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  Pocket Tape-Recorders “Family and Home Magazine” test what’s on the market now.

  1)Pearlcorder S702$64

  This simple model at the bottom of the Olympus range scored the most points for its excellent quality of recording.Background noise hardly affects the sound and recording from a pocket is perfectly possible, but it doesn’t turn off automatically.

  Tape length:30 minutes per side.Weight:240 g.

  2)Sony M9 $ 49.95

  Small and very good looking, sony’s latest offering scored most for appearance.Sounds clear, but there is slight machine noise.The big control buttons are a great improvement on some of the complicated little controls on the other tape-recorders.Doesn’t switch off automatically but a red light shows if the machine is still running.

  Tape Length:60 minutes per side.Weight:195 g.

  3)Sony M 400 $ 115

  Lots of little control buttons that make a noise and are difficult to use.Recording was good but machine noise lost points.Tape counter and automatic switch-off when tape was finished recording or rewinding are useful.

  Tape Length:60 minutes per side.Weight:230 g.

  4)Imperial OEM.MC $ 29.95

  Cheap and simple compared with the rest ,but recording was good as long as there was no background noise.Use only its own make of cassette.No light to show it is on; no fast forward button and the record button makes a loud noise.

  Tape length:30minutes per side.Weight:285 g.

  5)Philips 585 $ 80

  Handsome and simple to use, but recording is very poor at more than the recommended distance of 5cm-designed for dictation.No recording light.

  Tape length:15 minutes per side.Weight:220 g.


The machine that produces the best recording with the least unwanted noise is the ________.

[  ]


Pearlcorder S 702


Sony M9


Sony M400


Imperial OEM MC 7


If you want a machine which turns off automatically and weighs very little you should choose the ________.

[  ]


Pearlcorder S 702


Sony M9


Sony M 400


Philips 585


What disadvantage does only the Imperial OEM MC7 have?

[  ]


No light shows when it is on.


It requires a special cassette.


It picks up background noise.


The record button makes a noise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



 A young man went to a car showroom. He was wearing rubber boots and a  1  jacket. He needed a haircut  2    and was unshaven. The young man examined an  3    car carefully and  4  turned to speak to the salesman.

 “ 5    does this car cost?he asked.

 “One thousand two hundred and eighteen pounds,the salesman said.

 “I'll have    6  of them, the young man said.

 The salesman  7  . He found it  8  to be polite. You are joking,  9  ,he said. I'm afraid we  10    help you. This car is not for sale.

 The salesman showed his customer the  11  and the young man left the shop  12  a word. He went to a  13  on the other side of the street and  14  sixteen cars. The  15  salesman was polite and  16  . The young man took a bundle of notes  17  his pocket and  18  the car in cash. He  19    that the cars were for himself and his fifteen  20  . He said that  21  and his colleagues(同事)worked on a Norweigian  22  boat. We have all  23  a lot of money this season, the man said, and we want to buy cars.

    24  , the second salesman was  25    .


(1) Anice








[  ]


(2) Aimmediately








[  ]


(3) Anew








[  ]


(4) Athen






D    impolitely


[  ]


(5) AHow    much


BWhat    price


CHow    many


DWhat    money


[  ]


(6) Aall






D    fifteen


[  ]


(7) Ashouted


Bwas    surprised




Dwas    glad


[  ]


(8) Aimpossible








[  ]


(9) Aof    course


BI    don't believe you




D    I think so


[  ]




Bhave    to






[  ]










[  ]








D    except


[  ]










[  ]


(14)Aplaced    an order for


Bcalled    for


Casked    fo


Dpaid    for


[  ]








D    first


[  ]










[  ]




Bout    of


Cfrom    of




[  ]


(18)Apaid    for


Basked    for


Ccalled    for


Dsent    for


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]


(24)AAs    usual




CAs    a result


DAs    a rule


[  ]










[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



 Mrs Brown had just finished cooking  1  she heard a  2  at the door. She was  3  because the postman and the milkman had already  4  there, and she wasn't  5  any visitors. She went into the  6  and, pulling the curtain back  7  , peeped (窥视) out of the window to see  8  it was. A man was  9  on the steps leading to the front doors.

 He was a tall, broad-shouldered man  10  an old army coat and a big black hat  11  forward over his eyes,  12  it was difficult to see his  13  clearly. His shoes, Mrs Brown noticed, were old and dirty and there was a large hole in one of his socks. He  14  a small black case  15  one hand.

 As she looked at him, Mrs Brown  16  stories she had read  17  the newspapers about old ladies who opened the door to strangers, and were hit on the head and had all their possessions (财产)  18  . She felt  19  frightened. I'm not going to open the door. she said to herself. If I  20  , perhaps he'll think there's  21  in and go  22  . She let the curtain  23  back into place and wait,  24  .

 The man looked  25  quickly, but his hand in his pocket, drew out a bunch (一串...) of keys, and began to try them in the front door one by one.


1 A while


B when


C then


D after


[  ]


2 A call


B voice


C strike


D knock


[  ]


3 A surprised


B anxious


C terrified


D happy


[  ]


4 A gone


B visited


C been


D sent


[  ]


5 A expecting


B hoping


C told by


D invited


[  ]


6 A kitchen


B front room


C front door


D back room


[  ]


7 A completely


B a few


C a little


D enough


[  ]


8 A what


B which


C how


D who


[  ]


9 A standing


B walking


C shouting


D angry


[  ]


10A with


B having


C wearing


D dressed


[  ]


11A being put


B pulled


C covered


D hung


[  ]


12A as


B so that


C because


D however


[  ]


13A eyes


B expression


C hand


D face


[  ]


14A raised


B carried


C opened


D lay


[  ]


15A in


B into


C by


D with


[  ]


16A looked through


B remembered


[  ]

  C learned D forgot

17A about




C in


D of


[  ]


18A protected


B robbed


C broken


D stolen


[  ]


19A very


B rather


C so


D no more


[  ]


20A don't


B. do


C. shut


D. answer


[  ]


21.A. people


B. somebody


C. no one


D. nothing


[  ]


22.A. in


B. out


C. quickly


D. away


[  ]


23.A. fall


B. rise


C. to come


D. getting


[  ]


24.A. angrily




C. trembling


D. disappointed


[  ]


25.A. serious


B. strange


C. fearful


D. round


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My father was raised in a fatherless home at a time when the family of five struggled to survive, which caused my father to be extremely tightfisted(吝啬) with money.

When we children became   16 that other children got pocket money from their parents, we made a(n)  17 to ask our father from some. Immediately his face turned stone-cold, and he said, “If you’re old enough to ask, you’re old enough to   18 .” And we had to seek odd jobs about the neighborhood.

He didn’t   19 his attitude as we grew into adulthood. There was a time when   20 of us had a car, so we had to ride a   21 whenever we came home. Though the bus stopped about two miles from home, Dad never met us,  22 in bad weather. If someone  23 (and my brothers did a lot), he’d say in his   24 father-voice. “That’s what your legs are   25 !

One spring morning I was on the bus home from   26 . Tests and long hours in labs had   27 me exhausted. As other students were   28 at their stops. I looked silently out of the window. Finally, the bus came to a   29 at my destination, and I   30 , carrying my suitcase to begin the long journey home.

The row of privet hedge(树篱) came into   31 , which lined the driveway that climbed the hill to our house. I stopped to put a book in the suitcase. When I stood up, I saw something gray

  32 along the top of the hedge toward the house.

It was the top of my father’s head. I   33 then, each time I came home, he would stand behind the hedge, watching,  34 he knew I had arrived safely. I held back my tears. He did care,  35 .

Upon reaching home, I found my father innocently in his chair. “So! It’s you!” he said, his face lengthening into surprise.

16. A. aware         B. certain           C. surprised         D. excited

17. A. attempt        B. suggestion        C. trouble              D. plan

18. A. spend         B. earn             C. survive           D. raise

19. A. strengthen      B. soften           C. take             D. show

20. A. neither        B. each             C. all              D. none

21. A. bicycle        B. car              C. train             D. bus

22. A. especially      B. only             C. even            D. once

23. A. refused        B. complained        C. cried            D. intended

24. A. strangest       B. lowest           C. softest              D. scariest

25. A. on            B. in               C. by              D. for

26. A. work         B. home            C. town            D. college

27. A. led           B. made            C. found            D. proved

28. A. treated        B. received          C. met             D. greeted

29. A. stop          B. house            C. street            D. corner

30. A. stepped off     B. went off          C. jumped on        D. climbed on

31. A. mind          B. view            C. flower           D. leaf

32. A. shining        B. flying            C. failing           D. moving

33. A. understood     B. thought          C. imagined         D. realized

34. A. since         B. after             C. until             D. though

35. A. after all        B. above all          C. in advance        D. in total


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


This is a story that can teach us a good lesson. One day, a man in rags begged from door to door along the street. With an old wallet in his hand, he was asking for a few coins to buy something to eat. He kept complaining about his bad fortune and kept  36 why those who had so much money were never  37 and were always desiring more.

“As far as I’m concerned, if I had only enough to  38 and to wear, I would not want anything more."

Just at that moment Goddess Fortune, who came down the  39 saw the beggar and said to him, “Hi, I have wished to  40 you for a long time. Now, open your  41 and I will pour my gold into it. But I will do that only on this  42 : All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the  43 shall become dust. Do you understand?”

“I see.” said the beggar.

“Then you should  44 !It’s obvious that your wallet is a/an  45 one, so don’t load it too heavily,” said the Goddess Fortune.

The excited beggar could hardly  46 to have gold. He quickly opened his wallet, and a  47 of yellow coins was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier and heavier.

“Is that enough? Isn’t it cracking?” asked Fortune.

“Never  48 .It’s still strong enough now” answered the beggar.

The wallet was filled with so many coins that the beggar’s hands began to  49 . “Ah, if only the golden stream would  50 forever! Just a little more,” said the beggar, “ 51 just a handful or two.”

“There! It’s full. The wallet will  52 .” warned the Goddess, but the beggar requested, “ It will 53 a little more, just a little more.”
  One more piece was added and the wallet split. The  54 fell upon the ground and became dust. The greedy beggar had now  55 but his broken bag.

36. A. showing       B. explaining         C. proving         D. wondering

37. A. relaxed        B. satisfied          C. worried         D. depressed

38. A. learn          B. watch            C. eat             D. play

39. A. street         B. bridge            C. yard            D. forest

40. A. praise         B. forgive           C. help            D. comfort

41. A. coat          B. pocket           C. box            D. wallet

42. A. occasion       B. suggestion         C. situation         D. condition

43. A. hand          B. feet             C. ground          D. street

44. A. look out        B. look after         C. look up         D. look down

45. A. small          B. empty            C. worn           D. full

46. A. stand          B. wait             C. breathe          D. think

47. A. stream         B. piece            C. pair            D. variety

48. A. stop          B. request           C. fear            D. insist

49. A. spread         B. close            C. loose           D. shake

50. A. pour          B. end              C. dry            D. melt

51. A. take          B. add              C. lend            D. send

52. A. flow          B. burst            C. disappear        D. change

53. A. attract         B. permit            C. include          D. hold

54. A. present        B. food             C. treasure         D. metal

55. A. nothing        B. anything          C. everything       D. something


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning, he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary rise. All day Andrew felt  36  as he thought about the upcoming showdown (摊牌). What if Mr. Larchmont 37  his request? Andrew had worked so hard in the last 18 months and 38  to win a contract which was difficult to get for Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency.   39  , he should get a salary rise.

The thought of walking into Mr. Larchmont’s office  40  Andrew weak in the knees. Late in the afternoon he finally picked up enough  41  to approach his boss. To his  42  and surprise, the ever-frugal (一惯节省的) Harvery Larchmont 43  of Andrew’s request for a rise!

Andrew arrived home that evening-despite breaking all city and state speed limits. His wife, Tina, had prepared a delicate meal including his favorite dishes. Immediately, he 44  someone from the office had told her the news.

Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful 45  . It was from his wife. It read: “Congratulations, my love! I knew you’d get the rise! I prepared this dinner to show 46  how much I love you. I take  47  in your accomplishments!” He read it and stopped to  48  how sensitive and caring Tina was.

After dinner, Andrew was on his way to the kitchen to get dessert when he noticed that a second card had 49  out of Tina’s pocket onto the floor. He bent forward to pick it up. It read: “Don’t get  50  by not getting the rise! You do 51  one! You are a wonderful provider and I prepared this dinner to show you how much I love you 52  you did not get the increase.”

Suddenly tears  53  in Andrew’s eyes. Total acceptance! Tina’s support for him was not  54  upon his success at work.

The fear of rejection is often  55  and we can face almost any difficulty when we know someone loves us regardless of our success or failure.

36. A. strange        B. nervous          C. silly         D. upset

37. A. followed      B. considered        C. refused       D. forgot

38. A. meant         B. attempted         C. tried         D. managed

39. A. No wonder     B. No doubt         C. No way       D. No comment

40. A. prohibited      B. left              C. forbade       D. remained 

41. A. caution        B. ability            C. courage       D. assistance

42. A. delight        B. embarrassment     C. sorrow       D. disappointment

43. A. agreed        B. demanded         C. rid          D. approved

44. A. confirmed      B. proved           C. figured       D. admitted

45. A. card          B. box             C. check           D. flower

46. A. even          B. ever             C. hardly           D. just

47. A. interest        B. part             C. pride         D. advantage

48. A. reflect on      B. plan on           C. count on      D. look on

49. A. stuck          B. slipped           C. struck        D. spread

50. A. careful        B. frustrated         C. mean        D. generous

51. A. deserve           B. prefer            C. enjoy        D. appreciate

52. A. now that       B. in case           C. as though     D. even if

53. A. dried         B. broke            C. welled        D. dropped

54. A. permanent      B. conditional        C. flexible       D. subjective

55. A. softened      B. tightened         C. fastened      D. deepened

