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We ________ to Pat on winning the Sports Trophy.

[  ]

A.offered our congratulations

B.provided our congratulations

C.offered our congratulation

D.supplied our congratulation


向某人的成功、胜利表示祝贺时,要用复数形式congratulations,因此可排除C、D两项。provide sth. for sb.意为“向某人提供某物”;offer有“表示,提出”之意。


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省莆田一中2010-2011学年高二下学期第一学段考试英语试题 题型:001


1.When will Susan come?

A.At 4∶45.

B.At 5∶00.

C.At 5∶15.

2.How many books does the man want to borrow?




3.What does the man do?

A.A policeman.

B.A driver.

C.A reporter.

4.Why did the man get a ticket?

A.He was speeding.

B.He ran a red light.

C.He turned a corner too fast.

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Their school life.

B.The hot weather.

C.The air conditioner.


6.Why does the man know the Disney Park in Los Angeles so well?

A.He once worked in the park.

B.He once studied in Los Angeles.

C.He read a lot about the park.

7.How many Disney Parks are there in the USA?



C.More than three.

8.When was the first Disney Park opened?

A.In 1995.

B.In 1965.

C.In 1985.


9.What does the man want to buy?

A.A jacket.

B.A blue jacket.

C.A black jacket.

10.Which is too expensive?

A.The blue one.

B.The black one.

C.The small one.

11.When will the man come again?


B.On Monday.

C.Next week.


12.What is the new baby's name?




13.Who did the experiment?

A.The man speaker.

B.The school teachers.

C.A university professor.

14.What can you infer from the conversation?

A.Those named Elmer and Huber are always bad guys.

B.People are often affected by other people's ideas.

C.Some people are often affected by wrong attitude towards names.


15.What is the woman interested in seeing?

A.An exhibition of paintings.

B.A Broadway play.

C.An opera.

16.When did New York get its nickname?

A.In the early 18th century.

B.In the early 20th century.

C.In the late 19th century.

17.How does the woman describe New York?





18.What would Americans do if you keep silent for a long time?

A.Try to include you in the conversation.

B.Stop the conversation.

C.Become very angry.

19.What would Americans do if they disagree with you?

A.Argue with you.

B.Remain quiet.

C.We don't know

20.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Americans like to stand close to one another in a conversation.

B.Americans regard making gestures in a conversation as being impolite.

C.It is right for Americans to pat a child's head to show their love for the child.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西南宁二中2012届高三10月月考英语试题 题型:001




1.What is the woman likely to be?

A.A waitress.

B.A servant.

C.A nurse.

2.How much would the man have to pay for the first concert only?




3.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.It will be warmer from now on.

B.It never snowed in November before.

C.It's very cold now.

4.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Teacher and student.

5.When will the movie start?

A.At 7∶45.

B.At 8∶00.

C.At 8∶30.




6.When does the conversation happen?

A.Just before the exam.

B.The term has just begun.

C.The term has just finished.

7.What will the man probably do next summer?

A.To visit his parents.

B.To go to Yunnan.

C.To save more money.

8.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman hasn't ever visited Yunnan.

B.The man doesn't like to stay with his parents.

C.The woman wants to invite the man to go with her.


9.How does frozen food taste?



C.Better than fresh foods.

10.Why do we think frozen foods are convenient?

A.We can shop every day.

B.We can shop every two or three weeks.

C.We needn't shop any more.

11.How long can frozen foods keep?

A.7 months.

B.8 months.

C.9 months.


12.Why did the man speaker remain after school?

A.Because lie was talking in class.

B.Because he was absent from school.

C.Because he felt asleep in class.

13.Who is to blame?

A.The teacher.

B.The student himself.


14.What can you conclude from the dialogue?

A.The student is a good student.

B.The student works hard.

C.The student doesn't like to study.


15.Who will cook the dinner?




16.Where is Mary going?

A.To her parents'.

B.To the restaurant.

C.To the library.

17.What are Bill and Kate going to have for dinner?


B.Chinese food.

C.Home-made food.


18.What would Americans do if you keep silent for a long time?

A.They would do their best to include you in the conversation.

B.They would stop the conversation,

C.They would be very angry.

19.Would Americans argue with you if they disagree with you?

A.Yes, they may.

B.No.They may remain quiet.

C.We don't know.

20.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Americans like to stand close to one another in a conversation.

B.Americans regard making gestures in a conversation as being impolite.

C.It is right for Americans to pat a child's head to show their love for the child.


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市育才学校2008-2009学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题 题型:022


in the absence of, get ahead, stand out, keep in mind, hold the key to, pat sb on the back, approval, consist of, adjust to, in a state of

1.Generally speaking, working hard ________ their success or failure.

2.________ definite evidence, the prisoner was set free.

3.________ ten words every day is helpful for you to improve your English.

4.Here are some tips about ________ with your English, if you want to succeed in learning English.

5.Her bright red hair made her ________ from the others.

6.Her mother does not ________ of her going abroad alone.

7.He described the goods he saw, ________ mainly ________ its size and shape.

8.He ________ himself ________ the new life here in the last few years.

9.We were ________ shock when they told us how much it would cost.

10.________ means praising someone for his achievement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

We ________ to Pat on winning the Sports Trophy.

  1. A.
    offered our congratulations
  2. B.
    provided our congratulations
  3. C.
    offered our congratulation
  4. D.
    supplied our congratulation

