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10.It was a cold winter's day that Sabbath (安息日).The parking lot to the church was (26)Bquickly.I noticed as I got out of my car (27)Afellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked to the church.
As I got (28)BI saw a man leaned (倚靠) against the wall (29)Bthe church.He was almost lying down_ (30)Che were asleep.He had on a long coat that was (31)Dwom-out and a hat topped his head,pulled down (32)Cyou could not see his face.He wore shoes that looked 30years old,too_ (33)B_for his feet with holes all over them/his toes stuck out.
I assumed this man was (34)A,and asleep,so I walked on by through the'doors of the church.We all sat down and (35)Afor a few minutes,and someone brought up the main lying outside.People exchanged their guesses about him,but no one (36)Cto ask him to come in,including me.A few moments later church began.We all waited for the preacher to take his place and give us the.word of God,(37)D the doors to the church opened.
In came the homeless man,walking down the aisle (走道) with his head down.In great surprise people began to (38)Dand make faces.He made his way down the aisle and up onto the (39)Cwhere he took off his (40)Band coat.
My heart sank.
There stood our preacher…he was the"homeless man."(41)Asaid a word.
The preacher took his Bible and laid it on the (42)A."Folks,I don'-t think I have to tell you what I am preaching(布道) about today."
Then he started (43)B the words to this song."If I can help somebody as I pass along,if I can (44)C.somebody with a word or song,if I can show somebody that he's traveling wrong,then my living shall not be in (45)D."
How about your living,my friend?Is it in vain?

26.A.putting upB.filling upC.taking upD:starting up
30.A.asB.whileC.as ifD.because
41.A.No oneB.NoneC.EveryoneD.Anyone

分析 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,主要叙述了人们去教堂做礼拜,在教堂外看见一个无家可归的人睡在教堂外,帽子被拉下来看不到脸,穿着的鞋子破旧过时且脚趾头都伸出来了.面对这样一个"无家可归者",人们只是谈及他,而没有请他或喊他,我也如此,看到牧师来迟,大家私下议论,并相互做鬼脸,牧师正是人们刚来时看到的"无家可归者",作者通过本文旨在告诉人们要怀有善心,对他人不能漠不关心,更不能以貌取人.

解答 26.B     考查动词辨析.根据文章中的"quickly"可知,去教堂做礼拜的人很多,所以通往教堂的停车场很快就填满了.故选B.
27.A     考查连词辨析.这里的句子可以理解为"I noticed that as I got out of my car,fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked to the church",连词"that"置于动词"notice"后引导宾语从句,故选B.
28.B     考查形容词辨析."get closer to…",当我走近教堂才看到…,故选A.
29.B     考查介词辨析.根据文章后面"…so I walked on by through the'doors of the church"可知,我继续往前走,进入教堂并没有理会这个人,说明这个人是依靠在教堂外的墙上.故选B.根据文章前面""
30.C     考查连词辨析.几乎躺下来好像睡着了,故选 C.
31.D    考查副词辨析.他穿着一件几乎快要破旧的衣服,帽子被拉下来看不到脸.故选D.
32.C    考查介词辨析.根据"a hat topped his head,pulled down"可知,因为帽子被拉下来,所以看不到脸,故选C.
33.B     考查形容词辨析.根据"with holes all over them/his toes stuck out"可知,脚趾头伸出来,所以鞋子是太小了,故选B.
34.A    考查形容词辨析.根据"I saw a man leaned  against the wall outside the church"可知,睡在教堂外,所以是无家可归的,故选A.
35.A    考查动词辨析.根据"and someone brought up the main lying outside"可知,我们在教堂里坐下来开始聊天,在我们聊天的过程中,某个人谈及了躺在外面的人,故选A.
36.C     考查动词辨析."bother to do sth  麻烦(某人)做某事",没有人费事去叫他进来包括我.
37.D     考查连词辨析."when=at this  time    就在此时",就在大家都在期盼着牧师的时候,就在这时门开了.故选D.
38.D     考查动词辨析.那个牧师走进来,正是那个无家可归的人,大家私下议论,并相互做鬼脸,故选D.
39.C     考查名词辨析.牧师走到台上,"platform 台,平台,讲台,舞台,戏台",故选C.
40.B     考查名词辨析.根据"He had on a long coat that was …wom-out and a hat topped his head"可知,之下牧师是穿着长衣和带着帽子的,进入教堂做礼拜必须要脱帽等以表示对神的尊重,故选B.
41.A     考查代词辨析.根据语境可知,之先大家都看到的且都没有去关心的"无家可归者"这是我们一直在期待的牧师,太让人吃惊了,没有人说话,故选A.
42.A    考查名词辨析."laid it on his stand"把(圣经)放在讲坛上,故选A.
43.B    考查动词辨析."sing  歌颂,唱歌,唱",牧师开始吟唱,歌颂,故选B.
44.C    考查动词辨析.如果我能用我的话语和歌声给人们鼓励和欢呼,"cheer  sb (up)"鼓励某人,让某人高兴,振作,故选C.
45.D    考查名词辨析.固定搭配"in vain"徒劳地,白费力气地,如果我能用我的话语和歌声给人们鼓励和欢呼;当我前行的时候如果我能给人帮助,那么我的人生将不会白白度过,故选D.

点评 解答此类题目可遵循以下步骤:第一步,通读全文,了解文章大意,获得整体印象,同时初选出一批较有把握的答案.第二步,边核对初选答案边补填留下的空格.如果短文难度较大,则可复读几遍,核对和确定答案.有些空一时决定不了,可作个记号,待复查时再确定. 第三步,复查定稿.从整体理解角度出发,仔细审核答案,确保意义上、语法上没有错误,同时对遗留下来的少数几个空格作最后选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.When preparing for exams,perseverance and efficiency arewhat it takes/the qualities that it takes (所需要的)to achieve good grades.(take)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.        a ticket for the match,he can now only watch it on TV at home.(  )
A.Obtaining notB.Not obtaining
C.Not having obtainedD.Not obtained


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.I like to live in a room ________ window faces to the south.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.I was fifteen months old,a happy carefree kid until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I landed on a glass rabbit which cut my eye badly enough to blind it.Trying to save the eye,the doctors stitched the eyeball together where it was cut,leaving a big ugly scar in the middle of my eye.The attempt failed,but my mama,in all of her wisdom,found a doctor who knew that if the eye were removed entirely,my face would grow up badly twisted,so my scarred,sightless,cloudy and gray eye lived on with me.And as I grew,this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me.
I walked with my face looking at the floor so people would not see the ugly me.Sometimes people,even strangers,asked me embarrassing questions or made hurtful remarks.When the kids played games,I was always the"monster."I grew up imagining that people looked at me in an unusual way,as if my appearance were my fault.I always felt like I was a freak.
Yet Mama would say to me,at every turn,"Hold your head up high and face the world.'It became a litany that I relied on.She had started when I was young.She would hold me in her arms and stroke my hair and say,"If you hold your head up high.it will be okay,and people will see your beautiful soul."She continued this message whenever I wanted to hide.Those words have meant different things to me over the years.As a little child,I thought Mama meant,"Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking."As an adolescent,even though I tended to look down to hide my shame,I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people know me,they liked me.My mama's words helped me begin to realize that by letting people look at my face,I let them recognize the intelligence and beauty behind both eyes even if they couldn't see it on the surface.
In high school I was successful both academically and socially.I was even elected class president,but on the inside I still felt like a freak.All I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When things got really bad,I would cry to my mama and she would look at me with loving eyes and say,"Hold your head up high and face the world.Let them see the beauty that is inside."
When I met the man who became my partner for life,we looked each other straight in the eye and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.He meant it.My mama's love and encouragement were the spark that gave me the confidence to overcome my own doubt.I had faced adversity,encountered my problems head on,and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep compassion for others.
"Hold your head up high,"has been heard many times in my home.Each of my children has felt its invitation. The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation.

41.As a result of the terrible accident,the writerD.
A.became deaf and blind           B.had her eye moved away  
C.had some hearing loss           D.had her eye hurt
42.The writer walked with her head down becauseD.
A.she couldn't see clearly           B.she was used to walking that way
C.she was a shy person               D.she wanted to cover up her shame
43.By saying"Hold your head up high and face the world".her mother meant toA
A.encourage her in her daily life        B.warn her of the inconvenience
C.blame her for lack of confidence       D.praise her for her great courage
44.The underlined sentence"Each of my children has felt its invitation."in the last paragraph meansB.
A.all of the writer's children grew up with an inviting prospect
B.Mama's inspirational words had deep effects on the writer's children
C.each of the writer's children received their grandma's invitation
D.the writer"s children had no choice but to accept the invitation
45.Which of the following is conveyed in this passage?D
A.Failure is the mother of success.
B.One's mind works faster in danger.
C.Two hands make the work light.
D.Never give up whenever in trouble.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.---Could you be so kind as to pass me the cell phone?
---_______.(  )
A.With pleasureB.A pleasureC.Yes,pleaseD.Go ahead.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.---Kitty,how was your weekend?
---I had a great time,I went skiing with my friends.
---Wow!       (  )
A.Sounds really cool!B.Chears!
C.How interesting you are!D.I'll go there,too.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Unlike many surfers who sought the perfect wave,my interests always lay beneath the sea's surface in a world I could only imagine and dream of.When I was twelve,I made my first adventures in the deep.Later I would learn how to dive,expanding my world of exploration many times over.
Perhaps the greatest turning point in my life came when I was in high school and I wrote a letter to the famous Scripps Oceanographic Institution,asking how I might learn more about the sea.A kind sci entist answered my letter and told me how to apply to Scripps for a summer scholarship,which I received.During one of their courses that summer,I met Dr.Robert Norris,a marine geologist.He loved the sea almost as much as I did.Soon he suggested I consider his school,the University of California,for my study.One year later I became a member of the freshman class.
Now my love affair with the sea became a serious endeavor.If I wanted to be an undersea explorer,I needed to learn as m uch as I could about the laws of the physical world that controlled the environment I wanted to enter.The undersea world is not our natu ral world.It is unforgiving to those who make mistakes.At its greatest depths the water temperature is near freezing,the p ressure is eight tons per square inch,and it is totally dark.It is easy to get lost in such a world.I needed to learn a lot about geography,navigation,geology,biology,and many other things.
I decided another important thing for me to do was to join the U.S.Navy.If I was going to be an undersea explorer,I would have to lead men and women on dangerous adventures where they might get hurt,and I didn't want that to happen.
In the Navy I learned discipline,organization,and how to motivate and lead people on adventures so that we could explore the wonders of the deep.
Finally,the time came to put all that I had learned to use,to go forth with a team of men and women and explore?an adventure I am still on and hope to be on for many years to come.

59.What happened to the author at the age of twelve?B
     A.He dreamed about undersea exploration.
     B.He began to swim under the deep water.
     C.He surfed on big waves for the first time.
     D.He learned to dive off the cliffs.
60.In college,the author took many d ifferent types of courses because heC
      A.was told it was ea sy to get lost in exploration
      B.was advised to take them by Dr.Robert Norris
      C.thought they were needed to fully understand the ocean
      D.believed it would help him succeed in the Navy
61.The author joined the Navy toA.
     A.develop his leadership skills
     B.get along with people under stress
     C.learn about the dangers of the ocean
     D.gather specific information about ocean life
62.Which word can best describe the author?D
     A.Imaginative. B.Optimistic.  C.Independent.        D.Ambitious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.He glanced at the note,       and went on with the meeting.(  )
A.turned it downB.gave it outC.brought it onD.put it aside

