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阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It’s a blessing to do somebody a favor, but sometimes it’s a blessing to let another person do something for you.

The notice was posted next to the mailbox in the tenants’ apartment. “a Mitzvah(善行) for Mrs. Green, ” it ________ , “ Sign up to drive Mrs. G in #3B home from her chemotherapy treatment twice a month.” The word was always ________ in my thoughts after I went upstairs. But according to my grandmother, it had ________ meaning. She was always ________ to me because she noticed that I thought it a shame to ________ people do things for me.

One evening, snowflakes had been falling for several hours ________ it came time to leave for class. I ________ to the bus stop, reaching it just as a bus went by. For an hour, I prayed _______ that a bus would come. Then I gave up. But as I pushed the door of my ________ open, I found myself face to face a woman at the mailbox with ________ in her hand. Obviously she had a car and was going ________ . In that split second, I blurted(脱口而出), “Could you give me a ________ ?” A strange look ________ her face and she agreed. She ________ me off where I had been heading. Back home as I walked up, I met her again. “Good night, Mrs Green. See you tomorrow,” said a neighbor inside. Shocked, I had asked a person who ________ with cancer to give me a lift in a snowstorm. ________ went down and I stammered(结结巴巴地说), “Please forgive me.”

She visited me later and said, “ I used to do thing for others but now ________ keeps doing things for me. It’s not that I don’t ________ it, but I don’t have chances. Tonight before I went out to get my ________ , I prayed to God to let me feel like ________ of the human race again. Then you came along…”

1.A. read B. wrote C. advised D. explained

2.A. squeezing B. repeating C. draining D. wandering

3.A. other B. another C. little D. no

4.A. holding on B. insisting on C. pointing out D. carrying out

5.A. help B. enjoy C. ask D. let

6.A. so B. after C. since D. when

7.A. rode B. labored C. flew D. drove

8.A. helplessly B. patiently C. desperately D. hopelessly

9.A. apartment B. room C. mailbox D. office

10.A. books B. letters C. keys D. combs

11.A. down B. back C. out D. upstairs

12.A. hand B. lift C. coffee D. break

13.A. crossed B. lightened C. boomed D. froze

14.A. threw B. took C. showed D. dropped

15.A. struggled B. coped C. met D. suffered

16.A. Tiredness B. Tears C. Anxiety D. Snow

17.A. someone B. everyone C. nobody D. none

18.A. know B. see C. appreciate D. get

19.A. trouble B. key C. box D. mail

20.A. part B. history C. role D. top


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年高陕西西安临潼区华清中学三一模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The government has taken measures to______the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.

A. put down B. tear down

C. hand down D. bring down


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北保定市高三上学期摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Giving Back

Fair Way

The Westborough High School golf team had taken the official photos with the state prize, The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. And then Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed something wrong on one of the score cards. A 9 had been recorded as a 7. They were not the state prize winner; Wobum High had won. "None one have known, said Wobum's instructor, Bob Doran. For Rota, it wasn’t a difficult decision: "The prize wasn’t ours to take:?

Coin Stars

"College students are lazy. but they also wan t to help," says University of Pennsyivania graduate. Dan Hork. So she made it easy, placing cups in rooms where students could leave their spare coins, and handing out cups to first-year students to keep in their rooms. Her "Change for Change" effort has collected$40,000 for charities, which were decided upon by students .

Never Forgotten

A school in Massachusetts received a $ 9. 5 million. check from Jacques LeBermuth. But it took officials several days of digging to discover his connection. to the school, Records showed the LeBermuth came from Belgium and studied in the school in the 1920s. When his family fell on hard times, he was offered free room and board. LeBermuth became a trader, owned shares of AT&T and lived off the earnings until he died , at age 89

1.What did Greg Rota probably do in the end?

A. Returned the prize to the organizer,

B. Apologized to Wobum High School.

C. Took photos of the state prize.

D. Had a meeting with Doran

2.Greg Rota's decision shows that he was .

A. polite B. honest

C. careful D. friendly

3.The underlined word "Change" in the second paragraph means

A. Idea B. Decision C. Cups D. Coins

4.Jacques LeBermuth gave the money to the school because

A. the school asked for it

B. he had no need for that much money

C. the school had helped him in the past

D. he wanted to be remembered by the students


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川绵阳南山中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Have you ever felt sick to your stomach during a test? Have you ever been so worried about something that you ended up with a terrible headache?

If so, then you know what it’s like to feel stress. You’ve probably heard people say, “Wow, I’m really stressed out.” 1. But children have lots of things going on in their lives that can cause stress, too.

What is stress?

Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid --- which can give you a stomachache or a headache.

What causes stress?

Plenty of things can cause stress in a child’s life. 2. Good or normal stress might show up when you’re called on in class or when you have to give a report. Have you ever gotten butterflies in your stomach or sweaty hands? Those can be signs of good stress. 3. For example, you may do a better job on your book report if the anxiety inspires you to prepare well before you get up and read it to the class.

But bad stress can happen if the stressful feelings keep going over time. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if you’re having problems at school, or if you’re going through anything else that makes you upset every day. 4.

Once you recognize that you’re feeling stressed, there are several things you can do. You can try talking about what’s bothering you with an adult you trust, like a parent or teacher. 5. An adult may have ideas about how to solve whatever is worrying you or making you uncomfortable.

A. This kind of stress can help you to get things done.

B. Maybe you hear adults say those kinds of things all the time.

C. Bring up what’s been on your mind and how it makes you feel.

D. Everyone experiences stress at times --- adults, teens, and even kids.

E. There are ways to reduce stress and manage the stress that’s unavoidable.

F. That kind of stress isn’t going to help you, and it can actually make you sick.

G. The trick is to remember that some types of stress are good and others are bad.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西镇安中学高三上学期第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Good evening, everyone,

My name is Helen, a student from No.11 Middle School. 1. topic of my speech is "Let's Ride Bicycles".

As is known to all, _2._ the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have _3._ (become) a popular means of transport, _4._ (bring) great convenience to our life. _5._, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.

How can we solve the problems then? As far as I6._ (concern), riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don’t need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For 7._, bicycles are _8. (environment) friendly because they won’t give off waste gas. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is _9._ (benefit) to our health.

Therefore, let’s take the _10._ (response) to build up a low carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us!

Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆第一中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Can you _____ me a job when I get there? You know, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.

A. provideB. guaranteeC. arrangeD. apply


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南岳阳一中高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Learn to Think

“I will think of it.” It is easy to say this. 1.________________ We can not see our thoughts, or hear, or taste, or feel them; and yet what mighty power they have!

Sir Isac Newton was seated in his garden on a summer’s evening, when he saw an apple fell from a tree. 2.______________ Later, he discovered how the earth, sun, moon, and stars were kept in their places.

3.____________ He began to think; he wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid. From that time he went on thinking and thinking. When he became a man, he improved the steam engine so much that it could, with the greatest ease, go the work of many horses.


A man named Galileo was once standing in the cathedral of Pisa, when he saw a light swaying to and fro. This set him thinking, and it led to the invention of the pendulum.

Boys, when you have a difficult lesson to learn, don’t feel discouraged, and help yourselves before asking someone to help you. 5._______________

A. But do you know what great things have come from thinking?

B. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.

C. A boy named James Watt sat quietly by the fireside, watching the lid of the tea kettle as it moved up and down.

D. And do you know how to think?

E. When you see a steamboat, a steam mill, remember that it would never have been built of it had not been for the hard thinking of someone.

F. He began to think, trying to find out why the apple fell.

G. He was a famous physicist and good at thinking.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年北京市西城区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The rainy weather lasted for a couple of days, completely _______ our plan for a picnic.

A. being ruined B. to ruin

C. ruined D. ruining


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Lights Out at Bedtime

There are plenty of good reasons to power up a personal desktop or laptop computer in the evening — writing e-mails, chatting on social networks or making purchases over the Internet, for instance. But various studies indicate that people who stare at a PC’s bright monitor shortly before going to bed probably sleep less soundly than they would otherwise because the light seriously affects their natural wake-sleep cycle."They haven't proved it though," says Dieter Kunz, the team's director at Charite's Psychiatric Clinic in St. Hedwig's Hospital in Berlin.

Similarly, exposure to just 10 minutes of normal bathroom lighting is enough to free the sleep hormone melatonin, which regulates people's natural wake-sleep cycle and makes them sleepy at nightfall.

Ten years ago, a team of British and American researchers detected a photo-pigment(光敏色素) in the human eye that signals to the body whether it is day or night, summer or winter. The photo-pigment is especially sensitive to blue light.

"The blue light more or less tells the body, It's daytime, be awake,'" Kunz says. Monitors have a mostly cold white light content and scientists suspect the photo-pigment may react similarly to it. So the longer people look into the bright light, the more awake they become - and then sleep poorly.

A lot of people have difficulty "switching off" in the evening. About half of the women in Germany and a quarter of the men sleep poorly.

Environmental factors are only one of the possible causes. Job stress as well as personal and health concerns are also the main reasons for their sleep problems.

In addition, electronic objects' standby lights and indicator lamps can be annoying in the dark and affect sleep."Sound scientific evidence is still lacking on this matter," Kunz notes.

According to Kunz, those who cannot go without their computer in the evening should turn down the blue content if possible and lower the brightness somewhat."But nobody does that because, after all, you want to concentrate while working at the computer and the light helps the brain."

1.The passage is mainly about ____________.

A. natural wake-up cycles

B. the effect of light on sleep

C. personal and health concerns

D. functions of computer monitors

2.The underlined word “which” in Paragraph 2 refers to_____.

A. normal bathroom lighting

B. 10-minute exposure to lighting

C. the release process of a chemical

D. a chemical affecting one’s sleep cycle

3.We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. the blue light has a calming effect.

B. the photo-pigment tells people day or night

C. women in Germany use computers more often than men

D. it has been proved that standby lights affect people’s sleep

