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I believe that families are not only blood relatives, but sometimes people who show up and love you when no one else will.

In May 1977, I was living in a Howard Johnson’s motel off Interstate 10 in Houston. My dad and I a room with two double beds and a bathroom was too for a 15-year-old girl and her father. Dad’s second marriage was and my stepmother had us both out of the house the previous week. Dad had no what to do with me. And that’s when my other family .

Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home their only daughter, Su, my best friend, asked them to. I with them for the next seven years.

Barb washed my skirts the same as Su’s. She I had lunch money, doctors’ appointments, help with homework and nightly hugs. Barbara and Roland attended every football game where Su and I were being cheerleaders. I could tell, for the Beaches there was no between Su and me; I was their daughter, too.

When Su and I college they kept my room the same for the entire four years I attended school. Recently, Barb presented me with an insurance policy they bought when I first moved in with them and had continued to pay on for 23 years.

The Beaches knew about me when they took me in – they had heard the whole story from Su. When I was seven, my mother died and from then on my father relied on other people to his kids. Before I went to live with the Beaches I had believed that life was entirely and that love was shaky and untrustworthy. I had believed that the only person who would take care of me was me.

the Beaches, I would have become a bitter, cynical (愤世嫉俗的) woman. They gave me a(n) ________ that allowed me to grow and change. They kept me from being paralyzed by my , and they gave me the confidence to open my heart.

I family. For me, it wasn’t the family that was there on the day I was , but the one that was there for me when I was living in a Howard Johnson’s on Interstate 10.

1.A.lived B.shared C.possessed D.bought

2.A.cheap B.noisy C.small D.limited

3.A.in trouble B.in sight C.in place D.in parts

4.A.struck B.remove C.kicked D.knocked

5.A.plan B.choice C.chance D.idea

6.A.looked after B.showed up C.turned over D.came across

7.A.so B.because C.until D.while

8.A.worked B.traveled C.lived D.learned

9.A.worked out B.called up C.watched out D.made sure

10.A.As long as B.As far as C.As soon as D.As many as

11.A.change B.problem C.conflict D.difference

12.A.set off B.left for C.entered into D.admitted into

13.A.all B.little C.something D.nothing

14.A.supply B.teach C.encourage D.raise

15.A.different B.unfair C.easy D.hopeful

16.A.Thanks to B.In spite of C.Except for D.But for

17.A.home B.house C.ability D.lesson

18.A.choice B.failure C.past D.present

19.A.doubt about B.call on C.center on D.believe in

20.A.born B.accepted C.educated D.deserted


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三一模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Will you attend the meeting this afternoon?

—But I ________ told anything about it.

A.haven't been B.am not

C.wasn't D.won’t be


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南扶沟包屯高级中学高一上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I’m Mary.I have a piece of good news to tell you.My parents bought a new flat in the centre of the city.The rooms are not big, but they are all comfortable.There are more rooms than our old flat. I am excited(激动) because I have my own bedroom.In the old flat, I share the bedroom with my sister.

My favourite room in the new flat is my bedroom.I can be alone (单独) in it.It is my own small world.I can listen to music, read comics and chat with my friends on the phone.I can also look for things on the internet and send e-mails to my e-friends.

Kitchen is my favourite room, too.I like helping my mother with the cooking.She is not only a good teacher but also a good cook.She often teaches me how to make some different dishes.She lived in Sichuan when she was a child.So she likes hot food and she can cook very delicious hot food.

1.What’s Mary’s new flat like?

A. Big and comfortable

B. Small and not comfortable

C. Big but not comfortable

D. Small but comfortable

2.Mary can do the following things in the bedroom except(除了)__________.

A. play the piano

B. chat with her friends

C. send e-mails

D. listen to music

3.Which room does Mary like best?

A. The kitchen

B. Her bedroom

C. The sitting room

D. Both A and B

4.What does Mary’s mother do?

A. A teacher

B. A cook

C. A housewife

D. A worker


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川雅安市高三11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


I wanted to do something special for my 15-year-old son, who has always been a perfect boy. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy __1._(he) a new racing-bicycle instead of asking for money from me. Then he spent hours and hours on it. I loved my son so much __2.__I bought him a pair of sunglasses and gloves. When my son rode the racing-bicycle with them, he looked very cool. He dreamed _3.__ taking part in a race and winning.

On November 10th, my birthday, when I went to the kitchen to start the milk and bread in the morning, I found __4.__ beautiful guitar on the table, beside which was a card, __5.__(say), “Happy birthday to my wonderful mother.” I was surprised and then began to sob. I remembered once I __6.__(joke) to my family that I wanted to learn playing the guitar to make my life colorful. I had __7._(forget) it, but my son remembered. He took it __8._(serious), and bought me one as a birthday gift. When I wondered __9.__ my son could buy this expensive gift, soon I realized that my son had sold his racing-bicycle _10.__(get) me the guitar.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南顶级名校高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


●Does failure really exist ?

If you believe you have failed, then you have. If you believe you don’t have the ability to succeed, then you don’t. 1. The moment you decide to give up or stop working toward your goals, failure is born.


Most people give themselves an out without even realizing it. They are willing to work hard on reaching their goals, but only until the going gets too rough or their energy dies down. Don’t do that! 3. Never quit, never admit failure, and never lose heart.

●Don’t believe in a clear finish line for goals.

It’s a good idea to set a general timeline, but remember that something will be beyond your control. 4. If you lock yourself into a given timeline, you might make yourself feel like a failure! Instead, get a general idea of when you’d like your goal to be completed. Then take it one day at a time and focus on making progress instead of reaching the finish line in as little time as possible.

●Be sure that you don’t see difficulties as failures.

Difficulties mean only one thing: it’s not time for your goal to be completed yet. That’s it! It doesn’t mean you failed; it doesn’t mean you’re weak; it doesn’t mean you’ll never achieve your goals. 5. You’ve got to keep moving forward and find a way over, around, or through the difficulties.

A. Never give up on yourself.

B. Failure only exists in your own mind!

C. That’s exactly how failure makes us feel.

D. It simply means you have not done enough yet.

E. You can never say exactly when your goal will be reached.

F. Instead, make up your mind to make your goal happen, no matter what!

G. Work hard towards your goal, and you will be likely to get good results.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江宁波效实中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was not until I visited Venice ______ it really worthy of the reputation of “the water world”.

A. that I found B. had I found

C. when I did find D. did I find


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江嘉兴市高三上能力测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Successful people make a plan to deal with each new problem rather than denying or ______ that it exists.

A. realizing B. praying C. judging D. ignoring


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东湛江第一中学高二上二次考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Computers and Internet networking are common in the American workplace. They play 1.________ (increasing) important roles 2.________ children’s education, communication with friends and family, and entertainment. Every aspect of modern life 3.________ (affect) by computers, and developing digital information literacy(读写能力) is essential in the 21st century.

Computer education is especially key for students, from primary through graduate school. Students today are expected 4.________ (conduct) researches on the Internet, complete homework online, 5.________make use of presentation software in class discussions. What’s more, 6.________ (train) in basic software programs is considered elementary for most white-collar positions. Additionally, communication through email is 7.________ office means as well, and employees must learn to manage multiple means of communication, 8.________ (include) the latest technology.

High schools often have computer literacy instructions and graduation 9.________ (require) as educators realize 10.________ their graduates need basic computer and software skills to be employable in positions beyond minimum wage service jobs.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北省襄阳市高三第一次调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Energy independence. It has a nice ring to it. Doesn't it? If you think so, you're not alone,because energy independence has been the dream of American president for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession(经济衰退).

"Energy independence"and its rhetorical(修辞的) companion"energy security"are, however,slippery concepts that are rarely though through. What is it we want independence from, exactly?

Most people would probably say that they want to be independent from imported oil.But there are reasons that we buy all that old from elsewhere.

The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running. Yes, there is a trickle(涓涓细流)of biofuel(生物燃料)available, and more may become available, but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.

Second, Americans have basically decided that they don't really want to produce all their own oil. They value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. Vast areas of the United States are off-limits to oil exploration and production in the name of environmental protection. To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?

Third, there are benefits to trade. It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit. And although you don't read about this much, the United States is also a large exporter of oil products, selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.

There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain ite economy. When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices. At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.

1.From the passage, we know that biofuels

A.keep America's economy running healthily

B.prove to be a good alternative to petroleum

C.do not provide a sustainable energy supply

D.cause serious damage to the environment

2.Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?

A.Its own oil production falls short of demand.

B.Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.

C.It wants to keep Its own environment undamaged.

D.It wants to expand its storage of crude oil.

3.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A.America doesn't have enough oil supplies.

B.People can benefit more from importing oil.

C.Energy independence is significant for Americans.

D.Short of energy may cause economic depression.

4.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To justify America's dependence on oil imports.

B.To stress the importance of energy conservation.

C.To arouse Americans' awareness of the energy crisis.

D.To explain the increase of international oil trade.

