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Dana Cummings was in his thirties before he first went surfing. But, even more interesting is that Dana Cummings chose to learn the sport after losing a leg in a car accident. Now, nine years later, he helps other disabled (伤残的) people learn how to ride the waves in AmpSurf.
On the coast of Maine, he is working with 27-year-old Matthew Fish, who is partly blind. Cummings takes hold of Fish and leads him into the ocean. The surfboard floats next to them. Fish lies on the surfboard. He tries to stand up on it. After a few attempts (尝试) he is up and riding all the way back to land. “That was exciting,” Fish says.
A car accident in 2002 took Dana Cummings’ leg. He says the crash changed him more than just physically. “Losing my leg made me realize how precious (珍贵的) life is and get off the couch and start living. I do more things now than I ever did before. Next week I am going to compete in a contest in Hawaii,” Dana says.
One year later Dana Cummings formed AmpSurf. AmpSurf is a group that volunteers to hold surfing classes and events for people with all kinds of disabilities.
Recently, AmpSurf took its training programs to the East Coast. Eleven students attended the class in Maine. They came from all over the northeastern United States.
Dana Cummings thinks AmpSurf can change the way a disabled person thinks. “Most people with disabilities consider himself or herself unlucky and useless, but we want them to see what they can do. Who cares you lose your leg or you are blind, whatever? Have fun. Just enjoy life. Take the most advantage of it you can,” Dana says.
【小题1】Matthew Fish thinks learning to ride the waves is _____.

A.boring B.easyC.interestingD.difficult
【小题2】When did Dana Cummings set up AmpSurf according to the text?
A.In 2002. B.In 2003. C.In 2008. D.In 2011.
【小题3】According to Dana Cummings, AmpSurf can _____.
A.ease the physical pain of the disabled
B.help the disabled learn to get used to their life
C.change the attitude of the disabled towards life
D.make the disabled pay more attention to their disabilities
【小题4】the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A.your legB.your eyeC.lifeD.change
【小题5】What is the best title for the text?
A.Dana Cummings — a great surfer
B.AmpSurf — a training group
C.How to learn to live with disabilities
D.Disabled surfers ride the waves


解析试题分析:本文主要讲述的是Dana Cummings在遭遇到事故以后建立了AmpSurf来帮助残疾人玩滑水的故事。
【小题1】C 细节题。根据第2段3,4行Fish lies on the surfboard. He tries to stand up on it. After a few attempts (尝试) he is up and riding all the way back to land. “That was exciting,” Fish says.可知Fish认为这样做很有趣,让人兴奋。故C正确。
【小题2】B 细节题。根据文章2,3段A car accident in 2002 took Dana Cummings’ leg.和One year later Dana Cummings formed AmpSurf可知他是在2003年成立的这个组织。故B正确。
【小题3】C 细节题。根据文章倒数2,3,4行Dana Cummings thinks AmpSurf can change the way a disabled person thinks. “Most people with disabilities consider himself or herself unlucky and useless, but we want them to see what they can do. Who cares you lose your leg or you are blind, whatever? Have fun.可知他认为AmpSurf可以改变这些残疾人的想法,故C正确。
【小题4】C 推理题。根据文章最后一句Have fun. Just enjoy life. Take the most advantage of it you can,” Dana says.可知这里的it就是指前句的life,即充分利用生活。故C正确。
【小题5】D 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是Dana Cummings在遭遇到事故以后建立了AmpSurf来帮助残疾人玩滑水的故事。故D项正确。
点评:本文主要讲述的是Dana Cummings在遭遇到事故以后建立了AmpSurf来帮助残疾人玩滑水的故事。本文细节题居多,答题时在文章找到对应的地方,用笔进行标记,这有利于后期有时间检查时可以立刻找到答案的位置。仔细理解作者所讲的意思,再结合选项,通过排除法和自己对全文的把握,选出正确答案。


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010届高三高考模拟英语试题(三) 题型:阅读理解

WASHINGTON--President Bush plans to meet next week with top Pentagon and State Department officials, and hopes to offer a revised Iraq plan within two weeks, aides (政府官员的副手)said Friday.                                                                       
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said today Bush wants to give a major speech on Iraq before Christmas, "but that is not set in stone."
At a morning meeting with congressional leaders, Bush said, "We talked about the need for a new way forward in Iraq."
Bush will visit the State Department on Monday and meetings with military officials will follow over the next two days, according to a tentative White House schedule. All are involved in an ongoing administration review of the situation in Iraq.
"These are deliberative(慎重的) meetings and discussions," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council. "They will inform the president's thinking, and he will inform their thinking."
Bush said he is also reviewing the Iraq Study Group report released Wednesday. Its suggestions include withdrawing US troops by early 2008, conditions permitting, and a new diplomatic(外交的) effort including Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria.
The president said he also wanted the troops home too, but not until the new Iraq government can sustain(支撑) itself. He expressed skepticism(怀疑态度) about possible talks with Iran and Syria, saying they must stop efforts to undermine(削弱) Iraq's fledgling(年轻的) democracy.
60. The word “revised” in Paragraph One can be replaced by "_______".
A. rewriting           B. changed           C. important           D. directed
61. The word "that" in Paragraph Two refers to ________.
A. President Bush plans to meet next week with top Pentagon and State Department officials
B. the thing that President Bush hopes to offer a revised Iraq plan within two weeks
C. what White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said today
D. the thing that President Bush wants to give a major speech on Iraq before Christmas
62. The last paragraph shows us that _____.
A. President Bush wants to have a talk with Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria
B. Bush will make his troops go home unless the new Iraq government can sustain itself
C. Bush will make his troops go home if the new Iraq government can sustain itself
D. President Bush is sure to have a talk with Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省四校2009-2010学年高二下学期期中联考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

A teenager says he convinced the White House that he was Iceland’ s president and managed to schedule a call with George W.Bush , but was found out before he got to talk to the US president.
“My call was transferred around a few times until I got hold of Bush’s secretary and managed to book a call meeting with Bush the following Monday evening ,” Vifill Atlaso, 16, told Reuters.
Several Icelandic police turned up at his door two days later---the day of the planned call---and took him in for questioning.
“They told me the CIA had called the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police and asked if the police could try and find out where I received that phone number from,” said Atlason.
The teenager said he was unable to recall where he had discovered the telephone number of the White House.
“I know I’v had it on my phone card for at least four years now and that an Icelandic friend gave it to me, but I don’t remember who,”he said.
At a White House news conference on Monday, Bush’s spokeswoman Dana Perino said her understanding was that Atlason had called a public line “that anybody can call”, according to a transcript(记录).
Jon Buartmarz, Chief Superintendent at Iceland’s national police headquarters, said Icelandic police had not spoken to their US counterparts about the matter. He declinced(拒绝) to say how police were tipped off (通告) about Atlason’s call.
“As far as we’re concerned, there will not be any further investigation, and I don’t know if the American government is taking any action because of this,”he said.
1.According to the passage, when did Atlason call the White House ?
A.On Friday      B. On Saturday     C. On Sunday    D. On Monday
2.What does the underlined “it ”refer to ?
A.The telephone number of the White House.
B.The telephone number of his friend.
C.A White House news conference .
3.How did Atlason get the telephone number of the White House ?
A.From a newspaper   
B.From Bush’s secertary
C.From an Icelandic friend  
D.By calling the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police.
4.What is the main idea of the article ?
A.An Icelandic teenager tricks the the White House
B.CIA found out the truth of a trick.
C.A teenager pretended to be the Icelandic president.
D.The telephone number of the Whiite House is known by public.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省扬州市邗江区高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

“REMOVE from friends.”
This is no ordinary button. One click and I have the power to erase a person from my life.
In late fall, I had around 400 friends on Facebook. Today, I have 134.
Click. Make that 133.
When Facebook first entered my life in 2005, I panicked(恐慌、担心) that my friend count was too low. If I wasn’t properly connected, how would anyone see my clever quote(引语)? Who would wish me a happy birthday? I accepted and sent out friend requests without a second thought and soon accumulated 391 friends.
There is an appeal to being able to communicate with someone or just “thumbs(拨动手指) up” a photo rather than make real conversation.
“It’s comforting and it’s easy,” said Larry Rosen, a psychology professor at California State University, who studies the way people communicate online.” There’s a sense of belonging in it. It’s a sense of community in a generation where community has sort of (有点)disappeared.”
However, I don’t talk to half of these people in the online community. There are some I would avoid if I met them on the street.
Click. 132.
I decided to rid my account of any “friend” that…well, wasn’t. Sound easy? You try it.
Look at who you’re dealing with: family, friends, classmates, crushes(爱恋的对象), acquaintances…
With every click of the “Remove from friends” button, you risk burning a bridge, losing a contact and missing an opportunity. So every time I go to click the button, my heart hurts.
However, I’m not the only one who has experienced a Faceboook friend refreshing. The New Oxford American Dictionary announces its “Word of the Year” each year, and last year, “unfriend” made the cut (入围) (though I’ll still stick with “defriend”).
When I started my mission(任务), a few friends joined. Most were surprised by how easily they could cut hundreds of connections without thinking twice.
“Oh my God, I defriended like 600 people today. I feel so good!” my friend Sarah messaged.
Dana, a close friend from high school, and I battled it out to see who could get our counts lower. She wins at 123.
To some, it’s poor “netiquette(网络礼仪)” to defriend. But to me, it’s the stage of life when we hold onto the people who count, the people who impact you.
【小题1】According to the article, what happens when you click the “Remove form friends” button?

A.A message is sent out to your online friends.
B.You accept someone as your online friend.
C.You send out a friend request to people.
D.The number of your online friends is reduced.
【小题2】The writer worried about her friend count in 2005 because ______.
A.no one would wish her a happy birthday
B.it was the first time she had made friends online
C.she had only 391 online friends at that time
D.she was eager to make connections
【小题3】What is Larry Rosen’s opinion?
A.People living in the same area are closely connected in everyday life.
B.Communication online helps people feel they are members of a group.
C.It’s easy for people to make and break new friendships online.
D.Today’s young people spend nearly all their time communicating online.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best description of the underlined sentence?
A.I made new friends online while I removed some old ones.
B.Some friends cut the number of their online friends just like I did.
C.We competed to see who could remove the most online friends.
D.When someone removed me from a friends’ list, I removed him/her.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东省高二上学期模块考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

The Ocean Institute welcomes people to the City of Dana Point’s Festival of Whales celebration on both weekends.The event celebrates the migration(迁徙)of the whales off our coast.Respected ocean scientists of the ocean Institute introduce visitors to the world of whales.The speakers are arranged as the following.   

Saturday,March 5,12:30 pm

  Dr Gwen Goodmanlowe from Califomia State University is a full-time lecturer in the Department of Biology,and advises students working on degrees in marine(海洋的) biology.She received her doctorate in zoology from the University of Hawaii-Honolulu.   

Sunday,March 6,12:30 pm

    Matt Leslie,from Scripps Institute of Oceanography,has studied whales off the coast of Australia.Some of his current research projects include population structure analysis of whales using performance testing.He will lecture on guides for treatment of marine animals.

Saturday,March 12,12:30 pm

  Dr Merkens,from Scripps Institute of Oceanography,will present her latest research on how sound or music can be used as a means to identify characteristics of whales and to find out how whales communicate with one another in the environment.

Sunday,March 13, 2 pm

  Robert L. Pitman is a marine ecologist working for the National Marine Fishing Service.He began his career 35 years ago,studying seabirds and whales,and spends much of his time at sea on vessels at locations all over the world.His main interest is the ecology of the Antarctic killer whale.

  The Festival will allow visitors to know about new discoveries in marine animal research and to explore a variety of information on whales.Visitors will have the opportunity to listen to underwater whale sounds,and enjoy hands-on activities.Guests will tour the tall ship Pilgrim.

  Cost:$6.50 adults,$4.50 children(ages 4-12).For more information, please visit www.ocean-institute.org or call(949) 496-2274.

1.What do we know from the passage?

    A.A large number of scientists will attend the Festival of Whales celebration.

    B.The Festival of Whales celebration will be held from March 5 to March 13.

    C.The Ocean Institute will hold the City of Dana Point’s Festival of Whales.

    D.Four ocean scientists will tell visitors some information about whales.

2.What time should you attend the festival if you want to leam how to treat marine animals?

    A.At 12:30 pm on Saturday, March 5.

    B.At 12:30 pm on Sunday, March 6.

    C.At 12:30 pm on Saturday, March 12.   

    D.At 2 pm on Sunday, March 13.

3.If you only have time after l pm on weekends,you can listen to a lecture delivered by_________ .

    A.Gwen Goodmanlowe    B.Mart Leslie    C.Merkens    D.Robert L.Pitman   

4.Which of the following things can NOT visitors do according to the passage?

    A.Have close contact with underwater whales.

    B.Leam about new discoveries in marine animal research.

    C.Explore some information on whales.

    D.Tour the tall ship Pilgrim.

5.If a couple and their 13-year-old child attend the event,they would need to pay_________.

A.13 dollars    B.17.50 dollars    C.19.50 dollars    D.11 dollars



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年重庆市高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Giving Back

Fair Way

The Westborough High School golf team had taken the official photos with the state prize. The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. And then Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed something wrong on one of the score cards. A 9 had been recorded as a 7. They were not the state prize winner; Woburn High had won. “No one would have known.” said Woburn’s instructor, Bob Doran. For Rota, it wasn’t a difficult decision: “The prize wasn’t ours to take.”

Coin Stars

“College students are lazy, but they also want to help,” says University of Pennsylvania graduate Dana Hork. So she made it easy, placing cups in rooms where students could leave their spare coins, and handing out cups to first-year students to keep in their rooms. Her “Change for Change” effort has collected $ 40,000 for charities (慈善机构), which were decided upon by students.

Never Forgotten

A school in Massachusetts received a $ 9.5 million check (支票) from Jacques LeBermuth. But it took officials several days of digging to discover his connection to the school. Records showed the LeBermuth came from Belgium and studied in the school in the 1920s. When his family fell on hard times, he was offered free room and board. LeBermuth became a trader, owned shares of AT&T and lived off the earning until he died, at age 89.

1.What did Greg Rota probably do in the end?

A. Took photos of Doran.          B. Had a meeting with Doran.

C. Returned the prize to the organizer.  D. Apologized to Woburn High School.

2.Greg Rota’s decision shows that he was ________.

A. honest B. polite   C. careful D. friendly

3.The underlined word “Change” in the second paragraph means ________.

A. Idea     B. Decision       C. Cups    D. Coins

4.What did the school officials do after receiving the check from Mr LeBermuth?

A. They tried to find out why he gave them the money.

B. They went to Belgium to pay their respects to him.

C. They dug out the records that were buried underground.

D. They decided to offer their students free room and board.

5.Jacques LeBermuth gave the money to the school because ________.

A. the school asked for it         

B. he had no need for that much money

C. the school had helped him in the past        

D. he wanted to be remembered by the students


