

  Cswing the tongue out of the throat

  Dsee if he can possibly be saved

4. In doing mouth-to-mouth breathing, you have to_________.

   A. open your mouth wide

   B. take a deep breath

   C. blow into his lungs

   D. do all of the above

5. To bring a child back to life, we usually _________.

   A. blow into his mouth first

   B. press breastbone hard immediately

   C. call for an ambulance first

   D. check his color and pulse first



科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pro- nunciation, you
are wrong. Haven't you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?
     According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase
in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter. This is the
area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.
     The study also found the effect is greater, the younger people learn a second language.
     A team led by Dr Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who
only spoke English. They were compared with a group of "early bilinguals" who had learnt a second
language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners.
     Scans showed that grey matter density (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people
without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller
the difference.
     "Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second
language," said the scientists.
     It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.
     Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills. "Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain
more flexible (灵活的),"he said. "You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas."
     The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second
language between the ages of two and 34. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all tested. The
results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. "Studying a language means you get an
entrance to another world," explained the scientists.

1. Tire main subject talked about in this passage is ______.
A. science on learning a second language
B. man's ability of learning a second language
C. 1anguage can help brain power
D. 1anguage learning and maths study

2. In the second paragraph, the writer mentions "exercise" in order to ______.
A. say language is also a kind of physical labor
B. prove that one needs more practice when he (she) is learning a language
C. to show the importance of using the language when you learn the language
D. make people believe language learning helps grey matter work well

3. We may know from the scientific findings that ______.
A. the earlier you start to learn a second language, the higher the grey matter density is
B. there is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesn't
     know a second language
C. the experience of learning a second language has bad effect on people's brain
D. the ability of learning a second language is changing all the time

4. The underlined word "bilingual'' probably means ______.
A. a researcher on language learning
B. a person who is good at learning foreign languages
C. a person who can speak two languages
D. an active language learner


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏期末题 题型:阅读理解

     If cars had wings,they could fly and that just might happen, beginning in 2012.The company
Terrafugia, based in Woburn, Massachusetts, says it plans to deliver its carplane, the Transition,
to customers by the end of 2012.
     "It's the next 'wow' vehicle,"said Terrafugia vice president Richard Gersh. "Anybody can buy
a Ferrari, but as we say, Ferraris don't fly."
     The car plane has wings that unfold for flying-a process the company says takes one
minute-and fold back up for driving. A runway is still required to take off and land.
     The Transition is being marketed more as a plane that drives than a car that flies, although it is
both. The company has been working with FAA to meet aircraft regulations, and with the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration to meet vehicle safety regulations.
     The company is aiming to sell the Transition to private pilots as a more convenient and cheaper
way to fly. They say it saves you the trouble of trying to find another mode of transportation to get
to and from airports: You drive the car to the airport and then you're good to go. When you land,
you fold up the wings and hit the road. There are no expensive parking fees because you don't have
to store it at an airport-you park it in the garage at home.
     The carplane is designed to fly primarily under 10,000 feet. It has a maximum takeoff weight of
1,430 pounds, including fuel and passengers. Terrafugia says the Transition reduces the potential for
an accident by allowing pilots to drive under bad weather instead of flying into marginal(临界)
    The Transition's price tag: $194,000. But there may be additional charges for options like a radio,
transponder or GPS. Another option is a fullplane parachute.
     "If you get into a very awful situation, it is the necessary safety option," Gersh said.
      So far, the company has more than 70 orders with deposits. "We're working very closely with
them, but there are still some remaining steps," Brown said.
1. We can learn from the first paragraph that________. 
A. carplanes will be popular in 2012
B. people might drive a carplane in 2012
C. both Transition and Ferrari can take off and land
D. Richard Gersh is the vice president of Massachusetts
2. It takes the carplane one minute to________.
A. fold and unfold its wings          
B. unfold wings for flying
C. land in the airport                
D. meet flying safety regulations
3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? 
A. The carplane needs a runway to take off and land.
B. To meet aircraft regulations, the company has been working with FAA.
C. The carplane may fly as high as normal planes.
D. People can park the carplane in the garage at their home.
4. The underlined word "it" in the last but one paragraph refers to________.
A. the radio    
B. the transponder      
C. the GPS    
D. the fullplane parachute
5. What's the best title for the passage? 
A. Cars With Wings May Be Just Around The Corner
B. Which To Choose: A Ferrari Or A CarPlane?
C. A More Convenient And Cheaper Way To Fly
D. Cars With Wings Can Fly As Fast As Plane


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     If you were walking around a supermarket and saw a woman with a shaved head, a ring through her
nose, a totem design on her arm and she has a small child in her shopping trolley, what would your
opinion be? Do you think this kind of body decoration is attractive or ugly? Different people have different ideas. The following are some examples of body decoration from around the world.
     In many parts of Africa, it is thought that an attractive girl should have really shinny skin. On Bali, a little island in Indonesia, they believe that a beautiful woman or a handsome man must have perfectly straight,
flat teeth. The Balinese believe that teeth with pointed edges make you look like an ugly wild animal. So
when a girl or boy becomes a teenager, he or she is taken to a special person in their village who will file
off teeth points to make them smooth and flat. There is no anesthetic and this tooth filing is really painful. It
is a kind of test. If you can stand it without screaming or crying too much, then you are thought ready to
become an adult.
     In Myanmar, there is a small group of people who are called the "Padaung". They believe that a woman can only be really beautiful if she has a long neck. I mean a VERY long neck. Now you might think that
you are either born with a long or short neck and that there's nothing whatever you can do about it. But
you would be wrong! At around the age of 5, a Padaung girl has heavy metal rings fitted around her neck,
tightly between the chin and shoulders. Each year more rings are added and very, very slowly their weight pushes the shoulders down, in this way making the neck look longer. A Padaung woman will wear her
neck rings all her life, never once taking them off.
    So now I'm sure you will all agree that different people have different ideas about what is beautiful.
1. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 1?
A. Women's design.      
B. Beautiful body decoration.
C. Attractive decoration.  
D. Body decoration.
2. What does the underlined word "trolley" in the first paragraph mean? 
A. handbag        
B. luggage      
C. shopping cart      
D. basket
3. On Bali, it is believed that _____________.
A. a person with sharp teeth looks ugly    
B. a person with straight, flat teeth looks ugly
C. a teenager's teeth points must be filed off with anesthetic
D. no one will scream or cry when having his teeth points filed off
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Most African people think that a girl with shinny skin is beautiful.
B. Many people think that woman with a ring through nose is neither attractive nor ugly.
C. It is thought that a beautiful woman should have straight, flat teeth on Bali.
D. Some people think it beautiful that a woman has a long neck in Myanmar.
5. What is the best title of the passage?  
A. Who Is a Beautiful Woman?           
B. Inner beauty
C. Different Ideas about Beautiful        
D. Body Decoration


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     If you haven't heard or seen anything about Road Rage in the last few months, you've probably
been avoiding the media. There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon,
considered a type of aggressive driving. You have most likely encountered aggressive driving or
Road Rage recently if you drive at all.
     While drunk driving remains a critical problem, the facts about aggressive driving are surely as
disturbing. For instance, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association,
41,907 people died on the highway last year. Of those deaths, the agency estimates that about
two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.
     Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now, and why is it something that seemed
almost nonexistent a few short years ago? Experts have several theories, and all are probably
partially correct. One suggestion is sheer overcrowding. In the last decade, the number of cars on
the roads has increased by more than 11 percent, and the number of miles driven has increased by
35 percent. However, the number of new road miles has only increased by 1 percent. That means
more cars in the same amount of space; and the problem is magnified in urban areas. Also, people
have less time and more things to do. With people working and trying to fit extra chores and
activities into the day, stress levels have never been higher. Stress creates anxiety, which leads to
short tempers. These factors, when combined in certain situations, can spell Road Rage.
     You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively, but you might be surprised.
For instance, have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver, sounded the horn long and hard an
another car, or sped up to keep another driver from passing? If you recognize yourself in any of
these situations, watch out!
     Whether you are getting angry at other drivers, or another driver is visibly upset with you, there
are things you can do to avoid any major conflict. If you are easily influenced by Road Rage, the
key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way. If you are the target of another driver's rage,
do everything possible to get away from the other driver safely, including avoiding eye contact
and getting out of their way.
1. The first sentence in Para. 1 implies that ______.  
A. one may be angered by media reports and wants to avoid them
B. the media coined the term "Road Rage" only a few months ago
C. Road Rage has received much media coverage in the last few months
D. people not interested in the media know little about recent happenings
2. The underlined word "spell" in Para. 3 means ________.
A. relieve                
B. cause            
C. spread              
D. prevent
3. Which of the following characterizes aggressive driving?
A. Talking while driving.              
B. Driving at high speed. 
C. Sounding the horn when passing.      
D. Shouting at another driver.
4. The last paragraph is intended to _________. 
A. tell people how to deal with Road Rage 
B. inform people how aggressive drivers could be 
C. show people how to control themselves when angry 
D. warn people against eye contact with another driver

