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-Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you?

-Why that early? I __________ __________ __________(sleep).


【解析】will be sleeping


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not the manufacturer's claims, the first step is to present the guarantee, or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will results. , if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.

A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. , the “higher up” his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's , supposing he or she has a just claim. Consumers should complain person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is to phone or write the complaint in a letter.

Complaining is usually most effective when it is done but firmly, and especially when the consumer can what is wrong with the item in question. If this cannot be done, the consumer will best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, by making general statements. For example, “The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear” is better than “This stereo does not work”.

The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, the consumer should do this, stating the as politely and firmly aspossible. If a polite complaint does not achieve the result, the consumer can go to a step . She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization for protecting consumer's rights.

【1】A. live up to B. keep up with C. look up to D. catch up with

【2】A. know B. produce C. ask D. make

【3】A. Instead B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. However

【4】A. In conclusion B. In general C. In fact D. In reality

【5】A. favor B. need C. benefit D. advantage

【6】A. of B. for C. in D. to

【7】A. possible B. important C. acceptable D. likely

【8】A. politely B. rudely C. strictly D. comfortably

【9】A. tell B. describe C. modify D. present

【10】A. forgive B. fail C. work D. succeed

【11】A. better than B. more than C. rather than D. other than

【12】A. worry B. complaint C. curiosity D. suggestions

【13】A. ordered B. devoted C. adapted D. desired

【14】A. further B. more C. farther D. additionally

【15】A. ready B. suitable C. good D. responsible


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Is there __________ rain in your area in spring?

A. plenty of

B. a great many

C. a large number of

D. much


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson. And I learned it in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here’s what happened.

I got in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane (车道) when all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver used his brakes (车闸), the tires made a loud noise, and at the very last moment our car stopped just one inch (英寸) from the back of the other car.

I couldn’t believe it. But then I couldn’t believe what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, turned his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. I couldn’t believe it!

And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call: “The Law of the Garbage Truck (垃圾车).” He said: But then here’s what really blew me away. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. So, I said: “Why did you just do that? This guy could have killed us!

“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and

full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump (倾倒) it. And if you let them, they’ll dump it on you.“So one day when someone wants to dump on you, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be happier.”

So I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the street? It was then that I said: “I don’t want their garbage and I’m not going to spread it anymore.”

I began to see Garbage Trucks. I see the load people are carrying. I see them coming to dump it. And like my taxi driver, I don’t take it personally. I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

【1】What happened to the author on his way to Grand Central Station?

A. He was caught in a traffic jam.

B. He had a fight with his taxi driver.

C. His taxi almost ran into another car.

D. His taxi suddenly got a flat tire (爆胎).

2When the author saw his taxi driver smile and wave at the driver of the black car, he _____.

A. was deeply impressed

B. got very angry

C. felt quite disappointed

D. complimented him on his good manners

3What can we infer from Paragraph 6?

A.The author used to have a lot of garbage trucks.

B.The author used to be a good manager.

C.The author used to have a lot of money.

D. The author used to complain a lot.

4How did the author learn to deal with Garbage Trucks?

A. Fight back immediately.

B. Smile and move on.

C. Call the police for help.

D. Dump it on someone else


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—What do you think of store shopping in the future?

—Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but ______.

A. will never replace B. would never replace

C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Ten years from now, people __________ __________ __________(wear) smart clothes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







On the first day when I went to high school,I felt exciting.After 9 years’study, I felt I was so closely to university.During the first year, I made many friends.I got to know all of my classmates.Because the school work was tough.I shared happiness and sorrow for my friends.When second year came,I was arranged to other class.I was worried that no one could talk to me,but I made new friends quickly.Now that it was the last year of my high school life,but I'm determined to study more harder and make greater progress.High school life is challenging for me,but I won’t give out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


2013 内蒙古包头一中期中)There is a limit __________ people's life, but no limit __________ the knowledge.

A. on; to learn

B. to; to learn

C. on; learning

D. to; to learning


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】_________a man’s age is, he can relax himself by wearing a confident smile.

A. Whichever B. Whenever C. Whatever D. However

