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— What made her so sad?

 — _____ she failed in the examination.

A. That         B. Because      C. As        D. Since


科目:高中英语 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:009


  What should you do when your parents become angry? If your
parents got mad, try to have a conversation with them
about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They usually
will try to charge, but they will take some time because
they get angry all their life, and that is all they know. You
might have to change for your method a couple of times.
Do any nice things for your parents that they don't expect
like cooking, doing the dishes, wishing clothes, or clean
the floors. If this doesn't work, bring in friend that you
feel comfortable, and have him or her help you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Hey! It's going to be Mother's day again. Have you planned something good for your Mama? If not, try even one of these tips.

Make Your Mama Proud

  What special talents do you have? Maybe this is the right time to show it to her. She would be very proud and surprised if she'd realized that you have something that she doesn't expect.

  What's Her Favorite?

  Most teens don't know what their mama's favorite. You do? Then, what are you waiting for ? Buy her some of her favorite stuff and put a little twist on it. Make it more special.

  The best time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night. Put it on the drawer next to her so that when she wakes up she'll be surprised to see it. And, maybe, a little tear may fall down from her cheeks.

  The Memories

  Our mothers have special memories in mind. Those are the times that they gave birth to their healthy baby. How about you? What's your best moment with her? Maybe you can tell her about the time she got mad at you because you did something that you thought is right but since that day forward you realized your mistakes. Or, you can tell her how happy you are when she was there during your painful days in your life.

  Be Her

  What does she look like if she is so exhausted and angry and tired? What does she do for your family? This is the right time to show her the things that she usually does at home. Try to imitate her voice when she is angry. Make your face as if you are her when she is mad.

  Treat a Queen

  Your house is a palace with a king and queen (it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor). Our mother is the real queen in our life and in our family though her duties make her look like she is not. Give the lady a day off by being a servant to her.

  Make-Over Beauty

  Because of stress and the problems that she is facing right now, especially in the family, she doesn't look great any more. Admit it! Most mothers are not into trends anymore because their focusing on us.

  Perhaps you could take some of your savings to treat her in a salon or the department store. Then, choose nice clothes that would make her look GLAMOROUS!

  Have Some of Your Time

  It's the cheapest but a meaningful way. Most of us are busy from our work, friends, boy/girl friends, school. We stay home late and after several hours, we go out again.

  Have you ever had a meaningful time with your mother where you don't think or talk about problems and arguments? Have you ever told her how much you thank her from the life she gave to you, the time she took care of you, and for every suffering she'd felt for you? Have you ever told her that you love her?

Life is short. We don't know what will happen tomorrow nor today. Those three words can make her heart jump for joy, you know? Just tell her “I love you!” and it would make her smile so sweetly. Just try! We don't want to miss a thing, right?

Tips on 71 _________ to make mother happy

Tell your mother your best 77 ______ with her. For example, tell her you were so happy when she 78 ________ care of you during painful days. Imitate her when she is tired or angry and all that she does for the family.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省保定市第二中学 2010届高三考前强化训练试题集(一)英语 题型:阅读理解

  What comes into your mind when you think about robots? Do you imagine armies of evil metal monsters planning to take over the world? Or, perhaps of mechanical men who have been created as guards or soldiers by a mad genius? Or maybe you think of man- like robots who act, think, and look like human beings. In fact robots like these have more to do with science fiction films than with real life. In the real world robots are machines that do jobs which otherwise have to be done by people. Robots either operate by themselves or under the control of a person.
  In a car factory, for example, robot machinery can put together and paint car bodies. On the sea bed remotecontrolled(遥控)underwater machines with mechanical arms can perform tasks too difficult for divers. Robot spacecraft can explore the solar system and send back information about planets and stars.
  Many robots have computer brains. Some robots are fitted with cameras , sensors, and microphones which enable them to see, to feel, and to hear. And some robots can even produce electronic speech.
  All this does not mean that a robot can think and behave like a human being. Present day robots have to be programmed with a good deal of information before they can carry out even simple tasks.
 44.Robots in real life________.
  A. can behave like human beings   B. have the ability to control the world
  C. can think by themselves        D. can help us with a lot of work
 45.According to this article, which of the following is not true about robots in the real world?
  A. Some robots are as creative as artists.     B. Some robots can help manufacture cars.
  C. Some robots can see and hear.       D. Some robots can explore outer space.
 46.Robots can perform many tasks for man because________.
  A. they have intelligence    B. they are supplied with computer programs
  C. they can imitate human beings    D. they have the ability to learn new things
 47.The robots in science fiction films and those in real life differ mainly in________.
  A. mentality   B. appearance   C. material    D. size


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省保定市2010届高三考前强化训练试题集(一)英语 题型:阅读理解

  What comes into your mind when you think about robots? Do you imagine armies of evil metal monsters planning to take over the world? Or, perhaps of mechanical men who have been created as guards or soldiers by a mad genius? Or maybe you think of man- like robots who act, think, and look like human beings. In fact robots like these have more to do with science fiction films than with real life. In the real world robots are machines that do jobs which otherwise have to be done by people. Robots either operate by themselves or under the control of a person.

  In a car factory, for example, robot machinery can put together and paint car bodies. On the sea bed remotecontrolled(遥控)underwater machines with mechanical arms can perform tasks too difficult for divers. Robot spacecraft can explore the solar system and send back information about planets and stars.

  Many robots have computer brains. Some robots are fitted with cameras , sensors, and microphones which enable them to see, to feel, and to hear. And some robots can even produce electronic speech.

  All this does not mean that a robot can think and behave like a human being. Present day robots have to be programmed with a good deal of information before they can carry out even simple tasks.

 44.Robots in real life________.

  A. can behave like human beings   B. have the ability to control the world

  C. can think by themselves        D. can help us with a lot of work

 45.According to this article, which of the following is not true about robots in the real world?

  A. Some robots are as creative as artists.     B. Some robots can help manufacture cars.

  C. Some robots can see and hear.       D. Some robots can explore outer space.

 46.Robots can perform many tasks for man because________.

  A. they have intelligence    B. they are supplied with computer programs

  C. they can imitate human beings    D. they have the ability to learn new things

 47.The robots in science fiction films and those in real life differ mainly in________.

  A. mentality   B. appearance   C. material    D. size



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解



Hey! It's going to be Mother's day again. Have you planned something good for your Mama? If not, try even one of these tips.

Make Your Mama Proud

  What special talents do you have? Maybe this is the right time to show it to her. She would be very proud and surprised if she'd realized that you have something that she doesn't expect.

  What's Her Favorite?

  Most teens don't know what their mama's favorite. You do? Then, what are you waiting for ? Buy her some of her favorite stuff and put a little twist on it. Make it more special.

  The best time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night. Put it on the drawer next to her so that when she wakes up she'll be surprised to see it. And, maybe, a little tear may fall down from her cheeks.

  The Memories

  Our mothers have special memories in mind. Those are the times that they gave birth to their healthy baby. How about you? What's your best moment with her? Maybe you can tell her about the time she got mad at you because you did something that you thought is right but since that day forward you realized your mistakes. Or, you can tell her how happy you are when she was there during your painful days in your life.

  Be Her

  What does she look like if she is so exhausted and angry and tired? What does she do for your family? This is the right time to show her the things that she usually does at home. Try to imitate her voice when she is angry. Make your face as if you are her when she is mad.

  Treat a Queen

  Your house is a palace with a king and queen (it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor). Our mother is the real queen in our life and in our family though her duties make her look like she is not. Give the lady a day off by being a servant to her.

  Make-Over Beauty

  Because of stress and the problems that she is facing right now, especially in the family, she doesn't look great any more. Admit it! Most mothers are not into trends anymore because their focusing on us.

  Perhaps you could take some of your savings to treat her in a salon or the department store. Then, choose nice clothes that would make her look GLAMOROUS!

  Have Some of Your Time

  It's the cheapest but a meaningful way. Most of us are busy from our work, friends, boy/girl friends, school. We stay home late and after several hours, we go out again.

  Have you ever had a meaningful time with your mother where you don't think or talk about problems and arguments? Have you ever told her how much you thank her from the life she gave to you, the time she took care of you, and for every suffering she'd felt for you? Have you ever told her that you love her?

Life is short. We don't know what will happen tomorrow nor today. Those three words can make her heart jump for joy, you know? Just tell her “I love you!” and it would make her smile so sweetly. Just try! We don't want to miss a thing, right?



Tips on 71 _________ to make mother happy

Tell your mother your best 77 ______ with her. For example, tell her you were so happy when she 78 ________ care of you during painful days. Imitate her when she is tired or angry and all that she does for the family.


Show your mother your special talents so that she would take 74________in you. Buy her something that she likes best and put it on a drawer next to her to 75 _______ her. Maybe she would be moved to

76 _________.


Have some of your time.


Have a meaningful time with your mother and don’t think or talk about any problems or

80_________. Tell her that you love her.





