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     For Barack Obama,public service has been the cause of his life. Obama began his career by moving to the South Side of Chicago to direct the Developing Communities Project,an organisation 1.(form) to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods. After graduating from law school,Obama passed up law firm jobs to head Project Vote,2. helped register 150,000 new African-American voters in Chicago,the 3.(high) number ever registered in a single local effort. Michelle Obama was in charge of Public Allies Chicago,a leadership development program that prepares talented young adults for careers 4.(serve) the public good. Barack Obama believes public service helps both the individuals that serve 5. the communities that benefit.

     Barack Obama calls his years working as a  community organiser in Chicago,s South Side the best education he ever 6. (have) . He believes that all students should serve 7.(they) communities. Studies show that students who participate 8. service-learning programs do better in school,are more likely to graduate from high school and go to college,and are more likely to become active 9. (citizen) . Schools that require service as part of the 10. (education) experience create improved learning environments ;and serve as resources for their communities.

1. formed。考查过去分词作定语的用 法。form与organisation之间是逻辑 上的动宾吴系,且form所表示的动 作己完成,故填formed。

2. which。考查关系词。设空处引导非 限制性定语从句修饰整个主句,故填 which 。

3. highest。考查形容词的最高级。由 the及ever可知,设空处应填highest。

4. serving。考查动词-ing形式作定语 的用法。careers与serve之间是逻辑 上的主谓关系,故填serving。

5. and。考查连词。both... and...连接 两个并列的成分。

6. had。考查一般过去时。have所表不 的动作发生在过去,故填had。

7. their。考查代词。设空处后是一个 名词,故填形容词性物主代词their :

8. in。考查介词。participate in意为 “参加”。

9. citizens。考查名词。show后的宾语 从句的主语是students ,故填 citizens 。

10. educational。考查形容词作定语的 用法。设空处作定语修饰 experience ,故填educational。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第41期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


5. The sales assistant told me exactly the same thing.(the thing that)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In 1970,Cincinnatian Will Radcliff discovered a slush machine(冷饮机) when he was at a Chicago trade show. One evening,Radcliff asked for the help of his mother and sister to brainstorm some names for his would-be slushy drink. Over a six-pack of beer,they wrote down a Landfill of possibilities on a brown paper bag and came up with the idea for Slush Puppie,which would feature a cartoon dog as their logo (标识) . Shortly thereafter,Radcliff spent all the money he had and founded the company.

   Though other iced drinks such as ICEE already existed,Slush Puppie was different because it was a non-carbonated drink created with flavored syrups (糖浆) and water that are mixed together in a machine and then frozen.

   When Radcliff started what would become a multimillion-dollar enterprise,only four flavors were offered: cherry,grape,orange,and lemon-lime. Today,there are more than 40 flavors available,many of which contain fresh juices and vitamins. An eight-ounce Slush Puppie contains 119 calories,which would take a 31-minute walk to bum off. Yet,it has a very pleasant taste.

   Radcliff’s flavored iced drink business took off and by 1999 sales had reached $25 million a year — that's a lot of slush!An astute businessman,he eventually pushed his idea into a global phenomenon; Slush Puppies have found their way into 62 nations,including parts of Africa and Europe,via 650,000 machines.

   In 2000 Cadbury Schweppes bought Slush Puppie Corp., and in 2006 J&J Snack Foods — which also owns ICEE — purchased the company from Cadbury. By this point,Radcliff was ready to retire and had purchased more than 3,000 acres of Florida wetlands,where he built a large farm and became a fierce advocate for land conservation.

   Unfortunately,Radcliff died on September 18 ,2014 in Cincinnati. Even though Radcliff' s no longer around,his Slush Puppie will live on.

1. One evening,Radcliff's family helped him to.

   A. hold a show   B. design a bag

   C. name a drink   D. fix a machine

2. What can we learn about Slush Puppie?

   A. It is more popular than ICEE.

   B. It cannot be found in Europe.

   C. It is delicious but high in calories.

   D. It is not attractive to J&J Snack Foods.

3. The underlined word “astutej” in Paragraph 4 probably means “ ”.

   A. honest   B. clever

   C. selfish   D. stubborn

4. The purchasing of a large area of wetlands shows that Radcliff .

   A. cared a lot about nature

   B. knew how to do business

   C. planned to raise some animals

   D. liked to live in such an environment

5. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. A magical cartoon dog

   B. ICEE vs. Slush Puppie

   C. A brief history of Slush Puppie

   D. The man who purchased Slush Puppie


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Earlier this month,Debbie and Shaun Riddle went to the West Side Cafe for lunch. The couple are regulars at the restaurant and their 1 , 21-year-old Kayla Lane,remembered them from a 2 visit. A few weeks before,the couple had come to the cafe with their newborn baby,Glory. 3 ,the child had died in her sleep of an unknown cause soon after that 4 .

   After learning the sad 5 , Lane didn't know what to 6 . She just said, “Oh my gosh,I am so sorry." There's nothing anyone can say to make that better,7 she just served them with the best service she could.

   The waitress also decided to do something 8 for the couple: she picked up their tab(付款). 

   9 a Facebook post penned by Debbie Riddle,she and her husband received a 10 instead of a bill at the end of their 11 . “Your bill has been 12 . We are terribly sorry for your 13 . God Bless,” it read.

   The note was signed “The West Side."

   The Facebook post soon caught mass attention. A manager at the restaurant said that it had 14 been Lane herself who had paid for the meal out of her own pocket,and not the cafe's management as the note 15 .

   It turns out,the waitress has a(n) 16 of picking up her customers’ tabs. “Like with firefighters ,” she said. “I feel 17 that I'm able to do it."

   And she always does so anonymously(匿名地) .“I didn't want any 18 for my good deed ,” she wrote on Facebook. “I just simply wanted the satisfaction of being a 19 hand in a time of deep sorrow for this family. I get too much from this 20 . Thank the Riddles so much for being the wonderful people and blessing me with their friendship."

1. A. waitress   B. daughter   C. manager   D. friend

2. A. daily   B. frequent   C. private   D. previous

3. A. Suddenly   B. Quickly   C. Quietly   D. Sadly

4. A. visit   B. conversation   C. plan   D. holiday

5. A. reality   B. memory   C. news   D. mistake

6. A. offer   B. say   C. write   D. order

7. A. but   B. if   C. as   D. so

8. A. hard   B. extra   C. natural   D. smart

9. A. According to   B. Regardless of   C. Instead of   D. Thanks to

10. A. diary   B. note   C. report   D. notice

11. A. trip   B. stay   C. meal   D. rest

12. A. thrown away   B. taken back   C. looked over   D. paid for

13. A. pressure   B. trouble   C. loss   D. failure

14. A. actually   B. eventually   C. usually   D. absolutely

15. A. suggested   B. proved   C. promised   D. repeated

16. A. method   B. style   C. habit   D. opportunity

17. A. inspired   B. honored   C. surprised   D. interested

18. A. reward   B. recognition   C. respect   D. reputation

19. A. helping   B. firm   C. guiding   D. skilful

20. A. accident   B. practice   C. experience   D. example


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A Thousand Splendid Suns,1. (write) by Khaled Hosseini,shows the influence that Afghanistan’s violent history has had on individuals ,2. (especial) its women.

   Hosseini describes the 3. (life) of Laila and Mariam,and their struggle against society and the Taliban .They are both married to a shoemaker,Rasheed,4. is constantly abusing them. Initially,Mariam,Rasheed's first wife,doesnt like Laila,but she soon realizes 5. she is in desperate need of a friend.

   Khaled Hosseinis purpose is 6.(show) the hardships of women in Afghanistan and all they must stand in the household as well as society. The constant fear of a bomb 7.

(hit) a house appears frequently in the story,making 8. all the more heart-breaking.

   A Thousand Splendid Suns is a remarkable story of two women in a society that is 9.(willing) to see Mariam and Laila as equals. Not only 10. Hosseini tell a story of women trying to survive,but he gives the reader knowledge of a lifestyle that is foreign.I’ m happy to recommend the book to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Some of the most impressive landscape views in California are the great California Redwood and Sequoia trees,1.can be seen up close at Sequoia National Park in the southern Sierra Nevada mountain range.

   The park 2. (sit) side by side with Kings Canyon National Park in the beautiful San Joaquin Valley. Sequoia National Park 3.(establish) as a national park in the 1890s. The most popular attractions are its forests. The ancient trees are some of the 4. (old) living plants on earth,and draw millions of. 5.(visit) worldwide. Redwood trees can reach heights of more than 375 feet. They are closely related 6.the Giant Sequoia trees,and are often mistaken for each other. They both are uniquely Californian,as they do not grow 7. (natural) in any other region in the world.

   Redwood trees live up to 2,000 years. The Giant Sequoia trees can live up to a(n) 8.(astonish) 3,000 years. Both trees have dark brown bark,9. look very similar,but the Redwood likes coastal climate,while the Sequoia exists in more mountainous areas. In either case,they are 10. must-see California attraction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It was my first trip to India alone. One day,as I was walking through a local market,a ten-year-old boy came over and 1. (beg) me to buy a book,2. had the words Interesting India on its cover. I bought it,thinking that when I returned i home it would remind me 3. my wonderful Indian adventure. The book claimed that India* s;people were very welcoming,and never tried to cheat tourists.

   Suddenly,a monkey came down from a nearby tree,snatched (抢走)the book from my hand and took 4. away,along with my bag which contained all my belongings. I couldn,t do anything 5. stand and stare. Then a man approached

j me and asked 6. I wanted my belongings back. He said it would cost me five US dollars. I had no other choice,so I agreed 7. (pay) , but only aftermy bag was returned.

   He blew a whistle and the monkey 8. (immediate) threw the bag down. I picked it up and gave him the money. I later learned that the man made his 9. (live) this way — tricking tourists. This was the 10. (bad) thing I had ever experienced in “Interesting India”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   One evening last week,my wife and I were sitting 1. (quiet) at home. All of a sudden,we heard a loud bang. I supposed that the old lady in the flat 2. ours was moving the furniture about. My wife was afraid 3. the noise would wake the baby. She turned down the television and a moment 4. we heard someone calling for help.

   I ran upstairs. The old ladys door was shut,but I could see smoke under the door,and could smell 5. burning.

   “The flat is on fire,” I shouted and banged on the door,but the old lady 6. (take) a long time to answer. I was turning over in my mind the idea of breaking the door down 7. she finally appeared.

   “I was having a bath ,” she said ,“when the water heater in the kitchen blew up."

   “8. didn’t you open the door?” I asked her.

   “I was getting dressed when you knocked,” she said,looking 9. (embarrass) .

   I took her downstairs to our flat. Then I ran back to the old lady's flat and turned the gas off 10. (prevent) another explosion. Just then I heard a fire engine arriving outside.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In order to celebrate the recent release (发行) of the Bravofly travel guide to Germany,this week we introduce four cities in Germany you have to visit. 


   On the River Leine,Hannover is the country's greenest city,with a number of recreation areas,parks and forests to explore. Also known as the ‘city of museums,’ you have to check out world-famous information centers such as the Sprengel Museum,and the Luflfahrtmuseum Laatzen to get the true Hannover experience.


   Located near the border with the Czech Republic,Dresden is a city that has become known because the bombing in 1945 nearly destroyed it,however,its unique character was largely undamaged. Check that character out for yourself by visiting one of its many famous structures,such as the Frauenkirche,Zwinger Palace and Briihr s Terrace,to leam about one of Europe's most fascinating cities. 


   There are a ton of things to do in Stuttgart,but if you're a true car enthusiast there's only one place you need to go — the Mercedes Benz Museum!Other places worth visiting include the beautiful Femsehturm Stuttgart communications tower and the fascinating Linden Museum.


   If you,re truly interested in history,there's only one place in Germany you need to visit — Nuremberg. Explore Nuremberg's history for yourself by taking trips to places such as Nuremberg Castle,and Albrecht Diirer,s House.

21. Hannover is ranked first in Germany according to .

   A. the number of recreation centers

   B. the number of museums

   C. the environment

   D. the population

22. We know from the text that Dresden.

   A. is famous for its ancient buildings

    B. hasn't changed since the bombing

   C. isn’t far from the Czech Republic

   D. is Germany's most attractive city 

23. Which city would you probably visit if you are a fan of cars?

   A. Dresden. B. Stuttgart.

   C. Hannover. D. Nuremberg.

