精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
11.A.How to deal with listening practice
B.Class atmosphere matters a lot in learning
C.Monitoring activities is one of the main tasks of teachers
D.How to evaluate student performance
E.Group work needs organizing properly
F.Communication skills play a big role in language learning

Both instructors and learners can get benefits from the following learning strategies as long as they are properly made use of in language learning.
The information presented in this section focuses on specific conversation,discussion,or presentation skills.The activities arc generally self-explanatory,with students expressing opinions,making decisions,solving problems,planning presentations,and so on.Engaged in these activities,students have the possibility of communicating with each other in class.This section also includes lists of expressions used to illustrate different language functions,such as agreeing,disagreeing,and asking for clarity in order to help students expand their knowledge of English.
in a speaking or listening course,students'anxieties can affect their learning.For this reason,it is important to establish a friendly,relaxed classroom environment.It may help students 10 think of the classroom as a laboratory where they can experiment and take risks with the language.In such circumstances,students should realize that errors are a natural and expected part of learning a language.In addition,one of the goals of this pan is to encourage students to examine their awn opinions and values while at the same time showing respect for the opinions and values of others.
Many of the activities in this section involve the students'cooperating work in class.Generally,such an activity taken up by four members seem to work the best.Groups of three or five members may also be effective,depending on the activity.The first unit includes guidelines for organizing group work,with students taking on the following roles:leader,reader,summarizer,reporter,and observer(if necessary).Organizing all activities in this way makes the course truly learner-centered since students must take fall responsibility for carrying out each activity.As for seating,group members should arrange their seats or chairs in a small circle to encourage interaction.
Being a teacher,in the course of group activities,you should circulate from group to group,which helps ensure that students are on task and are using English.While you should not participate in pair or group activities,you need to stay involved in what the students are doing.One important reason to circulate during activities is to keep track of the kinds of problems students have,such as grammatical accuracy,fluency,word choice,pronunciation and intonation discussion strategies,etc.However,it is generally not effective to correct students'errors when they arc involved in an activity The most practical way to deal with communication problems is to make notes of what you observe as you arc circulating.You can then use this information to provide feedback after the activity or to develop future lessons.
At the beginning of the course,when they need to build up their confidence,students benefit most from encouragement and positive comment.If possible,you'd rather not grade the students fust few efforts at speaking in a group or to the class.Many students suffer such anxiety in speaking situations that any criticism at this stage can have the opposite effects.Commenting on students'work does not necessarily mean grading them on the scene Even if the programs requires formal grades,you should try to put off assigning grades until later in the term.

分析 本文主要介绍了活动课的几个学习策略,即一,在学生互相的交流中提高语言学习;二,建立一个友好放松的课堂氛围;三,小组活动要有合理的组织;四,教师在活动课上要巡视每个小组的活动,确保学生在完成任务,在用英语交流;五,对于学生活动的评论也不必当场进行,应该把评判放在学期末.

解答 61.F.根据本段中The information presented in this section focuses on specific conversation,discussion,or presentation skills(呈现在这一部分的信息集中在特定的谈话,讨论和表达技能上);和Engaged in these activities,students have the possibility of communicating with each other in class(在这个活动里,学生有机会在课堂上进行交流),可知本段主要的学习策略是在学生互相的交流中提高语言学习,因此答案是F 译为"交流技能在语言学习中起到重要作用."
62.B.根据本段中in a speaking or listening course,students'anxieties can affect their learning.For this reason,it is important to establish a friendly,relaxed classroom environment可知在听说课程中,学生的焦虑情绪会影响他们的学习,因此建立一个友好放松的课堂氛围是很重要的,所以本段的主题是课堂氛围在学习中很重要,因此答案是B.
63.E.根据本段中The first unit includes guidelines for organizing group work with students taking on the following roles:leader,reader,summarizer,reporter,and observer(if necessary).和Organizing all activities in this way makes the course truly learner-centered可知小组活动的第一步是对活动的组织进行指导,学生们在活动中承担各种角色,以这种方式组织所有的活动才能让课程真正的以学生为中心,所以小组活动要有合理的组织,因此答案是E.
64.C.根据本段中Being a teacher,in the course of group activities,you should circulate from group to group,which helps ensure that students are on task and are using English.可知教师在活动课上要巡视每个小组的活动,确保学生在完成任务,在用英语交流,因此答案是C 指教师要监视活动的进行.
65.D.根据本段中Commenting on students'work does not necessarily mean grading them on the scene Even if the programs requires formal grades,you should try to put off assigning grades until later in the term可知即使这个项目需要评分,对于学生活动的评论也不必当场进行,应该把评判放在学期末,所以这一段主要是说怎样对活动进行评价,因此答案是D.

点评 这是阅读配对题,这种题的解答方法主要是:
2.根据需要对信息句进行重组,整合 根据上下文,结合构词法进行猜测.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Dear Sharon Draper,
A lot of books have flashes of insight,but only few of them can open the readers'mind and make them realize something new.Your book,Out of My Mind,filled me with those sparks.I enjoyed getting to know Melody.Despite the fact that she had cerebral palsy(脑瘫),Melody had an amazing character that shone brightly.Out of My Mind helped me learn a life-long lesson.
Your book has changed my point of view.I never teased those who had special needs,but I never really felt comfortable around them either.When I started reading your novel,I saw how Melody was a smart and talented girl.At the beginning of the book,I asked myself,"Would I be Melody's friend?"The voice in my stomach told me the sad truth:no.I carried on with your book from start to finish,and when I closed it,I asked myself the same question,"Would I be Melody's friend?"I realized,with a smile,that the answer was right in front of me.Throughout Out of My Mind,I had become Melody's friend.
Last year,there was a boy in my class who had Asperger's syndrome(阿斯伯格综合症).I didn't really know him; he just seemed different to me.This was around the time that I read your novel.Melody showed me how she was just as good as anyone else in her classroom and how the same goes for anyone else with disabilities.The boy in my class amazed me by what he was capable of doing.As the days went by,I started helping him instead of avoiding him.
Melody opened my eyes and cleared the world around me.She showed me how a girl with cerebral palsy was the same as a girl like me.Now it is time for me to thank you for writing this amazing novel.I will never forget your fantastic book.
Margaret Lim

36.Before Margaret Lim read Out of My Mind,sheC.
A.often laughed at those who are disabled
B.liked to help those who had special needs
C.wouldn't make friends with the disabled
D.looked down upon those who are different
37.According to the passage,the author mainly thinks Out of My Mind isB.
A.beautiful in words                    
B.influential to readers
C.skilful at writing                      
D.successful in sales
38.What does the second paragraph mainly talk aboutB?
A.The characters of a disabled girl.
B.The change of Margaret's attitude toward the disabled.
C.The friendship between Margaret and Melody.
D.The main content of Out of My Mind.
39.What can we learn from the third paragraphC?
A.Melody became Margaret Lim's classmate and they became good friends.
B.The boy who had Asperger's syndrome was different from his classmates.
C.The disabled can deal with many things as well as the healthy people.
D.Margaret Lim often helped the disabled boy since they became classmates.
40.Sharon Draper is probably a(n)D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Many media seem to _______ the wrong concept that being slim is being beautiful,so many teenagers are going on a diet blindly.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.[1]For most Americans,a clean glass of water is just a faucet (水龙头) away.But for many of the world's poorest people,it's hard to get.
[2]On Wednesday,the United Nations (UN) marked World Water Day by trying to cut the number of people without good drinking water-one billion human beings worldwide-in half.In the next ten years,the UN will work with governments around the world to reduce the shortage.
[3]Without clean water nearby,many people use water that is not clean.In India,many people bathe and wash their clothes in rivers that are polluted by human waste.
[4]According to the UN,not having enough clean water and sanitation(卫生设施) causes more than three million deaths a year.
[5]"The links between water and human health are powerful,"said Dr Lee Jong Wook,director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO)."We cannot live without clean water."
[6]In fact,the International Federation of the Red Cross said that quick reaction after last year's Asian tsunami (海啸) had stopped disease.The agency provided clean water to nearly 500,000people in Indonesia and Sri Lanka after the tsunami.
[7]World Water Day was first celebrated in 1993.Since then,it is celebrated each year on March 22.

61.What is the best title of the passage?(No more than 8words)World Water Day
62.Why can't many people in the world get clean water?(No more than 10words)Because they are living in poor areas./Because they are poor.
63.Please translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.清洁用水和卫生设施的缺乏导致每年有三百多万人死亡.
64.What is the purpose of the writer to mention the tsunami in the sixth paragraph?(No more than 15words)To show the importance of the clean water to human health.
65.In your opinion,what can we do to save water?Please make two suggestions.(No more than 25words)Answers may vary..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.In recent years in America,the mandatory sentencing(强制判刑) movement has really changed the US prison size.The mandatory sentencing movement typically stated the minimum number of prison years for certain crimes people committed.It swept the United States in the 1970s,driving the state prison population up from less than 200,000to about 1.4million today and made prisoning budgets the second-fastest-growing state expense,only second to Medic-aid.But the current sentencing reforms in a growing number of states are starting to reverse that trend-causing the prison population to decline by about 3.8percent since 2009.
Central to the state reforms is a relatively new and more complicated way of information analysis about the law-breaker-including criminal history,drug abuse(滥用) and instances of anti-social behavior-to assess the likelihood of that individual's committing a new crime.And by examining data,the states can revise policies to discourage them from going back to prison.
Many states have found that many people go back to prison not for committing new crimes but for technical mild violations(违反),like failing drug tests or abnormal behaviors due to mental problems.With that knowledge,these states have moved to less costly and more effective actions to replace jail stay.Today,they tend more to send these people for community service.
Some states are also jumping at what is known as the"justice reinvestment"approach,under which they channel significant sums of money into the existing programs on drug treatment and mental health,two main issues behind crimes for many law-breakers.
Despite the advantages of a risk-assessment approach,some states are still flying blind mainly because they don't have the resources to gather data.Moreover,a study has noted,handling high-risk and low-risk criminals in the same way is a big mistake,as"low risk individuals have an increased likelihood of committing crimes again when they receive treatment or services in the same programs as medium-and high-risk individuals."

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.The mandatory sentencing movement had greatly increased prison population throughstating a minimum number of prison years for certain crimes.
79.What is the essential content of today's sentencing reforms?Anew and more complicated way of criminal information analysis
80.What is many states'softer punishment for minor offences?communityservice.
81.Risk-assessment method is not adopted by all the states primarily because oflack of resources.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Your education will _________you to earn a good living.Work hard from now on.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.A.difficulties B.maintaining C.considered D.needs    E.understanding
F.activity     G.speaking    H.method     I.problems J.remained

A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106foreign students.It shows that most students considered(41)E spoken English to be their biggest problem on arrival.This was followed by(42)G.Writing increased as a problem as students discovered (43)A in writing papers that they were now expected to hand in.Reading(44)J as a significant problem.
Information gained helped us in determining where special attention should be paid in our course.Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation,we(45)C it important to note what seemed to encourage interest.Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching in their own country.To use the same(46)H would be self-defeating because it might reduce motivation,especially if it has failed in the past.Therefore a different method may help because it is different.Variety of(47)F was also seen as a way of(48)B or increasing motivation.Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout,but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest about halfway through the ten weeks.This led us to a major re-think,so in the end we brought it into line with the expressed language(49)D of the students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.It's considerateof you to bring your girlfriend an umbrella.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1._______is known to us all,he is an excellent student in our class.(  )

